Tinclar Library Catalogue
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G. E. Marrison
Ulverston, 1992
Revised and Updated: July 2019
G. E. Marrison
Ulverston, 1992
Revised and Updated: July 2019
In May 1992, the Rev.C.P.Edmondson, Priest-in-Charge of the parish of Bampton contacted me to ask for advice on the future of the Tinclar Library, which for many years has been housed in Bampton Vicarage. The Vicar of Bampton is ex officio Chairman of the Trustees of the Tinclar Library. The other Trustees are at present Mrs.T.V.Roberts, of Dawes House, Bampton Grange, Mr.R.Langdale, of Scarview, Butterwick, and Miss M.E.Lightburn of Wood Nook, Bampton Grange. With the departure of the Rev.C.P.Edmondson, pastoral oversight of Bampton is being exercised by the Rev.J.T.Spence, Vicar of Shap.
From May to September 1992, I made several visits to Bampton,· to examine and arrange the Library collection, and to make notes for a Catalogue. Over this period, I met the Trustees informally from time to time, and also was present at a formal meeting of the Trustees held at Bampton on Tuesday 25 August 1992, under the chairmanship of the Rev.J.T.Spence. I made three reports, with recommendations, to the Trustees, dated 6 June, 27 July and 28 September 1992. The present Catalogue forms my Final Report, since the detailed descriptions of the books in the collection will provide much of the information required by the Trustees in formulating their decisions for the future preservation, accommodation, access and development of the Tinclar Library. It should be noted that, in addition to bibliographical information, indications of links between the books and the parish of Bampton and its history have been given where these appear to be of interest or importance, in particular, evidence of past ownership inside the covers or on the flyleaves.
I have dealt with the history of the Tinclar Library in my first report. Here, just a few words are required. The Earl of Lonsdale presented some books in 1710. In 1712, the SPCK Bray Library provided 67 volumes for the Bampton Library, of which 9 titles have survived, some still with Bray Library bookplates within. The main benefactor of the present Library was the Rev.Jonathan Tinclar, Rector' of Addlethor pe, near Skegness, Lincolnshire, who in 1751 bequeathed £50 to invest in land, the interest to be applied to the upkeep of the Library. Further details may be found in M.E. Noble: A history of the parish of Bampton (Kendal, 1901), and in the Church of England , Central Council for
.the Care of Churches: The parochial libraries of the Church of England (London, 1959): there are copies of both of these books in the Local History section of the Tinclar Library
In the main Catalogue, attention should be paid to the several subject cross-reference headings (like Bampton, Bible, Biography, etc.), as well as corporate heads, like Church of England; and also prominent authors who are well represented in the collection. The Appendices contain brief biographical notes of persons connected with Bampton Parish or the Tinclar Library, and of the Parish Records in Kendal , and of three manuscripts in the Tinclar Library.
G. E .Marrison
Ulverston, Cumbria,
22 October 1992.
Books from the Thomas Longstaff Memorial Library, 1977 are signalled by the suffix after the Catalogue entry: (TLHL).
Those from the Harold Sawrey Collection (Orton) 1992, by (HSCO).
See further under the entries LONGSTAFF and SAWREY, p.80.
ADAM (Alexander), LI.D., 1741-1809, Rector of the High School, Edinburgh: Roman antiquities, or: An account of the manners and customs of the Romans. 6th.edn., corrected. pp.xvi, 616. 21.5cm, leather. (Cadell & Davies:London, 1907).
ADAMS (Thomas): Works, including : The three divine sisters, faith, hope and charity, etc. pp.lxiii, 284, front. 17cm,
cloth. (Nelson: London, 1847). (Works of the Puritan Divines).
AIKIN, Dr., and BARBAULD, Mrs.: Evenings at home, or The juvenile budget opened. New edn., ed. by Cecil
Hartley. pp.Vlll, 445, illus. 16.5cm, leather. (George Routledge: London, 1866).
AINSWORTH (Robert), 1666-1743: Thesaurus linguae Latinae compendarius. (English-Latin, Latin-English dictionary), ed. By Thomas Morell. No pagination, 28 cm, leather. (Rivington and Woodfall: London, 1773).
ALBERT (Charles d’): England: Quadrille upon English airs (with other pieces bound together). Words and music.
35cm, boards, leather spine. (Chappell & Co.: London n. d. 18--).
ALBRIGHT (William Foxwell): The archeology of Palestine: a survey of the ancient peoples and cultures of the Holy Land, illustrated with photographs, diagrams and line drawings. pp.271, map, illus., plans, 18cm, paperback. (Penguin: Harmondsworth, 1949/1956). (A Pelican Book).
ALDIN (Cecil) Old inns. pp.viii, 149, illus. 25.5 cm cloth. (Heinemann, London, 1930).
ALDIN (Cecil) Old Manor Houses pp.109, illus, 26cm, rexine. (Heinman: London. 1923).
ALFORD (Henry), 1810-1871, ed., Dean of Canterbury, 1857-1871: The Greek Testament, with a critically revised text and a critical and exegetical commentary. 5 vols. 23cm, cloth. (Rivington and Deighton Bell: London, 1854-1861).
ALINGTON (C.A.), Dean of Durham: Sermons for the Jubilee: issued in connection with the twenty-fifth year of
accession to the throne of Their Majesties King George V and Queen Mary. pp.95. 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington: London,
1935). (Includes: E.H.Rudkin: The gift of grace, pp.83-95).
ALLEN (C.Edgar):- The modern locomotive.pp. ix, 174 illus. 17cm cloth (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1912
AL-QADUS. Coptic liturgy. (Coptic text, with Arabic translation on the margin). pp.351. 13.5cm, cloth.
(Cairo, no date). (on flyleaf: With love to Rev.W.H.Cormack, from Gindy Wasif, Cairo, Oct. 5th., 1918,'.
Mr.Cormack was 'Vicar of Bampton, 1930-1949).
AMBROSE (Isaac), 1604-1662/3, Minister of Garstang, Lancs.: Works… the doctrine of regeneration, the
practice of sanctification …. pp.ix, 560, front. 22cm, leather. (Henry Fisher: Liverpool, n.d.). (He was a
Presbyterian of the Ambrose family, from Lowick near Ulverston, and was known as 'the meditative puritan of Lancashire'). (On the flyleaf: 'Edmund Robinson: the gift of Melchior Hutt, Penrith, Oct.17, 1819).
ANDERSON (Robert), 1841-1918, Sir, KCB, Ll.D.: Criminals and crime: some facts and suggestions.
pp.xiii, 182, 21.5 cm, cloth. (James Nisbet: London, 1907).
ARMSTRONG (Ronald): Sermons for the Christian year. 2nd. series: Trinity to Advent. pp.222. 18.5cm, paperback.
(Longmans, Green: London, 1948). (TLML)
ARNOLD(Thomas), 1795-1842, Headmaster of Rugby School: Sermons preached in the Chapel at Rugby School,
with an address before Confirmation. 2nd. edn. pp.xii,377. 19.5cm., cloth. (B.Fellowes: London, 1833).
ASHLEY (John M.), BCL, Vicar of Fewston, Yorks.: A promptuary for preachers: Ascension Day to Advent, containing 350 epitomized Latin sermons. pp.xvi, 395. 23 cm, cloth. (J. T .Hughes , 1876).
ATKINSON (George): The worthies of Westmorland. 2 vols, , front. 20.5 cm, cloth. (J .Robinson: London, 1849-1850). (Vol.1, contains biographies of Hugh Curwen, 1500-1567, born at Bampton, Archbishop of Dublin, 1555-1567, pp.81-94; and of Edmund Gibson, 1669-1748, born at Bampton, Bishop of London,1743-1748).
AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION. A.A.Handbook, 2 vols: 1937-8; 1939-40 18.5 cm cloth. (Automobile
Association: London, 1937-40)
THE AUTHOR OF THE LIFE OF DAVID: Fifteen sermons upon social duties. pp.xvi, 319. 20 cm, leather. Rivington:
London, 1744. (Dedicated to the Countess of Granville)
AYRE (John), Minister of St.John's Chapel, Downshire, Hampstead: Advent, in four lectures. pp.iii, 132. 17.5cm,
cloth. (Seeley & Burnside: London, 1835)
BADEN-POWELL (Robert), 1857-1941, of Gillwell, 1857-1941: Rovering to success, a book of life-sport for young men. 17th. printing. pp. 247, illus. 19cm, cloth. (Herbert Jenkins: London, 1930).
BAKER (Ernest): Arnot: a knight of Africa. pp.186 illus. 20cm cloth (Seeley, Service: London, 1925).
BALFOUR (Arthur James), Earl, 1848-1930. Theism and humanism pp.xv, 274 (Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1915). (Clifford Lectures University of Glasgow 1914).
BALLAD: Ballad minstrelsy of Scotland. 2nd. edn. pp.xxviii, 656. 19cm, cloth. (Maurice Ogle: Glasgow n.d., 18--). (Bookplate of Watkin Herbert Williams, Bishop of Bangor, 1899-1925).
BALLEINE: A history of the Evangelical Party in the Church of England. Pp.xii, 338. (Longmans Green:
London, 1909). (The author was vicar of St. James’s, Bermondsey)
BAMBROUGH (Renford): The philosophy of Aristotle. pp.431. 17.5cm, paperback.
(Mentor Classics: New American Library: New York, 1963).
BAMPTON: Parish registers, 1637 -1812. Ed. and transcribed by Mary E. Noble. pp.iii, 325. 23cm, cloth. (T.Wilson: Kendal, 1897). (Given by R.J. Cantley of Beckfoot, for the Bampton Vicarage Library, Xmas Day, 1935).
BAMPTON: A transcript of the registers of the Parish Church of St.Patrick at Bampton in Westmorland. Vol.1, 25 March, 1699/1700 to 27 March, 1720/21. Vol.2, 27 March 1720/21 to 22 November 1766. Made at Walmgate, Bampton, Sept. 1896, by J.Paul Rylands. (Manuscript: bound notebook, lined, no pagination, 20 x 13 cm x 2.5 cm thick).
BAMPTON Map: See WESTMORLAND, Sheet XIII, 6ins = 1 mile, Ordnance Survey, 1863.
BARCLAY (James), Rev.: A complete and universal dictionary of the English language. New edn., enlarged and
improved. pp.xxxiii, 928, front., illus., 27cm, soft leather. (Brighlten & Charles: Bungay, 1812). (Bookplate
inscribed: William A. Kitching, Bampton Grange, Penrith).
BARCLAY (William), Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism, Glasgow, 1963-, d.1978: The Letters to the
Corinthians. pp.xviii, 298. 18.5cm, paperback. (St.Andrew Press: Edinburgh, 1954/1961). (The Daily study Bible).
BARCLAY The Letter to the Hebrews. pp.xxiii, 231. 18.5cm, paperback. (St.Andrew Press: Edinburgh, 1955/1960). (Daily Study Bible). (TLML).
BARING-GOULD (Sabine), 1834-1924: The Passion of Jesus: first series : seven discourses for Lent. pp x , 99. 18cm, cloth. London, 1835). (Skeffington: London 1885).
BARING -GOULD (Sabine) Village preaching for a year: Volume II, Trinity to Advent. pp viii 257 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington:
London 1884).
BARKER (Edwin) and PRESTON (Ronald): Christians in society. pp.190. 19 cm boards. (SCM:
London, 1939). (Religious Book Club, vol.12).
BARNES (Albert), Rev.: Notes, explanatory and practical on the Epistle to the Hebrews. Revised by John
Cuming. pp.339. 18.5cm, cloth. (G.Routledge: London, 1856).
BARR (James): The Bible in the modern world. pp.xii, 193. 22cm, cloth. (SCM: London,1923). (Croall
Lectures in New College, Edinburgh, 1970). (Inscribed: Appleby Deanery Readers).
BARRAND (Charles Norris), 1909-, Vicar of Martindale, 1963-.: A short guide to Martindale: how to get there, where to stay, where to walk, what to do. 2nd. revised and enlarged edition. pp.24, map. 20.5cm, paper. (Martindale, 1969/1972).
BARROW (Isaac), 1630-1677, Anglican Divine and Mathematician: A brief exposition of the Lord's Prayer and the Decalogue; to which is added, the Doctrine of the Sacraments. pp.(viii), 270, (ii). 16cm, leather. (B.Aylmer: London, 1681).
BARROW : The usefulness·of mathematical learning explained and demonstrated: twenty mathematical lectures read in the public schools at the University of Cambridge. pp.xxxii, 440, (xvi), front and a fold-out diagram. 20cm, leather. (Stephen Austen: London, 1734). (Binding damaged, and some pages loose).
BARRY (Frank Russell), Canon of Windsor, Bishop of Southwell, 1941-1964: What has Christianity to say?
pp.192. 19cm, boards. (SCM: London, 1937). (Religious Book Club, vol.1.)
BARTHOLOMEW (J.G.): The pocket Tourist's Atlas of Scotland; with a descriptive gazetteer pp.20, maps. 16cm, limp
cloth. (John Walker: London 1893).
BARTHOLOMEW (K.): Europe and the Mediterranean lands. pp xi, 418, illus., maps. 20cm, cloth. (George
Philip: London, 1963). (Philips Global Geographies, Book 5). (On flyleaf: G. de Burgh Thomas) .
BATE (H.N.), Vicar of St.Stephen's, Hampstead: History of the Church to A.D.325. pp.(iv),140. 15.5cm,
cloth. (Rivington: London, 1912). (Oxford Church Text Books). \
BATE (John): Cyclopedia of illustrations of moral and religious truths. 15th. edn. pp.(v), 940. 24cm, cloth. (Jarrold & Sons: London, n.d. , 18--). (Quotations from various authors, arranged alphabetically, perhaps for illustrations to sermons).
BAXTER (Richard, 1615- 1691, Puritan Divine: The saints' everlasting rest: or, a treatise of the blessed saints in their enjoyment of God in glory. 9th. edn. pp. preface , 836, index. 22cm, boards, with leather bound spine. (Frances Tyson and Jane Underhill: London, 1662). (First published 1650).
BAXTER : Works, including: Making light of Christ and salvation (etc). pp.lviii, 283, front. 17cm,
cloth. (Nelson: London, 1846). ,Works of the Puritan Divines).
BEACHCROFT (R.P.), Rev., Rector of Blunham, Beds.: Four sermons preparatory to the administration of
the Lord's Supper. pp.1x, 104. 17cm, quarter leather. (L.B.Seeley: London, 1820). (Bound after: WHITAKER
Edward:Sermons 1820)
BEDFORD SCHOOL: Old Bedfordians' Register. 28th. edn. June 1920. pp.262. 18cm, paperback. (hockliffe:
Bedford,1920). .
BEDE, The Venerable, 673-735: Venerabilis Bedae Historiae Ecclesiasticae Gentis Anglorum, Liber III. Latin text, edited, with an introduction and notes by the Rev.C.S. Wallis, B.A. and the Rev.C.H.Gill, M.A., Tutors of St.John's Hall, Highbury. pp.88. 18cm, paperback. (George Bell: London, 1909)
BENNET (Thomas), D.D., 1673-1720, of St.John's·College, Cambridge, Vicar of St.Giles's Cripplegate from 1711: An answer to the Dissenters' pleas for separation, or, an abridgment of the London Cases. pp.(viii), 326. 19cm, leather. (Cambridge University Press, for Alexander Bosoile: Cambridge, 1707). (With SPCK Bray Library bookplate, 'Tolle, lege').
BENNET : A confutation of popery, in III parts. 3rd. edn. pp.(vii),370. 20cm, leather. (Edmund Jeffrey, James
Knapton: Cambridge, 1706). (With SPCK Bray bookplate).
BENNETT (Ernest), Sir.: Apparitions and haunted houses: a survey of evidence. pp.xix, 396, plans. 23cm, cloth.
(Faber & Faber: London, 1939).
BENNETT (John C.): Christian realism. pp.187. 19cm, boards. (SCM: London, 1941). (Religious Book Club, vol.25).
BERENS ( Edward) : The history of the Prayer Book of the Church of England. pp.viii, 266. 19.5cm, cloth. (Parker:
Oxford, 1841).
BERENS : Sermons on sickness, sorrow and death. pp.(iii), 103. 18cm, cloth. (Rivington: London, 1833). (He was Archdeacon of. Berkshire). (With a stamp on the front cover, SPCK).
BERNANOS (Georges), 1888-1948, French author: A diary of my times, translated from the French by Pamela Morris. pp.270. 22.5cm, cloth. (Boriswood: London, 1938).
BERRY (Geoffrey): Across Northern Hills: long-distance footpaths in the North of England. With 122 photographs by the author, and 10 maps by A.Wainwright. pp.152, oblong, illus., maps. 23cm, cloth. (Westmorland Gazette: Kendal, 1975).
BERRY [Geoffrey]: Mardale revisited: the story of Haweswater. pp.40, illus., map. 21cm, paper.
(Westmorland Gazette: Kendal, 1984).
BEVERIDGE (William), 1637-1708, Bishop of St-.Asaph, 1704-1708: Works, vols. 1,3-
8. 24cm, boards. (Jarnes Duncan: London, 1824).
.The Holy Bible (A.V.). n.p , 18.5cm, leather. (Clarendon Press:
Oxford, 1787). (Inscribed on the flyleaf: '1798: this book the gift of Lord Wharton's Trustees, was adjudged to Thomas Atkinson, aged seven years. John Bowstead, Bampton School).
The Holy Bible (A.V.), with short notes by several learned and pious Reformers. n.p , 31.5cm, leather.(L.B.Seeley: London, 1810).
Brown's self-interpreting Family Bible. (With a commentary by John Brown, Minister of Haddington), n.p., illus. 33 cm, tooled cloth. (Adam & Co.: Newcastle, n.d.).
The Holy Bible (A.V.); with a complete commentary by the Rev.Samuel Clarke. no pagination. 44cm, leather. (S.Oddy: London, 1813). (Front cover loose) •
The Holy Bible (A.V.). No pagination. 32 cm leather. (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1847).
The Holy Bible (A.V.). See: Liturgies: Book of Common Prayer, 1851. (Mary Noble’s copy, from Lord Wharton’s Trust, 1852).
The Holy Bible (A.V.). No pagination. 46.5cm, leather. (OUP for SPCK:
Oxford, 1847). (With leather bookplate: Parish of Bampton, 1854: 'George Jacques, John Noble, Churchwardens.') (Damaged).
The Holy Bible (A.V., with Apocrypha). pp.8, 1-964, 1-228,965-1265. 28.5cm, rexine. (OUP for SPCK:
Oxford, 1860).
BIBLE,English. Apocrypha and New Testament (A.V.) no pagination 42.5cm soft leather (fair condition)
The Holy Bible (A.V.). pp.775, 21, 779, 1014, maps. 16.5cm, cloth.
(OUP: London, no date). (At the beginning, Table of lessons; in the middle, lessons from the Apocrypha). (Presented to John 'William Hutchinson , 1920, by Lord Wharton's Trustees; G.E.F.Day, Vicar).
Holy Bible (A.V.). No pagination. 28.5cm,boards. (Title page missing; pages at beginning and end damaged).
Holy Bible (A.V.). No pagination. 26.5cm, boards. Title page missing; the book is in a ruinous condition).
New Testament (A. V., with commentary at the foot of each page; title page missing; with which is bound: The Apocrypha at large, illustrated with notes & annotations, selected from the most eminent commentators. No pagination. 38cm, leather. (Printed by the Executors of B.Jackson: Bolton, 1790). (Binding damaged).
Holy Bible for the use of families. Vol.2, part 2, The New Testament. (A.V.), with introduction by George d'Oyley and Richard Mant, Bishop of Down, Connor and Dromore. No pagination, illustrated. 29.5cm, leather. (OUP for SPCK: Cambridge, 1830).
The New Testament (A.V.). No pagination. 18cm, leather. (BFBS: London, 1840). (On the flyleaf: 'Mary Winskill, Crosby Ravensworth, July 27th., 1854).
BICKERSTETH (Edward), 1786-1850, b. Kirkby Lonsdale, Secretary, CMS, 1815-, Vicar of Wotton, Herts, 1830-1850: The Christian Student: designed to assist Christians in general in acquiring religious knowledge, with lists of books adapted to the various classes of society. pp.xii, 635. 19cm, boards. (R.B.Selley: London, 1829).
BICKERSTETH. Family prayers: being a complete course for six weeks, with additional prayers suited to the fasts and festivals of the Church and the various circumstances of family life. pp , xxiv, 385.. 16.5cm, cloth. (Seeley, Jackson and Halliday: London, 1842
BIRRELL (Augustine): Essays of today and yesterday. Pp 63. 17.5 cm, boards. (Harrap: London, 1926).
BISSEAND (Thomas), Rev., Balliol College, Oxford: Preaching of the cross, the effectual means for the
conversion of sinners and the stability of the Church. pp. x , 153. 19.5cm, cloth. (J .Hatchard: London, 1838).
BLACKALL (Offspring), 1650-1716, Bishop of Exeter, 1708-1716: The works of Offspring Blackall, consisting of eighty-seven practical discourses upon Our Saviour's Sermon on the Mount; together with his sermons preached at Boyle's Lecture in the Cathedral Church of St.Paul in the year 1700. 2 vols. 37cc, leather. (Printed for Thomas Ward: London, 1723) (Binding of vol.1 in poor condition, ink and damp stained; vol.2 is good).
BLAIR (Hugh), 1718-1800, Scottish Theologian: The sermons of Hugh Blair, D.D., F.R.S, complete in four volumes.
(vols. 1,3 only). 21 cm, quarter leather. (A.K.Newman: London / Oliver & Boyd: Edinburgh, 1815).(On the title page: 'Elizabeth Gouge, Kiddr., 1817).
BLAIR (Hugh) Sermons. pp.782, front. 23cm, cloth. (T.Allman: London, 1840). (On the flyleaf: 'Travers M'Intyre, 1877).
BLAND (John Salkeld): The valley of Lyvennet: its picturesque peeps and legendary lore: a manuscript book by John Salkeld Bland of Wybourne, Reagill. Ed. by F.H.M.Parker. pp.90, front, illus. 23cm, cloth. (Wilson: Kendal, 1910). (This printed version contains several variations, additions and deletions).
BLATHERWICK (Douglas P.), OBD: A layman speaks again: a revision of: A layman speaks. pp.93. 18.5cm,
paperback. (Epworth: London, 1964). (TLML).
BLOOMFIELD (Robert), 1766-1825: Poems, vol.1: The Farmer's Boy; and Good Tidings. pp.IXIVlll, 125, front portrait. 13.5cm, leather. (Printed for the Author, 1809. (Vol.1: The Farmer's Boy).
BLOXAM (Charles Loudon): Metals: their properties and treatment. New edn. pp.452, illus. 17.5cm, cloth.
(Longmans, Green: London, 1882). (On the flyleaf, 'Travers M'Intyre, Bedford)
BONNEY (Thomas George), D.Sc., Ll.D., Canon, Professor of Geology, University College, London: Cathedrals, abbeys and churches of England and Wales. 2 vols., illus. 29cm, quarter leather. (Cassell: London, 1891).
BOSWELL (James), 1740-1795: The life of Samuel Johnson, Ll.D-. 3 vols. 22cm, leather. (Charles Dilley: London, 1793). (The first edition was published in 1791).
BOSWORTH (Newton), Hon. member of the London Philosophical Society: The accidents of human life, with hints for their prevention, or the removal of their consequences. pp.xii, 209, illus. 15cm, leather. (Lackington, AlIen & Co.: London, 1813). (Contains engravings of rescue apparatus).
BOUCH (C.M.L.), Canon: Prelates and people of the Lake Counties: a history of the Diocese of
Carlisle, 1133-1933. pp. xv, 514, illus., map. 22 cm cloth. (Titus Wilson & Sons: Kendal, 1948).
BOUQUET (A.C.): Comparative religion: a short outline. pp.319. 18cm, paperback. (Penguin: Harmondsworth, 1949/1956). (A Pelican Book). (HSCO)
BOWMER (John C.): The Lord's Supper in Methodism. pp.64. 18.5 cm, paperback.
(Epworth: London,1961). (TLML)
BOWSTEAD (John), Rev., Vicar of Messingham with Bottesford, and Prebendary of Lincoln: Practical sermons. 2
vols. 23cm, cloth. (Rivington: London, 1857). (Inscribed on the front cover: 'The gift of the author, 1857').
BOYS (Thomas), 1792-1880, Theologian and Antiquary: A plain exposition of the New Testament. .
BRAILSFORD (Edward J.): The spiritual sense in sacred legend. pp. 288. 20cm, cloth.
(Robert Culley: London, 1910)
BREARLEY (D.): Lake District place-names. pp. 84. 21.5cm, paperback.
(Frank Graham: Newcastle-on-Tyne; 1974).
BREASTED (James Henry): Professor of Oriental History and Egyptology, University of Chicago: A brief history of Ancient Times. Abridged from the Author's 'Ancient Times', by W.Hugh Jones. Rev. edn. pp.342, illus. 19cm, cloth. (Ginn & Co.: London, n.d.).
BRETT (Thomas), 1667-1743, Non-Juring Divine. The life of the late Rev. John Johnson, A.M., Vicar of ·Cranbrook in Kent, prefixed to his posthumous tracts. pp.lvi, 406. 21cm, boards, with leather spine. (Printed by J.Bettenson for Charles Hild: London, 1748). (Brett was consecrated Bishop by non-juring Bishops, 1716).
BRIDGES (Charles), Rev., Evangelical Divine, Vicar of Weymouth; and of Old Newham, Suffolk: The Christian ministry; with an enquiry into the causes of its inefficiency and with special reference to the ministry of the Establishment. 3rd. edn. pp.Xiii, 672. 20cm, boards. (R.B.Seeley H.Burniside: London, 1830).
BRIDGES (Charles)-. An exposition of the Book of Proverbs. 2 Vols. 19.5 cm, cloth.
(Seeley, Burniside & Seeley: London, 1846).
BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. Report for 1910-1911.(BFBS: London,1911)
BROOMFIELD (Gerald W.): Towards freedom: the UMCA Centenary book. pp.(v), 135. 19cm, cloth.(UMCA:
London, 1957).
BROUGHTON (Thomas), d.1774, Rector of Broughton in Huntingdonshire, Prebendary of Salisbury: An historical dictionary of all religions from the creation of the world, to the present time. 2 vols. in one, pp.xxv, 606,.xiv, 563 + index. 36.5cm, leather. (C.Davis: London, 1742). (The binding is in a ruinous condition).
BRUCE (Alex.B.), Professor of Divinity , Free Church College, Glasgow: The humiliation of Christ: its
physical, ethical and official aspects. 5th. edn. pp.xvi, 455. 23cm, cloth. (T & T Clark: Edinburgh, 1900).
(The Sixth Series of Cunningham Lectures).
BUCKINGHAM (James Silk): The Eastern and Western States of America. 3 Vols., illus. 23cm, cloth. (Fisher and Son: London, 1842).
BUDD (Henry), 1774-1853, theologian: Helps for the young, or: Baptismal regeneration according to the services of
the Established Church; in a series of 12 tracts. 2 vols. 19.5cm, cloth. (L.G.Seeley: London, 1839). (He was one of the founders of the Prayer Book and Homily Society, 1812, and a Supporter of Overseas missions).
BULLEY (S.Cyril), Bishop of Carlisle, 1966-1972, compiler: Partners in Education: the role of the Diocese. A report on the Diocesan Director of Education, and the Diocesan Education Committee, submitted to the National Society for Promoting Religious Education, by a Commission under the chairmanship of the Bishop of Carlisle. pp.xvii, 169.
21.5cm. paperback. (National Society/SPCK: London, 1971).
BULMER (T.F.), publisher: History, topography and directory of Westmoreland.pp.692, map. 22cm,
quarter leather. (T.F.Bulmer: Preston, 1885).(Contains separate descriptions of each town, parish and manor).
BULTMANN (Rudolf), 1884-1976), German theologian: Primitive Christianity in its contemporary setting.
Translated by R.H.Fuller. pp.256. 18cm, paperback. (Collins, Fontana: London, 1956/1960).
BUNYAN (John), 1628-1688: Works, including: The Jerusalem sinner saved, (etc). Vol.1, pp.x:xxiv, 310,
front. 17cm, cloth. (Nelson: London, 1845). (Works of the Puritan Divines).
BUNYAN (John) Works, including: The greatness of the soul, etc). Vol.2, pp.lii, 278, front. 17cm cloth (Nelson:London)
(Works of the Puritan Divines)
BURDER (George), 1752-1832. Non-conformist minister, editor of the Evangelical Magazine: Village sermons,
, or Short plain discourses for the use of families, schools and religious societies. 3 vols. 18cm, quarter leather. (Black, Kingsbury: London, 1819).
BURDER (George) Fifty-two village sermons. pp.xxiv, 532. 19.5cm, cloth. (Adam Clarke Baynes: Liverpool, 1837).
BURGESS (Alan): The Small Woman: the story of Gladys Aylward. Pp249, illus. 17.5cm, paperback. (Pan Books:
London, 1957/1966). (Gladys Aylward, missionary to China).
BURGETT (A.E.): The door of heaven: a manual for Holy Communion for young people. pp.55, illus.
14cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1914/1915).
BURKE (Edmund), 1729-1797, Statesman: Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the proceedings of
certain societies in London relative to that event: in a letter intended to have been sent to a gentleman in Paris. 3rd.
edn. pp.iv, 364. 22cm, leather. (Printed for J .Dodsley: London, 1790).
BURKE (Thomas), ed.: The book of the inn: being two hundred pictures (i.e. descriptions) of the English inn from earliest times to the coming of the railway hotel. pp.xxv, 401, front. 19cm, leather. (Constable & Co.: London, 1927).
BURN (John Henry), ed.: Laity in council: essays on ecclesiastical and social problems by lay members
of the Anglican Commission. pp.334. 22.5cm, cloth. (Wells, Gardner, Darton & Co.: London, n.d. c1901).
BURNET (Gilbert), 1643-1715, Bishop of Salisbury, 1698-1715: An exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles of
the Church of England. 6th. edn. pp.xxxvi, 594, xix. 20.5cm, leather. (A.Mooney: Edinburgh, 1745).
BURNEY (Charles), D.D., F.R.S.: Exposition of the Creed, by John Pearson, D.D., Bishop of Chester, abridged
for the use of young persons. pp.xx, 426. (T.Cadell & W.Davies: London, 1812).
CALVIN (John), 1509-1564, Reformer: The Institutes of Christian religion. translated by Thomas Norton. pp.
preface,749, index. 29cm, leather.(Anne Griffin, for Joyce Norton: London, 1634). ( The leather binding is broken).
CAMBRIDGE: A guide through the University of Cambridge (and) a description of the town, country and neighbourhood of Cambridge; including a tour of Ely, Wimpole, Newmarket, etc. pp x, 180, plan, plates. 18cm, leather. (J.Deighton: Cambridge / Longman: London, 1808). (Contains engravings).
CANDOLE (Henry de), Bishop of Knaresborough: Headings for the Lessons, years 1&II. pp.xvi, 96.
21.5cm, paperback. (Mowbray: London, 1956/1959). (TLML).
CAPPER (Benjamin Pitts: A topographical dictionary of the United Kingdom, and the various small islands dependent upon the British Empire.No pagination, 46 maps. 22cm, leather. (Richard Phillips: London, 1838).
CARLISLE, Cathedral: The story of Carlisle Cathedral. 13th.edn. PP.56, illus. 19cm, paper. (The British
Publishing Co.: Gloucester, n.d.).
CARLISLE, Diocese of: Carlisle Diocesan Calendar, clergy list and almanac 1938 pp.196. 18.5cm,
paperback. (Charles Thurnham: Carlisle, 1938)
CARLISLE, CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND, Local Education Authorities: Agreed syllabus of Religious Instruction. pp.302. 22cm, cloth. (Carlisle, 1951). (Inserted is DIOCESE OF CARLISLE: Diocesan Supplement to the Agreed Syllabus of Religious Education. Pp 7. 20cm, paper, n.d.
CARRUTHERS (E.J.): People called Cumbri: the heroic age of the CumbrianCelts. pp 208. , illus. 22cm, cloth. (Robert Hale: London, 1979).
CASSELL'S ILLUSTRATED PENNY READINGS. An anthology of verse and prose. pp.384, illus. 26cm, cloth. (Cassell, Petter & Galpin: London,n d 18--)
CHARNOCK (Stephen): Works, including: The chief of sinners objects of the choicest merc (etc). pp.xxvii, 283, front. 17cm, cloth. (Nelson: London, 1847). Works of the Puritan Divines. (Calvinistic Nonconformist
divine, d.1680). .
CHAVASSE (C.M.), Bishop of Rochester, 1939-1961: The meaning of the Lessons: short introductions. pp.xiii, 226.
19cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1959).(TLML)
CHEYNE (T.K.): The prophecies of Isaiah. 2 vols., 1886.
CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE: The Christian Advocate, or Review. Edited by the Rev.
Edward Garbett, Incumbent of Christ Church Surbiton. Vols.3-5. 22cm, quarter leather. (William Hunt:
London, 1869-1871).
CHRISTIAN HERALD: The Christian Herald and Signs of the Times (a magazine), edited by the Rev.M.Baxter, Clergyman of the Church of England. Twelfth year. 1 vol. 32cm, cloth. (London, 1878-9). (On the Cover: 'This journal contains every week a portrait and a sermon by the Rev. Dr. Talmadge of Brooklyn, U.S.; and by special permission, a sermon and exposition by the Rev.C.H.Spurgeon …) . 2 volumes
CHRISTIAN OBSERVER: The Christian Observer, conducted by members of the Established Church. 2
vols. pp.965, 971. 22cm, quarter leather. (Hatch & Co.: London, 1864-5).
CHRISTIAN WORLD PULPIT: Sunday readings for Christian families. Vol. 67,Jan-Jun 1905. 28.5cm, cloth. (James Clarke: London, 1905).
CHRISTMAS (F.E.), compiler: An Easter anthology. pp52, illus. 16cm, boards. ( St.Hugh's Press: London 1946).
CHURCH CONGRESS: The official report of the Church Congress, held at Manchester 1-5 Oct 1888. Ed. by the Rev. C.Dunkley, Vicar of St.Mary's, Wolverhampton. pp.xix, 758. 22cm, cloth. (Bemrose & Sons: London, 1888).
CHURCH CONGRESS: The official report of the Church Congress, held at Manchester, 6-9 Oct 1908. Ed. by the Rev. C.Dunkley, Vicar of Brewood, Prebendary of Lichfield. pp.xxiv, 688. 22 cm, cloth. (Bemrose&Sons: London; 1908).
CHURCH MISSIONARY INTELLIGENCER:Church Missionary Intelligencer: a monthly journal of
missionary information, vols.14,15. 25.5cm, quarter leather. (Seeley, Jackson: London, 1863-4).
CHURCH MISSIONARY INTELLEGENCER AND RECORD: Church Missionary Intelligencer and Record,
New Series, vol.1. 22.5 cm , cloth. (Church Missionary House: London, 1876).
CHURCH OF ENGLAND: The constitutions and canons ecclesiastical (made in the year 1603 and amended in the year 1865), to which are added the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England. pp.101. 20cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, n.d.,
1890). (Bound with HOMILIES, 1890).
CHURCH OF ENGLAND: The Thirty-nine Articles, and the constitutions and canons of the Church of England. pp.viii, 167. 19cm, leather. (Eyre & Strachan: London, 1773). (Includes: The offices according to the use of the Church of England, Oxford, 1780). (Back cover missing; in flyleaf 'R.Perryn').
CHURCH OF ENGLAND: Archbishops' Church and State Commission: Church and State: a summary of the report of the Archbishops' Commission. pp.23. 24cm, paper. (Church Information Office: London,1971). (HSCO)
CHURCH OF ENGLAND: Central Board of Finance: The Christian stewardship of money. pp.96. 21cm,
paperback. (Church Information Office: London, 1959) (HSCO)
Church and State: report of the Archbishops' Commission. pp.x, 129. (SPCK: London, 1970).
Partners in Ministry: being the report of the Commission on the deployment and payment of the clergy.
pp(xii), 111. 22cm, paperback. (CIO: London, 1967). (TLML).
CHURCH OF ENGLAND, Central Council for the Care of Churches: The parochial libraries of the Church of England: report of a committee appointed by the Central Council for the Care of Churches to investigate the number and condition of parochial libraries belonging to the Church of England; with an historical introduction, notes on early printed books and their care, and an alphabetical list of parochial libraries, past and present. pp. 25cm, cloth bound. (The Faith Press: London, 1959). (For the Library at Bampton, see p.65).
quarter leather. (Church of England Sunday School Institute: London, 1849-1858).
CHURCH OF ENGLAND TEMPERANCE CHRONICLE:, vol.l, no.l - vol.8, no.2. Bound in 4 vols. 30cm, cloth.(Wells, Gardner: London, 1873-1880).
CHURCH OF ENGLAND TEMPERANCE MAGAZINE, 5 vols. 21.5cm. quarter leather. (London, 1863-1868).
CHURCHILL (John H.), Vicar of St.George and St.Stephen Sheffield; later Dean of Carlisle: Prayer in
progress. pp.160. 19cm, cloth. (Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1961). (TLML).
CLARK (John Willis) and HUGHES (Thomas McKenny): The life and letters of the Reverend Adam Sedgwick, LI.D., DCL, FRS, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, prebendary of Norwich, Woodwardian Professor of Geology, 1785-1873. 2 vols., illus. 23cm, cloth. (University Press: Cambridge, 1890). (Sedgwick was born at Dent, Yorks.).
CLARKE (James Stanier), 1765-1834, and M'ARTHUR (John): The life of Admiral Lord Nelson, from
his Lordship's manuscript (abridged for the quarto edition). pp.xi, 702. 22cm, leather. (T.Cadell & H.Davies:
London, 1810).
CLARKE (Samuel), D.D., 1675-1729: A paraphrase of the Four Evangelists. 2 Vols., 9th. edn. (John & Paul Knapton: London, 1751).
CLARKE (W. Lowther): Concise Bible commentary. pp.xii, 996. 23.5cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1952).
CLARKE (W. Lowther): Teaching sermons: second series, Old Testament. pp.vii,139. 18.5cm, paperback. (SPCK:
London, 1961). (TLML).
CLARKE (W.Lowther) and HARRIS (Charles): Liturgy and worship: A companion to the Prayer Books of the
Anglican Communion. pp.vii, 868. 22cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1932/1959). (TLML).
.CLASSICAL ATLAS. (No title page). 28 maps, coloured; index, 68pp. 37cm, cloth. (E.P.Williams, Eton, and the Eton Warehouse: London, 1841). (Bindings broken away).
CLERGYMAN'S COMPANION. Clergyman's Companion in visiting the sick. pp.(xii), 226. 17cm, leather.
(A.Wilde: London, 1764). ('R.Perryn', with a manuscript prayer in the front cover; back cover missing).
CLERGYMAN'S INSTRUCTOR: The Clergyman's Instructor, or A collection of Tracts on the ministerial duties. pp.viii, 427. 22cm, leather. (Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1807). (An anthology of 8 works: 1.HERBERT (G):
A priest in the Temple. 2.TAYLOR (Jeremy): Rules and advices to the clergy of Down and Connor). 3.
BURRALL (G.): Discourse of pastoral care, 4. SPRAT (T.): To Clergy of Rochester, 1695. 5. BULL (G.):
Companion of Holy Orders. 6. GIBSON (E.): Discourses. 7. HORT (J): Instructions to the clergy of Tuam, 1742.
8. STEARNE (J.): Tractatus de visitatione infirmorum).
CLERICAL LIBRARY: Outline of sermons on the Old Testament. pp.Vlll, 292. 2Ocm, cloth.(Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1882). (An anthology from various preachers).
COETLOGON (Charles Edward de), 1746-1820: The portraiture of the Christian penitent, attempted in a course of sermons upon Psalm 51. 2nd. edn. 2 vols, front in vol.1. 20.5cm, boards. (Printed by M.Lewis; sold by M.Binchland: London, 1776).
COGGAN (Donald), Archbishop of York, 1961-1975, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1975- : The prayers ofthe New Testament. pp.190. 21cm, cloth. (Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1957).
COGGAN (Donald) stewards of grace. (On preaching). pp.127. (Hodder and Stoughton : London, 1958). (TLML) •
19cm, cloth.
COGGAN Donald . Lenten counsellors: a catena of Lenten sermons for devotional reading. pp s x i , 145. 18.5cm, paperback. (Mowbray:· London, 1962). (TLML) •
COLCHESTER, Bishop of, et al.: The Word of God in the life of man: sermon outlines with related studies.
(Advent to Trinity). ·pp.198. 19cm, cloth. (Mowbray: London, 1954/1955). (TLML).
COLE William), Rcv , , M.A., FSA, 1714-1782: The Bletchley diary of the Rev.William CoLE , M..A., FSA, 1765-67. Edited f'rom the originaI manuscript in the British Museum by Francis Griffin Stokes; with an introduction by Helen Waddell. pp.ix, 392, map, illus. 22.5cm, cloth. (Constable: London,1931). (Cole was a Cambridge antiquary, from Waterbeach; he became Rector of Bletchley, Bucks. See B.L. manuscript Add.5835, which has 469 pp.).
COLLINGWOOD, (w .G.): Dutch Agnes, her Valentine: being the journal of the Curate of Coniston,
1616-1623. pp.v, 262. (William Heinemann: London, 1910).
CONYBEARE (William John), 1815-1857, and HOWSON (John Saul): The life and Epistles of St.Paul. 2 vols, illus. 21.5cm, cloth. (Longmans Green: London, 1872). (This is said to have been the most widely studied book on st. Paul in the nineteenth century).
COTTAGE MAGAZINE: The Cottage Magazine, or: Plain Christian Library, volume the sixth, pp,426. 18cm,
leather. –(Sherwood Neeley & Jones: London, 1817). (Front loose).
COWPER (William), 1731-1800: The poetical works of William Cowper, ed. by the Rev.Robert Aris Willmott; illustrated by Birket Foster. New edn. pp.lxviii, 630, front portrait, illus. 17cm, cloth. (Routledge, Warne and Routledge: London, 1863).
COX (J.Charles):County Churches of Cumberland and Westmorland. pp.181, front., illus. 17cm, cloth. (AlIen & Unwin: London, 1913). (County Church Series). (Contains a detailed historical introduction; then churches in alphabetical order; with an appendix of modern churches, giving the dates of their construction).
COX (Thomas), d.1734, Topographer; Rector of Chignal Smealy, Essex:Cumberland and Durham. pp.365-422, 605-648, maps. 22cm, boards. (Nutt: London, 1738). (This is an extract from his chief work: note on flyleaf: 'Survey of the ancient and present state of Great Britain by Rev.Thos.Cox, 1738: sections on Cumberland and Durham).
CRAMB (J.A.), Professor of Modern History, Queen's College, London:Germany and England. pp.x, 137. 19cm, cloth. (Murray: London, 1914).
CREIGHTON (Mandell), Bishop of London, 1897-1901: Historical essays and reviews. pp.vii, 356. 19.5cm,
cloth. (Longmans, Green: London, 1903). (Essays about Dante, Acheas Sylvius, Wyclif, etc.).
CRIPPS (Henry William) ib. 4th. edn. 23cm, cloth. (H.Sweet: London, 1863) PP.xviii, 873.
CRITICI SACRI: Critici Sacri, siveannotata doctissimorum virorum in Vetus ac NOVUM Testamentum, quibus accedunt tractatus varii, theologico-philologici. 8 vols. in 9. (Vol.1 bound in 2 parts). 39.5cm, vellum bound. Amstelaedami, Excudunt Henricus et Vidua Theodori Boom, Joannes & Aegidius Jansonii Waesberge, Gerhardus Borstius, Abrahamus a Someren,
Joannes Wolters; et ultrajecti Guljelmus van de Water, MDCXCVIII. Cum Privelegio. (= Amsterdam, 1698).
(Vol.1, part 1, 2nd.flyleaf: Dedication to Frederic III (Marchion), Duke of Brandenburg, Amsterdam, 12 June 1698; 2. To the Rev.Augustine Episcopo Nebiensis, Baptista Fliscus. 3. Praefatio editionis primae, quae Anglorum cura prodiit, Jo.Pearson, Archidiaconus Surriensis; Ant. Scattergood, Ecclesiae Ockendon Australis in comitatu Essexiae, Rector; Ric. Pearson, Coll.Reg. Socius.
Vol.1, part 1: Genesis and Exodus: text in Latin; commentary in Latin, with some references in Hebrew, Greek and Arabic.
Pt.2. Leviticus, Numbers, Deauteronomy.
Vol.2 Historical books and Job.
Vol.3 Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs.
Vol.4 Prophetic Books.
Vol 5. Apocrypha.
Vol.6 The Four Gospels.
Vol.7 Acts and the Epistles of St.Paul.
Vol 8.General Epistles and Apocalypse.
(This is the second edition of this work. The first edition was published by Jacqobus Flesher: London, 1660. The Tinclar Library set is in good condition, but the spines of vols. 1/1, 6,7 and 8 are slightly damaged
at the top. Bookplate: Tinclar's Library, Bampton Vicarage, Westmorland; and inscription: Tinclar's Library, Bampton Vicarage, 1862).
CROPPER (Margaret): Flame touches flame. Pp.xv , 225. 19cm, cloth. (Longmans, Green: London, 1949). (Short biographies of seventeenth century divines: George Herbert, Nicholas Farrar, Henry Vaughan, -Jeremy Taylor, Margaret Godolphin and Thomas Ken).
CRUDEN (Alexander), 1701-1770: A complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. No
pagination. 27.5cm, soft leather. (Printed for A.Cruden: London, 1769). (First published 1737).
Transactions, vol.49, New Series. 23cm cloth. (Titus Wilson: Kendal,1950)
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND HERALD: Our corner of Cumbria: stories of people and places in Cumbria, from articles in the Cumberland.and Westmorland Herald. pp.64, illus. 24cm, paper. (Cumberland and Westmorland Herald: Penrith, 1984).
CUTTS (Edward L.): A dictionary of the Church of England; 4th.edn. pp.viii, 720, map, illus. 19cm,
cloth. (SPCK: London, 1913)
DALE (James Murray): The Clergyman's legal handbook, or: Compendium of Clerical and Parochial Law. 3rd. edn. pp.xii, 362. 17cm cloth (Seeley Jackson: London, 1858/1862).
DAUBUZ (Charles), 1637-1717: A perpetual commentary on the Revelation of st.John the Divine. pp.1,068.
35cm, leather. (London, 1720). (Born Guienne, France, son of a Protestant Pastor, ed. in England;
Master of Sheffield Grammar School, 1686-9, Vicar of Brotherton, Yorks,1699).
DAVIES (Hunter): A walk round the Lakes ••••• made on a pedestrian tour in 1978. pp.339, illus., map.
19.5cm, paperback, (Hamlyn Paperbacks: Feltham, 1979/1983).
DAVIS (H.W.C.): Mediaeval Europe. pp.25, 17cm, cloth. (Williams and Norgate: London, n.d.). (Home University Library).
DEARMER (Percy): Lessons on the Way : for the use of enquirers and teachers.Vol.1: The Christian Covenant. pp.xii, 145. 18.5cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1923/1926).
DECLE (Lionel): The new Russia pp.279, 23cm, cloth. (Eveleigh Nash: London, 1906) •
DELANEY (Patrick), TCD, Dean of Down: A sermon preached before the Society corresponding with the Incorporated Society in Dublin, for Promoting English Working-Schools in Ireland; at their anniversary meeting in the Parish Church of St.Mary-le-Bow, on Tuesday, March 13th., 1743-44. pp. (Printed for M.Downing: London, 1744).
DENT (Phyllis 0.) and BREAREY (Muriel): The Church Advncing (Lessons forSunday School students age 11-15.) pp.ix 173 19cm paperback (National Society: Westminster, n.d.).
DEWAR (Lindsay) and HUDSON (Cyril E.): A manual of pastoral psychology. Pp.x , 238. 19cm, cloth.
(SPCK: London, 1932/1941).
DICKENS (Charles), 1812-1870: David Copperfield. cloth. (Kingston pp.viii, 504, 21cm cloth. Library, Thomas Publishing Co.:London, n.d.)
DICKENS, (Charles) The adventures of Oliver Twist. pp.432. 18.5cm, cloth. (Cassell: London, 1913). (The People’s Library).
DIGGLE (John W.): The Lancashire life of Bishop Fraser. pp.xi, 565, front. 23cm, cloth. (Sampson Low: London, 1889). (James Fraser, 1818-1885, Bishop of Manchester, 1870-1885).
DIGGLE (John W) ib. People's edition.pp .:xi, 400. 19cm, cloth. (Sampson Low: London, 1891).
DITCHFIELD (P.H.): The charm of the English village. pp.167, illus. 26cm, cloth. (B.T.Batsford:
London, 1908).
DITCHFIELD (P.H) Vanishing England, illustrated by Fred. Roe. pp.xiv, 403, illus. (Methuen: London, 1910).
DIX (Gregory), OSB, Dom., 1901-1952: The theology of Confirmation in relation to Baptism. pp.35. 22cm,
paperback. (Dacre: London, 1946/ 1948) •
DOBSON (C. C.), Vicar of St Mary-in-the CastIe', Hastings: Did Our Lord visit Britain, as they say in Cornwall
and Somerset? 2nd. edn., revised. pp.36, illus. 19cm, paperback. (Avalon Press : Glastonbury, 1936).
DODD (William), Rev .Dr., 1729-1777: Practical discourses on the miracles and parables of Our Lord and Blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ. 2nd. edn. 4 vols., 22cm, leather. (Printed by W.Faden: London, 1768).
DODD (William) Rev. Dr. Sermons to young men. 3 vols.17cm leather
DODDRIDGE (Philip), D.D., 1702-1751, Dissenting Minister, Biblical Scholar and Hymn Writer: The Family
Expositor, or: A paraphrase and version of the New Testement , pp.1164 + index. 26.5 cm , leather.. (William
Baynes: London, 1825.
DUCHE (Jacob), Rector of Christ Church and St.Peter's in Philadelphia:Discourses on various subjects. Vol.1, PP.(xl), 362, front. 21.5cm, quarter leather. (J.Phillips: London,1779). (On the flyleaf: 'John Branskill: Bampton, 1818')
DUGDALE (William), Sir:The antiquities of Warwickshire. (London, 1656).
DUMMELOW (J.R.): A commentary on the Holy Bible (by various writers). pp.cliii, 1096, maps. 23cm, cloth.
(Macmillan: London, 1952). (TLML)
DUPIN (Louis Ellis): The history of the Church from the beginning of the world. Vols.2, 3 only. 16cm,
leather. (Bernard Lintoff: London, 1713). (Vol.2: From the early persecutions to the 8th.century A.D.
Vol.3: From the 9th. to the 15th. centuries). (Vol.3 has loose front board).
EATON (Albert William), Vicar of st.Peter' s, Leicester: The faith, history and practice of the Church of
England: a concise guide. pp.xiv, 152. 19cm, cloth. (Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1957). (TLML)
EBELING (Gerhard):The Lord's Prayer in today's world. pp.140. 18.5cm, paperback. (SCM:London, 1966). (TLML)
EDWARDS ( .): The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. 1885 ..pp-
EDWARDS (R.A.) : City of God. Pp. 187 . 19cm boards. (SCM: London 1939) Religious Book Club vol 13
ELLISON (Gerald), Bishop of Chester, 1955-1974: Progress in ministry: an examination of the proposals
contained in the report: Partners in Ministry, with suggestions for a better way forward. pp.40. 18cm, paperback.
(Faith Press: London, 1968). (TLML)
ELMAN (Edward Boys); 1851-1900: Recollections of a Sussex parson, by the late Rev. Edward Boys Ellman; with a memoir by his daughter, Maude Walker. pp.xxxoo, 222, front. 19cm, cloth. (Cambridges: Hove, Sussex, 1912/1915).
ETCHELLS (Ruth): Unafraid to be: a Christian study of contemprary 'Writing. pp.128. 18cm, paperback.
(Inter-Varsity Press: London, 1969).
EURIPEDES: 'The Alcesits (Greek text), ed , by M.A.Bayfield. 15.5cm, cloth. pp. 116.(Macmillan: London, 1890).
EUSEBIUS PAMPHILIUS: Ecclesiastica Historia. pp. Preface + 665 + index. 37.5cm, leather •. Folio.
1700. (The title page is missing, and the binding damaged. The Greek text is on the inner columns, with a Latin translation on the outer. There is a bookplate, loose at p.445: 'This book belongs to the Lending Parochial Library at Bampton in the County of Westmoreland.').
EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE. The Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle, edited by George Burder. Vol.8, New Series. 22cm, quarter leather, (Frederick Westley & A.H .Davies: London, 1830)
EVANS (Mark): The story of Our Father's love, told to Children. pp.xvi, 143. 18cm, cloth. (Henry S.King:
London, 1876). (Bookplate: Sydney H.Brierley)
EWALD (Alexander Charles): The Right Hon.Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, K.G., and his times.
5 vols., illus. 27cm, figured cloth. (William Mackenzie, n.d.).
EWALD (H.): Ewald' s introductory Hebrew grammar: translated from the third German edition by J.Frederick Smith, with the author's concurrence, and corrections. pp.xii, 266. 21.5cm, cloth. (Asher: London, 1870). (Bookplate: Tinclar's Library, Bampton Vicarage, Westmorland, 187
FAMILY TREASURY: The Family Treasury of Sunday Reading, ed. by the Rev. Andrew Cameron. pp. 25.5cm, quarter leather. (Nelson: London, 1863).
FARMER (Herbert H.): Towards a belief in God. 2 vols., pp.252. 19cm, boards. (SCM: London, 1942). (Religious Book Club, vols. 30, 31). (On the existence and attributes of God, from a philosophy of religion approach) .
FARRAR (Frederic William), 1831-1903, Dean of Canterbury: The early days of Christianity. Popular
edition. PP.xvi,664. 21cm, cloth. (Cassell: London, 1884) •.
FARRAR (Frederic William) Saintly workers: five Lenten lectures, delivered in St.Andrew's, Holborn, March and April, 1878. pp.xvii, 207. 19.5cm, cloth. (Macmillan.: London, 1884). (1. The martyrs. 2. The hermits. 3. The monks. 4. The early Franciscans. 5. The missionaries).
FARRAR (Frederic William) Seeking after God. pp.xviii, 336, illus. 19cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1884).
FARRAR (F .W.), et al.: Sermons for the commemoration of Queen Victoria, 19cm, cloth.1837-1897. pp.116.
(Skeffington: London, 1897).
FARRAR (Frederic William), 1831-1903, Dean of Canterbury, 1895-1903:The life of Christ. pp.xxiv, 768, viii. 27cm, tooled cloth. (Cassell: London, n.d.)
FARRAR (Frederic William) 1831-1903, Dean of Canterbury 1895-1903 The life of Christ pp. xxiv
. 2 vols., 23cm, cloth. (On the flyleaf of vol.1: Ben Winfield, Sept.12th.1876).
FARRAR (Frederic William) 1831-1903 Dean of Canterbury 1895-1903 The life of Christ pp.xxiv 768 tooled cloth Cassell: London n.d. (Bookplate George E.F. Day October 29th 1878)
FASKEN (W.H.), Brigadier General: Britain: a racial aspect. 22cm, paperback. Pp.30. (Covenant Publishing Co.: London, 1941). (A British Israel pamphlet ?). _
FENN (.John) and ARCHER-HIND (L), Mrs.; edd.: The Paston letters. 2 vols. 17.5cm, cloth. (Dent: London, n.d.~ (Everyman's Library, no.752-3). (A collection of letters preserved by the Pastons, a well-to-do Norfolk family, written between 1440 and 1486).
FINDLAY (J.Arthur): On the edge of the etheric: being an investigation of psychic phenomena. pp.177. 21.5cm, cloth.
(Rider: London, 1931/1932).
FIRTH (Catherine B.), ed.: Poets, wise men and seers: reference book.pp.xviii, 174. 19cm boards. (Ginn & Co.: London, 1949/1954). (Teaching on the Psalms, Fiction, Wisdom, Apocalyptic). (TLML).
FISHER (Geoffrey Francis), 1887-1972, Bishop of London, 1939-1945, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1945-1961: The Archbishop speaks: addresses and speeches by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Geoffrey Fisher, P.C., C.C.V.O., D.D.. Selected by Edward Carpenter, Canon of Westminster.Pp.231 • 22cm, cloth.· (Evans Bros.: London, 1958).
FITCHETT (C.E.): The British Isles. Pp. xiii, 413, illus., maps. 20cm, cloth. (George Philip: London, 1958/1962). (Philip's Global Geographies, Book 6).
FLAMMARION (Camille): Astronomy for amateurs. pp.365, illus. (Nelson: -London, 16cm, cloth. n.d.). (Originally published 1903). .
FLEETWOOD (John, Dr.): The life of Our blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and the lives of the Apostles and Evangelists ••••• with notes ••••• 250 engravings. pp.764, illus. 32cm, quarter leather. (Blackie:London, 1875). (In the flyleaf, a newspaper cutting: 'The living of Orton: election of a vicar: the local candidate successful, i.e. the Rev. Harvey E.Blackett).
FLETCHER (John), Rev.: The works of the Rev.John Fletcher; with a life by the Rev. Abraham Scott. 2 vols. 23cm, cloth. (Jones & Co.:London, 1836).
FLUEGEL (Gustav): A complete dictionary of the English -German and German English languages. 2 vols.
(G.Liebeskind: Leipzig, 1830). (Binding of vol.1 missing).
FORDER, Charles R: The parish priest at work: an introduction to systematic pastorlia. ppxvii, 404, 22.5cm cloth (SPCK: London 1947)
FORDYCE, James of Aberdeen: 1720-1796, Minister of Monkwell Street Chapel, London. Works: addresses to young men; sermons to young women and addresses to the deity; with memoirs of the author. Vol.1, ppxxv, 412 18cm quarter leather. (John Harrop, Alston, Cumberland, 1808) Vol.1. has addresses to young men, only.
FORESTER, Cecil Scott: 1899-1966. The Captain from Connecticut (a novel) pp.256, 18cm, paperback. (New English Library, Times Mirror, London 1941/1970)
FOSDICK, Henry Emerson: The meaning of prayer. pp.ix, 197, 16.5cm, cloth. (SCM. London 1915/1920)(TLML)
FOSTER, Rev. John: The beauties of theology. pp.312, 19cm boards (F.Westley, London 1825)
FREEMANTLE, W.R.: Memoir of the Rev. Spencer Thornton, M.A., late Vicar of Wendover, Bucks. 2nd edn.
pp.xii, 310,front 19.5cm, cloth. (James Nisbet, London 1850)
FULLER-MAITLAND, Thomas Archibald: Plain sermons. pp.xi, 173, 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington, London 1890)
GALT, John: 1779-1839, Annals of the parish (a novel). Ed. With an introduction and glossary by John MacInnes.pp.xxii,253 16cm cloth. (Routledge, London n.d.) (John Galt, born T Irvine, Ayrshire. This novel is set
in the period 1760-1810. First published 1813)
GARBETT, Cyril Foster: Archbishop of York 1942-1955: Church and State in England. pp.320, 22.5cm cloth. (Hodder & Stoughton, London 1950)
GARBETT, Cyril Foster: In an age of revolution. pp.318. 22.5cm, cloth .(Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1952).
GARBETT, Cyril Foster: The claims of the Church of England. pp.304, 22.3cm cloth. (Hodder & Stoughton, London 1947). (TLML)
GARBETT (Edward) and MARTIN (Samuel): The family prayer book.pp.(vii) 389. 28cm,cloth. (Cassell: London, 1878).
GARDINER (John), D.p., Rector of Braislford and Vicar of Shirley, Devon: Sermons on various subjects, preached at the Octagon Chapel, Bath. 2nd. edn , :pp.vi, 406. 22cm, leather. (F.C. & J.Rivington:London, 1806). (The first sermon is: The Governments of France and England contrasted, April 19, 1793).
GARNETT (Richard), Dr., C.B., et al., edd.: of the British Museum, 1851-1899: The International Library of Famous Literature: selections from the world's great writers, ancient, mediaeval and modern; with biographical and explanatory notes, and critical essays by many eminent writers.20 vols., illustrated. 24cm, quarter leather. (The Standard: London, 1900).
GASQUET, Abbot: The greater abbeys of England: illustrated in colour by Walter Goble pp.xvi, 268, illus.
24cm, cloth. (Chatto and Windus: London 1908
GIBBS (Josiah W.); Professor of Sacred Literature in the Theological School in Yale College, U.S.: A manual Hebrew and English lexicon; including Biblical Chaldee, abridged from the works of W.Gesenius. pp.vii, 227,
22cm, cloth. (John R.Priestley: London, 1833). .
GIBBS (Mark) and MORTON· (T .Ralph) : God’s frozen people: a book for and about ordinary Christians. pp.190. 18cm, paperback. (Collins, Fontana: London,1964).(TLML).
GIBSON: Pedigree of Gibson of Bampton (from c.1700-1866: A chart folded, loose in a cloth binder, 22.5 x 24 cm)
GIBSON (Edgar C.S.): The Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England, explained, with an introduction. pp.800. 23cm, cloth. (Methuen: London ; 1896).
GIBSON (Edmund), b. Bampton, 1669-1748, Bishop of Lincoln, 1716-1723, Bishop of London, 1723-1748: The Bishop of London's three pastoral letters to the people of his diocese, particularly to those of the two great cities of London andWestminster, in defence of the Gospel revelation, and by way of preservation against the late writings in favour of infidelity. pp.viii, 54, 80, 92. 20cm, leather. (S.Buckley: London, 1732). (Presented by the author, 10. March, 1737.
The letters have to do with the Bangorian controversy:of Bishop Hoadley).
GIBSON (Edmund) Directions given to the Clergy the Diocese of London in the year1724; to which are now added: Directions given to the masters and mistresses of the Charity Schools within the bills of mortality, and Diocese of London, assembled for that purpose in the Chapter House of St.Paul's, Nov.14, 1724. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Edmund, Lord Bishop of London. The second edition. (Printed by S.Buckley, in Amen Corner: London, 1727) pp.121,
19 cm., tooled leather, in a slip case.(On the inner cover: 10 Mar.1737. This book belongs to the Parochial
Library of Bampton in Westmoreland.).
GIBSON (Edmund) Of visitations, parochial and general, being the charges delivered to the clergy of the Archdeaconry of Surrey, by Edmund Gibson, late Archdeacon of Surrey and now Bishop of Lincoln. pp.xvi, 144. 20cm, leather.
(Barton: London, 1727). (With inscription of the author: 'Presented 10 March 1737'; and with a postcard from G.E., House of the Sacred Mission, Kelham: 'Contains Gibbons's proposals for action in Convocation of 1717, which Hoadley spiked by his famous sermon of March 31st.').
GIBSON (Matthew), M.A., d.1741, Rector of Abbey Dore, Herefordshire: Churches of Door, Home-Lacey and Hempstead, endowed by John, Lord Viscount Scudmore; with some memoirs of that ancient family; and an appendix of records and letters. pp.viii, 238. 25cm, leather. (On the flyleaf: 'July 8, 1727. This book is presented by the author to the Parochial Library of Bampton in the county of Westmereland(sic). The back of the binding is ripped up. Apparently Matthew Gibson was a native of Bampton) •
GIGGLESWICK SCHOOL: The Giggleswick School Register, 1499 to 1913, edited by H.Mullins; with a
photograph of the charter, and a map. pp.xxiv, 325. 23cm, cloth. (Richard Jackson: Leeds, 1913).
GODEAU (Antoine), 1605-1671, Bishop of Grasse and Vence: Pastoral instructions and meditations, for an annual retreat of ten days, recommended to the clergy of his diocese. Translated from the French. pp.(xxii), 19cm, leather (Richard Sare: London, 1703). (Bound with Placete, 1704).
GOLDEN HOURS: Golden Hours: a monthly magazine for family and general reading, ed. by
W.Meynell Whittemore, D.D. 2vols, 24cm, cloth. (William Macintosh: London, 1870, 1880).
GOLDSMITH (Oliver), 1730-1774: The miscellaneous works of Oliver Goldsmith, comprising the Vicar of Wakefield, Citizen of the World, Poetical Works, etc.; with an account of his life and writings. ppxxii, 458, front. 25cm, cloth. (William P.Nimmo: Edinburgh, n.d., 18--). (Bookplate of Watkin Herbert Williams, Bishop of Bangor, 1899-1925).
GOODWIN (Harvey), D.D., 1818-1891, Bishop of Carlisle, 1869-1891: The Church of England, past, present
and future: a popular lecture. pp.47. 17cm, paperback. (SPCK: London, 1881).
GORE (Charles), 1853-1932, Bishop of Worcester, 1902-1911, Bishop of Oxford, 1911-1932: The incarnation of the Son of God. 2nd. edn. pp.xx, 276. 23cm, cloth. (John Murray: London, 1903). (Bampton Lectures, 1891). (Inscribed inside cover, 'T.E.H.Baily'.)
GOUDGE (H.L.): The teaching of the Old Testament: lectures given to the teachers of the London Council Schools,
at St. Margaret's, Westminster. pp.63. 17.5cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1914).
GOULBURN (Edward Meyrick), D.D., 1818-1897: The Holy Catholic Church: its divine ideal, priority and institutions.pp. xxxi, 360 19.5cm cloth (Rivingtons: London, 1874
GOULDBURN (Edward Meyrick) The pursuit of holiness: a sequel to 'Thoughts on personal religion', intended to
carry the reader somewhat further onward in the spiritual life. pp.m, 256. 19.5cm, cloth. (Rivingtons: London, 1873).
GOULDBURN (Edward Meyrick) Thoughts on personal religion: being a treatise on the Christian life and its two chief elements: doctrine and practice. New.edn. pp.xxxiv, 442. 19.5cm, cloth. (Rivingtons: London, 1884).
GRAHAM (Thomas J.) M..D., 1805-1869: The cold-water system ••..• employment of this excellent system in
indigestion, costiveness, asthma, (etc). pp.xviii, 182, 11. 23cm, boards. (Simpkin Marshall: London, 1843).
(Dr.Graham was born in Glasgow, and served in Glasgow, Edinburgh and London Universities).
GRAY (George Buchanan): A critical introduction to the Old Testament. pp.xi, 253. 19cm, cloth.
(Duckworth: London, 1913).(Studies in Theology).
GRAY (Mason D.) and JENKINS (Thornton): Latin for today. Pp.xxxii, 331, illus.19cm, cloth. (Ginn & Co.:
London, 1932).
GREAT ENCYCLOPEDIA: The Great Encyclopedia of Universal knowledge; with 1,100 illustrations, 'and a 22-page supplement of famous characters in drama and fiction" pp (ii), 1144. 21.5cm, cloth.. (Odhams Press: London, n.d., 19--).
GREEN (Alice Stopford): Irish nationality.. pp.254. 17cm, cloth. (Williams & Norgate: London, n.d.).
(Home University Library).
GREEN (Samuel): A handbook of Church history, from the Apostolic era to the dawn of the Reformation,
A.D.30-1483. pp.xii, 628. 21cm, cloth. (Religious Tract Society: London, 1907).
GRENSTED (L.W.), Nolloth Professor, Oxford: The business of living. pp.187. 19cm, boards. (SCM:
London, 1939). (Religious Book Club, vol.8).
GREYSTOKE: The Parish Registers of Greystoke, 1559-1757. Edited and transcribed by the Rev.A.M.McLean.
pp. 23cm cloth (Titus Wilson: Kendal, 1911).
GRIERSON (Elizabeth W.): The story of the Northumbrian Saints: St. Oswald, St. Aidan, St. Cuthbert. Pp.xi, 131, illus. 20.5cm cloth (Mowbray: Londdon 1913)
GRIFFIN (F.W.W.): Rover Scouting: chats with Rover Scouts and their mates. pp.vii, 152. 19cm, cloth. (Faith
Press: London, 1930).
GRIMM (Jacob Ludwig), 1785-1863, and GR1MM (Wilhelm Karl) , 1785-1859: Grimm's Fairy Tales; with 22 illustrations by George Cruikshank. pp.313. 18cm, paperback. (Penguin: Harmondsworth, 1823/1952).
GRUBB (Kenneth), Sir: A layman looks at the Church. pp.190, 18cm, paperback. (Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1964). (TLML)
HALL (Grace) stories of the saints, for children young and old. (Harrap: London, 1921). pp.256. 19cm, cloth.
(In poor condition),
HALL (Joseph), 1574-1656, Bishop of Exeter, 1627-1641, Bishop of Norwich, 1641: 'Works of the Rt.
Reverend Father in God Joseph Hall •.... formerly printed in three volumes, the chief of which are now
included in one. pp.xviii, 332, 589 + index. 35cm, leather. (Tho. Hodgson: London, 1714). (With an account
of the author's life, written by himself). (Covers loose and broken).
HAMILTON (William, A.H.), Archdeacon of Armagh: The life and character of the late James Bonnell Esq.,
late Accomptant General of Ireland. pp.xxiii, 278, 98). 19cm, leather. (Joseph Downing : London, 1707).
(SPCK, Bray Libraries bookplate).
HAMMERTON (J.A.), ed.: The War illustrated: album de Luxe , 8 vols., 28.5cm, cloth. (Amalgamated Press: London, 1915-1917). (The story of the Great European 'War told in pen and pencil ••.•• Chapters by H.G. Wells, Sir Gilbert Parker, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, (etc) (Coversthe period 1914-1916).
HAMMOND ( John), et al.: Sermons for the coronation of King George V.pp.116. 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington: London, 1911).
HAND AND HART: Hand and Heart (a devotional magazine). Conducted by the editor of 'Our Own Fireside 'Home Words', etc. (i.e. Charles Bullock). 1876-7, 1879-80. 34cm, cloth. 2 vols. (Vo11, no1 , 1876- London).
HARDWICK (Charles): A History of the Christian Church during the Reformation. 3rd edn. ppxi, 424. 19cm, cloth (Macmillan: London, 1856/1894). (HSCO)
HARKNESS (Jack), ed.: The Rose Annual, 1979. pp.231, illus. 21cm, cloth. (The Royal National Rose
Society: St.Albans, 1979).
HARMER (Thomas, 1715-1788, Dissenting Minister, Oriental Scholar, Norwich: Observations on various passages of Scripture. 5th. edn. 4 vols., front. 21.5cm, quarter leather. (Lackington & Co. W.Bayne: London, 1816).
(With additions by Adam Clarke , LL D, FAS.)
HARPER (Kenneth, Vicar of Brampton. The story of the Lakeland Diocese, 1933-1966. pp.vi, 172. 22cm, paperback. (Carlisle Diocesan Board of Finance: Carlisle, 1966). (TLML).
HASTINGS (James): Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. 10 of 13 vols. 29cm, cloth. (T & T Clark: Edinburgh, 1908/1925). (vols 3, 4, 6 missing; the last is an index volume. (James Hastings, Presbyterian Divine, 1852-1922).
HASTINGS, Great texts of the Bible. 20 vols. 22cm, cloth bound. (T & T Clark: Edinburgh, 1911-1915). (Covers the Books of the Bible in order)
HAY (David) and HAY (Joan): Mardale, the drowned village: being a Lakeland journey into yesterday. pp.80,
illus. 21.5cm, paperback. (Friends of the Lake District; printed in Tring: 1976).
HEADLAN (Arthur Cayley), 1862-1947, Bishop of Gloucester, 1923-1945: The life and teaching of Jesus the Christ. pp.
Cloth ( : London, 1934). (First published 1923).
HEATH (S.): Old English houses of alms: a pictorial record, with architectural and historical notes. pp.148, illus. 32cm, boards. (Francis Griffiths: London, 1910).
HENRY (Matthew) , 1662-1714, Nonconformist Biblical Exegete, Minister in Chester: An exposition of the Old and New Testament, in six volumes. 2 vols. only (Vols 5, 6 = New Testament). 27cm, leather. (Bell and Bradfield: Edinburgh, 1791).
HENRY (Matthew). An exposition of the Old and New Testament. 9 vols 27cm, cloth. (Nisbet: London, 1866).
HENRY (Matthew). Works, including Daily communion with God, (etc). pp.320, front. 17cm, cloth , (Nelson: London, 1947).. (Works of the Puritan Divines).
HENRY (Philip): The life and times of Philip Henry, father of the commentator (i.e. Matthew
Henry). pp.x, 299, front. 17cm, cloth. (Nelson: London, 1848). (Works of the Puritan Divines).
HERBERT (George), 1593-1633, Poet and Anglican Divine: A priest in the Temple, or: the country parson's character and rule of holy life, 4th.edn. With which is bound: The country parson's advice to his parishioners. pp (xxx), 141 + Life of George Herbert, pp.36 + viii, 208, (Benjamin Tooke: London, 1701). (First published 1652).
HERICAULT (Charles de): La Revolution, 1789-1882. pp.445, illus. 32.5cm, quarter leather.(D.Dumoulin: Paris, 1833). (Bookplate of Sir Charles Wingfield, 60 Portland Place, .W. the book has pencilled annotations: French-English glosses).
HESLOP (Richard), compiler: Twenty sermons by twenty living Divines of the Church of England: published under the superintendance of the Rev. Richard Heslop, Perpetual Curate of Ainsworth,(near Bolton, Manchester) • pp.xx, 3340 23. 5cm, cloth. (Simpkin Marshall: London,1842)
HEWITT (J ames) Isometrics for you: get fit and trim in 90 seconds a day. Pp.22, illus 23cm, cloth. (A.Thomas
& Co.: Preston, 1966).
HICKS (F.C.N.), Bishop of Lincoln, 1933-1942: The fullness of sacrifice: an essay in reconciliation. 3rd. edn.
pp.xx, 370, front. 22cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1946/1953). (HSCO).
HIGHAM (Florence): Faith of our fathers: the men and movements of the seventeenth century.
pp.198. 19cm, boards. (SCH: London, 1939). (Religious Book Club, vol.9).
HILL (Joanne). 1716-1775, Apothecary and Physician: Herbarium Britannicum. pp.300, illus. 23cm, quarter
leather. (Sumptibus Auctoris: London, 1769). (First volume only: contains many fine outline drawings of plants).
HILL (Joseph), 1625-1707, ed. Non-Conformist Divine and Lexicographer: Lexicon manuale Graeco-Latinum et Latino-Graecum, primo concinnatum, terque editio a Cornelio Schrivelio . studio atque opere Josephi Hill. pp.67, 642, 176. 20cm, leather (G. Bowyer, J.Churchill: London, 1725).
HILL (Rowland), 1744-1833, Hinister of Surrey Chapel: Village dialogues between Farmer Littlewin, Thomas Newman , the Rev .Mr . Lovegood and others. 34th. edn. pp.xix ,627. 19.5cm, cloth. (Thomas Tegg-': London, 1839).
HINCHCLIFFE (Isaac): A backwater of Lakeland: a wartime wandering and autumn pilgrimage; sketches by W.H.Longwort front plates, plans. pp91, 23cm, paper. (Hinchcliffe: Manchester, 1925).
HODGSON (William), Vicar of Bampton, Westmorland, 1834-1861: Catechetical instruction on the Gospel
according to St. Matthew. Vol.2 only (= chapters 14-28). pp.225. 19cm, cloth. (J.Brown: Penrith, 1837). (On
the flyleaf: I Given for Tinclar’s Library by Miss Moody, May 11 th., 1944) •
HOFFMAN (Friderich), Counsellor and Physician to the King of Prussia; Fellow of the Royal Society, d.1742: New experiments and observations upon mineral waters, directing their farther use for the preservation of health and the cure of diseases; illustrated with notes by Peter Shaw. pp.viii, 230~ (viii). 20cm, quarter leather. (J.Osborn and T.Longman:
London, 1731). (Bound after: SHAW: (Peter): An inquiry ••••• ).
HOGGART (Richard): The uses of literacy: aspects of working-class life, with special reference to publications and entertainments, pp.384, 18cm, paperback. (Penguin: Harmondsworth,1957/1965). (A Pelican Book).
HOOKER (Richard), 1554-1600, Anglican Divine: The works of Mr.Richard Hooker. 2 vols, Vol 2 only. pp638, 24cm boards (Cowie London, 1825).
HOMILIES: Certain sermons or homilies, appointed to be read in Churches in the time of Queen
Elizabeth of famous memory. pp.xii, 672. 20cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1890). (With which is bound: Constitutions
and Canons Ecclesiastical).
HOPE (Eva): Life of General Gordon. pp. viii, 368, front. 19cm, cloth. (Walter Scott: London, n.d.18 •• ).
(Charles George Gordon, 1833-1885).
HOPE (Ronald): Economic geography. 4th. edn. pp.xii, 296, illus, maps, 22cm cloth (George Philip: London,1956/1965)
HOPKINS (Benjamin), B.A., Curate of Thurgarton and Hoveringham, Notts: Parochial sermons. Pp viii, 320.
(Dearden: Nottingham / Hamilton Adam: London, 1841).
HOPKINS (L.H.C.): The layman's guide to pastoral theology. 69. 18cm, paperback pp. (viii) ,(SPCK: . London, 1958). (TLML).
HOPKINSON (Samuel), STB, Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge: Religous and moral reflections,
originally intended for the use of his parishioners. pp.203. 18cm, leather. (J.Harris: London, 1814).
HORNE (George), 1730-1792, Bishop of Norwich, 1790-2: The works of the Rt. Rev.George Horne, D.D
•••••• Memories of his life, studies and writings by William James. 3 vols (Vol.3 only), pp.xi , 571.
23.5cm, boards. (F.C. and J.Rivington: London,1818). (Discourses). (Front cover detached) •
HORSLEY (Samuel), 1733-1806, Secretary of the Royal Society, 1773-1784, Bishop of St .Asaph, 1788-
1806): Sermons by Samuel Horsley: new edition. pp.xvi, 563. 23cm. boards. (William Baynes & Son:
London, 1827).
HORSLEY (Victor), Sir, and STURGE (Mary D.): Alcohol and the human body. pp.xxi , 344, illus.
20cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1919).
HOW (Wiilliam Walsham), Bishop of Wakefield, 1888-1896: Plain words to children. 4th. edn. pp.xii, 158. 16.5cm,
cloth.(Wells, Gardner and Darton: London, 1876).
HOWE (John), Puritan Divine: Works, including: The Redeemer's tears wept over lost souls (etc). pp.liii, 286, front. 17cm, cloth. (Nelson: London, 1846). (Works of the Puritan Divines).
HUGHES (Thomas), Q.C.: James Fraser, Second Bishop of Manchester: a memoir. pp.xii, 368, front. 23cm,
cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1887). (James Fraser, 1818-1885, Bishop of Manchester, 1870-1885).
HUHNE (Werner): A mnn to be reckoned with : the story of Reinold von Thaddeus Trieglaff (the founder, of the German Church Kirchentag). Ed. with preface and epilogue by Mark Gibbs. pp.132, illus. 22cm, cloth.(SCM: London, 1962).(Inscribed: 'To Mr.Longstaff: a small token of my gratitude for all your kindness during my three years at Asby. Geoffrey D.Hill, Jan.1963). (Thomas Longstaff Memorial Library, 1977).
HUNT (Irvine): The Lakeland pedlar: pp.96.period photographs and poems.(Pinewood Publications: Nelson, 1974).
17.5cm, oblong, paperback.
HUNT (W.Henry), Church Army: Mission preaching for a year: a series of 86 original sermons by various
mission preachers of the Church of England. Vol.2, pp.571• 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington: London, 1908).
HUNTER (Leslie), Bishop of Sheffield, 1939-1962, ed.: Putting our house in order: a sequel to: Men, money
and the ministry. pp.xvi, 135. 19cm, cloth. (Longmans Green: London, 1941).
HUTTON (Graham), and SMITH (Edwin), 1912-1971: pp.70, 226 illustrations; maps in end papers.
English parish churches. 31cm., cloth. (Thames and Hudson London 1952/1957)
HUTTON (William Holden), B.D., Archdeacon of Northampton: history of the Church in Great Britain. pp.(ii), 100. (Rivington: London, 1917). (Oxford Church Text Books).
HUXLEY (Aldous), 1894-1963: Eyeless in Gaza (a novel). pp620, 21.5cm, cloth. (Chatto and Windus: London, 1936).
IDIENS (E.M.): Learning to pray, With the people of the Prayer Book. pp.x, 22, ill us. 18cm, paper. (National Society / SPCK: London, 1952).
ILLUSTRATED TOURIST GUIDES. (9 vols. of local guides from the old railway companies: GER, GNR, GWR, LBSCR, LCDR, LNWR, LSWR, MR, NER). 24 cm, paper.
INGE (William Ralph), 1860-1954, Dean of St.Paul's, 1911-1934: Christian ethics and modern problems.
pp.408. 20cm, cloth. (Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1931).
INGE (William Ralph), Christian mysticism (London 1899). (Bampton Lectures 1899).
INGE (William Ralph) God and the astronomers. (London, 1933).
INGE (William Ralph) Lay thoughts of a Dean. (London, 1926).
IRESON (Gordon W.), Canon of Newcastle: How shsall they hear? Principles and practice of present-day preaching. pp.222 19cm cloth (SPCK: London, 1958). (HSCO).
JACKSON (Nora) and PENN (Philip):A groundwork of world wealth. Ppxii, 214, illus., maps. .22cm, cloth.
(George Philip: London, 1966).
JAMES (William), 1842-1910, American Philosopher: The varieties of religious experience: a study in human nature. pp.508. 18cm, paperback. (Collins, Fontana: London, 1960). (The Gifford Lectures, delivered at Edinburgh, 1901-2).
JANEWAY (James): Works, including: Heaven upon earth, or: Jesus the best friend of man, (etc). PP.314,
front. 17cm, cloth. –(Nelson: London, 1847). (Works of the Puritan Divines).
JEBB (John), D.D., F.R.S., 1775-1833, Bishop of Limerick:, 1823-1833:Discourses on the Liturgy and principles
of the United Church of England and Ireland. In 2 vols: Vol.1 only, pp.xii, 407. 23.5cm, boards. (James Duncan: London, 1830). (Spine damaged).
JENKIN (Robert), 1657-1727, Muster of St.John's College, Cambridge:The reasonableness and certainty of the
Christian religion. 3rd edn. Vol.1 only, pp. (v), xxxviii, 394, 20cm, leather. (Richard Sare:London, 1708). (From the Bray Library ?)
JESSOP (T.E.), Professor of Philosophy and Psychology, University of Hull: An introduction to Christian doctrine. pp.viii, 133. 22.5cm, cloth. (Nelson: London, 1960). (TLML)
JESSOP (T.E.) Law and love: a study of the Christian ethic. pp.186. 19cm, boards. (SCM: London, 1940). (Religious Book Club, vol.17).
JOHNSTON (Hugh), M.C., M.A., Rector of Cranleigh, Surrey: When two or three: A new version of This day's simple prayers; collected and arranged for use at the daily broadcast service. pp.103. 16.5cm, paperback. (St.Martin's Review London, 1932/1935).
JONES (Clement), Sir: A tour of Westmorland; including a poem by Margaret Cropper. Pp. xviii, 128, front,
plates, map. 26cm, cloth. (Wilson: Kendal, 1948).
JONES (Joseph).M.A.: Reasons for admitting the divine origin of revelation. pp.111. 20cm, boards.
(Longman, Hunt: London, 1820).
JONES (Thomas), 1752-1845, Evangelical Divine. See: Owen (John): Memoir of the Rev. Thomas Jones, 1851
. (Jones was one of the founders of the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1802).
JOWETT (William), 1787-1855, Evangelical Divine: Helps to pastoral visitation; in three parts illustrating the spiritual intercourse of a minister with his flock. pp.viii, 342. 18cm, cloth. (Seeley, Burnside and Seeley: London, 1844. (He was the first Anglican clergyman to volunteer for CMS overseas service; he was in theMediterranean, Syria and Palestine).
JOWETT (William) Memoire of the Rev.Cornelius Neale, H.A., formerly Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge; to which are added his remains, being sermons, allegories and various compositions in prose and verse. 2nd. edn. pp.xxi, 384. 20.5cm, cloth. (Seeley & Burnside: London, 1835).
JOY (David):Main line over Shap: the story of the Lancaster-Carlisle railway, from construction to electrification
pp.96, illus., map. 20cm, paperback. (Dalesman Books: Clapham, North Yorkshire, 1967/1979).
KAFKA (Franz), 1883-1924: The trial (a novel).pp.xvi, 279, front portrait, illus , 20.5cm, leather.
(Heron Books / Secker and Warburg: London 1935/1968) •
KEARSLEY (G.): Kearsley's Peerage. 2 vols.: vol 1. Peerage of England; vol.2. Peerage of Scotland and Ireland.
14.5cm, leather. (G.Kearsley: London, 1804). (Vol.1, pp.lii, 315; vol.2, pp.317-731, followed by
Arms of the peers and peeresses of England and Ireland = 95pp. engravings).
KEBLE (John), 1792-1866, Oxford Movement Leader: The Christian Year: thoughts in verse, for the Sundays and Holydays throughout the year; with a memoir and portrait. PP.xxvii, 300. 18.5, leather. (Suttaby: London, 1883).
(On the flyleaf: 'Elsie Brierley, from Ethel Walker, June 1st., 1905' .).
KEBLE (John) Selections from the writings of John Kebel, N.A. pp.viii, 320.18.5cm, cloth.(Rivingtons: London, 1883).
KELLY'S DIRECTORIES: Kelly's Directory of Cumberland and Westmorland, with coloured maps. pp.xvi, 432,192,
maps. 26.5cm, cloth. (Kelly:London, 1921). (With a topographical and historical account of each parish: first published in 1873).
KEMP (Eric Waldram), 1915-, Bishop of Chichester, 1974-: The Anglican-Methodist Unity Scheme. pp.1-22. 21.5cm, paper. With which is bound:
COLQUHON (Frank): Evangelicals and Methodist Unity, pp.23-34. (Printedby Oxley and Son: Windsor, 1968).
KIDD (B.J.); Warden of Keble College, Oxford: The Counter-Reformation, 1550-1600. pp.271.22cm, cloth.
(SPCK:London, 1933).
KING (John C.): M.A., Rev.; Editor of the Church of England Newspaper to 1968: The Evangelicals. pp.159. 18cm, paperback. (Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1969).
KING (William), 1650-1729, Archbishop of Dublin: An essay on the origin of evil. Edited by William Law, Bishop of Carlisle. pp.lxii, 456, xi. (R.Faulkner: London, 1731). 5th. edn., revised
KIPLING (Rudyard), 1865-1936: The Second Jungle Book. with decorations by J. Lockwood Kipling. C.I.O., pp.299. 20.5cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London,1906).
KITWOOD (T.M) : what is human? pp. 142. 17.5cm, paperback (Inter-Varsity Press: London, 1970).
KLEISER (Grenville), ed.: The world's great sermons. 10 vols. 15.5cm, cloth. (Funk & Wagnell': London & New York, 1909). (Vol. 1. Basil to Calvin. 2. Hooker to South. 3. Massilon to Bason. 4. L.Beecher to Bushnell. 5.Guthrie & Mozley 6. B.H.Beecher to Punshon. 7. Hale to Farrar. 8. Talmadge to Knox-Little. 9. Cuyler to Van Dyke. 10 Gore to Jowett + indexes).
KNIGHT (Charles), 1791-1873, Author and Publisher, ed.: Old England: a pictorial museum of regal, ecclesiastical, municipal, baronial and popular antiquities. 2 vols. 36cm, cloth. (James Sangster: London, 1845).
Know the Game: Camping. pp.32, illus. 15cm, oblong, paperback. (Produced for the Camping Club of Great Britain and Ireland: Educational Productions: East Ardsley, Wakefield, 1952).
KNOX (Vicesimus), Rev.Dr., 1752-1821, Headmaster of Tonbridge School: Essays moral and literary. 3 vols. 18cm, leather. (J .Mawman: London, 1815).
LAIRD (Dorothy): How the Queen reigns: an authentic study on the Queen's personality and life work.
Revised edn. pp.382, illus. 18cm, paper back. (Pan Books: London, 1959).-
LAKELAND DIALECT SOCIETY: Journal, no.27, December 1965. pp.50, 21.5cm, paperback. (Printed
by Charles Thurnam: Carlisle, 1965).
LANE (C.Arthur): Illustrated notes on English Church History. Vo11: from the earliest times to the dawn of the Reformation. pp~xi, 277, illus., 17cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1896).(HSCO).
LANE (Margaret): 25cm, cloth. The Magic years of Beatrix Potter. (Frederick, Warne: London, 1978). Beatrix
Potter 1866-1943) •
LANG (Elsie N.): Some old English abbeys. pp.clxxix, illus.cloth, 12cm.(T> Werner Laurie: London, n.d.).
LATIMER (Hugh), c.1485-1555, Bishop of Worcester, 1535-1555, Martyr: The sermons of Hugh Latimer
…. to which is prefixed an memoir of the Bishop by John Watkins, LI.D. 2 vols. 23. 5cm, boards. (James Duncan:
London, 1824).
LAW (Henry R.S.): Some notes on the Laws 'of Bampton and their descendants. By Henry E.S.Law, great-grandson of George Henry Law, Bishop of Bath and Wells. pp.76, illus. 26.5cm, boards. (Reproduced from typescript, 1963. (Presented to the Tinclar Library, Bampton, by H.R.S.Law, 15 June, 1964) •
LAZARE (Jules): Lectures faciles pour les commencants. 18.5cm, limp cloth.pp.(iv), 89.(Hachette: London, n.d.):
LEAR (H.L.Sidney): Weariness.pp.(iii), 318,17cm, cloth. (Rivingtons:London, 1885).
LEE (Samuel), 1783-1850: Hebrew, Chaldee and English lexicon. pp.xvi, 663, 1 plate. 22cm, quarter leather. (Duncan & Malcolm:" . London, 1840). (The plate is a plan and section of Solomon's temple, opposite p.630).
LEIGH (Charles), 1662-1701, Physicist and Naturalist:The natural history of Lancashire, Cheshire and the Peak District
in Derbyshire. pp(x), 196, (ii), 97, (v), 112, (XXXVi). 10 plates. 35cm, leather. (Oxford; sold by G.West, H.Clement and :J. Nicholson: London, 1700). Leigh was born in Singleton-le-Fylde, Lancs, and studied at Brasenose College, Oxford. He practiced in London and Manchester).
LEIGHTON (Robert), 1611-1684, Archbishop of Glsgow, 1670-1674: A practical commentary on the First
Epistle General of Saint Peter. Vol.2 only (chapters 3-5). pp.vii, 496. 21cm, leather. (Sam Keble: London,
1694). (Lowther Library: Bampton Vicarage, 1710).
LENNARD (Vivian R.), Rector of Lower Heyford, Oxon: The Church's message from Advent to Advent. (Sermons). vol.1, Advent to Ascension, pp.304. 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington London, n.d.). (HSCO) •
LENNARD (Vivian R.) Voices of the year: sermons for the Church's year: I Advent to Good Friday. 11.
Easter to the End of Trinity. 111.- All the Saints' Days, and occasional sermons. 3 vols. 19cm, cloth.
(Skeffington: London, n.d.).
LEONARD (R .M ) :The poetry of peace.pp.128. 17.5, cloth.(Humphrey Hilford, OUP: London, 1918).
LIGHTFOOT (Joseph Barber), 1828-1889, Bishop of Durham, 1879-1889: ed.:The Apostolic Fathers.
Part I: St.Clement of Rome: a revised text, with introductions, notes,dissertations and translations.
2 vols. 23cm. 23cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1890).
LIGHTFOOT (Joseph Barber) The Apostolic Fathers. Part 11. S .Ignatius, S .Polycorp (etc).
2nd. edn. 3 vols. 23cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London 1890)
LIGHTFOOT (Joseph Barber) Saint Paul's Epistles to the Colossians, and to Philemon: a revised (Greek) text,
with introduction, notes and dissertations. 7th. edn. pp.xi, 430. 23cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1875/1884).
LIGHTFOOT (Joseph Barber) Saint Paul's Epistle to the Galatians: a revised (Greek) text, withintroduction, notes and dissertations. 8th. e dn , pp.xiv, 384. 23cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1865/1884).
LIGHTFOOT (Joseph Barber) Saint Paul's Epistle to the Philippians: a revised (Greek) text, with
introduction, notes and dissertations. 8th. edn. pp.xii, 350. 23cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1868/1885).
THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER n.p. 19.5cm, leather. (Joseph Bentham; Cambridge, 1756). (Contains inscribed, entries of the marriage of Thos. Atkinson and Eliz. Marshall, 16 _Nov.1812, and later entries down to 1891).
THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER with a New Version of the Psalms of David. n.p. l8cm , leather. (Sir H.D.Blair & J.Boner: Edinburgh, 1802). (In poor condition. On the flyleaf: 'George Knox Sedgefield, April 25th., 1805).
THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER n.p. 44cm, soft leather. (OUP: Oxford, 1840). (Inside the front_cover, a
leather bookplate: Parish of Bampton. Christopher Bowstead, Noble Mouncy, Jonathan Martin, George Burn, Churchwardens, 1841).
The Book of Common Prayer, according to the use of the United Churches of England and Ireland; with notes by the Rt.Rev.Richard Mant, late Lord Bishop of Down, Connor and Dromore. pp.868. 27cm, cloth. (Rivington:
London, 1850). (Richard Nant, 1776-1848, Bishop of Down , 1823-1848. His annotated BCP was first published in 1820).
BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER (OUP for SPCK: Oxford, 1860). n.p. 32cm leather
BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER pp.xiii, 640. 13cm, cloth. (OUP: London, n.d. Reign of George V, 1910-1935).
(Presented to John Wm. Hutchinson, Bampton , 1920, by the Warton Trustees. G.E.F.Day, Vicar).
THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER(title page missing). n.p. 40.5cm, soft leather. Communion service, the prayer for George IV is scratched out and William IV written in. Inscribed 'John Holmes').
THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER n.p. 19.5cM leather. (OUP: Oxford, 1851), with which is bound: The,Holy Bible (A.V.;. (OUP: Oxford, 1851). (On the front binding is impressed: 'The gift of Philip Lord Wharton, by his Lordship's Trustees"1852.' On the flyleaf io inscribed: 'The gift of Lord Wharton's Trustees to Mary Eleanor Noble, aged 7 years. John W.Hodgson, Bampton Vicarage, March 15th., 1853.' 'This the M.E .Noble, author of the History of Bampton, 1901) •
THE BOOK OF COMON PRAYER The Communion and other services according to the use of the Church of England. n s p , 27cm, rexine. (Eyre and Spottiswoode: London, n.d., reign of Queen Victoria. Two copies).
THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER : The Order of Administration of the Lord's Supper, or Holy Communion, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Church of England. PP.(iii), 240. 26.5cm, rexine). (Geoffrey Cumberledge, OUP, n.d. Prayers for Queen Elizebeth 11, acc,1952; presented 1956).
LIVY (Titus), 59BC - 18 AD: Key to Livy, books 1-3. paperback. pp.228. 18cm, (James Cornish London),
LLOYD (Roger): Letters from the early Church 20cm, cloth. Pp.171 pp.171.
LLOYD (Roger): Revolutionary relieion: Christianity, Facism and Concrunism. pp.192. 19cm, boards.
(SCH: London, (938). (Religious Book Club, ,vol.2).
'LLOYD (William), 1627-1717, Bishop of Worcester: A sermon preached at the funeral of the Right Reverend Father in God, John Wilkins, D.D., late Lord Bishop of Chester, at the Guildhall Chapel, London, on Thursday the 12 of December 1672. pp.36. 19.5cm. (Charles Boone: London, (704). (At the time of the funeral, Lloyd was Dean of Bangor. The sermon is bound after WILKINS (John): The principles ••..• )
LOFTHOUSE (Jessica): Lancashire-Westmorland highway; with byways and footways for the curious traveller. pp.223, illus, maps. 19cm, cloth. (Hale: London, (953)
LOFTHOUSE (W.F.): Israel after exile: sixth and fifth centuries B.C. pp.xvi, 247 (15), illus., maps, tables.
19cm, cloth. (Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1928/(950). (The Clarendon Bible: Old Testament, Vol.V).
Scotland: West Coast route. pp.20B, 43, illus., map. 24.5cm, paperback. (LNWR, n.d.). (Covers damaged).
LOFTIE (Arthur Gersham): Great Salkeld: its rectors and history. pp.vii, 180, f'ront , , illus. 17cm, cloth ,
(Brown and Brown: Carlisle, 1900). (Includes a list of rectors and curates in chronological order).
LONGRIDGE (Florence): Lessons on the Catechism: Junior grade lessons. Ed.by George Longridge, C.R. pp.228. 17cm, boards. (Mowbray: London, 19(5
L0NGRIDGE (Florence) Lessons on the Catechism: Middle grade lessons. boards, pp.219, 17cm,
LOWTH (Robert), 1710-1787, Bishop of London, 1777-1787, Biblical Scholar: Lectures on the sacrea poetry of the Hebrews: translated from the Latin by G.Gregory (with notes). 3rd. edn. pp.xxii, 415. 23cm, boards. (Thomas Tegg: London, 1835).
LUCAS (Matilda): Two Englishwomen in Rome, 1871-1900. pp.(vii), 292, front 22cm cloth, (Methuen London, 1 938) •
LUCAS (Richard), D.D., 1648-1715, Prebendary of Westminster: Dr.Lucas's second volume of sermons. Vol.2.cm, leather. (John Wyld: London, (1722).
LUCAS (Richard) An enquiry after happiness, in three parts (motives, possibility, causes). 2 vols. 20cm, leather. (W.Innys: London, 1753).
LUKE (Henry Charles ) : The Travellers Handbook for Palestine and Syria. New edn. pp.viii , 520 maps. 17cm, cloth. (Simpkin, Harshall: London, 1924). (Cook's Travellers' Handbooks).
LUMB (Reginald): The groundwork of prayer. pp.iv, 148, 18cm boards. (Faith Press: London, 1942/1953). (TLML).
McCLURE (M.L.): The Church Catechism explained to children: for scholars without a teacher. pp.168, illus.
18.5cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1915).
McGREGOR-ROBERTSON (J.): The household physician. 2 vols,New edn., completely revised by David NcKail. 2 vols.
25cm, cloth. (Gresham Publishing Co. 1934).
McKAY (Roy): John Leonard Wilson, Confessor of the Faith , pp.192, illus. 22cm, cloth. (Hodder and
Stoughton: London, 1973). (J .L.Wilson, Bishop of Singapore, Bishop of Birmingham, 1953-1969).
McCARTHY (Justin): A short history of our own times. back. pp. 190, 22cm, paperback. (Chatto &Windus:
London, 1901/1904).
McLAREN (Ian): Beside the bonnie brier bush. (Stories). 22cm, paperback. pp. 96, illus (Hodder & Stoughton:
London, 1906).
MACLEAR (G.F.), D.D., the Rev: Conversion of the West: the Celts. pp.189, map 17cm, cloth. (SPKC:
London, 1893).
MACKLlN (Charles), 1690-1781: Memoirs of Charles Macklin, comedian, with those dramatic characters, manners, anecdotes, etc., of the age in which he lived. pp.x, 444, front. 21.5cm, leather. (James Asperne: London, 1804).
MALLESON (G.B.), Colonel: Dupleix. pp.188, map. 19.5cm, cloth.(Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1892).
(Rulers of India).
MARR (J.E.): Westmorland: with maps , diagrams and illustrations , pp. ix, 151.19cm, cloth.
(Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1909). (Cambridge County Geographies).
MARSHALL (Arthur Milnes) ed. Biological lectures and addresses by C.F. Marshall.pp.viii,
363 19.5cm, cloth. (David Nutt: London, 1894).
MARTIN (Hugh The meaning of the Old Testament, according to modern scholarship pp.100.
18.5cm, paperback.(SCM: London, 1949).(TLML).
MARTINDALE: The Parish Registers of Martindale: Baptisms, 1633-1853; Marriages, 1636-1871;
Burials, 1683-1904. Edited and transcribed by H.Brierley. (Strowger & Son, Clarence Press:1907).
MATHEWS (Arnold), Canon: History of Appleby. Revised with a supplementary historical outline by
James F. Whitehead , pp.110. 18cm, cloth. (J. Whitehead: Appleby n.d.)
MATTHEWS (Arnold) Canon: History of Appleby. Revised and enlarged edition, illustrated, 1950).
MAUDSLEY (Henry), M.D.: Natural causes and supernatural seemings. pp x ,149 16.5cm, cloth bound.
(Watts & Co.: London, 1939). (The Thinker's Library, no.73).
MEAD (Richard), 1673-1754, Physician. A mechanical account of poisons, in several essays. pp.(xiv), 184,
1 fold-out diagram, leather.(Ralph Smith': London, 1702).
MEDICAL ESSAYS: Medical essays, vols 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. (A Society in Edinburgh: Edinburgh, 1752).
18cm, leather.-
MEMES (J.S.), Ll.D, Rev.,ed , Christian literature evidences. pp.xxxii, 710. 25.5cm, cloth. A & C.Black:
Edinburgh , 1841). (An anthology of 13 works, beginning with WATSON (Richard): Apology for Christianity, 1776; Apology for the Bible, 1796; PALSY (William): View of the Evidences of Christianity 1794, and Horae Paulinae, 1790; also JENYNS (Soame), LESLIE (Charles), 3 works; CAMPBELL (George), LYTTLETON (Chandler), SHERLOCK (Thomas), WEST (Gilbert).).
MILNER (Joseph), 1744-1797, EvangelicaI Divine, Master of the Grammar Schooland Vicar of Holy Trinity
Church, Hull: Practical sermons; with Life by Isaac Milner. ppvc xxxv:i , 355. 22cm, leather. (Deighton: Cambridge,
1801 )
MERRY (John), A.B., 1783-1831: Memoirs of the life of the late Rev.John Merry, A.B. pp vii 280 front.
18cm, cloth. (Hatchard: London, 1832)
METHOD WITH DEISTS: A short and easy method with the Deists and Jews. pp. 16cm, leather. (London, 1709).
(With which is bound: STEARNE (John): Tractatus de visitatione infirmorum, 1704). (Bray Library bookplate) •
MICKLEM (Nathaniel), President of Mansfield College, Oxford: The Creed of a Christian: being monologues upon
great themes of the Christian faith. pp.1,88. 19pm, boards. (SCM: London, 1940). (Religious Book Club, vol.15) •
MIDDLETON (Thomas Fanshaw), 1769-1822, First Bishop of Calcutta, 1814-1822. Sermons and charges by Thomas Fanshaw Middleton, late Lord Bishop of Calcutta; with memoirs of his life by Henry Kaye Barney. PP.CVll,
325, front, 23.5cm, boards. (Longman, Hunt: London, 1824). (Front cover loose).
MIDGLEY (G.H.) Doctrine, duty and devotion: a three-year course of teaching sermons. pp. 264.
19cm, cloth. (Mowbray: London, 1950). (TLML) •
MILLER (Thomas E.), of Dunfermeline: Portraits of women in the New Testament. pp.243. 20cm, cloth.
(Allenson: London 1916)
MILNER (Joseph). Rev. M.A. Practical Sermons pp.335, 21cm, 2nd ed. (Cambridge 1801)
MITCHELL (Albert): Common Prayer: studies in the story and teaching of our English Prayer Book.
pp.63. 18.5cm, paperback. (Church Book Room Press: London, 1949). (TLML) •
MOLIERE (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin), 1622-1673: Le medecin malgre lui. pp.XV, 74. 15cm, cloth.
(Macmillan: London,1942). (Foreign School Classics).
MONTESQUIEU (Charles Louis), 1689-1755: et decadance des Romains. Ed. by Paul E.E.Barbier.
2nd. edn. pp.viii, 218. 18.5cm, cloth. (Hachette: London, 1892).
MONTHLY PAPER : Monthly Paper of the National Society. Volume for 1867. 21.5cm, cloth.
(The Depository: National Society: London, 1867).
MOORE (G.E.), 1873-1978, British Philosopher: Ethics. pp.256. 17cm, cloth. (Williams & Norgate: London, n.d.):
(Home University Library).
MOORMAN (John R.H.), 1905-1989, Bishop of Ripon, 1 959-1975: Church life in England in the
thirteenth century. pp.xxviii, 444, illus. 22.5cm, cloth. (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1945).
MOORMAN (John R.H.) A history of the Church in England. pp.xx, 460.. 24cm, cloth. (A & C .Black: London, 1953/1958). (TLML).
MORAN, Lord: Winston Churchill: the struggle for survival, 1940-1965; taken from the diaries of
Lord Moran. pp.xviii, 829, illus. 23cm, cloth. (Heron Books: London, 1966).
MORGAN (Charles), 1894- 1958: The Judge's story (a novel). pp v,218. 19.5cm, cloth. (Macmillan:London, 1947).
MORGAN (Dewi): They became Anglicans: the story of sixteen converts, and why they chose the Anglican Communion. Pp. ix, 177. 19cm cloth. (Mowbray: London, 1959. (TLML) •
MORSE-BOYCOTT (Desmond): The secret story of the Oxford movement. Pp. 287, 23.5cm, cloth. (Skeffington: London, 1933).
MORTIMER (R.C.), Bishop of Exeter, 1949-1973: The duties of a Churchman. pp.78. 19cm, cloth. (Dacre Press/
A. & C.Black: London,1961). (TLML).
MOSS (Robert), 1666-1729, Dean of Ely, 1712-1729: Sermons and discourses on practical subjects. 8 vols.
20cm, leather. (Richard Williamson: London, 1736-1738). ('With a preface, giving some account of the author
by a learned hand').
MURRAY (J .D.F.), Master of Selwyn College, Cambridge : The origin and meaning of the Lord's teaching in prayer. pp.31. 21.5cm, paperback. (Central Readers' Board: London, n.d.).
NANSEN (Fridtjof), 1261-1930, Norwegian Arctic Explorer: Farthest North: being the record of a voyage of
exploration of the ship Fram, 1893-96. 2 vols., front portrait, illus. 24.5cm, cloth. (Constable: London, 1897) •
NATIONAL EVANGELICAN ANGLICAN CONGRESS: The Nottingham Statement: the official statement of the Second National Evangelical Anglican Congress, held in April 1977. pp.79. 18cm, paperback. (Church Pastoral Aid Society: London, 1977).
NATIONAL TRUST: National Trust properties. pp.1 24, illus. 22cm, paperback. (National Trust: London, n.d.).
(Includes.an inset: National Trust Properties: opening arrangements for 1963).
NATURAL PHENONENA: Thirty plates, illustrative of natural phenomena, etc.; with a short description annexed to
each plate. pp.31, coloured engravings. 35cm, cloth. (SFCK: London, 1846).
NEUFELD (Charles): A prisoner of the Khaleefa: twelve years' captivity at Omdurman. pp.xiv, 365, illus. 23cm, cloth. (Chapman and Hall: London, 1899).
NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE: The New Monthly Magazine for Church of England Sunday School Teachers.
Vol.1, 1865 - vol.3, 1867. 21cm, quarter leather.
Continued as:
The Church Sunday School Magazine, vol 4, 1868 - vol.7, 1871, vol. 10, 1874 - vol 11,1875, vol.13, 1877, vol.17, 1881. quarter leather. (Church of England Sunday School Institute: London, 1865-1881).
NEW WEEK: The New week's preparation for the Lord's Supper. pp.200. 17cm, quarter leather. (Robert Whitworth: London, n.d., 17--?). (On the flyleaf: 'G.E.F.Day, July, 1877).
NEWBOLT (W.C.E.): The heart of a priest: selections from the writings of W.C.E.Newbolt, edited with an introduction by J.H.L.Morrell, Arch - deacon of Lewes. pp.187. 19cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1958). (HSCO) •
NEWMAN (Charles E.): The Bible in the pulpit: plain sermons. pp.234, 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington: London, 1912).
NEWMAN (John Henry), 1801-1890, Cardinal: Apologia pro vita sua: being a history of his religious opinions.
New edn. pp.xxviii, 395. 19cm cloth. (Longmans, Green: London, 1891).
NEWMAN (John Henry) Selection, adapted to the seasons of the ecclesiastical year, from The Parochial and Plain Sermons of John Henry Newman , sometime Vicar of St.Mary's, Oxford. 2nd. edn. pp.xix, 468. 19cm, cloth.
(Rivingtons: London, 1882). (Pages not cut).
NEWTON (John), Rev., 1725-1807, Evangelical Divine. Rector of the United Parishes of St .Mary, Woolnoth
and St. Mary, Woodchurch, London. The works of the Rev.John Newton (letters, sermons, etc.). 9 vols. out of
12, front. 19.5cm, boards. (lacks vols 6,9,11). (T.Hamilton: London, 1821).
NICHOLLS (Benjamin Elliott), M.A., of Queen's College, Cambridge: The Book of Proverbs, explained and illustrated. pp.240, 18cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1876). (On the fly leaf: 'Geo E.F.Day, Feby. 1877).
NICHOLSON (Norman), poet: The Lakes. p.p.190, illus., map. 18cm, paperback. (Robert Hall: London 1977)
(First published in 1963 as A Portrait of the Lakes).
NICHOLSON (Norman) compiler: The Lake District: an anthology, compiled by Norman Nicholson. pp288
24cm cloth. (Robert Hall: London, 1977).
NICOLSON (Wil1iam), 1655-1727, Archdeacon of Carlisle, 1682-1702, Bishop of Carlisle, 1702-1718: Miscellany accounts of the Diocese of Carlisle, with the terriers delivered to me at my primary visitation (1703).Ed. by R.S.Ferguson. pp.274. 22.5cm, cloth. (Thurnam: Carlisle /Bell: London, 1877). ( Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archeological Society, . Transactions , Extra Series, vol.1). (Copied from the manuscript of Bishop Nicolson in the
Library of the Dean and Chapter of Carlisle).
NOBLE (Mary E.), 1846-19 •. : A history of the Parish of Bampton. Pp.iii, 268, front, plates, map, tables, diagrams. 23cm, cloth. (Titus Wilson: Kendal, 1901). (On the flyleaf: 'Given to Tinclar's Library, Bampton, by Principal of St.Chad's College, Durham, 25.7.81, as a result of the Vicar, the Rev.John Berry, discovering it in the College Library).
NOBLE (Mary E) BAMPTON: Bampton Parish Registers, 1637-1812. 1897.
NOBLE (Mary E) LITURGIES, The Book of Common Prayer(OUP: Oxford, 1 851 ) •
NORTHCOTT (Cecil): Religious liberty. pp.128. 19cm, boards. (SCM. London, 1948).(Religious Book Club,
V01.63). (HSCO)
NORTHCOTT (Hubert), C.R.:Man,God and prayer pp .vi,211. 18cm paperback (SPCK: London, 1954).(TLML)
NOORTHOUCK (J.): An historical and classical dictionary, containing the lives and characters of the most
eminent and learned persons in every age and nation. 2 vols, 21 cm, leather. (,I.Strahunt & T .Cadell: London, 1776).
NORWICH, Diocese of: Diocesan Calendar and Clergy list. Pp.258, 18.5cm. paperback. (Goose & Son: Norwich, 1932).
NOURSE (Peter), D.D., Chaplain in Ordinary to H.N.Queen Anne: Practical discourses… some selected
homilies. PP.(xxvi), 216. 19cm, cloth. (Timothy Child: London, 1708).
NUNN (H.P.V.): The elements of New Testament Greek: pp. xxxvi, 195. 18.5cm cloth. (Cambridge University
Press: Cambridge, 1914/1958). (TLML) •
NURSE (Euston J.), Rector of Windermere, 1904-1945, Hon. Canon of Carlisle:The Diocese of Carlisle:
map showing the Archdeaconries and Rural Deaneries and Churches. 2nd. edn., 1939.
NYGREN (A.): Agape and Eros.
OESTERLEY (W.O.E.): A history of Israel, vol.II: from the fall of Jerusalem, 586 B.C. to the Bar-
Kokhba revolt, A.D.135. pp.xvi, 500. 22cm, cloth, (Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1921). (For vol.I, see:
ROBINSON (Theodore H.).)
OESTERLEY (W.O.E.) Immortality and the unseen world: a study in Old Testament religion. pp ;x , 231.
22cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1921/1930).
OLIVER (Basil), F.R.I.B.A.: The cottages of England: a review of their types and features, from the
16th. to the 18th. centuries. pp.xxiv, 91, illus. 23.5cm, cloth. (B.T.Batsford: London, 1929).
OLLENOORF (H.G.): A new method of learning French. 23cm, cloth. pp.viii, 560.(Whittaker: London, 1857).
ORDNANCE SURVEY: Leisure Guide: Lake District. pp.120, illus., maps 29.5cm, paperback.
(Automobile Association and Ordnance Survey: London, 1984).
OTTLEY (R. L). The Hebrew prophets. pp.iii, 124. 15.5cm, cloth. (Rivingtons London, 1898). (Oxford Church Text Books).
OUR FARM: Our farm of four acres, and how we managed it; the money we made by it; and how it grew into one of six acres. pp.viii, 224, illus. 17.5cm, cloth. (Chapman & Hall: London, 1871. (12th. edn., with a monthly calendar of rural operations illustrated).
OUR OWN FIRESIDE: Our Own Fireside: a magazine of home literature for the Christian family, ed. by the Rev. Charles Bullock, Rector of St.Nicholas, Worcester. Vol 1,1864, vol.6, 1869. 25cm, quarter leather. (Hilliam Macintosh: London, 1864 / William Hunt: London, 1869).
OVID (Publius Ovidius Naso), 43 B.C.- A.D.17: P.Ovidii Nasonis operum, tomus tertius, in quo Fasti,
Tristia, Epistolae Ponticae..... Vol.3, pp. (xxvi), 338 + index. 1 5cm, leather. (Tonson & Wall: London,1715).
O\\'EN (John): Memoir of the Rev.Thomas Jones, late of Creaton, Northants. pp.xi, 393, front. port.19.5cm,
cloth. (Seeleys: London, 1851). (Thomas Jones, 1752-1845, Evangelical Preacher, and a founder of the British
and Foreign Bible Society in 1802).
OXFORD, University of: Satuta et decreta Universitatis Oxoniensis. pp.xix, 558. 22cm, cloth. (Clarendon: Oxford, 1900). (Printed in Latin and English. On the flyleaf, a latin inscription of George Edward Ferens Day, Queen's College, Oxford,
19 Oct.1900).
OXFORD CONFERENCE ON CHURCH, COMMUNITY AND STATE: The Churches survey their task: the Report of the Conference at Oxford, July 1937, on Church, Community and State. With an introduction by J.H.Oldham. pp.314.
22.5cm, cloth. (AlIen & Unwin: London, 1937). (On the flyleaf: 'Harold Vincent Morgan, 1947-8').
OXFORD MOVEMENT: Report of the Oxford Movement Centenary Congress, July 1933. pp.xviii, 202. 23cm, cloth. (The Catholic Literature Association: London,1933). (On the flyleaf: 'Ex libris Haova rd M.Morrall).
PAGET (Francis E.):.Helps and hindrances to the Christian life: plain village sermons Vol.2. pp.260.
19cm, cloth. (Skeffington: London 1922)
PALEY (William), D.D., 1743-1805, Archdeacon of Carlisle, 1782-1805: The works of William Paley , D .D.
with a biographical sketch of the author by the Rev.D.S.Wayland, M.A. 4 vols. out of 5. 23.5cm, cloth. (George Cowie: London, 1837). (1. Life; Moral and political philosophy. 2. (continued) + Haorae Paulinae; and Clergyman's Companion;
3. (missing). 4. Natural Theology; Tracts. 5. Sermons).
PALMER (R.Liddesdale): English monasteries in the Middle Ages: an outline of monastic architecture and
custom, from the Conquest to the Suppression. pp.xvi, 233, illus. 25.5cm, cloth. (Constable: London, 1930)
THE PARISH AND THE PRIEST: Colloques on the pastoral care and parochial institutions of a country village.
pp.viii, 304. 17.5cm, cloth. (Joseph Masters: London, 1858). (On the flyleaf: " Richard E. Warner, 1862. ' ) •
Co.: London, 1810).
PARISH MAGAZINE: Parish Magazine. (? An inset issued nationally). Ed. by J.Erskine Clarke. Issues for
1872. 22cm, quarter leather. (W. Wells Gardner: London, 1872).
PARK '(Mungo), 1771-1806, Scottish Explorer: Travels in the interior of Africa, in the years 1795, 1796 and
1797; abridged from the original work. pp.xvi, 218, illus. 21cm, leather. (Crosley, Letterman: London, 1799).
(He explored the valley of the River Niger).
PARKES (Samuel); 1759-1825, Chemist: A chemical catechism, with notes, illustrations and experiments.
pp.xvi, 562, illus. 22cm, leather. (For the Author, Lackington, AlIen & Co. London 1810) (1 illustration: a
fold out drawing of chemical apparatus, as a frontispiece).
PATON (William) J,. Secretary, International Missionary Council: The Church and the new order. pp.188. 19cm,
boards , (SCM: London, 1941). (Religious Book Club, vol.23).
PATON (William) world community. pp. 192, 19cm, boards. (SCM: London, 1938). (Religious Book Club, vol.6)
PAUL (Leslie): The deployment and pay of the Clergy: a report. pp.311 charts. 22cm, paperback. (CIO: London, 1964).
PEAKE (Arthur Samuel), 1865-1929, Biblical Scholar: A critical introduction to the New Testament. pp.xii, 242. 19cm, cloth. (Duckworth, London 1909/1930) • (Studies in Theology).. (HSCO)
PEAR'S CYCLOPEDIA: Pear's Cyclopedia: 35th. edition. pp.1053, illus, maps. 17.5cm, cloth. (A &F.Pears: Isleworth, 1929).
PEARSON (Hesketh): Gilbert: his life and strife. pp.276, illus. 22.5cm, cloth. (Methuen: London, 1957). (Sir William Schwenk Gilbert, 1836- 1911, English playwright and humorist).
PEDDER (J.T.) and MACDONALD (Alec): An account of St.James’s Church, Buttermere. 2nd. edn. pp.ii,
8, illus. 21.5cm, paper. (Wilson: Kendal, 1936/1960).
PELEGROMUS (Simon): Synonymorum sylva, olim a Simone Pelegromo collecta •••.• nunc autem ••••• in
Anglicanum transfusum, et in alphabeticum ordinem redacta, per R.F...... Accesserunt huic editioni, Synonomi
quaedam poetica, in poesi versantibus perquam necessaria pp.(xvi), 490., leather. (Londini, typis Edwardi Griffini, sumptibus Richardi Whittakeri, 1639).
PENRITH: Official Guide to Penrith, Ullswater and District: hotels and apartments. pp.72, illus., map. 22cm,
paper. (Reeds Printers: Penrith, n.d., 19--).
PENSTONE (M.H.): Church study: suggestions for a course of lessons on the Church buildings, its furniture, its
offices, etc. pp.xiii, 325, illUSe 18.5cm, cloth. (National Society Depository: Westminster,1911/1927)
PEROWNE (J.J .Stewart), Canon of Llandaff: The Book of Psalms: a new Translation, with introduction and notes, explanatory and critical. Vol.1 (Psalms 1-72), pp.xxix, 563. cloth. (Bell: London, 1873).
PERRY (Michael), 1933-, Archdeacon of Durham: Sharing one bread: Holy Communion, Series 3. pp.x, 79.
18cm, paperback. (SPCK: London, 1973). (TLML) •
PERRY (Michael) ed.: Crisis for Confirmation. (Essays by various authors).pp.189, 21.5cm paperback. (SCM:
London, 1967).
PERRY (Michael) et al.: The Churchman's Companion. (Essays by Michael C.Perry, D.W. Cleverly-
Ford, Douglas N.Sargent, Reginald Cant). pp.256. 19cm, cloth. (Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1964).
PEVSNER (Nicholas): Cumberland and Westmorland. pp.339, illus. 18cm, boards. (Penguin: Harmondsworth
1967). (The Buildings of England },
PICTORIAL DICTIONARY: The Pictorial Dictionary of the Holy Bible: or: a Cyclopedia of illustrations, graphic, historical and descriptive, of sacred writings, by reference to the manners, customs, rites, traditions, antiquities and literature of Eastern nations. 2 vols., illus., 31 cm quarter leather. (Henry G .Bohn: London, 1845). (On the flyleaf: 'James Foster on his marriage, Dec.1852' .).
PIDDINGTON (Ralph), H.A., Sydney: The psychology of laughter. 22cm, cloth. pp.227.(Figurehead: London, 1933).
PLACETE (J.la): The Christian casuist; or: A treatise on conscience. pp.9xiv),480. 19.5cm, leather. (A.& J.Churchill: London, 1704). (Placete was Minister of the French Church at Copenhagen. The work was translated by Basil Kennet, Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford.It is bound with GODEAU (Antony: Pastoral instructions, 1703).
PLATO: Platonis Apologia Socratis. Ed. by J.Adam. pp.xxxii, 136. 17cm, cloth. (Cambridge
University Press: Cambridge, 1889).
PLATO. The trial and death of Socrates: being the Euthyphron, Apology, Criton and Phaedo of Plato,
translated into English by F.J.Church. pp.lx.x.xviii,213. 16cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1888).
PLUMMER CA.), ed.: The Gospel according to st.John. pp.lxiv, 382, maps, plans. 17.5cm, cloth.
(Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1913). \Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges).
POEMS OF TODAY: Poems of today: an anthology. pps xv i , 174. 18cm, paperback. (For the
English Association: Sidgwick & Jackson: London, 1922).
POOLE (E.M): Sunday evening lessons on the Creed. cloth.pp. 171 17cm, (SPCK, London, n.d.).
POOLE (Reginald Lane): Mediaeval reckonings of time. pp.47. 18cm, paperback. (SPCK: London, 1918).
(Helps for Students' of History, 8)
POTTER (John), 1647-1747, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1737-1747: Archeologicae Graecae, or: The
antiquities of Greece. Vol.2 only, piv, 420, (xxxii). 2-1-cm; originlly leather bound: bindings missing.
(vl.Strahan: London, 1775).
POWER (Henry), Ophthalmic Surgeon, St.Bartholomew's Hospital: Elements of human physiology. 2nd. Edn
pp.x , 502. 16.5cm, cloth. (Cassell: London, 1885).
PRACTICAL CHEMIST: The Cyclopedia of practical receipts in all the useful and domestic arts. pp.vi, 281. 19cm,
paperback. (John Churchill. London, 1841).
PRAYER BOOK AND HOMILY SOCIETY: Sixteenth Report of the Committee, 8 May, 1828 - to the Thirtieth Report of the Committee, 20 July, 1840. Bound together, various paginations. 22cm. paper. (With sermons).
PRETYMAN (George), 1750-1827, Bishop of Lincoln, 1787-1820, Bishop of Winchester, 1820-1827:
Elements of Christian theology. 2nd. edn. 2 vols. 22cm, leather. (Cadell and Davies: London, 1799).
PRIESTI.EY (John Boynton), 1894-1984, English Critic, Novelist and Playwright: Angel pavement (a novel).
pp.xiv, 613. 22.5cm, cloth. (Heinemann: London, 1930).
PRINGLE (David D.), B.A., M.Ed., Didsbury College of Education, Manchester: The story of the Scriptures;
book eight: Christianity in action today_ pp.160. 22cm, cloth. (Schofield & Sons: Huddersfield, 1968/1969).
PROUT (Ebenezer), of Halstead, Essex: Memoirs of the life of the Rev John Williams, missionary to Polynesia. pp.viii, 618, front. (John Snow: London, 1843). (John Williams, 1796-1839: London Missionary Society Missionary in the Pacific Islands). (some pages loose)
PURITAN DIVINES, WORKS OF THE •••••17cm, cloth. (Nelson: London, 1845-8):
Nine volumes:
1. ADAMS (Thomas):
The three divine sisters (etc), 1847).
2.BAXTER (Richard): Making light of Christian salvation (etc), 1846.
3.BUNYAN (John): The Jerusalem sinner saved (etc), 1845. --
4.BUNYAN (John): The greatness of the soul (etc), 1845.
5.CHARNOCK (Stephen): The chief of sinners, objects of Christ's mercy, 1847.
6.HENRY (Matthew): Daily Communion With God etc.1847 .
7.HENRY (Philip): Life and times of Philip Henry, father of the Commentator, 1848.
8.HOWE (John): The Redeemer’s tears wept over lost souls, 1846.
9.JANEWAY (James): Heaven upon earth, or: Jesus the best friend of man, 1847
PUSEY (Edward Bouverie), Oxford Movement Leader, 1800-1882: Daniel the Prophet: nine lectures.
pp. cloth. (London, 1864/1883).
PUSEY (Edward Bouverie) Selections from the writings of Edward Bouverie Pusey, D.D. 2nd. edn. pp.342.
18cm, cloth. (Rivingtons: London, 1885). (Pages not cut).
PYLE (Thomas), 1674-1756, Minister of Lyn Regis, Norfolk; prebenary of Salisbury:A paraphrase, with short
and useful notes on the books of the Old Testament, and the Acts and Epistles. 2 vols. 20cm, leather. (R.Ware and J.P.
Knapton: London, 1752).
RABELAIS (Francois), 1495-1553: The histories of Gargantua and Pantagruel. pp.712, 18cm paperback
(Penguin: Harmondsworth, 1955).
RADCLIFFE (Anne), 1764-1823), English Novelist: A journey made in the summerof 1794, through Holland
and the western frontier of Germany, with a return down the Rhine; to which are added: Observations during a
tour to the Lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland and Cumberland. 2 vols., 20.5c.m, leather.(G. & J .Robinson:
London, 1796). (Her travels in .England begin at' vol.2,pp.172-413.· There are references to Bampton at pp.222-3, 236,239).
RAINE (James), 1791-1858, Antiquarian and Topographer. Memoir of the Rev. John Hodgson, M.A., F.R.S.L.,
F.S.A.N, Vicar of Hartburn and author of a History of Northumberland. 2 vols., front. 23cm, cloth. (Longmans,
Brown, Green: 'London, 1857). (Raine was a priest, Librarian to the Dean and Chapter of Durham, 1816, and an early worker for the Surtees Society in Durham, )
RAMBLER: A fortnight's ramble in the Lakes in Westmoreland, Lancashire and
Cumberland. pp.xxvii, 267. 21.5cm, leather. (Hooker and,Carpenter:London, 1792).(Inscribed 'John Atkinson's book,
July 26th., 1796).
RAMSEY (A.Michael), Archbishop of Canterbury, 1961-1974: The English Prayer Book, 1549-1662. (Essays by
various authors). pp.vi, 114. 18.5cm paperback. (SPCK, for the Alcuin Club: London, 1963) (TLML)
RANJITSINHJI (K.S.): The Jubilee Book of Cricket. pp. 382, illus. 16cm, cloth. (Nelson: London, n.d.).
(Dedicated by her gracious permission to Her Majesty the Queen Empress).
RAVENSTONEDALE; A brief history of St. Oswld’s Church. Ravenstonedale pp.8 illus. 21cm paper (n.p.)
RAWNSEY (Hardwicke Drummond), 1851-1920.Vicar of Wray, 1878-1883, andof Crosthwaite, 1883-1917,
Hon. Canon of Carlisle: Henry Goodwin, Bishop of Carlisle. pp. xi, 372, plates. 22.5cm, cloth. (John
Murray: London,1896). (Henry Goodwin, D.D., 1818-1891, Bishop of Carlisle, 1869-1891) •
RAYMOND (George Frederick): A[BL2] new universal and impartial history of England. pp (iv), 610, (xvi), maps, illus.
36cm, leather. (J. Cooke: London, 1786).
THE READER: Centenary Supplement to the Reader: Ascension DAY, 1866-1966. pp.24, 18.5cm, paperback.
(Central Readers' Board: London, 1966).(An historical survey).
REAM (Charles Francis), M.A., B.D.An approach to the Bible pp.61, 18.5cm limp cloth (Butcher: London n.d.19..) (TLML)
REEVES (William), ed., 1667-1726: The Apologies of Justin Martyr, Tertullian,and Minucius Felix, in defence of
the Christian religion; with the Comminitory of Vincentius Lirentius, concerning the primitive rule of faith.
Translated from the originals. 2 vols. 21cm, leather. (Printed by H.B. for A. & J.Churchill: London,1709). (Bray bookplate, and first Bampton bookplate. (Reeves, "born Flitwick, Beds., King's College, Cambridge;
Chaplain to Queen Anne).
REID (James): Facing life with Christ. pp.185, 19cm boards. (SCM: London, 1940).(Religious Book Club col. 14)
RICHARDSON (A.E.) and EBERLIN (H.Donaldson): The English Inn, past and present: a review of its history and
life. pp. xi, 308, illus. 24cm cloth. (B.T.Batsford: London, 1925).
RICHARDSON '(Alan): An introduction to the theology of the New 'I'estament. pp.423. 23cm, cloth.
(SCM: London, 1958). (TLML).
RICHARDSON (Samuel), 1689-1761, English Novelist: Pamela, or: Virtue Rewarded. pp.652, in
double column. 22cm, cloth. (Thomas Kelly: London, 1823). (First published 1740).
ROBERTSON (Thomas William, 1829-1871, Actor and Dramatist: The principal dramatic works of Thomas William Robertson; with mernoir by his son. Vol 1, pp.lxxvii, 376. 19.5cm, cloth. (Sampson, Low: London, 1889).
ROBINSON (H.Wheeler): The history of Israel: its facts and factors. pp.262. 19cm, cloth.
(Duckworth London,' 1938/1954). (Studies in Theology). (TLML).
ROBINSON (J.A.T), Bishop of Woolwich, et al: Layman's Church. (Essays by various authors). pp.99.
19.5cm, paperback. (Lutterworth: London, 1963). (TLML).
ROBINSON (Thomas), d.1719, Rector of Ousby, Cumberland: An essay towards a natural history of
Westmoreland and Cumberland. pp.118, 20cm, leather. (W.Freeman: London, 1709).
ROBINSON (Theodore R.): A history of Israel, vol.I: from the Exodus to the fall of Jerusalem, 586 B.C. pp.xvi, 496, map. 22cm, cloth. (Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1932). (For Vol.I, see: OSSTERLEY (W.O.E.)
ROLLINSON (William): Life and tradition in the Lake District; with 193 photographs and 39 text illustrations. pp.203, illus., maps. 25.5cm, cloth. (Dent: London, 1974).
ROWLING (Marjorie A.): Folklore of the Lake District; drawings by Terence Dalley. pp.184, illus., map.
22.5cm, cloth. (Batsford: London, 1976).
Historical Monuments: Westnorland. pp.lxviii, 302, illus., plans, maps. 27cm, cloth. (H.M.Stationery Office:
London, 1936).
RUDKIN (Ernest H.), Rector of Ninfield, Sussex; Vicar of Bampton, 1950-1955:The Christian’s path foreshadowed ; or: Some Christian principles illustrated by the Old Testament. pp.160.19cm. cloth. (Skeffington & Son:London, n.d.).
RUDKIN (Ernest H). Dreamers in action: short studies in religious enthusiasm.a preface by the Bishop of Lewes. pp.64. 19cm. 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington: London, n.d.). (Six addresses).
RUDKIN (Ernest H). In quest of the Divine: the Church's message, devotional, doctrinal, practical: forty-four plain sermons. pp.268. 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington arid Sons: London, n.d.). (Sermons arranged according to the Church's Year)
RUDKIN (Ernest H). The religion of the Incarnation: twenty-one original addresses concerning Christian doctrine and personal belief, inspired by the Archbishop's Recall to Religion. pp.256. 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington
and Son: London, n.d.).
RUDKIN (Ernest H). Some reflections based upon Lakeland and the Pennines. With a foreword by W..F.Bushell. pp.41, front, plates. 20.5cm, paperback. (Horsley & Dawson: Driffield, Yorks, n.d., 19--).
RUSKIN (John), 1819-1900: The works of John Ruskin, vol 7: Ariadne Florentina. (Six lectures on wood and metal engraving). pp.vi, 266, illus. 23.5cm, cloth. (George Allen Sunnyside, Orpington, Kent, 1876).
RUSSELL (Charles E.B.) and RIGBY (L.M.): The making of the criminal. pp.xvi, 362. 19cm, cloth. (Macmillan:
London, 1916).
RUSSELL (M.), Rt.Rev., of st.John's College Oxford: Polynesia: a history of the South Sea Islands, including New Zealand; with narrative of the introduction of Christianity. pp.440, map. 17cm, cloth. (Nelson: London, 1849).
RUTHERFORTH (Thomas), 1712-1-;71, Regius Professor of Divinity, Cambridge: An essay on the nature and
obligations of virtue. pp.(xii), 384. 27.5cm, : leather. (Printed by J.Bentham, Printer to the University, for William
Thurlbourn: Cambridge, 1744). (Binding partly torn.).
RUTLAND: The history and antiquities of Rutlandshire. Pp. 140, iv, 1684 (iv), map. 36cm, leather.
(Inscribed: 'Hornes Rudkin, 1878'). (Note:the Earls of Lonsdale also had a seat at Cottesmore Park, Rutland.
.ST.MARY'S HOME, CARLISLE: A hundred years of Church social work, 1872- 1972. Written for the centenary of St.Mary's Home, Carlisle, opened 17th.April, 1872. No pagination, illus., reproduced from typescript. 20.5cm, paperback. (Carlisle, 1972).
SATURDAY MAGAZINE: The Saturday Magazine , Vol.4. Published under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education appointed by the SPCK. Jan-Dec 1834. 28cm, quarter leather. (John William Parker:
London, 1834): (On the titlepage: 'France Hodgson's book).
SAWREY (Harold), Rev., 1914-, Vicar of Orton, 1963-: The history of a country parish (Orton). pp.iii, 66, reproduced from typescript. (Orton, Westmorland, 1967).
SAYERS (Dorothy L.)._ (1893-1957), English Author and Translator: The Song of Roland (translated from the
French). pp.206. 18cm, paperback. (Penguin: Harmondsworth, 1957).
SCHMID (Erasmus): Novi Testamenti Graeci Tarneion, alias Concordantiae. (A concordance to the Greek
New Testament). pp.(vi), 280. 16.5cm, cloth. (Samuel Bagster: London, n.d., 18--)
SCOTT (Daniel): History of Penrith parish church: a bicentenary sketch. pp. ,plates. (Scott: Penrith, 1922).
(Consists mainly of articles which had appeared in the Penrith Observer).
SCOTT (G.), B.A., Vicar of Barton, near Penrith: (A guide to Barton Church in the county of Cumbria. pp.17.
17cm, paper; reproduced from type script. (Barton, 1975).
SECKER (Thomas). LLD.; 1693-1768, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1758-1768: Lectures on the Catechism of the
Church of England; with a discourse on Confirmation. ppiv, 356. 18cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1854)
SEELEY (M.): The later Evangelical Fathers. pp.viii, 356.(Seeley, Jackson and Halliday: London, 1879).
SEPHTON (John): A handbook of Lancashire place-names. pp.xi, 256, 22cm,cloth. (Henry Young and Son: Liverpool, 1913).
SHAKESPEARE (William, 1564-1616: The Shakespeare Vocal Album (dedicated to Baroness Nayer de
Rothschild). pp.224, words and music. 36cm, cloth. (Longmans, Green and Roberts: London, n.d.). (Inscribed on
the flyleaf: 'E.C.Harwood, April 22nd., 1864.'). (Binding broken).
SHAKESPEARE (William) The Tempest, ed. by George H.Cowley. pp.x, 134.. 17.5cm, boards. (Methuen: London, 1922).
SHAW (Peter), 1694-1763, Physician and Author: An enquiry into the contents andvirtues of the Scarborough Spaw
(sic) Waters. pp.x, 108. 20cm, quarter (For the Author, Fletcher Gyles: London,1734). (Bound with: HOFFMAN. (F.):
New experiments ••••• , 1731.
SHAW (Samuel), Topographer: James Bruce' s Travels into Abyssinia, to discover the source of the Nile. Abridged from the original work by Samuel Shaw, pp.ix, 372, front portrait; engavings. 17.5cm, leather. (H.D.Symonds: London, 1799). (James Bruce, of Kinnaird House, Stirlingshire, 1730-1794).
SHEFFIELD (John), 1648-1721, Third Earl of Mulgrave; afterwards First Duke of Buckingham and Normandy:
The peotical works of John Sheffield, Duke of Buckinghamshire; to which is prefixed the Life of the Author. pp.x, 71.
The front has 2 engraved plates and a portrait. 14.5cm, leather. (C.Cooke: London, n.d.(1798).).
SHEPARD (Thomas), 1604-1649, Puritan Divine: The parable of the Ten Virgins, opened and applied. pp.xv, 592. 23cm, cloth. (George & Robert King: Aberdeen, 1855). (First published 1661). (Shepard was born at Towcester; studied at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, was Curate of Earl's Colne, Essex, 1627-30; summoned by Laud; went to New England, 1635).
SHERLEY-PRICE (Leo), Priest-0blate of S.Benedict: Saints of England. pp.192, l8.5cm. (Christian Literature
Association: London,1936). (TLML,).
SHERLOCK (William, 1641-1707, Dean of St.Pauls, 1691-1707: A. practical discourse concerning
death. 23rd.edn. pp.(x), 292. 20cm, leather. (J.Walthoe: London, 1739). (First published 1689).
SIDNEY (Philip): Modern Rome in Modern England: being some account of the Roman Catholic revival in
England during the nineteenth century. pp.343. 22cm, cloth. (Religious Tract Society: London, 1906).
SIMPSON (Thomas), 1710-1761, Mathematician: A treatise of Algebra ••••• to which is added the
construction of a great nunber of geometrical problems. pp.xxi, 403, diagrams. 21cD, leather. (John
Nourse: London, 1745).
SINKER (John), Canon: Plain talks to Lancashire people: on various occasions. a series of addresses
2nd. edn. pp.159, 19cm front. port. (Skeffington: London, 1925)..
SITWELL (Edith), 1887-1964: Alexander Pope. pp256 18cm. paperback (Penguin: Harmondsworth, 1930/1948).
SITWELL (Sacheverell), 1900-: Journeys to the end of time: Volume one: "Lost in the dark wood , pp i xx , 475. 22.5cm, cloth. (Cassell: London, 1959)
SMITH (Adam) , 1723-1790, Scottish Economist: An enquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of
nations. pp.781. 19cm, c.l o t h , (Ward Lock: London, n.d.). (First published 1812).
SMITH Daniel and the Revelation 1921 •
SMITH (William), 1711-1787, Translator, Rector of Holy Trinity, Chester:Dionysius Longinus: On the Sublime. Translated from the Greek, with notes and observations, and some account of the life, writings and character of the
author. pp.(xvi), xxxiv, 189, front. 20cm, leather. (William Sandbury: London, 1742).
SMITH (William), Sir, and CHEETHAM (Samuel), edd.:A Dictoinary of Christian Antiquities. 2 vols. 24cm, cloth. (Murray: London, 1875, 1880).
SMITH (William), Sir, and WACE (Henry), edd.: A dictionary of Christian Biography. 3 vols. 24cm,
cloth. (Murray: London, 1877-1887).
SMOLLETT (Tobias), 1721-1771, English Novelist: The works of Tobias Smollett, ed. by George Saintsbury. 12 vols. 18cm, cloth. (The Navarre Society: Lond on , n.d.). (Contains: The adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom, 2 vols., first published 1753; The adventures of Humphrey Clinker, 2 vols., 1771; The adventures of Perigrine Pickle, 4 vols., 1751; The adventures of Roderick Random, 3 vols, 1748; The adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves, 1 vol., 1766). (George Edward Saintsbury , English Literary Critic, 1845-1933).
SOULSBY (L.H.H.): Thoughts before Holy Communion. paperback. ppxii, 72. (Longmans, Green: London, 1913).
SOUTH (Robert): Twelve sermons, preached upon several occasions. pp.x, 645. 18cm,leather. (Thomas Bennet: London, 1694). (Some pages worn). 17cm, Vol.2 only,
SPECTATOR: The Spectator; with sketches of the lives of the authors; and explanatory notes: a new edition,
corrected, in eight volumes, with index. 8 vols. 19.5cm, boards. (J.Nunn: London, 1816). (First published by R.Steele
and J.Addison, 1711-1714)
SPENCE (H.D.M.) and EXELL (Joseph S.), edd:The Pulpit Commentary (Genesis to 1 Kings)9th edition 11 vols. 25cm,
Kegan Paul and Trench: London, 1887-8).
SPENCER (Edmund): Travels in European Turkey, through Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thrace, Alpania and Epirus; with a visit to Greece and the Ionian Islands. 2nd. edn. 2 vol., front. 23cm, cloth. (Hurst and Blackett: London, 1853).
SPENCER (Herbert), 1820-1903, English Philosopher: First principles. 6th. edn. pp.xxvi, 550.
16.5cm~ cloth. (Watts & Co.: London, 1937/1945. (First published 1862).
SPURGEON., (Charles Haddon) , 1834-1892, Baptist Preacher:The Treasury of David. (On the Psalms). 4 vols., 22,
24cm, cloth. (Passmore & Alabaster / Marshall Bros.: London, 1883).(On the flyleaves of vols.1 and 4: 'G.H.Morrell,
161 Merton, South Wimbledon, 1912)
STEARNE (John), 1660-1745, Bishop of Clogher, 1717-1745: . De visitatione infirmorum. pp (x), 104.
16cm, leather. (A.Baldwin: London, 1704). (Bound With: 'Method With Deists’, 1709). (Bray Library bookplate).
STEELE (Richard), Sir, 1672-1729, and ADDISON (Joseph), 1672-1719, Essayists:See: SPECTATOR, 8 vols.,
1816. (First published 1711-1714).
STIER (Rudolf), Dr. of Theology, Chief Pastor and Superintendent of Schkeuditz, Sachsen-Anhalt: The words of the
Lord Jesus. 8 vols. 22cm, cloth. (T. & T.Clark: Edinburgh, 1855-8). (Translated from the 2nd. revised and enlarged German edition, by the Rev. William Pope of London).
STIER (Rudolf) and THEISE (K.G.B.), edd.: Polyglotten-Bibel zum praktischen Handgebrauch. 6 vols. 24cm, cloth. (Verlag van Belhagen und Klasing: Bielefeld & Leipzig, 1875). (Polyglot Bible, ·with the text in Hebrew, Greek,
Latin and German in parallel columns. (on the spines, the title is given misleadingly as 'Greek Bible').
STILLINGFLEET (Edward), 1635-1699, Bishop of Worcester, 1689-1699: Origines sacrae, or:' A rational account of
the grounds of Protestant religion: being ;-vindication of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's Relation of a Conference
&c. pp(xxiii), 654. 32cm, leather. (By Robert White for Henry Mortell: London, 1665). (This was a reply to the Jesuit account of the controversy between William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1633-1645. The controversy itself took place in 1622, when Laud was Bishop of St.David's. Stillingfleet's book had a great success, and he followed this with other controversial writings against the Roman Catholics). (Bookplate of the Rev.G.E.F.Day).
STODDART (Anne M.): The life of Isabella Bird (Mrs. Bishop), Hon.Member of the Oriental Society of
Pekin. pp.xii~ 416, front. port., illus, map. 23cm, cloth. (John Murray: London, 1907).
STREET (A.. G. ) : Farming : how to begin. 1935/1943) pp. 179, 19cm, cloth. (Faber & Faber: London, 1935/1943
STRUTT (Joseph), 1749-1802, Artist and Antiquary: A common-place book to the Holy Scriptures. pp.xxxiii, 538.
23cm, cloth: London,1836). (Spine loose).
STUBBS (William), 1825-1901, Bishop of Chester, 1884-1889, Bishop of Oxford, 1889-1901, Historian: The Reformation. pp. (Macmillan: London, 1894).
SUNLIGHT: The Sunlight Year Book for 1897. pp.477. 18cm, cloth. (Lever Bros.: Port Sunlight, 1897).
SUTHERLAND (Douglas): The yellow Earl: the life of Hugh Lonsdale, 5th Earl of Lonsdale, K.G., G.C.V.O.,
1857-1944. (Cassell: London, 1965).
SWAYNE (J.C.): A concise glossary of geographical terms. 2nd. edn. pp164, 16.5cm cloth Philip: London, 1956/1964).
SWIFT (Jonathan), 1667-1723, Dean of St.Patrick's, Dublin: The works of Jonathan Swift, Dean of St.Patrick's, Dublin; with the author's life, etc. 13 vols. 18cm , leather. (Printed for Eben, Wilson, Bookseller in Dumfries: Edinburgh, 1768):
(Vol.1: Editor's preface. Life: accounts by Mrs. Pilkington. A tale of a tub. The battle of the books. The mechanical operation of the Spirit. An argument against abolishing Christianity. A project for the advancement of religion. The sentiment of a Church of England man.
2: Sermons. Discourse.The Examiner, 1-21.
3.The Examiner 22-50 Some advice to the October Club. A proposal for the universal use of Irish manufacture.
The Draper's letters, 1-6.
4.The Draper's letters, 7-end. The Intelligencer. Gulliver's Travels, part I.
5.Gulliver's Travels, parts 11 - IV.
6.(With ARBUTHNOT and POPE): Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus. Of the art of sinking in poetry. Law is a bottomless pit, or: The history of John Bull.
7.The art of political lying (etc). The Tatler. Miscellaneous verse.
8.Miscellaneous verse. Posthumous pieces in verse. A letter to a young clergyman. An essay on the fates of clergyymen.
9.An essay on modern education (etc). Letters.
10.A sermon on false witness (etc~ Letters relative to Mr.Faulkner
12.Memoirs (etc). Poems.
13.Letters. Poems.).
SYMONDS (H..Edward), D.D., C.R.: What happened at the English Reformation. pp.92. 18.5cm, paperback.
(The Church Union: London, n.d.). (Beacon Books, no.8). (TLML).
TACITUS (Publius Cornelius), 54-120 A.D.: Annals of Tacitus, translated into English, with notes and map, by Alfred John Church and William Jackson Broadribb. pp.xxv, 436. 19.5cm, cloth~ (Macmillan: London, 1888) •
TACITUS (Publius Cornelius: Taciti Annalium, Libri I - IV, ed. H.Furneux. 17.5cm, pp.400. cloth. (Clarendon Press:
Oxford, 1889):
TACITUS (Publius Cornelius)The reign of Nero. Translated by G.G.Ramsey. With an introduction by Dr.A.S.Osley, and illustrations by Eric Fraser. pp.145, illus.~ maps in end-papers. 22.5cm, cloth. (The Folio Society: London, n.d.).
TAKE YOUR TIME: Take your time: an aid to prayer. pp.24. 16cm, paperback. (C.M.S.: London, 1961/1963).
TAYLER (Charles Benjamin), 1797-1875: Sermons preached at Chester. pp.viii, 358. 20.5cm, cloth.
(J.Hatchard: London, 1839). (C.B.Tayler, born Leytonstone; Trinity College Cambridge, Vicar of St.Peter's, Chester,
1836-1846; strongly Protestant). (Bookplate: coat-of-arms of the Rev.Henry Cornwall Ligh).
TAYLOR (C.), Master of St.John's College, Cambridge, translator: The Shepherd of Hermas. pp.166. 17cm, cloth.
(SPCK: London, 1903). (Early Christian Classics).
TEMPERANCE MAGAZlNE: Volumes for 1863, 1865
THISTLETHWAITE (George): Memoirs of the Rev.W.Thistlethwaite, M.A., by his son, George Thistlethwaite, M.A.' (pp.155, xi, 390, front. port. (John Hatchard: London, 1838). (Bound with the next item).
THISTLETHWAITE (H.), M.A., Rev.: Twenty-one sermons preached in St.Georgess Church, Bolton, by the Rev.H.Thistleththwaite, in behalf of St.George's and All Saints Sunday Schools. pp.xi, 390. 19.5cm, cloth. (John Hatchard:
London, 1838). (Bound after G.Thistlethwaite's Memoir.).
THOMPSON (A.Hamilton): The Cathedral Churches of England. pp.xvi, 235, illus. 22cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1928).
THOMPSON (Bruce Logan): Hardale and Haweswater. Offprint, pp.13-42, plates, map. 22cm, paper.
(Cumberland and Westmorland, Transactions, New Series, vol.42, 1941).
THOMPSON (K.C.): Once for all: a study in the Christian doctrine of Atonement and Salvation. pp.95.
18.5cm, paperback. (Faith Press: London, 1962). (TLML).
THOMPSON (T.W.), 1888-1968: Hawkshead Church, chapelry and parish. pp.68, illus. 20cm, paperback.
(Hawkshead Parochial Church Council: Hawkshead, 1956/1959/1970).
THOMSON (James), 1700-1748, Scottish Poet: The Seasons; to which is prefixed an account of the life and writings of the author, together with an ode on his death. pp.xxxviii, 209. 16cm, leather. (W. Darling: Edinburgh, 1775). (First published 1726-30. In this edition~ Ode on the Death of Mr.Thomson, by William Collins, pp.xm xxxviii). (On the flyleaf: Thomas Atkinson; John Atkinson).
THOMSON (William N.), D.D.: The Land and the Book: Biblical illustrations drawn from the manners and
customs, the scenes and scenery of the Holy Land. pp.718, illus., maps. 20.5cm, cloth. (Nelson: London, 1861).
(On the title page: 'The Rev.I. McIntyre, Aug,21, 1874).
THORNTON (Catherine) and McLAUGHLIN (Francis), compilers: The Fothergills of Ravenstondale: their
lives and their letters. pp.ix, 250, illus. 22.5cm, cloth. (Heinemann: London, 1905).
TILLOTSON (John), 1630-1694, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1691-1694: The Works of the Most Reverend Dr
.John Tillotson, late Lord Archbishop of (Canterbury: containing 54 sermons ••••• together with the rule of faith.
(Preface) + pp.779 + index. 30.5cm, leather. (B.Aylmer: London, 1696). (Label: Rev.G.E.F.Day).
TILLOTSON (John) Another copy, pp.755. 33cm, leather. (B.Aylmer: London, 1707). (Bray Library? Early pages loose; Leather ruined at back).
TIMMS (W.W.) and PULGAR (M.) The Teach yourself Spanish, phrase book.: pp.251, maps in end papers.18cm cloth(English Universities Press: London, 1954/1959).
TOKSVIG (Signe): Emanuel Swedenborg, scientist and mystic. pp.(ix), 389, illus. 24cm, cloth. (Faber and Faber:
London, 1949). (SWEDENBORG (Emanuel) 1688-1772).
TRAHERNE (Thomas), 1636-1674, Anglican Divine and Poet: Christian ethicks ; or: Divine morality, opening up the way to blessedness, by the rules of vertue and reason. pp.(xxxii) , 577. 17cm, Leather , (Printed for JonathanEdwin: London, 1675).
TRANSVAAL: Bacon’s new large-scale map of the South African Republic (Transvaal), showing
Orange Free State, and frontiers of the British colonies. (Bacon: London, n.d.).
TRAPP (Joseph), 1679-1747. Vicar of Christ Church, London, High Church Divine: A preservator against unsettled notions and want of principles in religion: in several discourses. 2 vols. leather. (Christian Bowyer ; London , 1730).
TRENCH (Richard Chevenix), 1807-1886, Archbishop of Dublin, 1863-1884: Notes on the miracles of Our Lord.
12th. edn., revised. pp.vi, 517. 23 cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1846/1884).
TRENCH (Richard Chevenix): Notes on the parables of Our Lord. 14th . edn., revised.
pp.vi, 526. (Macmillan: London, 1841/1882
TUNSTALL-SMITH (T.) ,M.A., Curate of St. Luke’s , Chelsea: Sermons. pp.vii, 313. 19.5cm,
cloth. (John Hatchard: London, 1841)
TURNER (John), D.D., Vicar of Greenwich: The vindication of rights and privileges of the Christian
Church. pp.xxxiv, 275. 19.5cm, leather. (John Wyat: London, 1707).
THE UNIVERSAL HOME DOCTOR: The Universal Home Doctor, illustrated. pp.832, illus. 22.5cm,
cloth. (Odham's Press: London, n.d., 19--).
VALLANCE (Rosalind) ed.: A hundred English essays. pp.xvii, 665. 16cm, cloth. (Nelson London, 1936/1947).
VANTIL ( ) New modernism: 1946) •
VENABLES (Edmund), 1819-1895, Canon and Precentor of Lincoln Cathedral, Divine and Antiquary: Episcopal palaces of England. pp.283, illus. 28cm, cloth. (Isbister & Co.: London, 1895). (He was one of the founders of the Camden Society).
VERGIL (P.Virgilius Maro), 70- 19 B.C.: P.Vergili Maronis Aeneidos, Lib.IX, ed.: T.E.Page. pp.xxviii, 136,
illus. 15.5cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1938). (Elementary Classics).
VINET (Alexander), Professor of Theology, Lausanna: Vital Christianity: essays and discourses on the
religions of man and the religion of God. Pp.xxxii, 323. 19cm, cloth. (William Collins: Glasgow, n.d.).
(On the flyleaf: 'Presented to I.D.Hepple, Esq., June 23rd., 1860).
WAINWRIGHT (Arthur): Old roads of Eastern Lakeland. pp.71, illus: reproduced from handwriting. 17cm, paper.
(Westmorland Gazette: Kendal, 1985).
WALKER (Francis A.): Political economy.pp415, 19cm cloth (Macmillan London, 1887).
WALKER (J.): The history of Penrith, from the earliest period to the present time. pp.Vlll, 243, front. 23cm,
cloth. (Whitaker: London / Sweeten: Penrith, 1858).
WALKER (J.Hubert): A sketch-map geography. 2nd. edn. pp.140~ maps, diagrams. 25.5cm, cloth.
(Edward Arnold: London, 1939/1962).
WALKER (John), 1732-1807, Actor, Philologist and Lexicographer: A critical pronouncing dictionary of the English language.
5th. edition. pp.87 (= introduction) + main part not paginated. 26.5cm, leather. (Cadell and Davis: London, 1810).
WALKER (Samuel), 1714-1761, of Exeter College, Oxford, Curate of Truro, Evangelical Divine: Sermons on
the Baptismal Covenant, the Creed, the Ten Commandments (etc). 2 vols. 21cm, leather. (E.Dilley: London,
1763). (Samuel Walker was associated wi th John Wesley). (First Tinclar' s bookplate; the volume inscribed:
'Thos. Webster, Dec.23, 1765'.).
WALKER (Syndney F.):Aviation: its principles, its present and its future. pp.vi 96, illus 16.5cm, cloth. (T.C. & E.C
Jack: London, n.d., 19--).
WALKER (Vera E.): A first Church History; with an illustrated time-chart; and. a short list of books for
students and teachers. pp.278. 19cm, cloth. (SCM: London, 1936/1954).
WALLACE (Edgar; 1875-1932, English Novelist: The calendar. 18cm, paperback. pp.192. (Pan Books: London, 1930/1956).
WALTON (Robert C.), ed.: A source book of the Bible for teachers. pp.xxi, 394, illus. 25cm limp cloth. (SCM:
London, 1970). (Inscribed: Appleby Deanery Readers).
WARBURTON (William), 1698-1779, Bishop of Gloucester, 1759-1779: Julian; A discourse concerning the earthquake and fiery eruption, which defeated the Emperor's attempt to rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem: in which the reality of the divine interposition is shown. ·pp.xliii, 286. 21cm, leather. (Printed for J. and P.Knapton: London, 1750).
WARD (Ronald A.): Royal sacrament: the preacher and his message. pp.192• 22cm, cloth. (Marshall
Morgan and Scott: London, 1958). (TLML).
WARD LOCK: Red Guide: Bangor and North Wales (Northern section). Pp. 192, illus.,maps 18cm, cloth. (Ward Lock: London, n.d., 19--).
WARE (Henry, Hrs.: A supplement to Old Church Plate in the Diocese of Carlisle. pp.iii, 62, illus. 21.5cm,
paperback. (Thurman: Carlisle, 1908).
WARINGTON (George), of Caius College, Cambridge:Echoes of the Prayer Book on Wesley’s hymns. Pp.v, 413. 17.5cm cloth (William Wells Gardner: London, 1877).
WARINGTON (George) Can we believe in miracles? pp.xviii, 227. 17.5cm cloth. (Christian Evidence Committee;
(SPCK: London 1877) (On the flyleaf 'Geo.E.F.Day, Feby.1877)
WATSON (Richard): A Biblical and theological dictionary. pp.1068, 25cm front leather. (John Mason: London, 1850).
(Methodist Publisher).
WATSON (Richard), 1737-1816, born Heversham, Lancs, Bishop of Llandaff:An apology for the Bible in a series
of letters addressed to Tom Paine. pp.385. 18cm, leather. (T.Evans: London, 1796. (First edition, 'price four shillings, sew~d'.). (Thomas Paine, 1737-1809, English Author, who went to America in 1774, published 'The' Age of Reason'
in 1793, in which he supported Deism against Christianity and Atheism. Bishop Watson's book was a reply to this.).
THE WAYFARER: Today in Church: lessons for the Sundays of the Church's Year, for school or .home.
pp.224. 18.5cm, cloth. (Home Words: London, n.d.)
WEARING (Thomas), Vicar of Bampton, 1698-1742: A sermon preached in the Old Church at Bampton.
(On Psalm 137, verse 1: ‘When we remembered thee~ 0 Sion'). pp.(v),47. 20cm, leather. (Thomas Comey:
Penrith, 1726). (This was the last sermon preached in the Old Church beforethe reconstruction of 1726).
(The book was given in 1849).
WEITBRECHT (J.J.): Protestant missions in Bengal, illustrated: being the substance of a course of lectures
on Indian missions. 2nd. edn. pp.x, 344. 17 .5cm, cloth. (John F .Shaw: London, 1844).
WESLEY (John), A. M., 1703-1791, Sometime Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford, Methodist Leader: Sermons on
several occasions ••••• with a life of the author by the Rev.John Beecher , D.D" in" three volumes. (Vol.2 only):20cm, cloth. (John Mason: London, 1849).
WESLEY (John) The Works of the Rev.John Wesley, A.H., with a life of the author by J.Beecher, and a general
preface by the Rev.Thomas Jackson. 11th. edn. 15 vols , front port. 20cm, cloth. (Mason: London, 1856).
(Vols.1-4: Life and Journals. 5-7: Sermons 8: Appeals and minutes. 9. Original sin; and Miscellaneous. 10; Treatises.
11: Christian perfection. 12 -13: Letters. 14: Grammars of English, French, Latin, Greek and Hebrew; and Index.
15: Notes on the New Testament).
WESTCOTT (Brooke Foss), 1825-1901, Regius Professor of Divinity, Cambridge,1870-; Bishop of Durham, 1890-1901:An introduction to the study of the Gospels. 7th. edn. ppvxxv i i , 492.19.5cm, cloth. (Macmillan:
London, 1851/1888).
WESTON (Elizabeth): In Memoriam George Frederick Weston, M .A. (1819-1887), Vicar of Crosby Ravensworth,
Hon. Canon of Carlisle, Rural Dean of Lowther. pp.38, front port. 18.5cm, paper.(Atkinson and Pollitt: Kendal, 1888).
WESTON (George Frederick), Rev., 1819-1887: The history of. Levens Hall, Westmorland.pp.36, front., illus, plan.
18.5, paper. (Atkinson and Pollitt: Kendal, 1876/1878).
WHELLAN (William): The history and topography of the counties of Cumberland and Westmoreland: comprising
their ancient and modern history, a gene ral view of their physical character, trade, commerce, manufactures,
agricultural condition, statistics, etc., etc. pp.896, vii. 27.5cm. quarter leather. (Whellan: Pontefract, 1860)
WHITAKER (Edward), 1750-1818, Rector of Ruan Lanyhorne, Cornwall: Sermons. pp.xxxi, 184. 17cm, quarter
leather. (F. & C. Rivington: London, 1820). (Bound with BEACHCROFT (R.P): Four sermons, 1820).
WHITE (Henry): 'I'he Passing Bell: a song written by Henry White, Esq , , composed and inscribed to Miss Lushington by Miss Cooke. (With other songs, all with words and music, bound together). Various paginations. 33.5cm, quarter leather. (Chappell: London, n.d., 18--7.
WHITE (John), B.D., Fellow of st.John's College, Cambridge: Three letters to a gentleman dissenting from
the Church of England. 4th. edn. pp.xxii, 277, 44, 152, 45. 20.5cm, leather. (C.Davis: London, 1748) (With
this are bound: 2. A defence of the Three Letters, 1751. 2. Appendix to the Controversy, 1750).
WHITE (John T.), ed.: St.John's Gospel, with a vocabulary (Greek-English). New edn. pp.(ix), 200. 14cm, cloth. (Longmans, Green: London, 1876/1888) •.
WHITE (John T.) and RIDDLE (J.S.): 26.5cm, Latin-English dictionary. pp.2013. cloth. Longmans, Green. London, 1863). (Binding broken).
WHITEHOUSE (Owen C.): The books of the Old Testament. pp.(vi),181. 15cm, cloth. (T.C. and E.C.Jack: London,1910). (Inscribed:'G. de Burgh-Thomas).
WILBERFORCE (Basil), D.D., Canon of Westminster, Chaplain to the Speaker: Sermons preached in Westminster
Abbey. 2nd. edn. pp.viii, 244. 19cm, cloth. (Eliot Stock: London, 1898). (On the flyleaf: 'Emily and Sydney Brierley'.).
WILCOCKE (Samuel Hull): History of the Viceroyalty of Buenos Ayres.pp.(iv), 576, maps, coloured plates. leather. (Sherwood, Neely and Jones: London, 1806).
WILCOX (Ella Wheeler), 1855-1919, American Poet: Poems of passion. pp.96, front port. 16cm, cloth. (W.P.Nimmo:
Edinburgh, n.d.).
WILKINS (John), 1614-1672, Bishop of Chester, 1668-1672: Of the principles and duties of natural religion. pp.(xv), 410, 36. 19.5cm, leather. (R.Chiswell: London, 1704. (First published posthumously in 1678, edited by J.Ibbotson; with which is bound the Funeral Sermon:
WILLIAMS (R.Llewelyn): God's great plan: a guide to the Bible. 3rd. edn. pp.174. 22cm, cloth.(Covenant Publishing Co.: London, 1939/1941).
WILMOT-BUXTON (R.J.), Vicar of st. Giles-in-the-Wood, North Devon:The light of home: thirty plain sermons, including many for the principal Church seasons. pp.264. 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington: London, 1907). (HSCO).
WILMOT-BUXTON (H.J.) Sunday lessons for daily life: being 120 sermons for the Christian Year. Vol.II.
pp.339. 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington: London, 1897).
WILMOT-BUXTON (H.J.) Words by the Way: 57 short plain sermons for the Christian Year. oo.443, 19cm cloth. (Skeffington:
London, 1913)
WILSON (Beckles): Lost England: the story of our submerged coasts. Pp.192, illus. 15.5cm. cloth. (George
Newnes: London, 1902).
WILSON (William Carus), Rector of Whittington and Perpetual Curate of Casterton: Sermons originally preached in the parish church of Whittington and Tunstall. pp.xvf , 847. 19.5cm, cloth. .(A.Foster:Kirkby Lonsdale, 1842). (Wilson was editor of two small monthly publications: The Friendly Visitor; and The Children's Friend, from 1819 and 1824 , with a circulation of 560,000. Both were printed by Arthur Foster at Kirkby Lonsdale).
WINWARD (Stephen F.): Teach yourself to pray. pp.viii , 191. 18cm, cloth. (English University
Press: London, 1961). (Teach Yourself Books). (TLML).
WINKLEY (G.W.D.): P.C.C. Guide to finance. pp23, 21.5cm paperback (Church Book Room Press: London, 1967).
WOLFE (Charles), Rev., 1791-1823, Irish Poet and Divine: The Remains of the late Rev. Charles Wolfe, A.B., Curate of Donaghmore , Diocese of Armagh; with a brief memoir of his life by the Rev.John A.Russell, M.A., Archdeacon of Clogher. 8th. edn. ppvxx i.v , 371, front. 18cm, cloth. (Hamilton Adams: London, 1842. (Includes memoir, poem, sermons etc.)
WRIGHT (Lawrence): Clean and decent: the fascinating history of the bathroom and water closet.
pp.xii, 282~ illus. 22cm, cloth. (Routledge and Kegan Paul: London, 1960).
WRIGHT (Paul), of Pembroke College Cambridge, Vicar of Oakley, Rector of Snoreham, Essex: The new and complete life of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. pp.428, illus. 37cm., leather. (Alex Hogg: London, 1782).
YARNOLD (G.D.): The bread which we break. pp.vii, 119, 19cm cloth (Oxford University Press: London, 1960).
ATKINSON (James), Vicar of Bampton, 1600-1641. During his incumbency, Thomas Sutton founded Bampton Grammar School in 1623. Parish Registers commence in 1630.
BERRY (John), b.1941. B.A.Durham, 1962. Oak Hill Theological College, 1963.
Priest-in-chrage of Bampton with Mardale, and Carlisle Diocesan Officer for Evangelism, 1981-1986.
BOWSTEAD (John), Rev., 1754-1841. Master of Bampton Grammar School for 56 years; Minister of Mardale
Church for 40 years. He is said to have educated 200 boys who became priests. (See: RAINES (James): Memoir
of the Rev.John Hodgson, 2 vols., 1857. Chapter 1, pp.1-22 includes an account of Bampton Grammar School under the Rev.John Bowstead: schoolboy days and studies).
CORMACK (Wilfred Howard). University of Manchester, M.A.1910, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, 1910. With the Church Army in Egypt and Palestine, 1 917-18. Vicar of Bampton, 1930-1949 ( with Mardale from 1935).
CURWEN (Hugh), 1500-1568. Born at High Knipe, Bampton. Chaplain to Henry VIII. Preached against John Frith of Westerham, who was martyred in 1533. Curwen was successively Dean of Hereford, Archdeacon of Oxford, Chaple.in to Mary I, Archbishop of Dublin, 1555-1567, Lord Chief Justice in Ireland, 1557, Bishop of Oxford, 1567-8.
DAVIES (Samuel Mailer), b.1908. University of Wales, 1934. Ripon Hall, Oxford, 1937. Vicar of Bcmpton with Mardale, 1956-1962.
DAY (George Edward Foden) , 1853-1929. Theological Exhibitioner of Hatfield Hall, Durham, 1875. L.Th.1876. Deacon 1876, Priest 1877, Durham. Vicar of Bampton, 1883 - 1929.
EDMONDSON (Christopher Paul), b.1950. B.A.1971, M.A.1981, Durham. St.John's College Durham, Diploma in Theology, 1972. Priest-in-Charge of Bampton with Mardale, and Officer for Evangelism, Diocese of Carlisle, 1986-1992.
GANN (Anthony Michael), b.1937, Canon. Trinity College Dublin, B.A.1960, M.A. and B.D.1964. Chaplain and Lecturer in Theology, University of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland, 1966-1974. Priest-in-Charge of Bampton with Mardale, and Officer for Mission and Unity, Diocese of Carlisle, 1975-1980.
GERMAN (Ian Macdonald), b.1909, Canon. Egerton Hall Manchester, 1934. Chaplain to the Forces, 1943-6. Hon. Canon of Carlisle from 1961. Vicar of Bampton with Mardale, and Rural Dean of Appleby, 1970-1974; Officer for Mission, Diocese of Carlisle, 1971-1975.
GIBSON (Edmund), 1669-1748. Born Bampton, 1669. Queen's College, Oxford, 1686. Fellow of Queens College and ordained 1694. Librarian of Lambeth Palace, 1696. Bishop of Lincoln, 1716-1723. Bishop of London, 1723- 1748. Edited the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 1692. Synodus Anglicana, or The Constitution and Proceedings of the English Convocation, 1702. Codex ruris Ecclesiastici Anglicani, 1713).
GIBSON (John). Born Bampton. Provost of Queen's College, Oxford.
GIBSON (Thomas), M.D., died 1704. Born at Knipe, Bampton. Fellow of the College of Physicians. Physician-General to the Army, 1718. Author of A system of anatomy. Married Anne, daughter of Oliver Cromwell.
HODGSON (William), Rev. Vicar of Bampton , 1834-1861. Author of: Catechetical instruction the Gospel according to St. Matthew, 2 vols, 1837) •
LONGSTAFF (Thomas), Registered Accountant, Appleby. Died 1977. He was a Lay Reader in the Parish of Appleby. His collection of 57 books were presented to the Appleby Rural Deanery for the use of Readers, March 1977, and are stamped on the flyleaf: THOMAS LONGSTAFF MEMORIAL LIBRARY. These have now been incorporated in the Tinclar Library, Bampton.
MILL (John), 1645-1707. Born Bampton. Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford, 1670-1682. Principal of St.Edmund's Hall, Oxford , 1682-1707. He edited the Greek New Testament, 2 vols. 1707. He was the first scholar to lay down the principles of modern New Testament criticism.
NOBLE (Mary Eleanor), 1846-19-- . Parish Historian. The Library has a copy of the Prayer Book and Bible presented to her in 1853, when she was seven years old, from the Wharton Trust (See: Liturgies: Book of Common Prayer, 1851). She edited the Bampton Parish Registers, 1637-1812, for publication in 1897, and wrote 'A History of the Parish of Bampton', 1901.
NOBLE (William), of Bampton. Benefactor to the Bampton Free Library in 1798.
RUDKIN (Ernest Horace). University of Oxford, B.A. 1913, M.A.. 1916, B.D., 1924. Rector of Ninfield, Sussex from 1922. Vicar of Bampton , 1950-1955. He published several collections of sermons (see Catalogue), and also assembled a manuscript and common-place book, largely about SusseX (See Appendix III - Manuscripts) •
SAWREY (Harold), born 1914. Vicar of Orton, 1963-1983, with Tebay from 1977. Some books from his collection have been placed in the Tinclar Library.
SUTTON (Thomas), D. D • Founder of Bampton Grammar School, 1623.
THOMAS (George Albert de Burgh), born 1930. University College of North Wales, Bangor, B.A.1950, St.Michael's College, Llandaff, 1951. Vicar of Bampton with Mardale, 1963-1970.
TlNCLAR (Jonathan), Rector of Addlethorpe, near Skegness, Lincs. In 1751, he bequeathed £ 50 'to be invested in land and the interest applied 'towards the purchasing and supplying a library to be kept and preserved for ever hereafter in the said Parish of Bampton for the particular use of the Vicar there.'
'WHARTON (Philip), Lord, of Kirkby Stephen. He died 4 February 1696, and by his will left to his Trustees certain estates in Yorkshire, the proceeds of which were to be devoted each year to the distribution of Bibles and other books, in four counties in the North of England. By the terms of the will, the recipients should, if possible, learn Psams 1, 15, 25, 37
and 145 by heart. As far as Bampton was concerned, the Schoolmaster of the Grammar School received annually from the Trustees, ten Bibles, twelve Catechisms, and one copy of Crossmans 'Introduction', for distribution in Bampton, and five Bibles, six ~catechisms and one Crossmans for the Manor of Carhullen, which is a district of Bampton containing only two houses.
The Bampton Parish Records are deposited at the Cumbria Record Office, Kendal, as follows:
Banns, 1754-1925.
Baptisms, 1630-1936.
Bishops' Transcripts, 1665-1885.
Burials, 1630-1903.
Marriages, 1630-1972.
See also in the Tinclar Library Catalogue:
Bampton Parish Registers, 1637-1812. Edited and transcribed by Mary E.Noble. (Wilson:
Kendal, 1897).
A transcript of the Registers of the Parish of Bampton, 1698-1766,
manuscript, by J.Paul Rylands, September 1896. (In the Tinclar Library)
1.RYLANDS (J.Paul): A transcript of the Registers of the Parish Church of St.Patric k at Bampton in the County of Westmoreland. Vol.I: 25 March 1699/1700 to 27 March , 1720/21. Vol.II: 27 March, 1720/21 to 22nd November 1766. Made at Walmgate, Bampton, Sept.8th., 1896. (Rexine bound notebook, black, 22cm, no pagination; with bookplate of the writer
2.RUDKIN (Ernest Horace), Vicar of Bampton, 1950-1955: Commonplace book, including also cuttings from newspapers of the 1920's, and from the Gospel Standard (c.1870-1890). On the cover: 'Commenced Whitsuntide, 1924'. The contents, mostly in Mr. Rudkin's hand, relate principally to Sussex. (He was Vicar of Ninfield, Sussex from 1922). There are also notes, biographical and controversial, about individual dissenting ministers of the nineteenth century, and their opinions. (Foolscap bound notebook, 32cm, pp.252).
3.THOMAS (George de Burgh), Vicar of Bampton, 1970-1974: Extracts from A.J.;·Wyatt, The Threshold of Anglo-Saxon, copied in Mr , Thomas's hand. On the front cover: 'G.de Burgh Thomas, U.C.N.W. (= University College of North Wales), Bangor: Old English texts translated. ' The texts are on the right-hand pages; a few glosses from Old English to Modern English on the left-hand pages , Inside the back cover: 'March 1 st., 1948: in sessionals there will be a translation from prose and an alternative one from verse.' (Octavo notebook, 22cm; limp red cloth cover; no pagination).
* * * * *
ADAMS (H.G.): Nests and Eggs of Familiar Birds, pp 238, plates, 18cm, cloth (Groombridge & Sons. London. c.1888) (donated bv Dr Marguerite James, granddaughter of Revd G.E.F.Day., Vicar of Bampton 1883-1929, 2001) inscribed "from T. G.C.Howard July 1888 to G.E.F.Day, Bampton"
AGUILAR, Grace: The Mother's Recompense. 532,18.5cms, cloth (Miles & Miles, Clerkenwell Road, London E.C.) (awarded to Elizabeth Atkinson, Bampton Church Sunday School, 1899, by G.E.F.Day, Vicar) donated by Mrs Jean Woodhall , Penrith, March 2011
AICHELE, Dietmar: A Field Guide to Colour in Wild Flowers, pp 399, illust, 2111;, cm, cloth (Octopus Books Ltd, London, 2ndEdn, 1975, 1984 reprint, ISBN 0706404742) (donated by Mrs Julie Langdale, 2004)
ARMISTEAD (W): Tales and Legends of the English Lakes, pp xii and 289. 20cm cloth (Simpkin. Marshall & Co, London, 1891) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001) inscribed "The Revd G.E.F.Day with the Revd. J. Ewbank's good wishes. 20th April 1910"
ARMSTRONG (Revd C.E.): A Tar of the Last War, being the Services and Anecdotes of Sir Charles Richardson, KCB, Vice-Admiral of the White. pp 228, illust, 20cm, half leather (Longman, Brown, Green & Longman, London, 1855) (purchased by the trustees, July 2007)
ASKHAM: Parish Registers 1566-1812. Ed and transcribed by Mary E.Noble, pp xiii, 256, 23cm, cloth (Bemrose & Sons Ltd, London, 1904) (purchased by the trustees, 2006)
AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION: lllustrated Guide to Country Towns and Villages of Britain, pp 448, illust, inset maps, 2811;, cm, casebound (Drive Publications Ltd for The Automobile Association 1985) (retained out of Garden Party, 2 Smithy Croft, 2004)
AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION: Treasures of Britain, pp 680 inc 19 maps, illust., 28.5 cm, cloth (Drive Publications Ltd for the Automobile Association, London, 1968) (retained out of Coffee Afternoon, Bomby Waters. 2003)
BAGLEY (J.J.) Hon.Editor of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire: A History of Lancashire, with maps and pictures, cartography by D.H.Birch, New and Revised Edition, pp 63, illust, maps 25.5cm cloth (Darwen Finlayson, London. 1956/61) (donated by the Revd Geoffrev Marrison. compiler of the principal Tinclar Library catalogue, 1994)
BALLANTYNE. R.M.: The Golden Dream, or Adventures in the Far West. 12th edn, pp viii and 358, iIlust, 19cm, cloth (James Nisbet & Co, London) (donated by Mrs Greta, 2003) inscribed "The gift of the Misses Lucas, Stanegarth - Bampton Church Sunday School: awarded to Joseph Noble, Butterwick. for good conduct G.E.F.Dav. Vicar. Christmas 1904
BAMPTON: Inscriptions and Memorials in St Patrick's Church and Churchyard. Unpaginated, 29.5cm, comb bound, transcribed bv John Stacey, Skews (January 1997) (donated by the Transcriber)
BAMPTON: Ploughing in Latin. A History of Bampton. Foreword. 178 pages, illust., 21cm, paperback (Bampton Millennium Committee. 2000) (donated by the Committee. January 2001)
BAMPTON: A Cast Iron Community - The Story of Burnbanks. Foreword, 126 pp, illust, 21 cm, paperback (Bampton & District Local History Society, 2006 ISBN 978-0-09554862-0-3 (donated by the Society January 2007)
BAMPTON: Parish Registers: Baptisms 1813 - 1862 and 1862 - 1936, Marriages 1813 - 1848 and 1838 (sic) - 1972. photocopies of registers held at Kendal Record Office under ref. WPR 15, disk no.JAC 1735/6 filed in three lever arch files, 31 cm (copied by the trustees, 2006/07) Burials 1813-1903 and Banns 1825-1925 75% funded with Heritage Lottery A4A Grant) BAM H5
BAMPTON: Baptisms 1936 - 2006, Marriages 1972 - 2006, Banns 1926-2006 and Burials 1903-2006
Copied from current registers held at St Patrick's Church by courtesy of the Vicar and Churchwardens, and filed as above
BAMPTON: Methodist Baptisms 1873 - 1980. Copied from registers held at Carlisle Record Office under refs. given, 2008, and filed as above
BARNARD. George: Drawing from Nature: a Series of Progressive Instructions in Sketching, to which are appended
Lectures on Art delivered at Rugby School, pp vi, 248, 18 plates and 107 woodcuts, 28cm. cloth (George Routledge &
Sons, London. 1877) (donated by Dr Marguerite James. 2001)
BAYNES-COPE (A.D.) Research Laboratory, British Museum: Caring for books and documents. With line illustriations by Sture Akestrum pp 32, illust. 25.5cm boards (British Museum Publications. London 1981) with the author's autograph on the title page (donated by the Revd Geoffrey Marrison, 1994)
BEATTIE (Wm) (Ed): The Penguin Poets - Border Ballads. pp 247, 18cm, paper (Penguin Books Ltd, Harmondsworth, Middx, 1952 (1965 reprint) (donated from effects of Mr J.V.Greenlaw, Rose Cottage, Bampton Grange, July 2007)
BELL, George: Descriptive and other pieces in verse. pp viii and 205, fronts. (engraving of Penrith), 17 cm, rexine (printed for the author, J.Brown, Penrith, 1835) (donated by Richard Orford, August 2009). (local poems, including Haweswater sonnet at p. 54).
Note: this and other books donated by Mr Orford at the same time were found at the back of a cupboard at Walmhow, having been left there by the Revd George Day Jnr when he moved out of the house nearly 50 years earlier
BIBLE, English - Lord Wharton: Book of Common Prayer, Holy Bible and Psalms of David, unpaginated, 19cm, leather (OUP, 1844) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) inscr. "Presented by theTrustees of Lord Wharton to Jane Kitching of Drybarrows, aged 11 years, by the Rev James Darling, Bampton Vicarage, Oct 1865 - "2 Tim iii:14-16, Ps xxvi''
BIBLE, English - Lord Wharton: unpaginated, 16cm, leather (OUP, 1875) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) presented to William Kitching of the Parish of Bampton, 1875 BIB B2
BIBLE, English - Lord Wharton: pp xx and 1056, indexed atlas, maps and plan of the Temple rebuilt by Herod. 17.5cm, leather, (OUP) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) presented to Thomas Noble of the Parish of Bampton, 1902, by G.E.F.Day, Vicar
BIBLE, English, Lord Wharton: pp 1240, 16.5 ems, cloth (OUP,1898) (donated by Mrs Jean Woodhall, Penrith, March 2011) presented to Elizabeth Atkinson, Hungerhill, Bampton by G.E.F.Day, Vicar
BIBLE, Russian; pp 302, XXXIV, index, maps on endpapers, 27cm cloth (Russian Bible Society, Moscow, 1994) (donated by Mrs Maureen Cummings, 2002)
BIBLE, New Testament, Welsh: Y Testament Newydd, pp 505, maps, 18.5 cm, cloth (Y Gymdeithas Feiblaidd Frytanaidd a Thramor, Llundain, 1975, ISBN 056403631 5) (donated by John Stacey, 2004)
BICKNELL, Peter: The Picturesque Scenery of the Lake District. pp x and 198, illust, facsimile title pages against entries in text, 29 cm, cloth (St Paul's Bibliographies, Winchester, 1990, ISBN 0-906795-60-5) (purchased by the trustees, ,July 2006)
BIRKETT, Bill: Exploring the Lakes & Low Fells, Vols 1 & 2, Walks 1-80, illust, inset maps, 21.5cm, casebound (David & Charles 2001, 2003 reprint ISBN 0-7153-1077-1 / 1078-X) (retained out of Garden Party, 2 Smithy Croft, 2004)
BIRRELL, Rev C.M.: Life of the Revd Richard Knill of St Petersburg, new and revised edn. pp xiv and 272, engravings, 19cm, cloth (The Religious Tract Society, London c.1878) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) inscr: "Robert Kitchen, Drybarrows, August 7~ 1889 on his birthday"
BOUCH, Revd C.M.Lowther: The Lady Anne, Hereditary High Sheriffess of the County of Westmorland, and Lady of the Honour of Skipton-on-Craven. pp 24, illust, 21 cm, paper (Cumberland & Westmorland Herald Co Ltd, Penrith) (donated by Richard Orford, August 2009)
BOYD, Frank: Around Penrith in Old Photographs, pp 150, illust, 22cm, paper (Alan Sutton Publishing Ltd, Stroud, Gloucs, 1993, ISBN 0- 7509-0281-7) (donated by Mrs Julie Langdale, 2004)
BRADLEY (A.G.): Highways and Byeways in the Lake District First pocket edition, pp xii and 332. illust. 17cm cloth (Macmillan & Co Ltd. London, 1932) (donated by Mrs Mollie Clough, Stanegarth, 1998)
BRAGG (Melvin), Lord Bragg of Wigton): Land of the Lakes, pp 248, illust, 25cm, cloth (Martin Seeker & Warburg Ltd. London. 1983. 1984 reprint) (donated by the family of the late Peter Gilpin. 2001)
BRAGG (Melvin) Credo, pp 788, 18 cm, paper (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1996, ISBN 0340689056) donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2006)
BRUCE, Charles: A Night in a Snowstorm and other Stories. pp 127 and 16 (catalogue), fronts, 18 cms, cloth (W.P.Nimmo, Hay & Mitchell, Edinburgh, nd) (inscr. Elizth Atkinson, Little Strickland Church Sunday School, Xmas 1896) donated by Mrs Jean Woodhall, March 2011.
BRUNSKILL, R.W.: Traditional Buildings of Cumbria. pp 224, illust, 25cm, cloth (Cassell, London, 2002 ISBN 0304- 35773-1) (purchased by the Trustees, 2003)
CAMPBELL GOLDSMITH & BEATTIE, The poetical works of: pp 429, fronts illust. 17.5cm rexine (T. Nelson & Sons, London, 1865) (donated by Janice Leedam June 2012)
CHAPMAN, Sydney T. and CLARKE, Judith: Penrith Photographic Memories. pp 92, reproductions of postcards, maps, 25 cm, cloth (The Francis Frith Collection, Teffont, Wiltshire, 2005 ISBN 1-84589-019-1) (donated and signed by the authors, 2007).
CLIFFORD, D.J.H.(ed): The Diaries of Lady Anne Cliffford. pp xv and 296, 25 plates, map, genealogical tables, 24 cm, cloth (Alan Sutton, Stroud, 1990, ISBN 0-86299-560-4) (purchased by the trustees, 2006)
COLLINGWOOD, W.G.: The Lake Counties. pp xvi and 368, 16 colour plates, 72 line drawings, gazetteer and map, 24.5cm, cloth (Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd, London, New Edition 1932) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2003)
COOK (Olive): The English House through Seven Centuries. pp 320, photographs by Edwin Smith, 33cm. cloth (Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd. London, 1968) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001)
COOKE (Katharine): Coleridge, pp 266, 22 cm. cloth (Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1979) (donated by Mrs Mollie Clough, Stanegarth, 2000)
COUNTRY LIFE PICTURE BOOK OF THE LAKE DISTRICT IN COLOUR: reference map and 44 plates, 29cm, cloth (Country Life Ltd, London, 1961) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001)
COUSINS, John: Friends of the Lake District - The early years. pp xvii and 148, 61 photos in text, 7 maps, table, 24.5 ems, paper (Centre for North West Studies, University of Lancaster, 2009, ISBN 978-1-86220-223-8) signed by the Author. (Purchased by the Trustees, March 2011)
COX (J.Charles): English Church Fittings, Furniture and Accessories, pp xii and 320, plates, 23cm, cloth (B.T.Batsford Ltd. London, 1923) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001)
CROXALL, Samuel (translator): Fables of Aesop and Moral and Entertaining Anecdotes. pp xviii and 286 (plus 16 page catalogue), illist.,17 ems, cloth (W.P.Nimmo, Hay & Mitchell, Edinburgh, 1889) (donated by Richard Orford, August 2009) inscribed "Bampton Church Sunday School. Awarded to Geo. Ed. F. Day for good conduct & attendance, G.E.F.Day, Vicar, Xmas 1889"
CUMBERLAND & WESTMORLAND ANTIQUARIAN & ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY: Transactions New (Second) Series vols 1901-2000 and Third Series vols 2001-09. All cloth except vols 1918, 1940/44, 1952/55, 1962 and 1968 onwards (Titus Wilson, Kendal) (vols 1910, 1913 and 1916/17 donated by Ken Noble, 2007, vol 1942 by Geoff Johnson, 2007, vols 1968-2006 by CW AAS, 2007; 1 vol purchased from Kirkland Books, Kendal, 11 from Broadhursts, Southport, 4 from Bridge Books, Windermere, 3 from Barry McKay, Appleby, 1 from Staniland, Stamford, 23 from Bookcase, Carlisle, 12 from Norman Kerr, Cartmel, 14 from CW AAS, 1 from Michael S.Kemp, Atherton, Manchester, with
A4A grant, November 2007 to April 2008)
CUMBERLAND & WESTMORLAND ANTIQUARIAN & ARCHELOGICAL SOCIETY Transactions, Index to Old (First) Series, Vols I to xv l, 1866 to 1900, compiled by Joyce Cherry. pp 410, 22 ems, paperback (CWAAS, printed by Titus Wilson & Son Ltd, Kendal, 1981) (purchased by the trustees, March 2010). Note: pending the acquisition of the Old Series by the Library, the volumes may be consulted at Penrith or any other main county library in Cumbria
CUMBRIA FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY: Transcript and Index from the 1851 Census for Brougham, Lowther, Askham, Eamont Bridge, Sockbridge and Tirril, Patterdale &c and Bampton. unpaginated. 21cm paperback (Cumbria Family History Society January 1994) (donated by Donald Langdale, Butterwick, a Trustee of Tinclar's Library. (1994)
CUMBRIA LOCAL HISTORY FEDERATION: Bulletin No 21, Spring 1999 (Donated by Ted Relph, 1999)
CUMBRIA NATURAL HISTORY REPORTS sub nom Natural History in Cumbria 1975-76, Birds in Cumbria 1977-78, 1979, Spring 1985-88 and 1990, years 1990, 1991 (Association of Natural History Societies in Cumbria/Cumbria Naturalists Union) and Birds and Wildlife in Cumbria 2001-2004 (Stramongate Press, Kendal) 14 vols. (donated by Dave Shackleton, 2006)
CURWEN, John F. The Later Records. pp.VI, 428, fronts, 23cms, cloth (C&WA&AS and Westmorland County Council, 1932) (purchased by the trustees from CRO, Kendal, in mint condition, 2008)
DAVIDSON, Eric. Time of Change, a book of memories from the 1950's. pp 104, photographs, 28 cm, paper (Cumberland & Westmorland Herald, 2001 (ISBN 0 9518552 4 7) (purchased by the trustees, May 2009) Bampton Vicarage Garden Fete, July 1951 at p. 22
DAWSON (John): Fourpence for the Beggar Men: glimpses of John Ruskin recorded in the logbooks of Coniston Schools. pp 20, drawings and photographs, 21cm, paperback (John Dawson, 1994) (donated by the family of Peter Gilpin, 2002) signed by the author
DAVID, Rob: Hugh Lowther, Fifth Earl of Lonsdale, in the Arctic: Explorer-Scientist, Sportsman, Traveller or Tourist? ppl6, plates 5, 24.5 ems, paper (reprinted from C&W Transactions, Vol. Ill, 2003) (donated by the author, February 2011)
DAY (James): A Practical Treatise on the Construction and Formation of Railways, 3rd edn. pp viii and 210, plates, diagrams and tables, 21cm cloth (Simpkin Marshall & Co, London, 1860) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 1999) (inscribed "to C.M.Wilson Esq with the Author's Compliments")
DENYER (Susan): Traditional Buildings & Life in The Lake District, First Edition, pp 208, illust, 25Y2 cm, cloth (Victor Gollanz/Peter Crawley in association with The National Trust, First Edn, 1991 ISBN 0-575-04552-3) (purchased by the Trustees, 2004)
DICKENS, Charles: A Tale of Two Cities. pp xvi and 454, 20cm, illust, cloth (James Nisbet & Co Ltd, London) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) inscr. "Bampton Ch. Sunday School- Awarded to Thomas Noble for good attendance; given by
the Misses Lucas, Christmas 1910"
DICKENS Charles, Oliver Twist. pp iv and 347, illust, 19cm, cloth (WaIter Scott Ltd, London) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) inscr "Bampton Church Sunday School- awarded to Jos Noble, Butterwick, Christmas 1901 - G.E.F.Day, Vicar
DUTTON (Charles): The Red Squirrel, Redressing the Wrong. pp 112, tables, photographs and maps,30cm, paper (European Squirrel Initiative, 2004 ISBN 0-9547576-0-3)(donated by Ron Hill, 2005)
ECCLES (Nigel): Pittman, Francis, Master of Bampton School, 1891 to 1908. pp 7, photographs, 29.5cm, Bampton School Trustees 2006)
ECCLES (Nigel) A Brief History of the Bampton Endowed Schools Charity. pp 4, 29.5cm, paper (black slide binder) written for the School Closing Exhibition, 2005. (donated by Bampton School Trustees 2006) School Closing Exhibition, 2005 (donated by Bampton School Trustees 2006) BAMH5
EMMETT, Charlie: Discovering the Eden Valley. pp 128, photographs and maps, 24.5cm, paper (Sutton Publishing Ltd, Stroud, 2005 ISBN 0-7509-4184-7) Titus Wilson Award, 2006 (purchased by the trustees, 2006) LAK H2
FARADAY, Michael (ed): The Westmorland Protestation Returns 1641142 (CWAAS Tract Series No XVll). pp 86, 2l.5 cm, paper (Titus Wilson & Son Ltd, Kendal, 1971) (purchased by the trustees, 2006) Covers East & West Wards; lists 210 names for Bampton, the fifth highest for the two wards WES H2
FENN, Manville: The Peril Finders. pp iv and 507, illust, 20.5cm, cloth (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) inscr. "Awarded to Thomas Noble for perfect attendance at Sunday School
during the year 1902" LIT.ENG 11
FERGUSON, Richard S.: History of Westmorland. pp 312, 23cm, cloth (Elliott Stock, London, 1905, Cheap Edition) (purchased by the Trustees,2003) WES H2
FFINCH, Michael: Portrait of Penrith and the East Fellside. pp 201, illust., 22cm, cloth (Robert Hale, London, 1985 ISBN 0-7090 -2375-8) (purchased by the Trustees £20, 2003). Chapter 5, "The Vale of Lowther", oflocal interest WES H2
FINDLER (G): Legends of the Lake Counties. pp 80. drawings in text, 21cm, paper (The Dalesman Publishing Company Ltd, Clapham, 1967) (donated by Dr Marguerite J ames, 2001) LAK H2
FLINDERS, T.G.: On the Settle and Carlisle Route. pp 112, maps and photographs (mainly taken by the author), 24% ems, cloth (lan Allen Ltd, Shepperton, 1981 ISBN 0 1080 3) (donated by the author, a descendant of John and Agnes Noble
of Woodfoot mid-C18th" September 2010) RL Y H2
FORSTER, Margaret: The Miller's Way. unpag, maps & drawings, 21 cm, paper (Carrs Breadmaker, Cart's Flour, Carlisle, 2006) (donated by David Cooke, July 2006) LAK H2
FRASER (Maxwell): Companion into Lakeland. pp 290, 16 plates and a map, 18.5cm, cloth (Methuen & Co Ltd, London, 3rd Edn, 1943) (donated by the family of Peter Gilpin, 2002). Chapters VII (Shap and the Fells of the East Border) and VIII (Haweswater to the Eamont) are of local interest BAM, CVT.SHS, LAK; H2
GRAHAM, Caz (ed): Foot and Mouth, Heart and Soul. pp 208, photographs and drawings, 21cm, paper (pub Small Sister for BBC Radio Cumbria, Carlisle, 2001 ISBN 0 954157 0 3) (donated by David Grayling, Crosby Ravensworth, 2006)
GREEN SPACES, OUR: Three year partnership project to enhance green spaces in Cumbria, 2008/11. pp Ill, illust, 21 cm, paper (The Our Green Space Project team 2008/11 and Friends of the Lake District) (donated by Bomby Green Management Committee, 2012.) SCI GIH3
GRIFFIN (A.Harry): A Lakeland Mountain Diary (from 40 years in The Guardian's "Country Diary"). pp 224, illust, 24 cm, cloth (The Crowood Press Ltd, Swindon, 1990 ISBN 1-85223-565-9) (donated by Donald & Julie Langdale, 2004) LAKGIH2
GRIGSON, (Geoffrey), (General Editor): The Lakes to Tyneside, About Britain No 10. pp 92, 22cm, boards (Wm Collins Sons & Co. Ltd, for the Festival of Britain Office, 1951) (pre-1992 stock, prey. uncatalogued) LAK, TOP.DDR.NHB; H2
HALL, Derek H.: Full Circle - the Return of a Scouser to his Roots. pp 274 and iii, photographs (including Penrith, Yanwath, Haweswater &c), family tree, 19Y2cm, paper (Regentlane Publishing, Millom, 1998 ISBN 1 900821 81 8)
(donated by David and Katharine Cooke, February 2007) LAK GIH2
HALL, Marshall: The Artists of Cumbria. pp x and 102, illust., 28.5cm, cloth (Marshall Hall Associates, Newcastle upon
Tyne, 1979, ISBN 0-903858-01-0) (purchased by the Trustees, 2003) ACH5
HALL, Sarah: Haweswater. pp 267, 2l.5cm, covered paperback (Faber & Faber Ltd, London, 2002, ISBN 0-571-20925-4) (donated by Mrs Mollie Clough, 2003) signed by the author MAR H2
HALL, Sarah : The Carhullan Army. pp 209, 22 cm cloth (Faber & Faber Ltd, London, 2007 ISBN 0-571-23659-6) (donated by Mrs M.Clough, 2008) BM1 GIH2
HALL, Sarah: The Electric Michelangelo. pp 340, 20.5cm, paper (Harper Perennial, 2005 ISBN-13: 978-0-06-081274-
0) (donated and signed by the Author, May 2011) H2
HAMMOND, Reginald J.W., (ed): Ward Lock Red Guide - Lake District. pp160, photographs, map, plan of Fumess Abbey, 16cm, paper (Ward Lock Ltd, London, 32nd edn, 1971 ISBN 0 7963 54389) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2006) Bampton and Haweswater at pp 151/3 LAK H2
HANSON (Neil): Walking through Eden, pp 200, drawings by Sheilagh Noble, map, 24cm, cloth (Pavilion Books Ltd, London, 1990) signed by the author (donated by the family of the late Peter Gilpin, 2001) CUM,WES; G/H2
HARKER, John: North Westmorland: the Official Guide issued with the Authority of the North Westmorland Rural District Council. pp 40, illust, map (missing), 18cm, paper (Morgan Laird & Co Ltd, London, c.1935) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2003) Advertisement for Crown & Mitre Hotel at p. 40 LAK H2
HARRlSON, Sydney E.:The Bowes Museum, Bamard Castle. pp 64,illust, plans, paper (published by the author, 1929 (donated by Richard Orford, August 2009) TOP.DUR GIH2
HASLAM (Sarah): John Ruskin and the Lakeland Arts Revival, 1880-1920. pp 250, photographs, 21.5 cm, paper (Merton Priory Press Ltd, Whitchurch, Cardiff, 2004 ISBN 1 898937 60 5) AC H2
HAWESWATER ESTATE, North West Water: Lancaster University Archaeological Survey. Vol 1 Report, pp 91, Vol2 Gazetteer, pp 222, 29.5 cm, spiral bound paper (Lancaster University Archaeological Unit, November 1997) (donated by
Lake District National Park Authority, 2006) MAR, BAM H5
HAWESWATER ESTATE: Detailed Survey Report, pp 97, 23 figs, spiral bound paper, (Lancaster University Archaeological Unit, October 1998) (donated by Lake District National Park Authority, 2006) MAR, BAM H5
HAWKINS, Harry: The Chapel at Keld, Shap. Reprint of Article at C&W Transactions, Third Series, Vol IX,
2009 pp 69-89.' photos and maps Donated by the Author, November 2011 CVT SHS BUI. GIH2
HAYES, Gareth: Odd Corners in Appleby, pp 90, photographs, 21 erns, paper (Hayloft Publishing, Kirkby Stephen, 2002
ISBN 1.904524001) (donated by Jeremy Godwin, Penrith, March 2011) CVT.APP. H2
HEATON COOPER (W): The Lakes, pp xiii, pp 228, plates and drawings, 25cm, boards (Frederick Wame & Co Ltd. London, 1966) (donated by Dr Marguerite James. 2001) AC, LAK H2
HEATON COOPER: The Tarns of Lake land, pp xiv, 237. plates and drawings, 25cm, cloth (2nd Edn 1970, The Heaton Cooper studio) signed by the author (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001) AC, LAK H2
HIGGINBOTHAM, Peter: Workhouses of the North. pp 128, photographs, line drawings, maps, 23.5cm, paper (Tempus Publishing Ltd, Stroud, 2006 ISBN 0 7524 4001 2) (purchased by the trustees, 2006, £11.69) References to West Ward Union and Shap Workhouse at pp.78/80. BUI,LAK GIH2
HINCHCLIFFE (Isaac): A Backwater in Lakeland (Mardale, Haweswatcr, Measand, Bampton); A Wartime Wandering: An Autumn Pilgrimage; sketches by W.H.Longworth. 2nd edn. pp 60, front., plates, map, 22cm cloth (Hinchcliffe & Co Ltd, Manchester, 1923) (donated by Mr & Mrs John Aynsley, 1998) MAR H2
HINCHCLIFFE, Isaac: 4th edn, 1928, pp 102 (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001)MAR H2
HINCHCLIFFE, Isaac: 2001 reprint (2 Ravens, Kirkby Stephen) (donated by Andrew Donoghue, October 2000)
HINE, (Reginald L): Confessions of an Un-Common Attorney. pp xix, 268, illus., 23cm, cloth, (lM.Dent & Sons Ltd, London, 4th edn 1949) (donated by Miss M.E.Lightburn, 2002) pp 182/3 and 20113 mention Miss Matilda Lucas of
Stanegarth. BAM H2
HODGKlNSON (John): Tales of a Country Parson, with Thanksgiving for John Pickthall, pp 31, illlus., 21cm, paper (Little Trinity Publications, Levens, 2003 ISBN 0-9543474-1-2) (purchased by the Trustees, 2003) LAK H2
HODGSON, Henry W.: A Bibliography of the history and topography of Cumberland & Westmorland. pp 299, 26cms, cloth (Joint Archives Committee for Cumberland & Westmorland, 1968) (donated by Ken Noble, Shap, 2008) LID GIH2
HOME (G): Beautiful Britain: The English Lakes pp 65, plates by A.Heaton Cooper and sketch map. 23 cm, boards (Adam &. Charles Black. London, 1914) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001) LAK GIH2
HOWARTH, Peter: The Lakes Yearbook 1973: What's on and Where to go in Cumbria. pp 160, photographs, 17 cm, paper
(North Lonsdale Publications, Barrow-in-Fumess, 1973) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2006) LAK H2
HOWSE, Chris.: 2,000 years of Christianity. 6 parts @ 32pp, 30cm, blue binder (Telegraph Group, 1999) (donated by John Stacey, March 2007) HIS.COO F4
HOYS (Dudley): English Lake Country, pp 223, 31 photographs, map, 22cm, cloth (B. T.Batsford Ltd, London, 1967) (donated by the family of Peter Gilpin, 2002) LAK H2
HUGHES (Edward), editor: Fleming-Senhouse papers (Documents relating to the History of Westmorland, Lancashire and Cumberland in the !7th and 18th centuries AD.) pp xiv, 174, 22.5 cm. cloth. (Cumbcrland Record Series, The Courts, Carlisle, 1961) (Record Series IT) (donated bv the Revd Geoffrey Marrison. 1994) CUM, LAN, WES; GIH2
HUGHES (Thomas): Tom Brown's Schooldays. pp vii and 343, front, 21cm, cloth (The WaIter Scott Publishing Co Ltd, London) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) inscr "Bampton Church Sunday School- awarded to Thos. Noble, Christmas
1903, G.E.F.Day, Vicar" LIT.ENG
. HUMPHRIES (Andrew): Guardians of Eden. pp 80, illust., 29.5cm, paper (Cumberland & Westmorland Herald for Penrith Agricultural Society, 2000 ISBN 0-9518552-3-9) (purchased by the Trustees, 2003) LAK H5
HUNT (lrvine): Road to Paradise. pp 230, illust. by David Boyd, 22 cm, cloth (C.N.Ltd, Carlisle, 2003 ISBN 0952 -5742- 84) (donated by Felicity Stacey, 2004) LAK H2
HYDE, Matthew and Sir Nikolaus Pevsner: The Buildings of England: Cumbria: Cumberland, Westmorland & Furness. pp xx & 775, text figs and maps, 22cm, cloth (Yale University Press, New Haven, Ct and London, 2010 ISBN 9780300 12663 1) (purchased by the Trustees, 2010). Entries for Bampton at p.l26, for "Haweswater [inc Mardale and Swindale] at p.396 LAKBUI
HYDE, B.Montgomery: Norman Birkett. pp x and 638, illust, 22 cm, cloth (1964, reprint 1965 by The Reprint Society Ltd, London)(purchased by the trustees 2006, £6.50) BIO.G GIB2
JACKSON, Lesley: Alastair Morton and the Edinburgh Weavers. pp 351, illust, 28 mm, cloth (V&A Publishing 2012. ISBN 978 1 85177 660 30) (purchased by the Trustees 2012, £45). See index under Bampton and Stanegarth for numerous
local references and photographs AC.BAM
JEWITT, (Llewellynn): The Life and Works of Jacob Thompson. pp xiv, 126, front, plates, steel and wood engr., 36 cm, cloth (IS.Virtue & Co, London, 1882) (purchased by the Trustees, £75, SeptemberZuo-l) (Measand and Haweswater engrs
seriatim) AC, BI.G F4
JONES, Sir Clement: Walks in North Westmorland. pp xii and 146, fronts, plates, 24Y2cm, cloth (Titus Wilson & Son Ltd, Kendal, 1955) (purchased by the Trustees, £17.50, March 2010) . Chapter V, the Lowther Valley, contains much of local interest WES,BAM H3
[KELLY'S] POST OFFICE DIRECTORY OF WESTMORELAND AND CUMBERLAND: pp xii, 344 and 60 (adverts), with maps specially engraved for the work, 27 ems, cloth (first edn, Kelly & Co, London, 1858, reprinted by Titus Wilson & Son Ltd, Kendal, 2009) (purchased by the Trustees, March 2010) DIR G2
KINGSTON, W.B.G.: The Three Midshipmen. pp 414, illust., 19cm, cloth (Griffith Farran Browne & Co Ltd, London) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) inscr. "The Three Midshipmen - Sunday School- Thomas Noble 1905" LIT.ENG 11
KINSMAN (Bunty): Pawn takes Castle. pp 158, frontispiece, illust., 22cm, cloth (Oriel Press, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1971 ISBN 0-85362-132-2) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2003). An account of the restoration of and life at Dacre Castle CVT.BUI H3
KISSACK (Elizabeth): A Cumberland Vicar's Daughter 1822-1898. pp 24, illust, 21 cm, paper (published privately, 2005)
(donated by the author and inscribed) BI.G H3
KISSACK, Elizabeth: The Life of Thomas Hayton Mawson, Landscape Archiutect, 1861-1933. pp 104, photographs, 24cm, paper (published privately 2006 ISBN 978-0-9553653-0-0) (donated by the author and inscribed, 2006) BIG H3
KNOLL VS, Lt Col, and ELLIOTT, Major: Battlefield Heroes. pp 440, front, engr, 20cm, cloth (Dean & Son Ltd, London) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003). Contains accounts of events in various colonial wars fought in Asia, Africa and New Zealand 1856-1887; inscr. "Bampton Church Sunday School - Awarded to Thos Noble for attendance very fair
28, Christmas 1906" mS.ENG Jl
LAMBETH PALACE LIBRARY: Annual Review, 2007. pp 68, photographs, 23 cm, paper (Lambeth Palace Library, 2008) (donated by Bishop Alec Graham, 2008) (reference to books from Tinclar's Library, p 19) LIB. GIH2
LANE (Sir WiIliam Arbuthnot, Ed): The Golden Health Library, Vols I & ill pp 11336 & 67311008. 7 colour plates. 8 gravure plates, inserts, 27.5 cm, cloth (William Collins, Sons & Co. Glasgow. 1930) (donated by Mrs Susan Buckle, 2002) MEDA5
LAWRENCE, T.E.: (Lawrence of Arabia): The Seven Pillars of Wisdom. pp 700, illust, maps, 20 cm, cloth (Jonathan
Cape Ltd, London, New Edn 1940, 1946 reprint) (donated by Janice Leedam, June 2012)HIS, FOR A3
LEECH (John): Pictures of Life and Character, from the Collection of "Mr Punch", 1842-1864. Vols I to ill bound together,
284. 276 and 268. 32cm. half leather (Bradbury Agnew & Co. London. 1886/87) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001)
LINDOP (Grevil): A Literary Guide to the Lake District. pp xii & 356. maps 4, numerous engravings, 23 ems, paper. (Sigma Leisure, Wilmslow, Cheshire, revised edn, 2005 ISBN 1-85058821-X) (purchased by the trustees December 2009 £10.95). References to Haweswater, Heltondale and Swindale at pp 17/19 (Bampton overlooked). LAK., LIT.ENG H3
LITURGY, The Book of Common Prayer: The Communion and Other Services According to the use of the Church of England (Cambridge United Press, SPCK) containing inscriptions: (1) Presented to Bempton (sic) Church by the Rector and Churchwardens of the Priory Church, Bridlington, April 1892, Nicholas McGrath, Vicar (2) Presented to Bampton Parish Church of St Patrick by the Vicar (Revd A.J.Huxley) and Wardens of St Michael's Parish Church, Bempton, East Yorkshire, April 1950. Repaired for use at Bampton, 1950, Ernest H.Rudkin, Vicar BCP E5
LITURGY, Book of Common Prayer, Lord Wharton: unpaginated, 14cm, leather (OUP 1875) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) Presented to William Kitching in the Parish of Bampton, 1875 BCP B2
LOWTHER ESTATE, CUMBRIA: Archeological Survey, Lancaster University Archaeological Unit, April 1997. pp 73, figs, 29.5 cm, spiral bound paper . WES H5
LOWTHER ESTATE, CUMBRIA: Detailed Archeological Survey of Lowther Park, June 1997. pp 51, figs, 29.5 cm, spiral bound paper (Lancaster University Archaelogical Unit, 1997) (donated by Lake District National Park Authority, 2006) WES, BUI H5
LUCAS, Peter: A Question of Identity - Exploring the History of Preston Patrick Church and its Patronal Saints. Pp 46, map, photos, paper (PJYL Publishing, Endmoor 2011 ISBN 978-0-9569103-0-1) (donated by the Author, November 2011) CUM BUI. GIH3
MACLEOD (Roy): The Library of Alexandria. pp xii and 196, 23Y2 ems, paper (I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd,London, 2005 reprint, ISBN 1 85043 5944) (donated by Andrew Donoghue, October 2005) CLAGRE, LIB H3
MARKHAM, Canon Gervase: Past Alive. pp 100, illust, pedigrees, 24cm, paper (privately published 2003) (Nominated by the Vicar and donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2003) CVT.L YV H3
MARKHAM, Canon Gervase: Something Good to Say: the memoirs of Canon Gervase Markham., 1910-2007. pp 127, fronts, photos, 24.5 cms, paper (published by the family, 2009) (purchased by the trustees, December 2009) BICH, CVT.L YV H3
MARLOW, (Lawrence): Penrith in Times Past. pp 48, annotated photographs, 20cm, paper (Countryside Publications Ltd. Brinscall, Chorley. 1987) (donated by the family of Peter Gilpin, 2002') CVT.PEN H3
MARSH, John: The Eden Valley, Westmorland, in Old Photographs. pp 160, illus, 22cm, paper (Alan Sutton Publishing Ltd, Stroud, Gloucs, 1992, ISBN 7509-0111-X) (donated by Mrs Julie Langdale, 2004) WES H3
MARSH, John: The Westmorland Lakes in Old Photographs. pp 160, illust, 22cm, paper (Alan Sutton Publishing Ltd, Stroud, Gloucs, 1992, ISBN 0-7509-0116-0) (donated by Mrs Julie Langdale, 2004). Photographs of local interest at pp 155-160 WES,BAM H3
MANCHESTER CORPORATION ACT 1919 (9 & 10 Geo.5.cap cxix): includes Manchester Ship Canal Act 1919 and Mersey Docks and Harbour Board Act 1919. pp 246,26 cm, in clip binder (donated by Dave Shackleton, 2006) MAHH5
MARDALE: Parish Registers: Births and burials 1684-1813; Baptisms 1813-1935; Marriages 1815-1846, 1846-1911 and 1912-1930; Banns 1870-1905 and 1910-1930; Burials 1813-1917; photocopies of registers held at Kendal Record Office under ref. WPR16 and on disk nO.JA6 1476 (copied by the Trustees and funded by a 75% Heritage Lottery A4A grant 2007) MAH H5
MARTINEAU, Harriet: A Description of the English Lakes. pp ii, 166, tables and index, plates and vignettes in text, 28cm, cloth, being a facsimile reprint of the 1858 edn originally published by Simpkin Marshall apart from the omission of a short chapter on geology (BP Publishing, Wakefield, 1974 ISBN 0 85409 9956 5) (purchased by the trustees July 2006) reference to Haweswater at pp 148/151. LAKH5
. MILLARD, Sue: Hoofprints in Eden, Nobbut Thirty Year (dedicated to the Fell Pony). Pp 240, photographs, map, 14cm, paper (Hayloft Publishing Ltd, Kirkby Stephen, 2005 ISBN 1 904534 34 6) (purchased by the trustees, 2006) Shortlisted for Lakeland Book of the Year Awards 2006. Several references to local studs and individuals. LAK ID
MITCHELL, W.R.: The Lost Village of Mardale. pp 120, illustrated map, drawings, 21cm, cloth (Castleberg, Giggleswick, 1993 ISBN 1 871064 12 9) (purchased by the trustees, 2006) MAH H3
MONKHOUSE,(F.J.): The English Lake District A Description of the O.S. One-inch Tourist Map: The Lake District. pp 19, plates Vlll, diagrams, tables, 25cm, paper (The Geographical Association, Sheffield, 1960) (donated from effects ofMr
J.V.Greenlaw, July 2007) LAK
NEATE, JiII: The Lake District, a Reader's Guide. pp 48, sketch map, 21 cm, paper (Chaplins of Keswick, 1987 ISBN 0 551240404) donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2004) LIB.LAK ID
NEW HALL (Jannette E.): Professor of Research Methods and Librarian Emeritus, Boston University: A Theological Library ManuaL pp xiv and 162, 25.5cm cloth (The Theological Education Fund of the World Council of Churches, London, 1970) (donated by the Revd Geoffrey Marrison, 1994) LID H3
NICHOLSON (Joseph) and BURN (Richard): The History and Antiquities of the Counties of Westmorland and Cumberland. Vols I and II, pp Vol I cxxiv and 630, Vol IT 615, original index unpag., 1934 index 167, maps, 26cm, cloth (reprinted from 1777 edn by WStrachan and T.Cadell, London, republished by E.P.Publishing Ltd in collaboration with Cumbria County Library 1976, ISBN 0 85409 625 6) (purchased by Trustees, September 2004). Main references to Parish of Bampton Vol I pp 460-467, but see also p 9 of 1934 index. CUM,CVT,WES.G2
NICHOLSON (Norman): The Lake District; an anthology compiled by Norman Nicholson. pp 399, 18 cm, paper-back; (Penguin Books Ltd, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1978) (donated by the family of Peter Gilpin, 2002 LIT.ENG H3
NOBLE, Ken: Probate inventories and some Wills from Mardale and Bampton in Westmorland. pp 30, 30cm, comb bound (published by the author, 2003) (donated by the author 2003) BAM, MAH H5
NOBLE (Mary E.) 1846-1925: A History of the Parish of Bampton. pp vi, 268, front., plates, map, tables, 24cm half leather (Titus Wilson, Kendal. 1901) (donated by Mr & Mrs John Aynsley. Headmaster of Bampton School 1951/76, 1998) BAM,NOB;H3
NOBLE, Mary E.: 1846-1925: A History of the Parish of Bampton. 23cm(cloth) (donated by the Revd F.H.Rudkin, Vicar of Bampton, 1950) M,NOB;H3
NUGENT, Charles: Edward Lear, the Landscape Artist - Tours of Ireland and the English Lakes, 1835 & 1836. pp 240 and xii, fronts, illust (figs 50, cats 107) and photos, 28.5cms, paper (The Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere, 2009 ISBN 978-1- 905256-38-9) The catalogue for the exhibition at Dove Cottage Grasmere, 2009 (purchased by the Trustees, July 2009).
ORFORD (William Kirkpatrick): Fragments of Bampton around 200 years ago 2nd edn. pp 40, front., pedigrees. 29cm
paperback (published by the Author, February 1994 ) (donated by the Author, 1994) BAMMAH;H5
ORFORD (Rosamond): Water Colours, Photographs by Rosamond Orford. pp 73, plates, 20 cm, cloth (Upcounrty Publishing, Norwich, Vt, 2002, ISBN 0-615-12095-4)(donated and inscribed by the author, 2005) photographs of
Haweswater Beck at pp 23 and 36 AC H3
PAKENHAM, Thomas: The Scramble for Africa: The White Man's conquest of the Dark Continent from 1876 to 1912. pp xxv and 738, illust, cartoons & engravings, maps, cloth (Random House, New York, First US Edn, ISBN 0-394-51576- 5) donated by John Stacey, August 2012) HIS. FOR A3
PALMER (J.H.): Historic farmhouses in and around Westmorland. pp 124, illus., 26cm, cloth (Westmorland Gazette Ltd, Kendal. 1945) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001) BUS, WES; H3
PALMER (William T.): Odd Corners in English Lakeland; Rambles, Scrambles, Climbs and Sport. pp 104, 15 photographs. 19cm, cloth (Skeffington & Son Ltd. London, c.1945) (donated by the family of Peter Gilpin, 2002) LAK H3
PALMER, William T : More Odd Corners in English Lakeland. pp 228, 17 illustrations by G.P.Abraham & Son, Keswick, 19 ems, cloth (Skeffington & Son Ltd, London, 1937) (purchased by the trustees, 2007) see chapter on Odd Corners about Eastern Lakeland Many tracks across Shap Fells, Walks about Haweswater, at p.48 LAK H3
PALMER, William T: Wanderings in Lakeland. pp 143, 15 illustrations by John Hardman, including frontispiece ofIsaac Cooks on, Gillhead, 19 ems, cloth (Skeffington & Son Ltd, London, third edition, December 1946) (purchased by the trustees, 2007) LAKH3
PALMER, William T : The Penguin Guides, Lake District. pp 154, maps, 18 cm, paper (penguin Books, Harmondsworth, Middx, 1939) (donated by Colin & Maureen Barber, 2005) LAK H3
PALMER, William T: The Penguin Guides, Lake District. another copy, donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2006 LAK H3
PARKER, Mary Scott: Border Television. pp 128, photographs, 20.5 cm, paper (Bookcase, Carlisle, 1999 ISBN 0 951992107)(donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2005) LAK H3
PARKINSON, Aline: A History of Catholicism in the Furness Peninsular, 1127-1997. pp xii and 114, map, photographs in text,24.5cms, paperback (Centre for North West Regional Studies, University of Lancaster, 1998 ISBN 1-86220-055-6) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, April 2011) mS.CHU, LAN H3
PARSON (Wm) and WHITE (Wm): History, Directory and Gazeteer of the Counties of Cumberland and Westmorland,
pp 732 and xxxiv, 18cm, leather (White & Co., Leeds, 1829) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 1999)
PARTINGTON, E.W.: A Gossiping Guide to Shap & Haweswater. pp 31, illusts, adverts, map, paperback (John Heywood
Ltd, Manchester, 1923) (purchased by the trustees, June 2006) CVT.SHS, MAR, Gl
PEARHlLL (Kathleen): Swindale Papers, pp 36, illust, 17cm cloth (The Herald Ltd, Penrith,1937) (donated by Mrs Grace
Woolley, nee Preston, 1996) CVT.SHS; G1
PEARSON (John J: Bridging the Years: A History of the Men of Bampton who lost their lives during the Two World Wars. pp 101, plates, 20.5cm, paperback, (published by the Author. 1997) (donated by the Author, 1997) BAM, MAR; H3
PERRIAM, Denis R. & ROBINSON, John: The Mediaeval Fortified Buildings of Cumbria. pp xx, 416, illust, maps, 29.5 cm, cloth (CWAAS Extra Series, xxix, 1998 ISBN 1 873124 23 6) (purchased by the trustees, 2006) contains details of
Crag Castle (sic) Mardale, Thornthwaite Hall, Setterah Park, Askham Hall and Lowther Hall, BUI, WES
PHILIPS, Colin, FERGUSON, Catherine and WAREHAM, Andrew: Westmorland Hearth Tax pp xvi, plates, figures, tables & maps, 25 ems, cloth (The British Record Society, Hearth Tax Series VI, Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archeological Society Record Series Vol XIX , ISBN 978-0-873124-46-8) (purchased by the Trustees, May 2011)
PITT, David: A Pennine Journey from Settle to Hadrian's Wall in Wainwright's footsteps. pp 244, maps and illustrations, 18cms, rexine. (Francis Lincoln Ltd, London, 2010 ISBN 978-0-7112-3083-5) (purchased by the trustees, April 2010) signed by the author and assistant WES YOR H4
PORTER (Lancelot Salkeld): Lakeland Treasury, pp 118, 21cm, paperback (Lakeland Dialect Society, 1998) (donated by Ted Relph,1999) LAKH3
POUCHER (W.A.): Over Lakeland Fells, pp 151, 110 photographs, maps and photographic notes and data, 28cm cloth (Chapman & Hall Ltd, London, 1948) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001) LAK H5
PROPHET, John: The Parish Councillor's Guide. pp 202, 20 cm, paper (Shaw & Sons, Crayford, 16th Edn, Nov 1993, ISBN 0721905145) (donated Anon, 2006) H3
PRICE, Nancy: Shadows on the Hills. pp 320, illust, 19cm, cloth (George Alien & Unwin Ltd, London, fifth impr, 1949) signed by the author (purchased by the Trustees,2003) Chapter 1 and Appendices oflocal interest WES H3
PRIESTLEY (J.B.): The Edwardians. pp 302, colour plates, 26cm, cloth (William Heinemann Ltd, London. 1970) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001) Hl S. ENG A4
RAMBLER: A Fortnight's Ramble to the Lakes in Westmoreland (sic), Lancashire and Cumberland. pp 110, photographs of Wm Noble & Lancelot Noble, map, 21 cm, paper (first published Hooker & Carpenter, London, 1792, republished by Preston Publishing, Berkshire, 1990, ISBN 0-9516405-0-X) (donated by Katherine Cooke & Nancy Roberts, 2004) Hugh Preston is descended from the Noble and Preston families of Bampton. Chapter 39 describes a visit to Bampton and Haweswater.
RAWNSLEY (Canon H.D.): Round the Lake Country. pp 227, photographs, 19.5cm, cloth (James MacLehose & Sons, Glasgow, 1909) (purchased by the Trustees, 2004) Chapter VII ("At the World's End") describes a visit to Bampton,
Stanegarth and Haweswater BAM, LAK H4
RAWNSLEY, Canon H.D.: By Fell and Dale. pp x and 233, 8 illust, 19.5cms, cloth (James MacLehose & Sons, Glasgow, 1911) purchased by the Trustees, March 2010) An interesting chapter about Herdwick sheep appears at p.47. LAK H4 R
RAYNER (Geoffrey) & Ors: Artists' Textiles in Britain 1945-70. pp 127, colour plates and photographs, 30 cm, paper (Antique Collectors' Club, 2003 ISBN 1 85149432 4)(donated by John Purves, 2004). See index for references to Alastair
Morton, resident at Stanegarth in the 1940's. AC H5
RELPH (J.T.): Some Bits of Cumbrian Crack (Dialect Tales and Poems), pp 157, 2!cm paperback (Lakeland Dialect Society 1981) (donated by Ted Relph, Crosby Ravensworth, 1999) LAK H
RELPH, J.T. : Chronicles of Crosby Ravensworth. pp 160, illust, 21cm paperback (published by the author 1992, reprinted
1999) (donated by the author, 1999) CVT.L YV: H4
RLPH, J.T.: The Williamson Diaries - Part IT: Crosby Ravensworth .. pp 216, pedigree, maps, tables and engravings, 29 cms, paper (published by the author, 2009 ISBN 979 0 951915 3 4) (donated by the author and autographed by him, December 2009) see index pp.190 & 198 for numerous references to Bampton & Mardale. CVT.L YV H5
RENOUF, Jane: The Lake Artist's Society, A Centenary Celebration. pp xi and 310, colour illustrations in text, cloth (The
Lake Artists' Society, Ambleside, 2004 ISBN 0-9546785-0-8) purchased by the Trustees, 2006) AC, LAK H5
RICHMOND & SWALEDALE, A GUIDE TO: pp 60, photographs and map, 19 cm, paper (British Periodicals Ltd, London EC4, 1935) TOP.YOR. GIH3
ROBERTSON, Dawn: Riding the Stang. pp 292, paper (Hayloft Publishing, South Stainmore, 2000 ISBN 0-9523282-2-4) (retained out of Garden Party, Brandscroft, 2006) WES H4
ROBERTSON, Dawn and KORONKA, Peter: The Great Flood. pp 168, photographs, 21cm, paper (Hayloft Publishing Ltd, Kirkby Stephen, 2005 ISBN 1 904524 28 1) (purchased by the trustees, 2006) LAK H4
ROLLINSON, Wm: A History of Cumberland and Westmorland. pp 128, illust, maps and plans, 25cm, cloth (phillimore & Co Ltd, London, 1978 ISBN 0-85033-315-6) (purchased by the Trustees, 2003) LAK H4
ROLLINSON, Wm : The Cumbrian Dictionary of Dialect, Tradition and Folklore. pp xx and 197, line drawings, front., map, 20cm, cloth (Smith Settle, Otley, 1997 ISBN 1-85825-067-6) (purchased by the Trustees 2003) Reference to and drawing of Isaac Cookson at pp 35/37, reference to Mardale at p.104 DIC, LAK H4
ROLLINSON, Wm: A History of Man in the Lake District. pp xii and 162, figures and plates, 22 cm, cloth (J.M.Dent & Sons Ltd, London, 1997, 1975 reprint) (purchased by the trustees June 2006). Reference to Thirlmere and Haweswater water schemes at pp 15113. LAK H4
SANDFORD, Edmund: A cursory Relation of all the Antiquities and Familyes in Cumberland, c.1675. pp 54, 21 cm,
paper (CWAAS Tract Series No 4, 1890, ed R.S.Ferguson) (donated by Richaed Orford, August 2009) CUM.GIH3
SEWELL, Anna: Black Beauty. pp 262, illust, 19cm, cloth (Jarrold & Sons, London, 59th edn, 1902) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) inscr "Awarded to Thomas Noble for perfect attendance at school during the year 1903" LIT.ENG 11
SCOTT, Daniel: Bygone Cumberland & Westmorland. pp 262 and list of publications, 22 cms, cloth (Wm Andrews & Co, 5 Farringdon St, London EC, 1899) (donated by Ken Noble, Shap, 2008) LAK H4
SHAP: The Registers of the Parish of Shap (baptisms. marriages and burials 1559-1830). Ed and transcribed by Mary E.Noble. pp x, 543, 22cm, cloth, (Titus Wilson, Kendal, 1910) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2000) CVTSHS, NOB; G1
SHAP LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY: Mardale - Echoes and Reflections of a Lost Lakeland Community pp212, 14 colour plates, pedigrees, photographs in text, 21 cms, paper (Shap Local History Society in association with David Grayling Publishing, 2011 ISBN 978-0-906839-06-5) (purchased by the Trustees December 2011) MAH. GIH3
SHARPE, Richard: Norman Rule in Cumbria 1092-1136. pp 78, 21cm, paper (CW AAS Tract Series Vol XXI, 2006 ISBN 1 87312443 0) (purchased by the trustees, 2006) LAK H4
SHAP & DISTRICT PLAN: unpaginated, maps, figures, drawings, 29'/2cm, paper (Shap Parish Council. 1983) (pre-1992 stock, previously uncatalogued) CVT.SHS; H5
SHEPPARD, David, Bishop of Liverpool: Bias to the Poor. pp 252, 21.5 cm, paper (Hodder & Staughton, London, 1983 ISBN 0-340-32370-1)(Vicar's nomination, donated by Bishop Alec Graham 2005) MIN G2
SHEPPARD, David, Bishop of Liverpool : Built as a City. pp 380, 24 cm, cloth (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1974 ISBN 0 340 18009 9)(Vicar's nomination, purchased by the trustees, July 2005) MIN G2
SKELTON (W.C.): Reminiscences of Joe Bowman and the Ullswater Foxhounds, pp 184, Appendix pp vi, plates, 21cm, cloth (Atkinson & Pollitt, "Westmorland Gazette" Office, Kendal.1921 ) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 200 1) LAK G
SHEPHERDS' GUIDE: (Cumberland, Furness and Westmorland) pp 751, 23cm, leather (S.Soulby, Ulverston) (donated by Mr & Mrs John Aynsley, 1998) CUM, WES; Gl
HISTORICAL CASTLE SOWERBY AND MID-CUMBERLAND (R. R. Sowerby): pp 74, front, photographs, genealogical tables, 22cm, cloth. (Titus Wilson, Kendal, 1954) CUM H4
SHEPHERD, Margaret E.: From Hellgill to Bridge End, Aspects of economic and social change in the Upper Eden Valley, 1840-95. pp xx and 380, maps & illust in text, tables, 24.5cm, paper (University of Hertfordshire Press, 2003 ISBN 1 90286328) (retained out of Garden Party, 2006) WES H5
STEWART, Rory, MP: Occupational Hazards - My time governing in Iraq. pp xxiv and 434, maps, 19.5 cms, paper (pan Macmillan, London, 2007, ISBN 978-0-330-44050-9) (donated by Jeremy Godwin, Penrith, March 2011) HIS.FOR H4
STONE:, Irving: The Passionate Journey. pp 337, 21.5 cm, cloth (Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, New York, 1949) (donated by Gerald Brewin (a member of the Noble family) of Lethbridge, Alberta, March 2008). A dramatised biography of John Noble ("Wichita Bill"), a relative of the Nobles of Beckfoot, to whom reference is made at pp 244 -253, 259 and 267 BIO.G,NOB H4
STOTT, Malcolm & others, eds: The Breeding Birds of Cumbria: a tetrad atlas 1997-200l. pp 390, illust., maps,
diagrams, 30cm, board (Cumbria Bird Club, 2002 ISBN 0-9543249-0-00) (purchased by the Trustees 2003)
SUGGITT, Gordon: Lost Railways of Cumbria. pp 160, photographs, maps, 21.5 ems, paper (Countryside Books, Newbury, 2008 ISBN978 1 84674 107 4) (purchased by the Trustees, October 2008) RL Y H4
SUMMERSON, Henry & otrs.: Brougham Castle, Cumbria. pp 172, fronts and 67 figs, 30 ems, paper (CW AAS Research
Series No 8, 1998 ISBN 1 873124252) (donated by John Stacey, May 2012) WES.BUI
SYKES, Norman: Edmund Gibson, Bishop of London, 1723-48. pp xxiv and 450, fronts, pedigree, 23cm, cloth (Oxford University Press, 1926) (purchased by the trustees with Big Lottery A4A grant funding, £100, April 2008) See p.6 for details of parentage and education at Bampton Grammar School BAM, BIO.CH [G2]
TANNER, John: Who's Who in your Family; a Reader's Digest guide to tracing your ancestry. pp 48, 16.5cm, paper (The Reader's Digest Association Ltd, 1975) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2006) H4
TAYLOR, Roland: A Geographia Guide - Lake District: Britain's Largest National Park pp 145, photographs, drawings and maps, 18.5cm, paper (Geographia Ltd, London, nd. ISBN 09 205350 5) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2006) LAKH4
THOMAS, Mark: A History of Brougham Hall and High Head Castle. pp xiv and 177, fronts, 50 ilIusts, maps on end papers, 25cm, cloth (phillimore & Co Ltd, Chichester, 1992 ISBN 85033 845 X) (purchased by the trustees, 2006) BUI,LAKH
THORN, (Ismay): A Flock of Four. pp 159, illust., 19cm, cloth (Gardner, Darton & Co, London, 1903) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) inscr. "Thomas Noble, for attendance at Church and School, 190T' LIT.ENG J1
TROLLOPE, Anthony: Can you forgive her? pp xxxvii and 449, line drawings, 20cms, paper (Oxford University Press, 1999, ISBN 13:978-0-19-283469-0) (purchased by the trustees, March 2010). "Vavasor Hall" in Chapter XXXI is identified as Thornthwaite Hall; see also notes on p.432. LIT.ENG H4
UGLOW, Jenny: Hogarth, ppxviii and 794, maps, XIV colour plates and 193 illust in text, 23.5cm, paper (Faber & Faber, London, 1997 ISBN 0-571-19376-5)(purchased by the trustees July 2006) BIO.BI.G H4
UHLIG, Robt (ed):James Dyson's History of Great Inventions. 6 parts, 4 @ 30pp, 2 @32pp,30 cm, red binder (Telegraph
Group, 2000) (donated by John Stacey, March 2008) SCI F4
VARLEY, Martin (Ed): Lakeland Life in the 1940's and 1950's - The Photographs of Gwen Bertelsman. pp 144, photographs, 27cm, cloth (Halsgrove, Tiverton, 2003 ISBN 1-84114) (purchased by the Trustees 2003) LAK H5
VERNE, Jules: Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. pp 302, fronts., illust., 18.5cms, half leather (Author's Edn, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington Ltd, London, 1888) (donated by Colin Butterworth, 2006). Stamped "Bampton Grammar School and Parochial Library" LIT.FOR J1
WAINWRIGHT, A.: The Far Eastern Fells (Book Two of a Pictorial Guide to The Lakeland Fells). unpag, line drawings, and sketch maps, 17.5cm, cloth (Frances Lincoln Ltd, London, 2003 ISBN 0-7112-2228-2) (purchased by the Trustees
2003) WES.MAH H4
WAINWRIGHT, A: The Pictorial Guides to the Lake District, Books 1-7: boxed set (50th Anniversary Edition, 2003 edn. ISBN 0-7112-2454/5/6/7/8/9/6-4/1/8/5/2/9/5 (purchased by the trustees April 2009
WAINWRIGHT, A.: The Outlying Fells of Lakeland. unpag, line drawings and sketch maps, 17.5cm, cloth (Frances Lincoln Ltd, London, 2003 ISBN 0-7112-32234-7) (purchased by the Trustees 2003) LAK.BAM H4
WAINWRIGHT, A: A Coast to Coast Walk - A Pictorial Guide. pp xxvi and 168, line drawings and sketch maps, 17.5cm, rexine (Westmorland Gazette, Kendal, 1972, 33rd impression) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2003) LAK.TOP; H4
WAINWRIGHT, A.: Walks on the Howgill Fells and Adjoining Fells. unpag., photographs, line drawings and sketch maps, 12cm, rexine (Westmorland Gazette, Kendal, 16th impression) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2003) WES H4
WAINWRIGHT, A: Walks in Limestone Country. unpag, photographs, line drawings and sketch maps, 12 cm, rexine (Westmorland Gazette, Kendal, n.d.)(donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2005) WES, YOR. H4
WAINWRIGHT, A: Westmorland Heritage. pp xvi & 487, line drawings and sketch maps, 19 cm, cloth {first published 1974, this edn Frances Lincoln, London, 2004 ISBN 0 7112 2419 6)(donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2004) BVI.WES H4
WAKE, Rt Revd Wm, DD: The Principles of the Christian Religion explained. pp 192 and unpag Table (index), leather (printed by B.Dod, bookseller to the SPCK, 6th edn, corrected, 1751) (donated by Mrs Elizabeth Myatt nee Orford, 2010) endpapers annotated by scholars of Bampton and Askham schools at various dates between 1782 and 1791
WEAR, Eleanor: Recollections of a Country Lass. pp 45, paperback, illust., 21cm, paper (printed by Reeds Ltd, Penrith nd) (purchased by the trustees, March 2008) Herald obituary of Mrs Wear, 22 November 2003, filed as item A44, H5
WEST, Thomas: A Guide to the Lakes in Cumberland, Westmorland & Lancashire. pp xiv and 311, fronts, folding map, 21 cm, paper on board (W.Pennington, Kendal, and others, Fourth Edition, 1789) (purchased by the trustees A4A grant
March 2008) Description of Haweswater at pp 159-163. LAK G1
WHALLEY, Diana: A Dictionary of Lake District Place Names. pp ix and 423, coloured plates" maps, 24cm, boards (English Place-Name Society, Shool of English Studies, University of Nottingham, 2006 ISBN 0904889726) (purchased by the trustees 2006) DIC, LAK H4
WHEATLEY, Henry B.: Hogarth's London - Pictures of the manners of the 18th Century. pp xix, 467, illust, 22 cm, rexine (Constable & Company Ltd, 1907) (donated by Mrs A Keamey, Queensland, Australia, 2009) BI.G GlIB
WHITESIDE (Rcvd Joseph) Vicar of Shap 1896-1900: Shappe in Bygone Days. pp 395, front,. plates, 23cm, cloth (Titus Wilson, Kendal, 1904) (stamped" Bampton Grammar School & Parochial Library", donated by Mr & Mrs John Aynsley, 1998) CVT.SHS; G1
WINSTANLEY, Michael and DA VID, Rob: A Guide to the Cumbrian Historical Sources. pp 105, 29 cm, paper (Lancaster University 2006, ISBN 1-86220-177-3 ) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, August 2006) HIS, LAK H5
WOOD (Revd J.G.): The New Illustrated Natural History. pp 795, engravings in text, 26cm, cloth (George Routledge & Sons, London, c1880) (donated by Dr Marguerite James. 2001) SCI G2
WORDSWORTH, Wm: A Guide through the District of the Lakes in the North of England. Reproduction of final (1835) edition with introduction and contemporary illustrations, edited by Peter Bicknall. pp 208, 25cm, cloth (Selecta Books Ltd, Devizes, 1992 ISBN 1-85648-033-X) (purchased by the Trustees 2003) LAK H4
WRAY, J.Jackson: Nestleton Magna, a Story of Yorkshire Methodism. pp 307 and catalogues, fronts, 21cms, cloth (James Nisbet & Co, 21 Bemers Street, London, nd) (presented to Elizabeth Atkinson, Bampton Weslyan Sunday School,
May 18th 1902) donated by Mrs Jean Woodhall, Penrith, March 2011 ENG.ILIT
WYATT (John): The Shining Levels: the story of a man who went back to nature. pp 187, drawings bv Elisabeth Trimby,18cm. paper (Penguin Books Ltd, Harrnondsworth, Middlesex, 1976) (donated by the family of Peter Gilpin, 2002)
WYATT, John: Cumbria - The Lake District and its County. pp 598, maps and colour illust in text, 26 cm, cloth (Robert Hale Ltd. London) 2004 ISBN 070907440 9)(purchased by the trustees July 2006) reference to Haweswater at pp 478/9
CURWEN ARCHIVES TRUST: Vital Stastics, The Westmorland Census of 1787. pp414 cloth 21cm.
DAWSON, (John): Cumbrian Privies. pp112, 21.5cm paperback, (Countryside Books)
GAMBLES, (Robert). Out of the Forest. pp206, 20.5cm. paperback, Laverock Books
HARPER (Kate). Life on an Eden Valley Farm. pp66, 21cm. paperback. Age Concern Eden
HARRIS, (Robert). Walks in Ancient Lakeland. pp125, 21cm, paprback. Sigma Press
HENSON (Elizabeth): British Sheep Breeds. pp32, 21cm, paperback, Shire Publications
HINDLE (Brian Paul): Lakeland Roads. pp28, 21.5cm. Dalesman Publishing Co.
HINCHCLIFFE (Isaac): A Backwater in Lakeland. pp92, 21cm, cloth. 2 Ravens
JEFFREY (Edward): Lake District Sketch Book. pp72, 20.5cm. Dalesman Publishing
LEE (Joan): The Place Names of Cumbria. pp96, 21cm. Cumbria Heritage Services.
MARSH (John): The Eden Valley. pp160, 22cm paperback. Alan Suton Publishing Ltd.
MEE (Arthur) ed. The Lake Counties. pp289, 20cm, hardback. Hodder & Stoughton.
MITCHELL (W.R.) Men of Lakeland pp142, 20cm hardback, Country Book Club.
MITCHELL (W.R.) & DELAP (Peter): Lakeland Mamals. pp96, 20cm paperback, Dalesman Publishing
NEVINSON (Fred): A Westmorland Shepherd. pp93, 21cm, paperback, Helm Press.
RAMSHAW (David): Walking East of Ullswater. pp32, 15cm,paperback. P3 Publications
ROBERTS ( William) ed. Thomas Gray’s Journal. pp.133 21cm, paperback Liverpool University Press.
ROBERTSON (Alistair): The Walton Family, A Lead Mining Dynasty of the Northern Pennines.
pp79, 21cm, Hundy Publications. Paperback.
ROBERTSON (Dawn), A Country Doctor, The Story of Dr. Isaac Bainbridge. pp36, 21cm paperback,
Hyloft Publishing/
ROOKSBY (Donald A.): The Quakers in North-West England:1, The Man in Leather Britches. pp80,
21cm, paperback, published by Author.
ROOKSBY (Donald A.): The Quakers in North West England:2; A People to be Gathered. pp84,
21cm, paperback, published by the Author.
SPARK (Edith): Outward Bound, pp56, 21cm paperback, Alston Moor Historical Society & Hundy Pub.
WOODS (Rex): Lakeland Profiles. pp96, 21cm paperback, Ashcliffe Books.
WALLACE (Doreen): English Lakeland, pp120, 21.5cm, hardback, B.T. Batsford Ltd.
WARD (E.M.): Days in Lakeland Past and Present, pp255, 19.5cm, hrdback, Methuen & Co.
WELSH (Mary): A Third Naturalist’s Guide to Lakeland Waterfalls throught the year. pp151, 21cm
Paperback, Westmorland Gazette.
WHARTON (Robinson): A North Westmorland Village Lad (Kirkby Stephen area). pp84, 21cm,
Paperback, Wilton Publishing Co.
WRIGHT (Peter): Cumbrian Dialect, pp79, 20.5cm, paperback, Dalesman Publishing
WRIGHT (Peret) Cumbrian Chat. pp64, 21cm, paperback, Dalesman Publishing.
Vol LIII (1979)
In May 1992, the Rev.C.P.Edmondson, Priest-in-Charge of the parish of Bampton contacted me to ask for advice on the future of the Tinclar Library, which for many years has been housed in Bampton Vicarage. The Vicar of Bampton is ex officio Chairman of the Trustees of the Tinclar Library. The other Trustees are at present Mrs.T.V.Roberts, of Dawes House, Bampton Grange, Mr.R.Langdale, of Scarview, Butterwick, and Miss M.E.Lightburn of Wood Nook, Bampton Grange. With the departure of the Rev.C.P.Edmondson, pastoral oversight of Bampton is being exercised by the Rev.J.T.Spence, Vicar of Shap.
From May to September 1992, I made several visits to Bampton,· to examine and arrange the Library collection, and to make notes for a Catalogue. Over this period, I met the Trustees informally from time to time, and also was present at a formal meeting of the Trustees held at Bampton on Tuesday 25 August 1992, under the chairmanship of the Rev.J.T.Spence. I made three reports, with recommendations, to the Trustees, dated 6 June, 27 July and 28 September 1992. The present Catalogue forms my Final Report, since the detailed descriptions of the books in the collection will provide much of the information required by the Trustees in formulating their decisions for the future preservation, accommodation, access and development of the Tinclar Library. It should be noted that, in addition to bibliographical information, indications of links between the books and the parish of Bampton and its history have been given where these appear to be of interest or importance, in particular, evidence of past ownership inside the covers or on the flyleaves.
I have dealt with the history of the Tinclar Library in my first report. Here, just a few words are required. The Earl of Lonsdale presented some books in 1710. In 1712, the SPCK Bray Library provided 67 volumes for the Bampton Library, of which 9 titles have survived, some still with Bray Library bookplates within. The main benefactor of the present Library was the Rev.Jonathan Tinclar, Rector' of Addlethor pe, near Skegness, Lincolnshire, who in 1751 bequeathed £50 to invest in land, the interest to be applied to the upkeep of the Library. Further details may be found in M.E. Noble: A history of the parish of Bampton (Kendal, 1901), and in the Church of England , Central Council for
.the Care of Churches: The parochial libraries of the Church of England (London, 1959): there are copies of both of these books in the Local History section of the Tinclar Library
In the main Catalogue, attention should be paid to the several subject cross-reference headings (like Bampton, Bible, Biography, etc.), as well as corporate heads, like Church of England; and also prominent authors who are well represented in the collection. The Appendices contain brief biographical notes of persons connected with Bampton Parish or the Tinclar Library, and of the Parish Records in Kendal , and of three manuscripts in the Tinclar Library.
G. E .Marrison
Ulverston, Cumbria,
22 October 1992.
Books from the Thomas Longstaff Memorial Library, 1977 are signalled by the suffix after the Catalogue entry: (TLHL).
Those from the Harold Sawrey Collection (Orton) 1992, by (HSCO).
See further under the entries LONGSTAFF and SAWREY, p.80.
ADAM (Alexander), LI.D., 1741-1809, Rector of the High School, Edinburgh: Roman antiquities, or: An account of the manners and customs of the Romans. 6th.edn., corrected. pp.xvi, 616. 21.5cm, leather. (Cadell & Davies:London, 1907).
ADAMS (Thomas): Works, including : The three divine sisters, faith, hope and charity, etc. pp.lxiii, 284, front. 17cm,
cloth. (Nelson: London, 1847). (Works of the Puritan Divines).
AIKIN, Dr., and BARBAULD, Mrs.: Evenings at home, or The juvenile budget opened. New edn., ed. by Cecil
Hartley. pp.Vlll, 445, illus. 16.5cm, leather. (George Routledge: London, 1866).
AINSWORTH (Robert), 1666-1743: Thesaurus linguae Latinae compendarius. (English-Latin, Latin-English dictionary), ed. By Thomas Morell. No pagination, 28 cm, leather. (Rivington and Woodfall: London, 1773).
ALBERT (Charles d’): England: Quadrille upon English airs (with other pieces bound together). Words and music.
35cm, boards, leather spine. (Chappell & Co.: London n. d. 18--).
ALBRIGHT (William Foxwell): The archeology of Palestine: a survey of the ancient peoples and cultures of the Holy Land, illustrated with photographs, diagrams and line drawings. pp.271, map, illus., plans, 18cm, paperback. (Penguin: Harmondsworth, 1949/1956). (A Pelican Book).
ALDIN (Cecil) Old inns. pp.viii, 149, illus. 25.5 cm cloth. (Heinemann, London, 1930).
ALDIN (Cecil) Old Manor Houses pp.109, illus, 26cm, rexine. (Heinman: London. 1923).
ALFORD (Henry), 1810-1871, ed., Dean of Canterbury, 1857-1871: The Greek Testament, with a critically revised text and a critical and exegetical commentary. 5 vols. 23cm, cloth. (Rivington and Deighton Bell: London, 1854-1861).
ALINGTON (C.A.), Dean of Durham: Sermons for the Jubilee: issued in connection with the twenty-fifth year of
accession to the throne of Their Majesties King George V and Queen Mary. pp.95. 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington: London,
1935). (Includes: E.H.Rudkin: The gift of grace, pp.83-95).
ALLEN (C.Edgar):- The modern locomotive.pp. ix, 174 illus. 17cm cloth (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1912
AL-QADUS. Coptic liturgy. (Coptic text, with Arabic translation on the margin). pp.351. 13.5cm, cloth.
(Cairo, no date). (on flyleaf: With love to Rev.W.H.Cormack, from Gindy Wasif, Cairo, Oct. 5th., 1918,'.
Mr.Cormack was 'Vicar of Bampton, 1930-1949).
AMBROSE (Isaac), 1604-1662/3, Minister of Garstang, Lancs.: Works… the doctrine of regeneration, the
practice of sanctification …. pp.ix, 560, front. 22cm, leather. (Henry Fisher: Liverpool, n.d.). (He was a
Presbyterian of the Ambrose family, from Lowick near Ulverston, and was known as 'the meditative puritan of Lancashire'). (On the flyleaf: 'Edmund Robinson: the gift of Melchior Hutt, Penrith, Oct.17, 1819).
ANDERSON (Robert), 1841-1918, Sir, KCB, Ll.D.: Criminals and crime: some facts and suggestions.
pp.xiii, 182, 21.5 cm, cloth. (James Nisbet: London, 1907).
ARMSTRONG (Ronald): Sermons for the Christian year. 2nd. series: Trinity to Advent. pp.222. 18.5cm, paperback.
(Longmans, Green: London, 1948). (TLML)
ARNOLD(Thomas), 1795-1842, Headmaster of Rugby School: Sermons preached in the Chapel at Rugby School,
with an address before Confirmation. 2nd. edn. pp.xii,377. 19.5cm., cloth. (B.Fellowes: London, 1833).
ASHLEY (John M.), BCL, Vicar of Fewston, Yorks.: A promptuary for preachers: Ascension Day to Advent, containing 350 epitomized Latin sermons. pp.xvi, 395. 23 cm, cloth. (J. T .Hughes , 1876).
ATKINSON (George): The worthies of Westmorland. 2 vols, , front. 20.5 cm, cloth. (J .Robinson: London, 1849-1850). (Vol.1, contains biographies of Hugh Curwen, 1500-1567, born at Bampton, Archbishop of Dublin, 1555-1567, pp.81-94; and of Edmund Gibson, 1669-1748, born at Bampton, Bishop of London,1743-1748).
AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION. A.A.Handbook, 2 vols: 1937-8; 1939-40 18.5 cm cloth. (Automobile
Association: London, 1937-40)
THE AUTHOR OF THE LIFE OF DAVID: Fifteen sermons upon social duties. pp.xvi, 319. 20 cm, leather. Rivington:
London, 1744. (Dedicated to the Countess of Granville)
AYRE (John), Minister of St.John's Chapel, Downshire, Hampstead: Advent, in four lectures. pp.iii, 132. 17.5cm,
cloth. (Seeley & Burnside: London, 1835)
BADEN-POWELL (Robert), 1857-1941, of Gillwell, 1857-1941: Rovering to success, a book of life-sport for young men. 17th. printing. pp. 247, illus. 19cm, cloth. (Herbert Jenkins: London, 1930).
BAKER (Ernest): Arnot: a knight of Africa. pp.186 illus. 20cm cloth (Seeley, Service: London, 1925).
BALFOUR (Arthur James), Earl, 1848-1930. Theism and humanism pp.xv, 274 (Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1915). (Clifford Lectures University of Glasgow 1914).
BALLAD: Ballad minstrelsy of Scotland. 2nd. edn. pp.xxviii, 656. 19cm, cloth. (Maurice Ogle: Glasgow n.d., 18--). (Bookplate of Watkin Herbert Williams, Bishop of Bangor, 1899-1925).
BALLEINE: A history of the Evangelical Party in the Church of England. Pp.xii, 338. (Longmans Green:
London, 1909). (The author was vicar of St. James’s, Bermondsey)
BAMBROUGH (Renford): The philosophy of Aristotle. pp.431. 17.5cm, paperback.
(Mentor Classics: New American Library: New York, 1963).
BAMPTON: Parish registers, 1637 -1812. Ed. and transcribed by Mary E. Noble. pp.iii, 325. 23cm, cloth. (T.Wilson: Kendal, 1897). (Given by R.J. Cantley of Beckfoot, for the Bampton Vicarage Library, Xmas Day, 1935).
BAMPTON: A transcript of the registers of the Parish Church of St.Patrick at Bampton in Westmorland. Vol.1, 25 March, 1699/1700 to 27 March, 1720/21. Vol.2, 27 March 1720/21 to 22 November 1766. Made at Walmgate, Bampton, Sept. 1896, by J.Paul Rylands. (Manuscript: bound notebook, lined, no pagination, 20 x 13 cm x 2.5 cm thick).
BAMPTON Map: See WESTMORLAND, Sheet XIII, 6ins = 1 mile, Ordnance Survey, 1863.
BARCLAY (James), Rev.: A complete and universal dictionary of the English language. New edn., enlarged and
improved. pp.xxxiii, 928, front., illus., 27cm, soft leather. (Brighlten & Charles: Bungay, 1812). (Bookplate
inscribed: William A. Kitching, Bampton Grange, Penrith).
BARCLAY (William), Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism, Glasgow, 1963-, d.1978: The Letters to the
Corinthians. pp.xviii, 298. 18.5cm, paperback. (St.Andrew Press: Edinburgh, 1954/1961). (The Daily study Bible).
BARCLAY The Letter to the Hebrews. pp.xxiii, 231. 18.5cm, paperback. (St.Andrew Press: Edinburgh, 1955/1960). (Daily Study Bible). (TLML).
BARING-GOULD (Sabine), 1834-1924: The Passion of Jesus: first series : seven discourses for Lent. pp x , 99. 18cm, cloth. London, 1835). (Skeffington: London 1885).
BARING -GOULD (Sabine) Village preaching for a year: Volume II, Trinity to Advent. pp viii 257 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington:
London 1884).
BARKER (Edwin) and PRESTON (Ronald): Christians in society. pp.190. 19 cm boards. (SCM:
London, 1939). (Religious Book Club, vol.12).
BARNES (Albert), Rev.: Notes, explanatory and practical on the Epistle to the Hebrews. Revised by John
Cuming. pp.339. 18.5cm, cloth. (G.Routledge: London, 1856).
BARR (James): The Bible in the modern world. pp.xii, 193. 22cm, cloth. (SCM: London,1923). (Croall
Lectures in New College, Edinburgh, 1970). (Inscribed: Appleby Deanery Readers).
BARRAND (Charles Norris), 1909-, Vicar of Martindale, 1963-.: A short guide to Martindale: how to get there, where to stay, where to walk, what to do. 2nd. revised and enlarged edition. pp.24, map. 20.5cm, paper. (Martindale, 1969/1972).
BARROW (Isaac), 1630-1677, Anglican Divine and Mathematician: A brief exposition of the Lord's Prayer and the Decalogue; to which is added, the Doctrine of the Sacraments. pp.(viii), 270, (ii). 16cm, leather. (B.Aylmer: London, 1681).
BARROW : The usefulness·of mathematical learning explained and demonstrated: twenty mathematical lectures read in the public schools at the University of Cambridge. pp.xxxii, 440, (xvi), front and a fold-out diagram. 20cm, leather. (Stephen Austen: London, 1734). (Binding damaged, and some pages loose).
BARRY (Frank Russell), Canon of Windsor, Bishop of Southwell, 1941-1964: What has Christianity to say?
pp.192. 19cm, boards. (SCM: London, 1937). (Religious Book Club, vol.1.)
BARTHOLOMEW (J.G.): The pocket Tourist's Atlas of Scotland; with a descriptive gazetteer pp.20, maps. 16cm, limp
cloth. (John Walker: London 1893).
BARTHOLOMEW (K.): Europe and the Mediterranean lands. pp xi, 418, illus., maps. 20cm, cloth. (George
Philip: London, 1963). (Philips Global Geographies, Book 5). (On flyleaf: G. de Burgh Thomas) .
BATE (H.N.), Vicar of St.Stephen's, Hampstead: History of the Church to A.D.325. pp.(iv),140. 15.5cm,
cloth. (Rivington: London, 1912). (Oxford Church Text Books). \
BATE (John): Cyclopedia of illustrations of moral and religious truths. 15th. edn. pp.(v), 940. 24cm, cloth. (Jarrold & Sons: London, n.d. , 18--). (Quotations from various authors, arranged alphabetically, perhaps for illustrations to sermons).
BAXTER (Richard, 1615- 1691, Puritan Divine: The saints' everlasting rest: or, a treatise of the blessed saints in their enjoyment of God in glory. 9th. edn. pp. preface , 836, index. 22cm, boards, with leather bound spine. (Frances Tyson and Jane Underhill: London, 1662). (First published 1650).
BAXTER : Works, including: Making light of Christ and salvation (etc). pp.lviii, 283, front. 17cm,
cloth. (Nelson: London, 1846). ,Works of the Puritan Divines).
BEACHCROFT (R.P.), Rev., Rector of Blunham, Beds.: Four sermons preparatory to the administration of
the Lord's Supper. pp.1x, 104. 17cm, quarter leather. (L.B.Seeley: London, 1820). (Bound after: WHITAKER
Edward:Sermons 1820)
BEDFORD SCHOOL: Old Bedfordians' Register. 28th. edn. June 1920. pp.262. 18cm, paperback. (hockliffe:
Bedford,1920). .
BEDE, The Venerable, 673-735: Venerabilis Bedae Historiae Ecclesiasticae Gentis Anglorum, Liber III. Latin text, edited, with an introduction and notes by the Rev.C.S. Wallis, B.A. and the Rev.C.H.Gill, M.A., Tutors of St.John's Hall, Highbury. pp.88. 18cm, paperback. (George Bell: London, 1909)
BENNET (Thomas), D.D., 1673-1720, of St.John's·College, Cambridge, Vicar of St.Giles's Cripplegate from 1711: An answer to the Dissenters' pleas for separation, or, an abridgment of the London Cases. pp.(viii), 326. 19cm, leather. (Cambridge University Press, for Alexander Bosoile: Cambridge, 1707). (With SPCK Bray Library bookplate, 'Tolle, lege').
BENNET : A confutation of popery, in III parts. 3rd. edn. pp.(vii),370. 20cm, leather. (Edmund Jeffrey, James
Knapton: Cambridge, 1706). (With SPCK Bray bookplate).
BENNETT (Ernest), Sir.: Apparitions and haunted houses: a survey of evidence. pp.xix, 396, plans. 23cm, cloth.
(Faber & Faber: London, 1939).
BENNETT (John C.): Christian realism. pp.187. 19cm, boards. (SCM: London, 1941). (Religious Book Club, vol.25).
BERENS ( Edward) : The history of the Prayer Book of the Church of England. pp.viii, 266. 19.5cm, cloth. (Parker:
Oxford, 1841).
BERENS : Sermons on sickness, sorrow and death. pp.(iii), 103. 18cm, cloth. (Rivington: London, 1833). (He was Archdeacon of. Berkshire). (With a stamp on the front cover, SPCK).
BERNANOS (Georges), 1888-1948, French author: A diary of my times, translated from the French by Pamela Morris. pp.270. 22.5cm, cloth. (Boriswood: London, 1938).
BERRY (Geoffrey): Across Northern Hills: long-distance footpaths in the North of England. With 122 photographs by the author, and 10 maps by A.Wainwright. pp.152, oblong, illus., maps. 23cm, cloth. (Westmorland Gazette: Kendal, 1975).
BERRY [Geoffrey]: Mardale revisited: the story of Haweswater. pp.40, illus., map. 21cm, paper.
(Westmorland Gazette: Kendal, 1984).
BEVERIDGE (William), 1637-1708, Bishop of St-.Asaph, 1704-1708: Works, vols. 1,3-
8. 24cm, boards. (Jarnes Duncan: London, 1824).
.The Holy Bible (A.V.). n.p , 18.5cm, leather. (Clarendon Press:
Oxford, 1787). (Inscribed on the flyleaf: '1798: this book the gift of Lord Wharton's Trustees, was adjudged to Thomas Atkinson, aged seven years. John Bowstead, Bampton School).
The Holy Bible (A.V.), with short notes by several learned and pious Reformers. n.p , 31.5cm, leather.(L.B.Seeley: London, 1810).
Brown's self-interpreting Family Bible. (With a commentary by John Brown, Minister of Haddington), n.p., illus. 33 cm, tooled cloth. (Adam & Co.: Newcastle, n.d.).
The Holy Bible (A.V.); with a complete commentary by the Rev.Samuel Clarke. no pagination. 44cm, leather. (S.Oddy: London, 1813). (Front cover loose) •
The Holy Bible (A.V.). No pagination. 32 cm leather. (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1847).
The Holy Bible (A.V.). See: Liturgies: Book of Common Prayer, 1851. (Mary Noble’s copy, from Lord Wharton’s Trust, 1852).
The Holy Bible (A.V.). No pagination. 46.5cm, leather. (OUP for SPCK:
Oxford, 1847). (With leather bookplate: Parish of Bampton, 1854: 'George Jacques, John Noble, Churchwardens.') (Damaged).
The Holy Bible (A.V., with Apocrypha). pp.8, 1-964, 1-228,965-1265. 28.5cm, rexine. (OUP for SPCK:
Oxford, 1860).
BIBLE,English. Apocrypha and New Testament (A.V.) no pagination 42.5cm soft leather (fair condition)
The Holy Bible (A.V.). pp.775, 21, 779, 1014, maps. 16.5cm, cloth.
(OUP: London, no date). (At the beginning, Table of lessons; in the middle, lessons from the Apocrypha). (Presented to John 'William Hutchinson , 1920, by Lord Wharton's Trustees; G.E.F.Day, Vicar).
Holy Bible (A.V.). No pagination. 28.5cm,boards. (Title page missing; pages at beginning and end damaged).
Holy Bible (A.V.). No pagination. 26.5cm, boards. Title page missing; the book is in a ruinous condition).
New Testament (A. V., with commentary at the foot of each page; title page missing; with which is bound: The Apocrypha at large, illustrated with notes & annotations, selected from the most eminent commentators. No pagination. 38cm, leather. (Printed by the Executors of B.Jackson: Bolton, 1790). (Binding damaged).
Holy Bible for the use of families. Vol.2, part 2, The New Testament. (A.V.), with introduction by George d'Oyley and Richard Mant, Bishop of Down, Connor and Dromore. No pagination, illustrated. 29.5cm, leather. (OUP for SPCK: Cambridge, 1830).
The New Testament (A.V.). No pagination. 18cm, leather. (BFBS: London, 1840). (On the flyleaf: 'Mary Winskill, Crosby Ravensworth, July 27th., 1854).
BICKERSTETH (Edward), 1786-1850, b. Kirkby Lonsdale, Secretary, CMS, 1815-, Vicar of Wotton, Herts, 1830-1850: The Christian Student: designed to assist Christians in general in acquiring religious knowledge, with lists of books adapted to the various classes of society. pp.xii, 635. 19cm, boards. (R.B.Selley: London, 1829).
BICKERSTETH. Family prayers: being a complete course for six weeks, with additional prayers suited to the fasts and festivals of the Church and the various circumstances of family life. pp , xxiv, 385.. 16.5cm, cloth. (Seeley, Jackson and Halliday: London, 1842
BIRRELL (Augustine): Essays of today and yesterday. Pp 63. 17.5 cm, boards. (Harrap: London, 1926).
BISSEAND (Thomas), Rev., Balliol College, Oxford: Preaching of the cross, the effectual means for the
conversion of sinners and the stability of the Church. pp. x , 153. 19.5cm, cloth. (J .Hatchard: London, 1838).
BLACKALL (Offspring), 1650-1716, Bishop of Exeter, 1708-1716: The works of Offspring Blackall, consisting of eighty-seven practical discourses upon Our Saviour's Sermon on the Mount; together with his sermons preached at Boyle's Lecture in the Cathedral Church of St.Paul in the year 1700. 2 vols. 37cc, leather. (Printed for Thomas Ward: London, 1723) (Binding of vol.1 in poor condition, ink and damp stained; vol.2 is good).
BLAIR (Hugh), 1718-1800, Scottish Theologian: The sermons of Hugh Blair, D.D., F.R.S, complete in four volumes.
(vols. 1,3 only). 21 cm, quarter leather. (A.K.Newman: London / Oliver & Boyd: Edinburgh, 1815).(On the title page: 'Elizabeth Gouge, Kiddr., 1817).
BLAIR (Hugh) Sermons. pp.782, front. 23cm, cloth. (T.Allman: London, 1840). (On the flyleaf: 'Travers M'Intyre, 1877).
BLAND (John Salkeld): The valley of Lyvennet: its picturesque peeps and legendary lore: a manuscript book by John Salkeld Bland of Wybourne, Reagill. Ed. by F.H.M.Parker. pp.90, front, illus. 23cm, cloth. (Wilson: Kendal, 1910). (This printed version contains several variations, additions and deletions).
BLATHERWICK (Douglas P.), OBD: A layman speaks again: a revision of: A layman speaks. pp.93. 18.5cm,
paperback. (Epworth: London, 1964). (TLML).
BLOOMFIELD (Robert), 1766-1825: Poems, vol.1: The Farmer's Boy; and Good Tidings. pp.IXIVlll, 125, front portrait. 13.5cm, leather. (Printed for the Author, 1809. (Vol.1: The Farmer's Boy).
BLOXAM (Charles Loudon): Metals: their properties and treatment. New edn. pp.452, illus. 17.5cm, cloth.
(Longmans, Green: London, 1882). (On the flyleaf, 'Travers M'Intyre, Bedford)
BONNEY (Thomas George), D.Sc., Ll.D., Canon, Professor of Geology, University College, London: Cathedrals, abbeys and churches of England and Wales. 2 vols., illus. 29cm, quarter leather. (Cassell: London, 1891).
BOSWELL (James), 1740-1795: The life of Samuel Johnson, Ll.D-. 3 vols. 22cm, leather. (Charles Dilley: London, 1793). (The first edition was published in 1791).
BOSWORTH (Newton), Hon. member of the London Philosophical Society: The accidents of human life, with hints for their prevention, or the removal of their consequences. pp.xii, 209, illus. 15cm, leather. (Lackington, AlIen & Co.: London, 1813). (Contains engravings of rescue apparatus).
BOUCH (C.M.L.), Canon: Prelates and people of the Lake Counties: a history of the Diocese of
Carlisle, 1133-1933. pp. xv, 514, illus., map. 22 cm cloth. (Titus Wilson & Sons: Kendal, 1948).
BOUQUET (A.C.): Comparative religion: a short outline. pp.319. 18cm, paperback. (Penguin: Harmondsworth, 1949/1956). (A Pelican Book). (HSCO)
BOWMER (John C.): The Lord's Supper in Methodism. pp.64. 18.5 cm, paperback.
(Epworth: London,1961). (TLML)
BOWSTEAD (John), Rev., Vicar of Messingham with Bottesford, and Prebendary of Lincoln: Practical sermons. 2
vols. 23cm, cloth. (Rivington: London, 1857). (Inscribed on the front cover: 'The gift of the author, 1857').
BOYS (Thomas), 1792-1880, Theologian and Antiquary: A plain exposition of the New Testament. .
BRAILSFORD (Edward J.): The spiritual sense in sacred legend. pp. 288. 20cm, cloth.
(Robert Culley: London, 1910)
BREARLEY (D.): Lake District place-names. pp. 84. 21.5cm, paperback.
(Frank Graham: Newcastle-on-Tyne; 1974).
BREASTED (James Henry): Professor of Oriental History and Egyptology, University of Chicago: A brief history of Ancient Times. Abridged from the Author's 'Ancient Times', by W.Hugh Jones. Rev. edn. pp.342, illus. 19cm, cloth. (Ginn & Co.: London, n.d.).
BRETT (Thomas), 1667-1743, Non-Juring Divine. The life of the late Rev. John Johnson, A.M., Vicar of ·Cranbrook in Kent, prefixed to his posthumous tracts. pp.lvi, 406. 21cm, boards, with leather spine. (Printed by J.Bettenson for Charles Hild: London, 1748). (Brett was consecrated Bishop by non-juring Bishops, 1716).
BRIDGES (Charles), Rev., Evangelical Divine, Vicar of Weymouth; and of Old Newham, Suffolk: The Christian ministry; with an enquiry into the causes of its inefficiency and with special reference to the ministry of the Establishment. 3rd. edn. pp.Xiii, 672. 20cm, boards. (R.B.Seeley H.Burniside: London, 1830).
BRIDGES (Charles)-. An exposition of the Book of Proverbs. 2 Vols. 19.5 cm, cloth.
(Seeley, Burniside & Seeley: London, 1846).
BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. Report for 1910-1911.(BFBS: London,1911)
BROOMFIELD (Gerald W.): Towards freedom: the UMCA Centenary book. pp.(v), 135. 19cm, cloth.(UMCA:
London, 1957).
BROUGHTON (Thomas), d.1774, Rector of Broughton in Huntingdonshire, Prebendary of Salisbury: An historical dictionary of all religions from the creation of the world, to the present time. 2 vols. in one, pp.xxv, 606,.xiv, 563 + index. 36.5cm, leather. (C.Davis: London, 1742). (The binding is in a ruinous condition).
BRUCE (Alex.B.), Professor of Divinity , Free Church College, Glasgow: The humiliation of Christ: its
physical, ethical and official aspects. 5th. edn. pp.xvi, 455. 23cm, cloth. (T & T Clark: Edinburgh, 1900).
(The Sixth Series of Cunningham Lectures).
BUCKINGHAM (James Silk): The Eastern and Western States of America. 3 Vols., illus. 23cm, cloth. (Fisher and Son: London, 1842).
BUDD (Henry), 1774-1853, theologian: Helps for the young, or: Baptismal regeneration according to the services of
the Established Church; in a series of 12 tracts. 2 vols. 19.5cm, cloth. (L.G.Seeley: London, 1839). (He was one of the founders of the Prayer Book and Homily Society, 1812, and a Supporter of Overseas missions).
BULLEY (S.Cyril), Bishop of Carlisle, 1966-1972, compiler: Partners in Education: the role of the Diocese. A report on the Diocesan Director of Education, and the Diocesan Education Committee, submitted to the National Society for Promoting Religious Education, by a Commission under the chairmanship of the Bishop of Carlisle. pp.xvii, 169.
21.5cm. paperback. (National Society/SPCK: London, 1971).
BULMER (T.F.), publisher: History, topography and directory of Westmoreland.pp.692, map. 22cm,
quarter leather. (T.F.Bulmer: Preston, 1885).(Contains separate descriptions of each town, parish and manor).
BULTMANN (Rudolf), 1884-1976), German theologian: Primitive Christianity in its contemporary setting.
Translated by R.H.Fuller. pp.256. 18cm, paperback. (Collins, Fontana: London, 1956/1960).
BUNYAN (John), 1628-1688: Works, including: The Jerusalem sinner saved, (etc). Vol.1, pp.x:xxiv, 310,
front. 17cm, cloth. (Nelson: London, 1845). (Works of the Puritan Divines).
BUNYAN (John) Works, including: The greatness of the soul, etc). Vol.2, pp.lii, 278, front. 17cm cloth (Nelson:London)
(Works of the Puritan Divines)
BURDER (George), 1752-1832. Non-conformist minister, editor of the Evangelical Magazine: Village sermons,
, or Short plain discourses for the use of families, schools and religious societies. 3 vols. 18cm, quarter leather. (Black, Kingsbury: London, 1819).
BURDER (George) Fifty-two village sermons. pp.xxiv, 532. 19.5cm, cloth. (Adam Clarke Baynes: Liverpool, 1837).
BURGESS (Alan): The Small Woman: the story of Gladys Aylward. Pp249, illus. 17.5cm, paperback. (Pan Books:
London, 1957/1966). (Gladys Aylward, missionary to China).
BURGETT (A.E.): The door of heaven: a manual for Holy Communion for young people. pp.55, illus.
14cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1914/1915).
BURKE (Edmund), 1729-1797, Statesman: Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the proceedings of
certain societies in London relative to that event: in a letter intended to have been sent to a gentleman in Paris. 3rd.
edn. pp.iv, 364. 22cm, leather. (Printed for J .Dodsley: London, 1790).
BURKE (Thomas), ed.: The book of the inn: being two hundred pictures (i.e. descriptions) of the English inn from earliest times to the coming of the railway hotel. pp.xxv, 401, front. 19cm, leather. (Constable & Co.: London, 1927).
BURN (John Henry), ed.: Laity in council: essays on ecclesiastical and social problems by lay members
of the Anglican Commission. pp.334. 22.5cm, cloth. (Wells, Gardner, Darton & Co.: London, n.d. c1901).
BURNET (Gilbert), 1643-1715, Bishop of Salisbury, 1698-1715: An exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles of
the Church of England. 6th. edn. pp.xxxvi, 594, xix. 20.5cm, leather. (A.Mooney: Edinburgh, 1745).
BURNEY (Charles), D.D., F.R.S.: Exposition of the Creed, by John Pearson, D.D., Bishop of Chester, abridged
for the use of young persons. pp.xx, 426. (T.Cadell & W.Davies: London, 1812).
CALVIN (John), 1509-1564, Reformer: The Institutes of Christian religion. translated by Thomas Norton. pp.
preface,749, index. 29cm, leather.(Anne Griffin, for Joyce Norton: London, 1634). ( The leather binding is broken).
CAMBRIDGE: A guide through the University of Cambridge (and) a description of the town, country and neighbourhood of Cambridge; including a tour of Ely, Wimpole, Newmarket, etc. pp x, 180, plan, plates. 18cm, leather. (J.Deighton: Cambridge / Longman: London, 1808). (Contains engravings).
CANDOLE (Henry de), Bishop of Knaresborough: Headings for the Lessons, years 1&II. pp.xvi, 96.
21.5cm, paperback. (Mowbray: London, 1956/1959). (TLML).
CAPPER (Benjamin Pitts: A topographical dictionary of the United Kingdom, and the various small islands dependent upon the British Empire.No pagination, 46 maps. 22cm, leather. (Richard Phillips: London, 1838).
CARLISLE, Cathedral: The story of Carlisle Cathedral. 13th.edn. PP.56, illus. 19cm, paper. (The British
Publishing Co.: Gloucester, n.d.).
CARLISLE, Diocese of: Carlisle Diocesan Calendar, clergy list and almanac 1938 pp.196. 18.5cm,
paperback. (Charles Thurnham: Carlisle, 1938)
CARLISLE, CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND, Local Education Authorities: Agreed syllabus of Religious Instruction. pp.302. 22cm, cloth. (Carlisle, 1951). (Inserted is DIOCESE OF CARLISLE: Diocesan Supplement to the Agreed Syllabus of Religious Education. Pp 7. 20cm, paper, n.d.
CARRUTHERS (E.J.): People called Cumbri: the heroic age of the CumbrianCelts. pp 208. , illus. 22cm, cloth. (Robert Hale: London, 1979).
CASSELL'S ILLUSTRATED PENNY READINGS. An anthology of verse and prose. pp.384, illus. 26cm, cloth. (Cassell, Petter & Galpin: London,n d 18--)
CHARNOCK (Stephen): Works, including: The chief of sinners objects of the choicest merc (etc). pp.xxvii, 283, front. 17cm, cloth. (Nelson: London, 1847). Works of the Puritan Divines. (Calvinistic Nonconformist
divine, d.1680). .
CHAVASSE (C.M.), Bishop of Rochester, 1939-1961: The meaning of the Lessons: short introductions. pp.xiii, 226.
19cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1959).(TLML)
CHEYNE (T.K.): The prophecies of Isaiah. 2 vols., 1886.
CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE: The Christian Advocate, or Review. Edited by the Rev.
Edward Garbett, Incumbent of Christ Church Surbiton. Vols.3-5. 22cm, quarter leather. (William Hunt:
London, 1869-1871).
CHRISTIAN HERALD: The Christian Herald and Signs of the Times (a magazine), edited by the Rev.M.Baxter, Clergyman of the Church of England. Twelfth year. 1 vol. 32cm, cloth. (London, 1878-9). (On the Cover: 'This journal contains every week a portrait and a sermon by the Rev. Dr. Talmadge of Brooklyn, U.S.; and by special permission, a sermon and exposition by the Rev.C.H.Spurgeon …) . 2 volumes
CHRISTIAN OBSERVER: The Christian Observer, conducted by members of the Established Church. 2
vols. pp.965, 971. 22cm, quarter leather. (Hatch & Co.: London, 1864-5).
CHRISTIAN WORLD PULPIT: Sunday readings for Christian families. Vol. 67,Jan-Jun 1905. 28.5cm, cloth. (James Clarke: London, 1905).
CHRISTMAS (F.E.), compiler: An Easter anthology. pp52, illus. 16cm, boards. ( St.Hugh's Press: London 1946).
CHURCH CONGRESS: The official report of the Church Congress, held at Manchester 1-5 Oct 1888. Ed. by the Rev. C.Dunkley, Vicar of St.Mary's, Wolverhampton. pp.xix, 758. 22cm, cloth. (Bemrose & Sons: London, 1888).
CHURCH CONGRESS: The official report of the Church Congress, held at Manchester, 6-9 Oct 1908. Ed. by the Rev. C.Dunkley, Vicar of Brewood, Prebendary of Lichfield. pp.xxiv, 688. 22 cm, cloth. (Bemrose&Sons: London; 1908).
CHURCH MISSIONARY INTELLIGENCER:Church Missionary Intelligencer: a monthly journal of
missionary information, vols.14,15. 25.5cm, quarter leather. (Seeley, Jackson: London, 1863-4).
CHURCH MISSIONARY INTELLEGENCER AND RECORD: Church Missionary Intelligencer and Record,
New Series, vol.1. 22.5 cm , cloth. (Church Missionary House: London, 1876).
CHURCH OF ENGLAND: The constitutions and canons ecclesiastical (made in the year 1603 and amended in the year 1865), to which are added the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England. pp.101. 20cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, n.d.,
1890). (Bound with HOMILIES, 1890).
CHURCH OF ENGLAND: The Thirty-nine Articles, and the constitutions and canons of the Church of England. pp.viii, 167. 19cm, leather. (Eyre & Strachan: London, 1773). (Includes: The offices according to the use of the Church of England, Oxford, 1780). (Back cover missing; in flyleaf 'R.Perryn').
CHURCH OF ENGLAND: Archbishops' Church and State Commission: Church and State: a summary of the report of the Archbishops' Commission. pp.23. 24cm, paper. (Church Information Office: London,1971). (HSCO)
CHURCH OF ENGLAND: Central Board of Finance: The Christian stewardship of money. pp.96. 21cm,
paperback. (Church Information Office: London, 1959) (HSCO)
Church and State: report of the Archbishops' Commission. pp.x, 129. (SPCK: London, 1970).
Partners in Ministry: being the report of the Commission on the deployment and payment of the clergy.
pp(xii), 111. 22cm, paperback. (CIO: London, 1967). (TLML).
CHURCH OF ENGLAND, Central Council for the Care of Churches: The parochial libraries of the Church of England: report of a committee appointed by the Central Council for the Care of Churches to investigate the number and condition of parochial libraries belonging to the Church of England; with an historical introduction, notes on early printed books and their care, and an alphabetical list of parochial libraries, past and present. pp. 25cm, cloth bound. (The Faith Press: London, 1959). (For the Library at Bampton, see p.65).
quarter leather. (Church of England Sunday School Institute: London, 1849-1858).
CHURCH OF ENGLAND TEMPERANCE CHRONICLE:, vol.l, no.l - vol.8, no.2. Bound in 4 vols. 30cm, cloth.(Wells, Gardner: London, 1873-1880).
CHURCH OF ENGLAND TEMPERANCE MAGAZINE, 5 vols. 21.5cm. quarter leather. (London, 1863-1868).
CHURCHILL (John H.), Vicar of St.George and St.Stephen Sheffield; later Dean of Carlisle: Prayer in
progress. pp.160. 19cm, cloth. (Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1961). (TLML).
CLARK (John Willis) and HUGHES (Thomas McKenny): The life and letters of the Reverend Adam Sedgwick, LI.D., DCL, FRS, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, prebendary of Norwich, Woodwardian Professor of Geology, 1785-1873. 2 vols., illus. 23cm, cloth. (University Press: Cambridge, 1890). (Sedgwick was born at Dent, Yorks.).
CLARKE (James Stanier), 1765-1834, and M'ARTHUR (John): The life of Admiral Lord Nelson, from
his Lordship's manuscript (abridged for the quarto edition). pp.xi, 702. 22cm, leather. (T.Cadell & H.Davies:
London, 1810).
CLARKE (Samuel), D.D., 1675-1729: A paraphrase of the Four Evangelists. 2 Vols., 9th. edn. (John & Paul Knapton: London, 1751).
CLARKE (W. Lowther): Concise Bible commentary. pp.xii, 996. 23.5cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1952).
CLARKE (W. Lowther): Teaching sermons: second series, Old Testament. pp.vii,139. 18.5cm, paperback. (SPCK:
London, 1961). (TLML).
CLARKE (W.Lowther) and HARRIS (Charles): Liturgy and worship: A companion to the Prayer Books of the
Anglican Communion. pp.vii, 868. 22cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1932/1959). (TLML).
.CLASSICAL ATLAS. (No title page). 28 maps, coloured; index, 68pp. 37cm, cloth. (E.P.Williams, Eton, and the Eton Warehouse: London, 1841). (Bindings broken away).
CLERGYMAN'S COMPANION. Clergyman's Companion in visiting the sick. pp.(xii), 226. 17cm, leather.
(A.Wilde: London, 1764). ('R.Perryn', with a manuscript prayer in the front cover; back cover missing).
CLERGYMAN'S INSTRUCTOR: The Clergyman's Instructor, or A collection of Tracts on the ministerial duties. pp.viii, 427. 22cm, leather. (Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1807). (An anthology of 8 works: 1.HERBERT (G):
A priest in the Temple. 2.TAYLOR (Jeremy): Rules and advices to the clergy of Down and Connor). 3.
BURRALL (G.): Discourse of pastoral care, 4. SPRAT (T.): To Clergy of Rochester, 1695. 5. BULL (G.):
Companion of Holy Orders. 6. GIBSON (E.): Discourses. 7. HORT (J): Instructions to the clergy of Tuam, 1742.
8. STEARNE (J.): Tractatus de visitatione infirmorum).
CLERICAL LIBRARY: Outline of sermons on the Old Testament. pp.Vlll, 292. 2Ocm, cloth.(Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1882). (An anthology from various preachers).
COETLOGON (Charles Edward de), 1746-1820: The portraiture of the Christian penitent, attempted in a course of sermons upon Psalm 51. 2nd. edn. 2 vols, front in vol.1. 20.5cm, boards. (Printed by M.Lewis; sold by M.Binchland: London, 1776).
COGGAN (Donald), Archbishop of York, 1961-1975, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1975- : The prayers ofthe New Testament. pp.190. 21cm, cloth. (Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1957).
COGGAN (Donald) stewards of grace. (On preaching). pp.127. (Hodder and Stoughton : London, 1958). (TLML) •
19cm, cloth.
COGGAN Donald . Lenten counsellors: a catena of Lenten sermons for devotional reading. pp s x i , 145. 18.5cm, paperback. (Mowbray:· London, 1962). (TLML) •
COLCHESTER, Bishop of, et al.: The Word of God in the life of man: sermon outlines with related studies.
(Advent to Trinity). ·pp.198. 19cm, cloth. (Mowbray: London, 1954/1955). (TLML).
COLE William), Rcv , , M.A., FSA, 1714-1782: The Bletchley diary of the Rev.William CoLE , M..A., FSA, 1765-67. Edited f'rom the originaI manuscript in the British Museum by Francis Griffin Stokes; with an introduction by Helen Waddell. pp.ix, 392, map, illus. 22.5cm, cloth. (Constable: London,1931). (Cole was a Cambridge antiquary, from Waterbeach; he became Rector of Bletchley, Bucks. See B.L. manuscript Add.5835, which has 469 pp.).
COLLINGWOOD, (w .G.): Dutch Agnes, her Valentine: being the journal of the Curate of Coniston,
1616-1623. pp.v, 262. (William Heinemann: London, 1910).
CONYBEARE (William John), 1815-1857, and HOWSON (John Saul): The life and Epistles of St.Paul. 2 vols, illus. 21.5cm, cloth. (Longmans Green: London, 1872). (This is said to have been the most widely studied book on st. Paul in the nineteenth century).
COTTAGE MAGAZINE: The Cottage Magazine, or: Plain Christian Library, volume the sixth, pp,426. 18cm,
leather. –(Sherwood Neeley & Jones: London, 1817). (Front loose).
COWPER (William), 1731-1800: The poetical works of William Cowper, ed. by the Rev.Robert Aris Willmott; illustrated by Birket Foster. New edn. pp.lxviii, 630, front portrait, illus. 17cm, cloth. (Routledge, Warne and Routledge: London, 1863).
COX (J.Charles):County Churches of Cumberland and Westmorland. pp.181, front., illus. 17cm, cloth. (AlIen & Unwin: London, 1913). (County Church Series). (Contains a detailed historical introduction; then churches in alphabetical order; with an appendix of modern churches, giving the dates of their construction).
COX (Thomas), d.1734, Topographer; Rector of Chignal Smealy, Essex:Cumberland and Durham. pp.365-422, 605-648, maps. 22cm, boards. (Nutt: London, 1738). (This is an extract from his chief work: note on flyleaf: 'Survey of the ancient and present state of Great Britain by Rev.Thos.Cox, 1738: sections on Cumberland and Durham).
CRAMB (J.A.), Professor of Modern History, Queen's College, London:Germany and England. pp.x, 137. 19cm, cloth. (Murray: London, 1914).
CREIGHTON (Mandell), Bishop of London, 1897-1901: Historical essays and reviews. pp.vii, 356. 19.5cm,
cloth. (Longmans, Green: London, 1903). (Essays about Dante, Acheas Sylvius, Wyclif, etc.).
CRIPPS (Henry William) ib. 4th. edn. 23cm, cloth. (H.Sweet: London, 1863) PP.xviii, 873.
CRITICI SACRI: Critici Sacri, siveannotata doctissimorum virorum in Vetus ac NOVUM Testamentum, quibus accedunt tractatus varii, theologico-philologici. 8 vols. in 9. (Vol.1 bound in 2 parts). 39.5cm, vellum bound. Amstelaedami, Excudunt Henricus et Vidua Theodori Boom, Joannes & Aegidius Jansonii Waesberge, Gerhardus Borstius, Abrahamus a Someren,
Joannes Wolters; et ultrajecti Guljelmus van de Water, MDCXCVIII. Cum Privelegio. (= Amsterdam, 1698).
(Vol.1, part 1, 2nd.flyleaf: Dedication to Frederic III (Marchion), Duke of Brandenburg, Amsterdam, 12 June 1698; 2. To the Rev.Augustine Episcopo Nebiensis, Baptista Fliscus. 3. Praefatio editionis primae, quae Anglorum cura prodiit, Jo.Pearson, Archidiaconus Surriensis; Ant. Scattergood, Ecclesiae Ockendon Australis in comitatu Essexiae, Rector; Ric. Pearson, Coll.Reg. Socius.
Vol.1, part 1: Genesis and Exodus: text in Latin; commentary in Latin, with some references in Hebrew, Greek and Arabic.
Pt.2. Leviticus, Numbers, Deauteronomy.
Vol.2 Historical books and Job.
Vol.3 Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs.
Vol.4 Prophetic Books.
Vol 5. Apocrypha.
Vol.6 The Four Gospels.
Vol.7 Acts and the Epistles of St.Paul.
Vol 8.General Epistles and Apocalypse.
(This is the second edition of this work. The first edition was published by Jacqobus Flesher: London, 1660. The Tinclar Library set is in good condition, but the spines of vols. 1/1, 6,7 and 8 are slightly damaged
at the top. Bookplate: Tinclar's Library, Bampton Vicarage, Westmorland; and inscription: Tinclar's Library, Bampton Vicarage, 1862).
CROPPER (Margaret): Flame touches flame. Pp.xv , 225. 19cm, cloth. (Longmans, Green: London, 1949). (Short biographies of seventeenth century divines: George Herbert, Nicholas Farrar, Henry Vaughan, -Jeremy Taylor, Margaret Godolphin and Thomas Ken).
CRUDEN (Alexander), 1701-1770: A complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. No
pagination. 27.5cm, soft leather. (Printed for A.Cruden: London, 1769). (First published 1737).
Transactions, vol.49, New Series. 23cm cloth. (Titus Wilson: Kendal,1950)
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND HERALD: Our corner of Cumbria: stories of people and places in Cumbria, from articles in the Cumberland.and Westmorland Herald. pp.64, illus. 24cm, paper. (Cumberland and Westmorland Herald: Penrith, 1984).
CUTTS (Edward L.): A dictionary of the Church of England; 4th.edn. pp.viii, 720, map, illus. 19cm,
cloth. (SPCK: London, 1913)
DALE (James Murray): The Clergyman's legal handbook, or: Compendium of Clerical and Parochial Law. 3rd. edn. pp.xii, 362. 17cm cloth (Seeley Jackson: London, 1858/1862).
DAUBUZ (Charles), 1637-1717: A perpetual commentary on the Revelation of st.John the Divine. pp.1,068.
35cm, leather. (London, 1720). (Born Guienne, France, son of a Protestant Pastor, ed. in England;
Master of Sheffield Grammar School, 1686-9, Vicar of Brotherton, Yorks,1699).
DAVIES (Hunter): A walk round the Lakes ••••• made on a pedestrian tour in 1978. pp.339, illus., map.
19.5cm, paperback, (Hamlyn Paperbacks: Feltham, 1979/1983).
DAVIS (H.W.C.): Mediaeval Europe. pp.25, 17cm, cloth. (Williams and Norgate: London, n.d.). (Home University Library).
DEARMER (Percy): Lessons on the Way : for the use of enquirers and teachers.Vol.1: The Christian Covenant. pp.xii, 145. 18.5cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1923/1926).
DECLE (Lionel): The new Russia pp.279, 23cm, cloth. (Eveleigh Nash: London, 1906) •
DELANEY (Patrick), TCD, Dean of Down: A sermon preached before the Society corresponding with the Incorporated Society in Dublin, for Promoting English Working-Schools in Ireland; at their anniversary meeting in the Parish Church of St.Mary-le-Bow, on Tuesday, March 13th., 1743-44. pp. (Printed for M.Downing: London, 1744).
DENT (Phyllis 0.) and BREAREY (Muriel): The Church Advncing (Lessons forSunday School students age 11-15.) pp.ix 173 19cm paperback (National Society: Westminster, n.d.).
DEWAR (Lindsay) and HUDSON (Cyril E.): A manual of pastoral psychology. Pp.x , 238. 19cm, cloth.
(SPCK: London, 1932/1941).
DICKENS (Charles), 1812-1870: David Copperfield. cloth. (Kingston pp.viii, 504, 21cm cloth. Library, Thomas Publishing Co.:London, n.d.)
DICKENS, (Charles) The adventures of Oliver Twist. pp.432. 18.5cm, cloth. (Cassell: London, 1913). (The People’s Library).
DIGGLE (John W.): The Lancashire life of Bishop Fraser. pp.xi, 565, front. 23cm, cloth. (Sampson Low: London, 1889). (James Fraser, 1818-1885, Bishop of Manchester, 1870-1885).
DIGGLE (John W) ib. People's edition.pp .:xi, 400. 19cm, cloth. (Sampson Low: London, 1891).
DITCHFIELD (P.H.): The charm of the English village. pp.167, illus. 26cm, cloth. (B.T.Batsford:
London, 1908).
DITCHFIELD (P.H) Vanishing England, illustrated by Fred. Roe. pp.xiv, 403, illus. (Methuen: London, 1910).
DIX (Gregory), OSB, Dom., 1901-1952: The theology of Confirmation in relation to Baptism. pp.35. 22cm,
paperback. (Dacre: London, 1946/ 1948) •
DOBSON (C. C.), Vicar of St Mary-in-the CastIe', Hastings: Did Our Lord visit Britain, as they say in Cornwall
and Somerset? 2nd. edn., revised. pp.36, illus. 19cm, paperback. (Avalon Press : Glastonbury, 1936).
DODD (William), Rev .Dr., 1729-1777: Practical discourses on the miracles and parables of Our Lord and Blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ. 2nd. edn. 4 vols., 22cm, leather. (Printed by W.Faden: London, 1768).
DODD (William) Rev. Dr. Sermons to young men. 3 vols.17cm leather
DODDRIDGE (Philip), D.D., 1702-1751, Dissenting Minister, Biblical Scholar and Hymn Writer: The Family
Expositor, or: A paraphrase and version of the New Testement , pp.1164 + index. 26.5 cm , leather.. (William
Baynes: London, 1825.
DUCHE (Jacob), Rector of Christ Church and St.Peter's in Philadelphia:Discourses on various subjects. Vol.1, PP.(xl), 362, front. 21.5cm, quarter leather. (J.Phillips: London,1779). (On the flyleaf: 'John Branskill: Bampton, 1818')
DUGDALE (William), Sir:The antiquities of Warwickshire. (London, 1656).
DUMMELOW (J.R.): A commentary on the Holy Bible (by various writers). pp.cliii, 1096, maps. 23cm, cloth.
(Macmillan: London, 1952). (TLML)
DUPIN (Louis Ellis): The history of the Church from the beginning of the world. Vols.2, 3 only. 16cm,
leather. (Bernard Lintoff: London, 1713). (Vol.2: From the early persecutions to the 8th.century A.D.
Vol.3: From the 9th. to the 15th. centuries). (Vol.3 has loose front board).
EATON (Albert William), Vicar of st.Peter' s, Leicester: The faith, history and practice of the Church of
England: a concise guide. pp.xiv, 152. 19cm, cloth. (Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1957). (TLML)
EBELING (Gerhard):The Lord's Prayer in today's world. pp.140. 18.5cm, paperback. (SCM:London, 1966). (TLML)
EDWARDS ( .): The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. 1885 ..pp-
EDWARDS (R.A.) : City of God. Pp. 187 . 19cm boards. (SCM: London 1939) Religious Book Club vol 13
ELLISON (Gerald), Bishop of Chester, 1955-1974: Progress in ministry: an examination of the proposals
contained in the report: Partners in Ministry, with suggestions for a better way forward. pp.40. 18cm, paperback.
(Faith Press: London, 1968). (TLML)
ELMAN (Edward Boys); 1851-1900: Recollections of a Sussex parson, by the late Rev. Edward Boys Ellman; with a memoir by his daughter, Maude Walker. pp.xxxoo, 222, front. 19cm, cloth. (Cambridges: Hove, Sussex, 1912/1915).
ETCHELLS (Ruth): Unafraid to be: a Christian study of contemprary 'Writing. pp.128. 18cm, paperback.
(Inter-Varsity Press: London, 1969).
EURIPEDES: 'The Alcesits (Greek text), ed , by M.A.Bayfield. 15.5cm, cloth. pp. 116.(Macmillan: London, 1890).
EUSEBIUS PAMPHILIUS: Ecclesiastica Historia. pp. Preface + 665 + index. 37.5cm, leather •. Folio.
1700. (The title page is missing, and the binding damaged. The Greek text is on the inner columns, with a Latin translation on the outer. There is a bookplate, loose at p.445: 'This book belongs to the Lending Parochial Library at Bampton in the County of Westmoreland.').
EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE. The Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle, edited by George Burder. Vol.8, New Series. 22cm, quarter leather, (Frederick Westley & A.H .Davies: London, 1830)
EVANS (Mark): The story of Our Father's love, told to Children. pp.xvi, 143. 18cm, cloth. (Henry S.King:
London, 1876). (Bookplate: Sydney H.Brierley)
EWALD (Alexander Charles): The Right Hon.Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, K.G., and his times.
5 vols., illus. 27cm, figured cloth. (William Mackenzie, n.d.).
EWALD (H.): Ewald' s introductory Hebrew grammar: translated from the third German edition by J.Frederick Smith, with the author's concurrence, and corrections. pp.xii, 266. 21.5cm, cloth. (Asher: London, 1870). (Bookplate: Tinclar's Library, Bampton Vicarage, Westmorland, 187
FAMILY TREASURY: The Family Treasury of Sunday Reading, ed. by the Rev. Andrew Cameron. pp. 25.5cm, quarter leather. (Nelson: London, 1863).
FARMER (Herbert H.): Towards a belief in God. 2 vols., pp.252. 19cm, boards. (SCM: London, 1942). (Religious Book Club, vols. 30, 31). (On the existence and attributes of God, from a philosophy of religion approach) .
FARRAR (Frederic William), 1831-1903, Dean of Canterbury: The early days of Christianity. Popular
edition. PP.xvi,664. 21cm, cloth. (Cassell: London, 1884) •.
FARRAR (Frederic William) Saintly workers: five Lenten lectures, delivered in St.Andrew's, Holborn, March and April, 1878. pp.xvii, 207. 19.5cm, cloth. (Macmillan.: London, 1884). (1. The martyrs. 2. The hermits. 3. The monks. 4. The early Franciscans. 5. The missionaries).
FARRAR (Frederic William) Seeking after God. pp.xviii, 336, illus. 19cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1884).
FARRAR (F .W.), et al.: Sermons for the commemoration of Queen Victoria, 19cm, cloth.1837-1897. pp.116.
(Skeffington: London, 1897).
FARRAR (Frederic William), 1831-1903, Dean of Canterbury, 1895-1903:The life of Christ. pp.xxiv, 768, viii. 27cm, tooled cloth. (Cassell: London, n.d.)
FARRAR (Frederic William) 1831-1903, Dean of Canterbury 1895-1903 The life of Christ pp. xxiv
. 2 vols., 23cm, cloth. (On the flyleaf of vol.1: Ben Winfield, Sept.12th.1876).
FARRAR (Frederic William) 1831-1903 Dean of Canterbury 1895-1903 The life of Christ pp.xxiv 768 tooled cloth Cassell: London n.d. (Bookplate George E.F. Day October 29th 1878)
FASKEN (W.H.), Brigadier General: Britain: a racial aspect. 22cm, paperback. Pp.30. (Covenant Publishing Co.: London, 1941). (A British Israel pamphlet ?). _
FENN (.John) and ARCHER-HIND (L), Mrs.; edd.: The Paston letters. 2 vols. 17.5cm, cloth. (Dent: London, n.d.~ (Everyman's Library, no.752-3). (A collection of letters preserved by the Pastons, a well-to-do Norfolk family, written between 1440 and 1486).
FINDLAY (J.Arthur): On the edge of the etheric: being an investigation of psychic phenomena. pp.177. 21.5cm, cloth.
(Rider: London, 1931/1932).
FIRTH (Catherine B.), ed.: Poets, wise men and seers: reference book.pp.xviii, 174. 19cm boards. (Ginn & Co.: London, 1949/1954). (Teaching on the Psalms, Fiction, Wisdom, Apocalyptic). (TLML).
FISHER (Geoffrey Francis), 1887-1972, Bishop of London, 1939-1945, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1945-1961: The Archbishop speaks: addresses and speeches by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Geoffrey Fisher, P.C., C.C.V.O., D.D.. Selected by Edward Carpenter, Canon of Westminster.Pp.231 • 22cm, cloth.· (Evans Bros.: London, 1958).
FITCHETT (C.E.): The British Isles. Pp. xiii, 413, illus., maps. 20cm, cloth. (George Philip: London, 1958/1962). (Philip's Global Geographies, Book 6).
FLAMMARION (Camille): Astronomy for amateurs. pp.365, illus. (Nelson: -London, 16cm, cloth. n.d.). (Originally published 1903). .
FLEETWOOD (John, Dr.): The life of Our blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and the lives of the Apostles and Evangelists ••••• with notes ••••• 250 engravings. pp.764, illus. 32cm, quarter leather. (Blackie:London, 1875). (In the flyleaf, a newspaper cutting: 'The living of Orton: election of a vicar: the local candidate successful, i.e. the Rev. Harvey E.Blackett).
FLETCHER (John), Rev.: The works of the Rev.John Fletcher; with a life by the Rev. Abraham Scott. 2 vols. 23cm, cloth. (Jones & Co.:London, 1836).
FLUEGEL (Gustav): A complete dictionary of the English -German and German English languages. 2 vols.
(G.Liebeskind: Leipzig, 1830). (Binding of vol.1 missing).
FORDER, Charles R: The parish priest at work: an introduction to systematic pastorlia. ppxvii, 404, 22.5cm cloth (SPCK: London 1947)
FORDYCE, James of Aberdeen: 1720-1796, Minister of Monkwell Street Chapel, London. Works: addresses to young men; sermons to young women and addresses to the deity; with memoirs of the author. Vol.1, ppxxv, 412 18cm quarter leather. (John Harrop, Alston, Cumberland, 1808) Vol.1. has addresses to young men, only.
FORESTER, Cecil Scott: 1899-1966. The Captain from Connecticut (a novel) pp.256, 18cm, paperback. (New English Library, Times Mirror, London 1941/1970)
FOSDICK, Henry Emerson: The meaning of prayer. pp.ix, 197, 16.5cm, cloth. (SCM. London 1915/1920)(TLML)
FOSTER, Rev. John: The beauties of theology. pp.312, 19cm boards (F.Westley, London 1825)
FREEMANTLE, W.R.: Memoir of the Rev. Spencer Thornton, M.A., late Vicar of Wendover, Bucks. 2nd edn.
pp.xii, 310,front 19.5cm, cloth. (James Nisbet, London 1850)
FULLER-MAITLAND, Thomas Archibald: Plain sermons. pp.xi, 173, 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington, London 1890)
GALT, John: 1779-1839, Annals of the parish (a novel). Ed. With an introduction and glossary by John MacInnes.pp.xxii,253 16cm cloth. (Routledge, London n.d.) (John Galt, born T Irvine, Ayrshire. This novel is set
in the period 1760-1810. First published 1813)
GARBETT, Cyril Foster: Archbishop of York 1942-1955: Church and State in England. pp.320, 22.5cm cloth. (Hodder & Stoughton, London 1950)
GARBETT, Cyril Foster: In an age of revolution. pp.318. 22.5cm, cloth .(Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1952).
GARBETT, Cyril Foster: The claims of the Church of England. pp.304, 22.3cm cloth. (Hodder & Stoughton, London 1947). (TLML)
GARBETT (Edward) and MARTIN (Samuel): The family prayer book.pp.(vii) 389. 28cm,cloth. (Cassell: London, 1878).
GARDINER (John), D.p., Rector of Braislford and Vicar of Shirley, Devon: Sermons on various subjects, preached at the Octagon Chapel, Bath. 2nd. edn , :pp.vi, 406. 22cm, leather. (F.C. & J.Rivington:London, 1806). (The first sermon is: The Governments of France and England contrasted, April 19, 1793).
GARNETT (Richard), Dr., C.B., et al., edd.: of the British Museum, 1851-1899: The International Library of Famous Literature: selections from the world's great writers, ancient, mediaeval and modern; with biographical and explanatory notes, and critical essays by many eminent writers.20 vols., illustrated. 24cm, quarter leather. (The Standard: London, 1900).
GASQUET, Abbot: The greater abbeys of England: illustrated in colour by Walter Goble pp.xvi, 268, illus.
24cm, cloth. (Chatto and Windus: London 1908
GIBBS (Josiah W.); Professor of Sacred Literature in the Theological School in Yale College, U.S.: A manual Hebrew and English lexicon; including Biblical Chaldee, abridged from the works of W.Gesenius. pp.vii, 227,
22cm, cloth. (John R.Priestley: London, 1833). .
GIBBS (Mark) and MORTON· (T .Ralph) : God’s frozen people: a book for and about ordinary Christians. pp.190. 18cm, paperback. (Collins, Fontana: London,1964).(TLML).
GIBSON: Pedigree of Gibson of Bampton (from c.1700-1866: A chart folded, loose in a cloth binder, 22.5 x 24 cm)
GIBSON (Edgar C.S.): The Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England, explained, with an introduction. pp.800. 23cm, cloth. (Methuen: London ; 1896).
GIBSON (Edmund), b. Bampton, 1669-1748, Bishop of Lincoln, 1716-1723, Bishop of London, 1723-1748: The Bishop of London's three pastoral letters to the people of his diocese, particularly to those of the two great cities of London andWestminster, in defence of the Gospel revelation, and by way of preservation against the late writings in favour of infidelity. pp.viii, 54, 80, 92. 20cm, leather. (S.Buckley: London, 1732). (Presented by the author, 10. March, 1737.
The letters have to do with the Bangorian controversy:of Bishop Hoadley).
GIBSON (Edmund) Directions given to the Clergy the Diocese of London in the year1724; to which are now added: Directions given to the masters and mistresses of the Charity Schools within the bills of mortality, and Diocese of London, assembled for that purpose in the Chapter House of St.Paul's, Nov.14, 1724. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Edmund, Lord Bishop of London. The second edition. (Printed by S.Buckley, in Amen Corner: London, 1727) pp.121,
19 cm., tooled leather, in a slip case.(On the inner cover: 10 Mar.1737. This book belongs to the Parochial
Library of Bampton in Westmoreland.).
GIBSON (Edmund) Of visitations, parochial and general, being the charges delivered to the clergy of the Archdeaconry of Surrey, by Edmund Gibson, late Archdeacon of Surrey and now Bishop of Lincoln. pp.xvi, 144. 20cm, leather.
(Barton: London, 1727). (With inscription of the author: 'Presented 10 March 1737'; and with a postcard from G.E., House of the Sacred Mission, Kelham: 'Contains Gibbons's proposals for action in Convocation of 1717, which Hoadley spiked by his famous sermon of March 31st.').
GIBSON (Matthew), M.A., d.1741, Rector of Abbey Dore, Herefordshire: Churches of Door, Home-Lacey and Hempstead, endowed by John, Lord Viscount Scudmore; with some memoirs of that ancient family; and an appendix of records and letters. pp.viii, 238. 25cm, leather. (On the flyleaf: 'July 8, 1727. This book is presented by the author to the Parochial Library of Bampton in the county of Westmereland(sic). The back of the binding is ripped up. Apparently Matthew Gibson was a native of Bampton) •
GIGGLESWICK SCHOOL: The Giggleswick School Register, 1499 to 1913, edited by H.Mullins; with a
photograph of the charter, and a map. pp.xxiv, 325. 23cm, cloth. (Richard Jackson: Leeds, 1913).
GODEAU (Antoine), 1605-1671, Bishop of Grasse and Vence: Pastoral instructions and meditations, for an annual retreat of ten days, recommended to the clergy of his diocese. Translated from the French. pp.(xxii), 19cm, leather (Richard Sare: London, 1703). (Bound with Placete, 1704).
GOLDEN HOURS: Golden Hours: a monthly magazine for family and general reading, ed. by
W.Meynell Whittemore, D.D. 2vols, 24cm, cloth. (William Macintosh: London, 1870, 1880).
GOLDSMITH (Oliver), 1730-1774: The miscellaneous works of Oliver Goldsmith, comprising the Vicar of Wakefield, Citizen of the World, Poetical Works, etc.; with an account of his life and writings. ppxxii, 458, front. 25cm, cloth. (William P.Nimmo: Edinburgh, n.d., 18--). (Bookplate of Watkin Herbert Williams, Bishop of Bangor, 1899-1925).
GOODWIN (Harvey), D.D., 1818-1891, Bishop of Carlisle, 1869-1891: The Church of England, past, present
and future: a popular lecture. pp.47. 17cm, paperback. (SPCK: London, 1881).
GORE (Charles), 1853-1932, Bishop of Worcester, 1902-1911, Bishop of Oxford, 1911-1932: The incarnation of the Son of God. 2nd. edn. pp.xx, 276. 23cm, cloth. (John Murray: London, 1903). (Bampton Lectures, 1891). (Inscribed inside cover, 'T.E.H.Baily'.)
GOUDGE (H.L.): The teaching of the Old Testament: lectures given to the teachers of the London Council Schools,
at St. Margaret's, Westminster. pp.63. 17.5cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1914).
GOULBURN (Edward Meyrick), D.D., 1818-1897: The Holy Catholic Church: its divine ideal, priority and institutions.pp. xxxi, 360 19.5cm cloth (Rivingtons: London, 1874
GOULDBURN (Edward Meyrick) The pursuit of holiness: a sequel to 'Thoughts on personal religion', intended to
carry the reader somewhat further onward in the spiritual life. pp.m, 256. 19.5cm, cloth. (Rivingtons: London, 1873).
GOULDBURN (Edward Meyrick) Thoughts on personal religion: being a treatise on the Christian life and its two chief elements: doctrine and practice. New.edn. pp.xxxiv, 442. 19.5cm, cloth. (Rivingtons: London, 1884).
GRAHAM (Thomas J.) M..D., 1805-1869: The cold-water system ••..• employment of this excellent system in
indigestion, costiveness, asthma, (etc). pp.xviii, 182, 11. 23cm, boards. (Simpkin Marshall: London, 1843).
(Dr.Graham was born in Glasgow, and served in Glasgow, Edinburgh and London Universities).
GRAY (George Buchanan): A critical introduction to the Old Testament. pp.xi, 253. 19cm, cloth.
(Duckworth: London, 1913).(Studies in Theology).
GRAY (Mason D.) and JENKINS (Thornton): Latin for today. Pp.xxxii, 331, illus.19cm, cloth. (Ginn & Co.:
London, 1932).
GREAT ENCYCLOPEDIA: The Great Encyclopedia of Universal knowledge; with 1,100 illustrations, 'and a 22-page supplement of famous characters in drama and fiction" pp (ii), 1144. 21.5cm, cloth.. (Odhams Press: London, n.d., 19--).
GREEN (Alice Stopford): Irish nationality.. pp.254. 17cm, cloth. (Williams & Norgate: London, n.d.).
(Home University Library).
GREEN (Samuel): A handbook of Church history, from the Apostolic era to the dawn of the Reformation,
A.D.30-1483. pp.xii, 628. 21cm, cloth. (Religious Tract Society: London, 1907).
GRENSTED (L.W.), Nolloth Professor, Oxford: The business of living. pp.187. 19cm, boards. (SCM:
London, 1939). (Religious Book Club, vol.8).
GREYSTOKE: The Parish Registers of Greystoke, 1559-1757. Edited and transcribed by the Rev.A.M.McLean.
pp. 23cm cloth (Titus Wilson: Kendal, 1911).
GRIERSON (Elizabeth W.): The story of the Northumbrian Saints: St. Oswald, St. Aidan, St. Cuthbert. Pp.xi, 131, illus. 20.5cm cloth (Mowbray: Londdon 1913)
GRIFFIN (F.W.W.): Rover Scouting: chats with Rover Scouts and their mates. pp.vii, 152. 19cm, cloth. (Faith
Press: London, 1930).
GRIMM (Jacob Ludwig), 1785-1863, and GR1MM (Wilhelm Karl) , 1785-1859: Grimm's Fairy Tales; with 22 illustrations by George Cruikshank. pp.313. 18cm, paperback. (Penguin: Harmondsworth, 1823/1952).
GRUBB (Kenneth), Sir: A layman looks at the Church. pp.190, 18cm, paperback. (Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1964). (TLML)
HALL (Grace) stories of the saints, for children young and old. (Harrap: London, 1921). pp.256. 19cm, cloth.
(In poor condition),
HALL (Joseph), 1574-1656, Bishop of Exeter, 1627-1641, Bishop of Norwich, 1641: 'Works of the Rt.
Reverend Father in God Joseph Hall •.... formerly printed in three volumes, the chief of which are now
included in one. pp.xviii, 332, 589 + index. 35cm, leather. (Tho. Hodgson: London, 1714). (With an account
of the author's life, written by himself). (Covers loose and broken).
HAMILTON (William, A.H.), Archdeacon of Armagh: The life and character of the late James Bonnell Esq.,
late Accomptant General of Ireland. pp.xxiii, 278, 98). 19cm, leather. (Joseph Downing : London, 1707).
(SPCK, Bray Libraries bookplate).
HAMMERTON (J.A.), ed.: The War illustrated: album de Luxe , 8 vols., 28.5cm, cloth. (Amalgamated Press: London, 1915-1917). (The story of the Great European 'War told in pen and pencil ••.•• Chapters by H.G. Wells, Sir Gilbert Parker, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, (etc) (Coversthe period 1914-1916).
HAMMOND ( John), et al.: Sermons for the coronation of King George V.pp.116. 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington: London, 1911).
HAND AND HART: Hand and Heart (a devotional magazine). Conducted by the editor of 'Our Own Fireside 'Home Words', etc. (i.e. Charles Bullock). 1876-7, 1879-80. 34cm, cloth. 2 vols. (Vo11, no1 , 1876- London).
HARDWICK (Charles): A History of the Christian Church during the Reformation. 3rd edn. ppxi, 424. 19cm, cloth (Macmillan: London, 1856/1894). (HSCO)
HARKNESS (Jack), ed.: The Rose Annual, 1979. pp.231, illus. 21cm, cloth. (The Royal National Rose
Society: St.Albans, 1979).
HARMER (Thomas, 1715-1788, Dissenting Minister, Oriental Scholar, Norwich: Observations on various passages of Scripture. 5th. edn. 4 vols., front. 21.5cm, quarter leather. (Lackington & Co. W.Bayne: London, 1816).
(With additions by Adam Clarke , LL D, FAS.)
HARPER (Kenneth, Vicar of Brampton. The story of the Lakeland Diocese, 1933-1966. pp.vi, 172. 22cm, paperback. (Carlisle Diocesan Board of Finance: Carlisle, 1966). (TLML).
HASTINGS (James): Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. 10 of 13 vols. 29cm, cloth. (T & T Clark: Edinburgh, 1908/1925). (vols 3, 4, 6 missing; the last is an index volume. (James Hastings, Presbyterian Divine, 1852-1922).
HASTINGS, Great texts of the Bible. 20 vols. 22cm, cloth bound. (T & T Clark: Edinburgh, 1911-1915). (Covers the Books of the Bible in order)
HAY (David) and HAY (Joan): Mardale, the drowned village: being a Lakeland journey into yesterday. pp.80,
illus. 21.5cm, paperback. (Friends of the Lake District; printed in Tring: 1976).
HEADLAN (Arthur Cayley), 1862-1947, Bishop of Gloucester, 1923-1945: The life and teaching of Jesus the Christ. pp.
Cloth ( : London, 1934). (First published 1923).
HEATH (S.): Old English houses of alms: a pictorial record, with architectural and historical notes. pp.148, illus. 32cm, boards. (Francis Griffiths: London, 1910).
HENRY (Matthew) , 1662-1714, Nonconformist Biblical Exegete, Minister in Chester: An exposition of the Old and New Testament, in six volumes. 2 vols. only (Vols 5, 6 = New Testament). 27cm, leather. (Bell and Bradfield: Edinburgh, 1791).
HENRY (Matthew). An exposition of the Old and New Testament. 9 vols 27cm, cloth. (Nisbet: London, 1866).
HENRY (Matthew). Works, including Daily communion with God, (etc). pp.320, front. 17cm, cloth , (Nelson: London, 1947).. (Works of the Puritan Divines).
HENRY (Philip): The life and times of Philip Henry, father of the commentator (i.e. Matthew
Henry). pp.x, 299, front. 17cm, cloth. (Nelson: London, 1848). (Works of the Puritan Divines).
HERBERT (George), 1593-1633, Poet and Anglican Divine: A priest in the Temple, or: the country parson's character and rule of holy life, 4th.edn. With which is bound: The country parson's advice to his parishioners. pp (xxx), 141 + Life of George Herbert, pp.36 + viii, 208, (Benjamin Tooke: London, 1701). (First published 1652).
HERICAULT (Charles de): La Revolution, 1789-1882. pp.445, illus. 32.5cm, quarter leather.(D.Dumoulin: Paris, 1833). (Bookplate of Sir Charles Wingfield, 60 Portland Place, .W. the book has pencilled annotations: French-English glosses).
HESLOP (Richard), compiler: Twenty sermons by twenty living Divines of the Church of England: published under the superintendance of the Rev. Richard Heslop, Perpetual Curate of Ainsworth,(near Bolton, Manchester) • pp.xx, 3340 23. 5cm, cloth. (Simpkin Marshall: London,1842)
HEWITT (J ames) Isometrics for you: get fit and trim in 90 seconds a day. Pp.22, illus 23cm, cloth. (A.Thomas
& Co.: Preston, 1966).
HICKS (F.C.N.), Bishop of Lincoln, 1933-1942: The fullness of sacrifice: an essay in reconciliation. 3rd. edn.
pp.xx, 370, front. 22cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1946/1953). (HSCO).
HIGHAM (Florence): Faith of our fathers: the men and movements of the seventeenth century.
pp.198. 19cm, boards. (SCH: London, 1939). (Religious Book Club, vol.9).
HILL (Joanne). 1716-1775, Apothecary and Physician: Herbarium Britannicum. pp.300, illus. 23cm, quarter
leather. (Sumptibus Auctoris: London, 1769). (First volume only: contains many fine outline drawings of plants).
HILL (Joseph), 1625-1707, ed. Non-Conformist Divine and Lexicographer: Lexicon manuale Graeco-Latinum et Latino-Graecum, primo concinnatum, terque editio a Cornelio Schrivelio . studio atque opere Josephi Hill. pp.67, 642, 176. 20cm, leather (G. Bowyer, J.Churchill: London, 1725).
HILL (Rowland), 1744-1833, Hinister of Surrey Chapel: Village dialogues between Farmer Littlewin, Thomas Newman , the Rev .Mr . Lovegood and others. 34th. edn. pp.xix ,627. 19.5cm, cloth. (Thomas Tegg-': London, 1839).
HINCHCLIFFE (Isaac): A backwater of Lakeland: a wartime wandering and autumn pilgrimage; sketches by W.H.Longwort front plates, plans. pp91, 23cm, paper. (Hinchcliffe: Manchester, 1925).
HODGSON (William), Vicar of Bampton, Westmorland, 1834-1861: Catechetical instruction on the Gospel
according to St. Matthew. Vol.2 only (= chapters 14-28). pp.225. 19cm, cloth. (J.Brown: Penrith, 1837). (On
the flyleaf: I Given for Tinclar’s Library by Miss Moody, May 11 th., 1944) •
HOFFMAN (Friderich), Counsellor and Physician to the King of Prussia; Fellow of the Royal Society, d.1742: New experiments and observations upon mineral waters, directing their farther use for the preservation of health and the cure of diseases; illustrated with notes by Peter Shaw. pp.viii, 230~ (viii). 20cm, quarter leather. (J.Osborn and T.Longman:
London, 1731). (Bound after: SHAW: (Peter): An inquiry ••••• ).
HOGGART (Richard): The uses of literacy: aspects of working-class life, with special reference to publications and entertainments, pp.384, 18cm, paperback. (Penguin: Harmondsworth,1957/1965). (A Pelican Book).
HOOKER (Richard), 1554-1600, Anglican Divine: The works of Mr.Richard Hooker. 2 vols, Vol 2 only. pp638, 24cm boards (Cowie London, 1825).
HOMILIES: Certain sermons or homilies, appointed to be read in Churches in the time of Queen
Elizabeth of famous memory. pp.xii, 672. 20cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1890). (With which is bound: Constitutions
and Canons Ecclesiastical).
HOPE (Eva): Life of General Gordon. pp. viii, 368, front. 19cm, cloth. (Walter Scott: London, n.d.18 •• ).
(Charles George Gordon, 1833-1885).
HOPE (Ronald): Economic geography. 4th. edn. pp.xii, 296, illus, maps, 22cm cloth (George Philip: London,1956/1965)
HOPKINS (Benjamin), B.A., Curate of Thurgarton and Hoveringham, Notts: Parochial sermons. Pp viii, 320.
(Dearden: Nottingham / Hamilton Adam: London, 1841).
HOPKINS (L.H.C.): The layman's guide to pastoral theology. 69. 18cm, paperback pp. (viii) ,(SPCK: . London, 1958). (TLML).
HOPKINSON (Samuel), STB, Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge: Religous and moral reflections,
originally intended for the use of his parishioners. pp.203. 18cm, leather. (J.Harris: London, 1814).
HORNE (George), 1730-1792, Bishop of Norwich, 1790-2: The works of the Rt. Rev.George Horne, D.D
•••••• Memories of his life, studies and writings by William James. 3 vols (Vol.3 only), pp.xi , 571.
23.5cm, boards. (F.C. and J.Rivington: London,1818). (Discourses). (Front cover detached) •
HORSLEY (Samuel), 1733-1806, Secretary of the Royal Society, 1773-1784, Bishop of St .Asaph, 1788-
1806): Sermons by Samuel Horsley: new edition. pp.xvi, 563. 23cm. boards. (William Baynes & Son:
London, 1827).
HORSLEY (Victor), Sir, and STURGE (Mary D.): Alcohol and the human body. pp.xxi , 344, illus.
20cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1919).
HOW (Wiilliam Walsham), Bishop of Wakefield, 1888-1896: Plain words to children. 4th. edn. pp.xii, 158. 16.5cm,
cloth.(Wells, Gardner and Darton: London, 1876).
HOWE (John), Puritan Divine: Works, including: The Redeemer's tears wept over lost souls (etc). pp.liii, 286, front. 17cm, cloth. (Nelson: London, 1846). (Works of the Puritan Divines).
HUGHES (Thomas), Q.C.: James Fraser, Second Bishop of Manchester: a memoir. pp.xii, 368, front. 23cm,
cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1887). (James Fraser, 1818-1885, Bishop of Manchester, 1870-1885).
HUHNE (Werner): A mnn to be reckoned with : the story of Reinold von Thaddeus Trieglaff (the founder, of the German Church Kirchentag). Ed. with preface and epilogue by Mark Gibbs. pp.132, illus. 22cm, cloth.(SCM: London, 1962).(Inscribed: 'To Mr.Longstaff: a small token of my gratitude for all your kindness during my three years at Asby. Geoffrey D.Hill, Jan.1963). (Thomas Longstaff Memorial Library, 1977).
HUNT (Irvine): The Lakeland pedlar: pp.96.period photographs and poems.(Pinewood Publications: Nelson, 1974).
17.5cm, oblong, paperback.
HUNT (W.Henry), Church Army: Mission preaching for a year: a series of 86 original sermons by various
mission preachers of the Church of England. Vol.2, pp.571• 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington: London, 1908).
HUNTER (Leslie), Bishop of Sheffield, 1939-1962, ed.: Putting our house in order: a sequel to: Men, money
and the ministry. pp.xvi, 135. 19cm, cloth. (Longmans Green: London, 1941).
HUTTON (Graham), and SMITH (Edwin), 1912-1971: pp.70, 226 illustrations; maps in end papers.
English parish churches. 31cm., cloth. (Thames and Hudson London 1952/1957)
HUTTON (William Holden), B.D., Archdeacon of Northampton: history of the Church in Great Britain. pp.(ii), 100. (Rivington: London, 1917). (Oxford Church Text Books).
HUXLEY (Aldous), 1894-1963: Eyeless in Gaza (a novel). pp620, 21.5cm, cloth. (Chatto and Windus: London, 1936).
IDIENS (E.M.): Learning to pray, With the people of the Prayer Book. pp.x, 22, ill us. 18cm, paper. (National Society / SPCK: London, 1952).
ILLUSTRATED TOURIST GUIDES. (9 vols. of local guides from the old railway companies: GER, GNR, GWR, LBSCR, LCDR, LNWR, LSWR, MR, NER). 24 cm, paper.
INGE (William Ralph), 1860-1954, Dean of St.Paul's, 1911-1934: Christian ethics and modern problems.
pp.408. 20cm, cloth. (Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1931).
INGE (William Ralph), Christian mysticism (London 1899). (Bampton Lectures 1899).
INGE (William Ralph) God and the astronomers. (London, 1933).
INGE (William Ralph) Lay thoughts of a Dean. (London, 1926).
IRESON (Gordon W.), Canon of Newcastle: How shsall they hear? Principles and practice of present-day preaching. pp.222 19cm cloth (SPCK: London, 1958). (HSCO).
JACKSON (Nora) and PENN (Philip):A groundwork of world wealth. Ppxii, 214, illus., maps. .22cm, cloth.
(George Philip: London, 1966).
JAMES (William), 1842-1910, American Philosopher: The varieties of religious experience: a study in human nature. pp.508. 18cm, paperback. (Collins, Fontana: London, 1960). (The Gifford Lectures, delivered at Edinburgh, 1901-2).
JANEWAY (James): Works, including: Heaven upon earth, or: Jesus the best friend of man, (etc). PP.314,
front. 17cm, cloth. –(Nelson: London, 1847). (Works of the Puritan Divines).
JEBB (John), D.D., F.R.S., 1775-1833, Bishop of Limerick:, 1823-1833:Discourses on the Liturgy and principles
of the United Church of England and Ireland. In 2 vols: Vol.1 only, pp.xii, 407. 23.5cm, boards. (James Duncan: London, 1830). (Spine damaged).
JENKIN (Robert), 1657-1727, Muster of St.John's College, Cambridge:The reasonableness and certainty of the
Christian religion. 3rd edn. Vol.1 only, pp. (v), xxxviii, 394, 20cm, leather. (Richard Sare:London, 1708). (From the Bray Library ?)
JESSOP (T.E.), Professor of Philosophy and Psychology, University of Hull: An introduction to Christian doctrine. pp.viii, 133. 22.5cm, cloth. (Nelson: London, 1960). (TLML)
JESSOP (T.E.) Law and love: a study of the Christian ethic. pp.186. 19cm, boards. (SCM: London, 1940). (Religious Book Club, vol.17).
JOHNSTON (Hugh), M.C., M.A., Rector of Cranleigh, Surrey: When two or three: A new version of This day's simple prayers; collected and arranged for use at the daily broadcast service. pp.103. 16.5cm, paperback. (St.Martin's Review London, 1932/1935).
JONES (Clement), Sir: A tour of Westmorland; including a poem by Margaret Cropper. Pp. xviii, 128, front,
plates, map. 26cm, cloth. (Wilson: Kendal, 1948).
JONES (Joseph).M.A.: Reasons for admitting the divine origin of revelation. pp.111. 20cm, boards.
(Longman, Hunt: London, 1820).
JONES (Thomas), 1752-1845, Evangelical Divine. See: Owen (John): Memoir of the Rev. Thomas Jones, 1851
. (Jones was one of the founders of the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1802).
JOWETT (William), 1787-1855, Evangelical Divine: Helps to pastoral visitation; in three parts illustrating the spiritual intercourse of a minister with his flock. pp.viii, 342. 18cm, cloth. (Seeley, Burnside and Seeley: London, 1844. (He was the first Anglican clergyman to volunteer for CMS overseas service; he was in theMediterranean, Syria and Palestine).
JOWETT (William) Memoire of the Rev.Cornelius Neale, H.A., formerly Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge; to which are added his remains, being sermons, allegories and various compositions in prose and verse. 2nd. edn. pp.xxi, 384. 20.5cm, cloth. (Seeley & Burnside: London, 1835).
JOY (David):Main line over Shap: the story of the Lancaster-Carlisle railway, from construction to electrification
pp.96, illus., map. 20cm, paperback. (Dalesman Books: Clapham, North Yorkshire, 1967/1979).
KAFKA (Franz), 1883-1924: The trial (a novel).pp.xvi, 279, front portrait, illus , 20.5cm, leather.
(Heron Books / Secker and Warburg: London 1935/1968) •
KEARSLEY (G.): Kearsley's Peerage. 2 vols.: vol 1. Peerage of England; vol.2. Peerage of Scotland and Ireland.
14.5cm, leather. (G.Kearsley: London, 1804). (Vol.1, pp.lii, 315; vol.2, pp.317-731, followed by
Arms of the peers and peeresses of England and Ireland = 95pp. engravings).
KEBLE (John), 1792-1866, Oxford Movement Leader: The Christian Year: thoughts in verse, for the Sundays and Holydays throughout the year; with a memoir and portrait. PP.xxvii, 300. 18.5, leather. (Suttaby: London, 1883).
(On the flyleaf: 'Elsie Brierley, from Ethel Walker, June 1st., 1905' .).
KEBLE (John) Selections from the writings of John Kebel, N.A. pp.viii, 320.18.5cm, cloth.(Rivingtons: London, 1883).
KELLY'S DIRECTORIES: Kelly's Directory of Cumberland and Westmorland, with coloured maps. pp.xvi, 432,192,
maps. 26.5cm, cloth. (Kelly:London, 1921). (With a topographical and historical account of each parish: first published in 1873).
KEMP (Eric Waldram), 1915-, Bishop of Chichester, 1974-: The Anglican-Methodist Unity Scheme. pp.1-22. 21.5cm, paper. With which is bound:
COLQUHON (Frank): Evangelicals and Methodist Unity, pp.23-34. (Printedby Oxley and Son: Windsor, 1968).
KIDD (B.J.); Warden of Keble College, Oxford: The Counter-Reformation, 1550-1600. pp.271.22cm, cloth.
(SPCK:London, 1933).
KING (John C.): M.A., Rev.; Editor of the Church of England Newspaper to 1968: The Evangelicals. pp.159. 18cm, paperback. (Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1969).
KING (William), 1650-1729, Archbishop of Dublin: An essay on the origin of evil. Edited by William Law, Bishop of Carlisle. pp.lxii, 456, xi. (R.Faulkner: London, 1731). 5th. edn., revised
KIPLING (Rudyard), 1865-1936: The Second Jungle Book. with decorations by J. Lockwood Kipling. C.I.O., pp.299. 20.5cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London,1906).
KITWOOD (T.M) : what is human? pp. 142. 17.5cm, paperback (Inter-Varsity Press: London, 1970).
KLEISER (Grenville), ed.: The world's great sermons. 10 vols. 15.5cm, cloth. (Funk & Wagnell': London & New York, 1909). (Vol. 1. Basil to Calvin. 2. Hooker to South. 3. Massilon to Bason. 4. L.Beecher to Bushnell. 5.Guthrie & Mozley 6. B.H.Beecher to Punshon. 7. Hale to Farrar. 8. Talmadge to Knox-Little. 9. Cuyler to Van Dyke. 10 Gore to Jowett + indexes).
KNIGHT (Charles), 1791-1873, Author and Publisher, ed.: Old England: a pictorial museum of regal, ecclesiastical, municipal, baronial and popular antiquities. 2 vols. 36cm, cloth. (James Sangster: London, 1845).
Know the Game: Camping. pp.32, illus. 15cm, oblong, paperback. (Produced for the Camping Club of Great Britain and Ireland: Educational Productions: East Ardsley, Wakefield, 1952).
KNOX (Vicesimus), Rev.Dr., 1752-1821, Headmaster of Tonbridge School: Essays moral and literary. 3 vols. 18cm, leather. (J .Mawman: London, 1815).
LAIRD (Dorothy): How the Queen reigns: an authentic study on the Queen's personality and life work.
Revised edn. pp.382, illus. 18cm, paper back. (Pan Books: London, 1959).-
LAKELAND DIALECT SOCIETY: Journal, no.27, December 1965. pp.50, 21.5cm, paperback. (Printed
by Charles Thurnam: Carlisle, 1965).
LANE (C.Arthur): Illustrated notes on English Church History. Vo11: from the earliest times to the dawn of the Reformation. pp~xi, 277, illus., 17cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1896).(HSCO).
LANE (Margaret): 25cm, cloth. The Magic years of Beatrix Potter. (Frederick, Warne: London, 1978). Beatrix
Potter 1866-1943) •
LANG (Elsie N.): Some old English abbeys. pp.clxxix, illus.cloth, 12cm.(T> Werner Laurie: London, n.d.).
LATIMER (Hugh), c.1485-1555, Bishop of Worcester, 1535-1555, Martyr: The sermons of Hugh Latimer
…. to which is prefixed an memoir of the Bishop by John Watkins, LI.D. 2 vols. 23. 5cm, boards. (James Duncan:
London, 1824).
LAW (Henry R.S.): Some notes on the Laws 'of Bampton and their descendants. By Henry E.S.Law, great-grandson of George Henry Law, Bishop of Bath and Wells. pp.76, illus. 26.5cm, boards. (Reproduced from typescript, 1963. (Presented to the Tinclar Library, Bampton, by H.R.S.Law, 15 June, 1964) •
LAZARE (Jules): Lectures faciles pour les commencants. 18.5cm, limp cloth.pp.(iv), 89.(Hachette: London, n.d.):
LEAR (H.L.Sidney): Weariness.pp.(iii), 318,17cm, cloth. (Rivingtons:London, 1885).
LEE (Samuel), 1783-1850: Hebrew, Chaldee and English lexicon. pp.xvi, 663, 1 plate. 22cm, quarter leather. (Duncan & Malcolm:" . London, 1840). (The plate is a plan and section of Solomon's temple, opposite p.630).
LEIGH (Charles), 1662-1701, Physicist and Naturalist:The natural history of Lancashire, Cheshire and the Peak District
in Derbyshire. pp(x), 196, (ii), 97, (v), 112, (XXXVi). 10 plates. 35cm, leather. (Oxford; sold by G.West, H.Clement and :J. Nicholson: London, 1700). Leigh was born in Singleton-le-Fylde, Lancs, and studied at Brasenose College, Oxford. He practiced in London and Manchester).
LEIGHTON (Robert), 1611-1684, Archbishop of Glsgow, 1670-1674: A practical commentary on the First
Epistle General of Saint Peter. Vol.2 only (chapters 3-5). pp.vii, 496. 21cm, leather. (Sam Keble: London,
1694). (Lowther Library: Bampton Vicarage, 1710).
LENNARD (Vivian R.), Rector of Lower Heyford, Oxon: The Church's message from Advent to Advent. (Sermons). vol.1, Advent to Ascension, pp.304. 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington London, n.d.). (HSCO) •
LENNARD (Vivian R.) Voices of the year: sermons for the Church's year: I Advent to Good Friday. 11.
Easter to the End of Trinity. 111.- All the Saints' Days, and occasional sermons. 3 vols. 19cm, cloth.
(Skeffington: London, n.d.).
LEONARD (R .M ) :The poetry of peace.pp.128. 17.5, cloth.(Humphrey Hilford, OUP: London, 1918).
LIGHTFOOT (Joseph Barber), 1828-1889, Bishop of Durham, 1879-1889: ed.:The Apostolic Fathers.
Part I: St.Clement of Rome: a revised text, with introductions, notes,dissertations and translations.
2 vols. 23cm. 23cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1890).
LIGHTFOOT (Joseph Barber) The Apostolic Fathers. Part 11. S .Ignatius, S .Polycorp (etc).
2nd. edn. 3 vols. 23cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London 1890)
LIGHTFOOT (Joseph Barber) Saint Paul's Epistles to the Colossians, and to Philemon: a revised (Greek) text,
with introduction, notes and dissertations. 7th. edn. pp.xi, 430. 23cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1875/1884).
LIGHTFOOT (Joseph Barber) Saint Paul's Epistle to the Galatians: a revised (Greek) text, withintroduction, notes and dissertations. 8th. e dn , pp.xiv, 384. 23cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1865/1884).
LIGHTFOOT (Joseph Barber) Saint Paul's Epistle to the Philippians: a revised (Greek) text, with
introduction, notes and dissertations. 8th. edn. pp.xii, 350. 23cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1868/1885).
THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER n.p. 19.5cm, leather. (Joseph Bentham; Cambridge, 1756). (Contains inscribed, entries of the marriage of Thos. Atkinson and Eliz. Marshall, 16 _Nov.1812, and later entries down to 1891).
THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER with a New Version of the Psalms of David. n.p. l8cm , leather. (Sir H.D.Blair & J.Boner: Edinburgh, 1802). (In poor condition. On the flyleaf: 'George Knox Sedgefield, April 25th., 1805).
THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER n.p. 44cm, soft leather. (OUP: Oxford, 1840). (Inside the front_cover, a
leather bookplate: Parish of Bampton. Christopher Bowstead, Noble Mouncy, Jonathan Martin, George Burn, Churchwardens, 1841).
The Book of Common Prayer, according to the use of the United Churches of England and Ireland; with notes by the Rt.Rev.Richard Mant, late Lord Bishop of Down, Connor and Dromore. pp.868. 27cm, cloth. (Rivington:
London, 1850). (Richard Nant, 1776-1848, Bishop of Down , 1823-1848. His annotated BCP was first published in 1820).
BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER (OUP for SPCK: Oxford, 1860). n.p. 32cm leather
BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER pp.xiii, 640. 13cm, cloth. (OUP: London, n.d. Reign of George V, 1910-1935).
(Presented to John Wm. Hutchinson, Bampton , 1920, by the Warton Trustees. G.E.F.Day, Vicar).
THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER(title page missing). n.p. 40.5cm, soft leather. Communion service, the prayer for George IV is scratched out and William IV written in. Inscribed 'John Holmes').
THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER n.p. 19.5cM leather. (OUP: Oxford, 1851), with which is bound: The,Holy Bible (A.V.;. (OUP: Oxford, 1851). (On the front binding is impressed: 'The gift of Philip Lord Wharton, by his Lordship's Trustees"1852.' On the flyleaf io inscribed: 'The gift of Lord Wharton's Trustees to Mary Eleanor Noble, aged 7 years. John W.Hodgson, Bampton Vicarage, March 15th., 1853.' 'This the M.E .Noble, author of the History of Bampton, 1901) •
THE BOOK OF COMON PRAYER The Communion and other services according to the use of the Church of England. n s p , 27cm, rexine. (Eyre and Spottiswoode: London, n.d., reign of Queen Victoria. Two copies).
THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER : The Order of Administration of the Lord's Supper, or Holy Communion, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Church of England. PP.(iii), 240. 26.5cm, rexine). (Geoffrey Cumberledge, OUP, n.d. Prayers for Queen Elizebeth 11, acc,1952; presented 1956).
LIVY (Titus), 59BC - 18 AD: Key to Livy, books 1-3. paperback. pp.228. 18cm, (James Cornish London),
LLOYD (Roger): Letters from the early Church 20cm, cloth. Pp.171 pp.171.
LLOYD (Roger): Revolutionary relieion: Christianity, Facism and Concrunism. pp.192. 19cm, boards.
(SCH: London, (938). (Religious Book Club, ,vol.2).
'LLOYD (William), 1627-1717, Bishop of Worcester: A sermon preached at the funeral of the Right Reverend Father in God, John Wilkins, D.D., late Lord Bishop of Chester, at the Guildhall Chapel, London, on Thursday the 12 of December 1672. pp.36. 19.5cm. (Charles Boone: London, (704). (At the time of the funeral, Lloyd was Dean of Bangor. The sermon is bound after WILKINS (John): The principles ••..• )
LOFTHOUSE (Jessica): Lancashire-Westmorland highway; with byways and footways for the curious traveller. pp.223, illus, maps. 19cm, cloth. (Hale: London, (953)
LOFTHOUSE (W.F.): Israel after exile: sixth and fifth centuries B.C. pp.xvi, 247 (15), illus., maps, tables.
19cm, cloth. (Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1928/(950). (The Clarendon Bible: Old Testament, Vol.V).
Scotland: West Coast route. pp.20B, 43, illus., map. 24.5cm, paperback. (LNWR, n.d.). (Covers damaged).
LOFTIE (Arthur Gersham): Great Salkeld: its rectors and history. pp.vii, 180, f'ront , , illus. 17cm, cloth ,
(Brown and Brown: Carlisle, 1900). (Includes a list of rectors and curates in chronological order).
LONGRIDGE (Florence): Lessons on the Catechism: Junior grade lessons. Ed.by George Longridge, C.R. pp.228. 17cm, boards. (Mowbray: London, 19(5
L0NGRIDGE (Florence) Lessons on the Catechism: Middle grade lessons. boards, pp.219, 17cm,
LOWTH (Robert), 1710-1787, Bishop of London, 1777-1787, Biblical Scholar: Lectures on the sacrea poetry of the Hebrews: translated from the Latin by G.Gregory (with notes). 3rd. edn. pp.xxii, 415. 23cm, boards. (Thomas Tegg: London, 1835).
LUCAS (Matilda): Two Englishwomen in Rome, 1871-1900. pp.(vii), 292, front 22cm cloth, (Methuen London, 1 938) •
LUCAS (Richard), D.D., 1648-1715, Prebendary of Westminster: Dr.Lucas's second volume of sermons. Vol.2.cm, leather. (John Wyld: London, (1722).
LUCAS (Richard) An enquiry after happiness, in three parts (motives, possibility, causes). 2 vols. 20cm, leather. (W.Innys: London, 1753).
LUKE (Henry Charles ) : The Travellers Handbook for Palestine and Syria. New edn. pp.viii , 520 maps. 17cm, cloth. (Simpkin, Harshall: London, 1924). (Cook's Travellers' Handbooks).
LUMB (Reginald): The groundwork of prayer. pp.iv, 148, 18cm boards. (Faith Press: London, 1942/1953). (TLML).
McCLURE (M.L.): The Church Catechism explained to children: for scholars without a teacher. pp.168, illus.
18.5cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1915).
McGREGOR-ROBERTSON (J.): The household physician. 2 vols,New edn., completely revised by David NcKail. 2 vols.
25cm, cloth. (Gresham Publishing Co. 1934).
McKAY (Roy): John Leonard Wilson, Confessor of the Faith , pp.192, illus. 22cm, cloth. (Hodder and
Stoughton: London, 1973). (J .L.Wilson, Bishop of Singapore, Bishop of Birmingham, 1953-1969).
McCARTHY (Justin): A short history of our own times. back. pp. 190, 22cm, paperback. (Chatto &Windus:
London, 1901/1904).
McLAREN (Ian): Beside the bonnie brier bush. (Stories). 22cm, paperback. pp. 96, illus (Hodder & Stoughton:
London, 1906).
MACLEAR (G.F.), D.D., the Rev: Conversion of the West: the Celts. pp.189, map 17cm, cloth. (SPKC:
London, 1893).
MACKLlN (Charles), 1690-1781: Memoirs of Charles Macklin, comedian, with those dramatic characters, manners, anecdotes, etc., of the age in which he lived. pp.x, 444, front. 21.5cm, leather. (James Asperne: London, 1804).
MALLESON (G.B.), Colonel: Dupleix. pp.188, map. 19.5cm, cloth.(Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1892).
(Rulers of India).
MARR (J.E.): Westmorland: with maps , diagrams and illustrations , pp. ix, 151.19cm, cloth.
(Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1909). (Cambridge County Geographies).
MARSHALL (Arthur Milnes) ed. Biological lectures and addresses by C.F. Marshall.pp.viii,
363 19.5cm, cloth. (David Nutt: London, 1894).
MARTIN (Hugh The meaning of the Old Testament, according to modern scholarship pp.100.
18.5cm, paperback.(SCM: London, 1949).(TLML).
MARTINDALE: The Parish Registers of Martindale: Baptisms, 1633-1853; Marriages, 1636-1871;
Burials, 1683-1904. Edited and transcribed by H.Brierley. (Strowger & Son, Clarence Press:1907).
MATHEWS (Arnold), Canon: History of Appleby. Revised with a supplementary historical outline by
James F. Whitehead , pp.110. 18cm, cloth. (J. Whitehead: Appleby n.d.)
MATTHEWS (Arnold) Canon: History of Appleby. Revised and enlarged edition, illustrated, 1950).
MAUDSLEY (Henry), M.D.: Natural causes and supernatural seemings. pp x ,149 16.5cm, cloth bound.
(Watts & Co.: London, 1939). (The Thinker's Library, no.73).
MEAD (Richard), 1673-1754, Physician. A mechanical account of poisons, in several essays. pp.(xiv), 184,
1 fold-out diagram, leather.(Ralph Smith': London, 1702).
MEDICAL ESSAYS: Medical essays, vols 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. (A Society in Edinburgh: Edinburgh, 1752).
18cm, leather.-
MEMES (J.S.), Ll.D, Rev.,ed , Christian literature evidences. pp.xxxii, 710. 25.5cm, cloth. A & C.Black:
Edinburgh , 1841). (An anthology of 13 works, beginning with WATSON (Richard): Apology for Christianity, 1776; Apology for the Bible, 1796; PALSY (William): View of the Evidences of Christianity 1794, and Horae Paulinae, 1790; also JENYNS (Soame), LESLIE (Charles), 3 works; CAMPBELL (George), LYTTLETON (Chandler), SHERLOCK (Thomas), WEST (Gilbert).).
MILNER (Joseph), 1744-1797, EvangelicaI Divine, Master of the Grammar Schooland Vicar of Holy Trinity
Church, Hull: Practical sermons; with Life by Isaac Milner. ppvc xxxv:i , 355. 22cm, leather. (Deighton: Cambridge,
1801 )
MERRY (John), A.B., 1783-1831: Memoirs of the life of the late Rev.John Merry, A.B. pp vii 280 front.
18cm, cloth. (Hatchard: London, 1832)
METHOD WITH DEISTS: A short and easy method with the Deists and Jews. pp. 16cm, leather. (London, 1709).
(With which is bound: STEARNE (John): Tractatus de visitatione infirmorum, 1704). (Bray Library bookplate) •
MICKLEM (Nathaniel), President of Mansfield College, Oxford: The Creed of a Christian: being monologues upon
great themes of the Christian faith. pp.1,88. 19pm, boards. (SCM: London, 1940). (Religious Book Club, vol.15) •
MIDDLETON (Thomas Fanshaw), 1769-1822, First Bishop of Calcutta, 1814-1822. Sermons and charges by Thomas Fanshaw Middleton, late Lord Bishop of Calcutta; with memoirs of his life by Henry Kaye Barney. PP.CVll,
325, front, 23.5cm, boards. (Longman, Hunt: London, 1824). (Front cover loose).
MIDGLEY (G.H.) Doctrine, duty and devotion: a three-year course of teaching sermons. pp. 264.
19cm, cloth. (Mowbray: London, 1950). (TLML) •
MILLER (Thomas E.), of Dunfermeline: Portraits of women in the New Testament. pp.243. 20cm, cloth.
(Allenson: London 1916)
MILNER (Joseph). Rev. M.A. Practical Sermons pp.335, 21cm, 2nd ed. (Cambridge 1801)
MITCHELL (Albert): Common Prayer: studies in the story and teaching of our English Prayer Book.
pp.63. 18.5cm, paperback. (Church Book Room Press: London, 1949). (TLML) •
MOLIERE (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin), 1622-1673: Le medecin malgre lui. pp.XV, 74. 15cm, cloth.
(Macmillan: London,1942). (Foreign School Classics).
MONTESQUIEU (Charles Louis), 1689-1755: et decadance des Romains. Ed. by Paul E.E.Barbier.
2nd. edn. pp.viii, 218. 18.5cm, cloth. (Hachette: London, 1892).
MONTHLY PAPER : Monthly Paper of the National Society. Volume for 1867. 21.5cm, cloth.
(The Depository: National Society: London, 1867).
MOORE (G.E.), 1873-1978, British Philosopher: Ethics. pp.256. 17cm, cloth. (Williams & Norgate: London, n.d.):
(Home University Library).
MOORMAN (John R.H.), 1905-1989, Bishop of Ripon, 1 959-1975: Church life in England in the
thirteenth century. pp.xxviii, 444, illus. 22.5cm, cloth. (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1945).
MOORMAN (John R.H.) A history of the Church in England. pp.xx, 460.. 24cm, cloth. (A & C .Black: London, 1953/1958). (TLML).
MORAN, Lord: Winston Churchill: the struggle for survival, 1940-1965; taken from the diaries of
Lord Moran. pp.xviii, 829, illus. 23cm, cloth. (Heron Books: London, 1966).
MORGAN (Charles), 1894- 1958: The Judge's story (a novel). pp v,218. 19.5cm, cloth. (Macmillan:London, 1947).
MORGAN (Dewi): They became Anglicans: the story of sixteen converts, and why they chose the Anglican Communion. Pp. ix, 177. 19cm cloth. (Mowbray: London, 1959. (TLML) •
MORSE-BOYCOTT (Desmond): The secret story of the Oxford movement. Pp. 287, 23.5cm, cloth. (Skeffington: London, 1933).
MORTIMER (R.C.), Bishop of Exeter, 1949-1973: The duties of a Churchman. pp.78. 19cm, cloth. (Dacre Press/
A. & C.Black: London,1961). (TLML).
MOSS (Robert), 1666-1729, Dean of Ely, 1712-1729: Sermons and discourses on practical subjects. 8 vols.
20cm, leather. (Richard Williamson: London, 1736-1738). ('With a preface, giving some account of the author
by a learned hand').
MURRAY (J .D.F.), Master of Selwyn College, Cambridge : The origin and meaning of the Lord's teaching in prayer. pp.31. 21.5cm, paperback. (Central Readers' Board: London, n.d.).
NANSEN (Fridtjof), 1261-1930, Norwegian Arctic Explorer: Farthest North: being the record of a voyage of
exploration of the ship Fram, 1893-96. 2 vols., front portrait, illus. 24.5cm, cloth. (Constable: London, 1897) •
NATIONAL EVANGELICAN ANGLICAN CONGRESS: The Nottingham Statement: the official statement of the Second National Evangelical Anglican Congress, held in April 1977. pp.79. 18cm, paperback. (Church Pastoral Aid Society: London, 1977).
NATIONAL TRUST: National Trust properties. pp.1 24, illus. 22cm, paperback. (National Trust: London, n.d.).
(Includes.an inset: National Trust Properties: opening arrangements for 1963).
NATURAL PHENONENA: Thirty plates, illustrative of natural phenomena, etc.; with a short description annexed to
each plate. pp.31, coloured engravings. 35cm, cloth. (SFCK: London, 1846).
NEUFELD (Charles): A prisoner of the Khaleefa: twelve years' captivity at Omdurman. pp.xiv, 365, illus. 23cm, cloth. (Chapman and Hall: London, 1899).
NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE: The New Monthly Magazine for Church of England Sunday School Teachers.
Vol.1, 1865 - vol.3, 1867. 21cm, quarter leather.
Continued as:
The Church Sunday School Magazine, vol 4, 1868 - vol.7, 1871, vol. 10, 1874 - vol 11,1875, vol.13, 1877, vol.17, 1881. quarter leather. (Church of England Sunday School Institute: London, 1865-1881).
NEW WEEK: The New week's preparation for the Lord's Supper. pp.200. 17cm, quarter leather. (Robert Whitworth: London, n.d., 17--?). (On the flyleaf: 'G.E.F.Day, July, 1877).
NEWBOLT (W.C.E.): The heart of a priest: selections from the writings of W.C.E.Newbolt, edited with an introduction by J.H.L.Morrell, Arch - deacon of Lewes. pp.187. 19cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1958). (HSCO) •
NEWMAN (Charles E.): The Bible in the pulpit: plain sermons. pp.234, 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington: London, 1912).
NEWMAN (John Henry), 1801-1890, Cardinal: Apologia pro vita sua: being a history of his religious opinions.
New edn. pp.xxviii, 395. 19cm cloth. (Longmans, Green: London, 1891).
NEWMAN (John Henry) Selection, adapted to the seasons of the ecclesiastical year, from The Parochial and Plain Sermons of John Henry Newman , sometime Vicar of St.Mary's, Oxford. 2nd. edn. pp.xix, 468. 19cm, cloth.
(Rivingtons: London, 1882). (Pages not cut).
NEWTON (John), Rev., 1725-1807, Evangelical Divine. Rector of the United Parishes of St .Mary, Woolnoth
and St. Mary, Woodchurch, London. The works of the Rev.John Newton (letters, sermons, etc.). 9 vols. out of
12, front. 19.5cm, boards. (lacks vols 6,9,11). (T.Hamilton: London, 1821).
NICHOLLS (Benjamin Elliott), M.A., of Queen's College, Cambridge: The Book of Proverbs, explained and illustrated. pp.240, 18cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1876). (On the fly leaf: 'Geo E.F.Day, Feby. 1877).
NICHOLSON (Norman), poet: The Lakes. p.p.190, illus., map. 18cm, paperback. (Robert Hall: London 1977)
(First published in 1963 as A Portrait of the Lakes).
NICHOLSON (Norman) compiler: The Lake District: an anthology, compiled by Norman Nicholson. pp288
24cm cloth. (Robert Hall: London, 1977).
NICOLSON (Wil1iam), 1655-1727, Archdeacon of Carlisle, 1682-1702, Bishop of Carlisle, 1702-1718: Miscellany accounts of the Diocese of Carlisle, with the terriers delivered to me at my primary visitation (1703).Ed. by R.S.Ferguson. pp.274. 22.5cm, cloth. (Thurnam: Carlisle /Bell: London, 1877). ( Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archeological Society, . Transactions , Extra Series, vol.1). (Copied from the manuscript of Bishop Nicolson in the
Library of the Dean and Chapter of Carlisle).
NOBLE (Mary E.), 1846-19 •. : A history of the Parish of Bampton. Pp.iii, 268, front, plates, map, tables, diagrams. 23cm, cloth. (Titus Wilson: Kendal, 1901). (On the flyleaf: 'Given to Tinclar's Library, Bampton, by Principal of St.Chad's College, Durham, 25.7.81, as a result of the Vicar, the Rev.John Berry, discovering it in the College Library).
NOBLE (Mary E) BAMPTON: Bampton Parish Registers, 1637-1812. 1897.
NOBLE (Mary E) LITURGIES, The Book of Common Prayer(OUP: Oxford, 1 851 ) •
NORTHCOTT (Cecil): Religious liberty. pp.128. 19cm, boards. (SCM. London, 1948).(Religious Book Club,
V01.63). (HSCO)
NORTHCOTT (Hubert), C.R.:Man,God and prayer pp .vi,211. 18cm paperback (SPCK: London, 1954).(TLML)
NOORTHOUCK (J.): An historical and classical dictionary, containing the lives and characters of the most
eminent and learned persons in every age and nation. 2 vols, 21 cm, leather. (,I.Strahunt & T .Cadell: London, 1776).
NORWICH, Diocese of: Diocesan Calendar and Clergy list. Pp.258, 18.5cm. paperback. (Goose & Son: Norwich, 1932).
NOURSE (Peter), D.D., Chaplain in Ordinary to H.N.Queen Anne: Practical discourses… some selected
homilies. PP.(xxvi), 216. 19cm, cloth. (Timothy Child: London, 1708).
NUNN (H.P.V.): The elements of New Testament Greek: pp. xxxvi, 195. 18.5cm cloth. (Cambridge University
Press: Cambridge, 1914/1958). (TLML) •
NURSE (Euston J.), Rector of Windermere, 1904-1945, Hon. Canon of Carlisle:The Diocese of Carlisle:
map showing the Archdeaconries and Rural Deaneries and Churches. 2nd. edn., 1939.
NYGREN (A.): Agape and Eros.
OESTERLEY (W.O.E.): A history of Israel, vol.II: from the fall of Jerusalem, 586 B.C. to the Bar-
Kokhba revolt, A.D.135. pp.xvi, 500. 22cm, cloth, (Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1921). (For vol.I, see:
ROBINSON (Theodore H.).)
OESTERLEY (W.O.E.) Immortality and the unseen world: a study in Old Testament religion. pp ;x , 231.
22cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1921/1930).
OLIVER (Basil), F.R.I.B.A.: The cottages of England: a review of their types and features, from the
16th. to the 18th. centuries. pp.xxiv, 91, illus. 23.5cm, cloth. (B.T.Batsford: London, 1929).
OLLENOORF (H.G.): A new method of learning French. 23cm, cloth. pp.viii, 560.(Whittaker: London, 1857).
ORDNANCE SURVEY: Leisure Guide: Lake District. pp.120, illus., maps 29.5cm, paperback.
(Automobile Association and Ordnance Survey: London, 1984).
OTTLEY (R. L). The Hebrew prophets. pp.iii, 124. 15.5cm, cloth. (Rivingtons London, 1898). (Oxford Church Text Books).
OUR FARM: Our farm of four acres, and how we managed it; the money we made by it; and how it grew into one of six acres. pp.viii, 224, illus. 17.5cm, cloth. (Chapman & Hall: London, 1871. (12th. edn., with a monthly calendar of rural operations illustrated).
OUR OWN FIRESIDE: Our Own Fireside: a magazine of home literature for the Christian family, ed. by the Rev. Charles Bullock, Rector of St.Nicholas, Worcester. Vol 1,1864, vol.6, 1869. 25cm, quarter leather. (Hilliam Macintosh: London, 1864 / William Hunt: London, 1869).
OVID (Publius Ovidius Naso), 43 B.C.- A.D.17: P.Ovidii Nasonis operum, tomus tertius, in quo Fasti,
Tristia, Epistolae Ponticae..... Vol.3, pp. (xxvi), 338 + index. 1 5cm, leather. (Tonson & Wall: London,1715).
O\\'EN (John): Memoir of the Rev.Thomas Jones, late of Creaton, Northants. pp.xi, 393, front. port.19.5cm,
cloth. (Seeleys: London, 1851). (Thomas Jones, 1752-1845, Evangelical Preacher, and a founder of the British
and Foreign Bible Society in 1802).
OXFORD, University of: Satuta et decreta Universitatis Oxoniensis. pp.xix, 558. 22cm, cloth. (Clarendon: Oxford, 1900). (Printed in Latin and English. On the flyleaf, a latin inscription of George Edward Ferens Day, Queen's College, Oxford,
19 Oct.1900).
OXFORD CONFERENCE ON CHURCH, COMMUNITY AND STATE: The Churches survey their task: the Report of the Conference at Oxford, July 1937, on Church, Community and State. With an introduction by J.H.Oldham. pp.314.
22.5cm, cloth. (AlIen & Unwin: London, 1937). (On the flyleaf: 'Harold Vincent Morgan, 1947-8').
OXFORD MOVEMENT: Report of the Oxford Movement Centenary Congress, July 1933. pp.xviii, 202. 23cm, cloth. (The Catholic Literature Association: London,1933). (On the flyleaf: 'Ex libris Haova rd M.Morrall).
PAGET (Francis E.):.Helps and hindrances to the Christian life: plain village sermons Vol.2. pp.260.
19cm, cloth. (Skeffington: London 1922)
PALEY (William), D.D., 1743-1805, Archdeacon of Carlisle, 1782-1805: The works of William Paley , D .D.
with a biographical sketch of the author by the Rev.D.S.Wayland, M.A. 4 vols. out of 5. 23.5cm, cloth. (George Cowie: London, 1837). (1. Life; Moral and political philosophy. 2. (continued) + Haorae Paulinae; and Clergyman's Companion;
3. (missing). 4. Natural Theology; Tracts. 5. Sermons).
PALMER (R.Liddesdale): English monasteries in the Middle Ages: an outline of monastic architecture and
custom, from the Conquest to the Suppression. pp.xvi, 233, illus. 25.5cm, cloth. (Constable: London, 1930)
THE PARISH AND THE PRIEST: Colloques on the pastoral care and parochial institutions of a country village.
pp.viii, 304. 17.5cm, cloth. (Joseph Masters: London, 1858). (On the flyleaf: " Richard E. Warner, 1862. ' ) •
Co.: London, 1810).
PARISH MAGAZINE: Parish Magazine. (? An inset issued nationally). Ed. by J.Erskine Clarke. Issues for
1872. 22cm, quarter leather. (W. Wells Gardner: London, 1872).
PARK '(Mungo), 1771-1806, Scottish Explorer: Travels in the interior of Africa, in the years 1795, 1796 and
1797; abridged from the original work. pp.xvi, 218, illus. 21cm, leather. (Crosley, Letterman: London, 1799).
(He explored the valley of the River Niger).
PARKES (Samuel); 1759-1825, Chemist: A chemical catechism, with notes, illustrations and experiments.
pp.xvi, 562, illus. 22cm, leather. (For the Author, Lackington, AlIen & Co. London 1810) (1 illustration: a
fold out drawing of chemical apparatus, as a frontispiece).
PATON (William) J,. Secretary, International Missionary Council: The Church and the new order. pp.188. 19cm,
boards , (SCM: London, 1941). (Religious Book Club, vol.23).
PATON (William) world community. pp. 192, 19cm, boards. (SCM: London, 1938). (Religious Book Club, vol.6)
PAUL (Leslie): The deployment and pay of the Clergy: a report. pp.311 charts. 22cm, paperback. (CIO: London, 1964).
PEAKE (Arthur Samuel), 1865-1929, Biblical Scholar: A critical introduction to the New Testament. pp.xii, 242. 19cm, cloth. (Duckworth, London 1909/1930) • (Studies in Theology).. (HSCO)
PEAR'S CYCLOPEDIA: Pear's Cyclopedia: 35th. edition. pp.1053, illus, maps. 17.5cm, cloth. (A &F.Pears: Isleworth, 1929).
PEARSON (Hesketh): Gilbert: his life and strife. pp.276, illus. 22.5cm, cloth. (Methuen: London, 1957). (Sir William Schwenk Gilbert, 1836- 1911, English playwright and humorist).
PEDDER (J.T.) and MACDONALD (Alec): An account of St.James’s Church, Buttermere. 2nd. edn. pp.ii,
8, illus. 21.5cm, paper. (Wilson: Kendal, 1936/1960).
PELEGROMUS (Simon): Synonymorum sylva, olim a Simone Pelegromo collecta •••.• nunc autem ••••• in
Anglicanum transfusum, et in alphabeticum ordinem redacta, per R.F...... Accesserunt huic editioni, Synonomi
quaedam poetica, in poesi versantibus perquam necessaria pp.(xvi), 490., leather. (Londini, typis Edwardi Griffini, sumptibus Richardi Whittakeri, 1639).
PENRITH: Official Guide to Penrith, Ullswater and District: hotels and apartments. pp.72, illus., map. 22cm,
paper. (Reeds Printers: Penrith, n.d., 19--).
PENSTONE (M.H.): Church study: suggestions for a course of lessons on the Church buildings, its furniture, its
offices, etc. pp.xiii, 325, illUSe 18.5cm, cloth. (National Society Depository: Westminster,1911/1927)
PEROWNE (J.J .Stewart), Canon of Llandaff: The Book of Psalms: a new Translation, with introduction and notes, explanatory and critical. Vol.1 (Psalms 1-72), pp.xxix, 563. cloth. (Bell: London, 1873).
PERRY (Michael), 1933-, Archdeacon of Durham: Sharing one bread: Holy Communion, Series 3. pp.x, 79.
18cm, paperback. (SPCK: London, 1973). (TLML) •
PERRY (Michael) ed.: Crisis for Confirmation. (Essays by various authors).pp.189, 21.5cm paperback. (SCM:
London, 1967).
PERRY (Michael) et al.: The Churchman's Companion. (Essays by Michael C.Perry, D.W. Cleverly-
Ford, Douglas N.Sargent, Reginald Cant). pp.256. 19cm, cloth. (Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1964).
PEVSNER (Nicholas): Cumberland and Westmorland. pp.339, illus. 18cm, boards. (Penguin: Harmondsworth
1967). (The Buildings of England },
PICTORIAL DICTIONARY: The Pictorial Dictionary of the Holy Bible: or: a Cyclopedia of illustrations, graphic, historical and descriptive, of sacred writings, by reference to the manners, customs, rites, traditions, antiquities and literature of Eastern nations. 2 vols., illus., 31 cm quarter leather. (Henry G .Bohn: London, 1845). (On the flyleaf: 'James Foster on his marriage, Dec.1852' .).
PIDDINGTON (Ralph), H.A., Sydney: The psychology of laughter. 22cm, cloth. pp.227.(Figurehead: London, 1933).
PLACETE (J.la): The Christian casuist; or: A treatise on conscience. pp.9xiv),480. 19.5cm, leather. (A.& J.Churchill: London, 1704). (Placete was Minister of the French Church at Copenhagen. The work was translated by Basil Kennet, Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford.It is bound with GODEAU (Antony: Pastoral instructions, 1703).
PLATO: Platonis Apologia Socratis. Ed. by J.Adam. pp.xxxii, 136. 17cm, cloth. (Cambridge
University Press: Cambridge, 1889).
PLATO. The trial and death of Socrates: being the Euthyphron, Apology, Criton and Phaedo of Plato,
translated into English by F.J.Church. pp.lx.x.xviii,213. 16cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1888).
PLUMMER CA.), ed.: The Gospel according to st.John. pp.lxiv, 382, maps, plans. 17.5cm, cloth.
(Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1913). \Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges).
POEMS OF TODAY: Poems of today: an anthology. pps xv i , 174. 18cm, paperback. (For the
English Association: Sidgwick & Jackson: London, 1922).
POOLE (E.M): Sunday evening lessons on the Creed. cloth.pp. 171 17cm, (SPCK, London, n.d.).
POOLE (Reginald Lane): Mediaeval reckonings of time. pp.47. 18cm, paperback. (SPCK: London, 1918).
(Helps for Students' of History, 8)
POTTER (John), 1647-1747, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1737-1747: Archeologicae Graecae, or: The
antiquities of Greece. Vol.2 only, piv, 420, (xxxii). 2-1-cm; originlly leather bound: bindings missing.
(vl.Strahan: London, 1775).
POWER (Henry), Ophthalmic Surgeon, St.Bartholomew's Hospital: Elements of human physiology. 2nd. Edn
pp.x , 502. 16.5cm, cloth. (Cassell: London, 1885).
PRACTICAL CHEMIST: The Cyclopedia of practical receipts in all the useful and domestic arts. pp.vi, 281. 19cm,
paperback. (John Churchill. London, 1841).
PRAYER BOOK AND HOMILY SOCIETY: Sixteenth Report of the Committee, 8 May, 1828 - to the Thirtieth Report of the Committee, 20 July, 1840. Bound together, various paginations. 22cm. paper. (With sermons).
PRETYMAN (George), 1750-1827, Bishop of Lincoln, 1787-1820, Bishop of Winchester, 1820-1827:
Elements of Christian theology. 2nd. edn. 2 vols. 22cm, leather. (Cadell and Davies: London, 1799).
PRIESTI.EY (John Boynton), 1894-1984, English Critic, Novelist and Playwright: Angel pavement (a novel).
pp.xiv, 613. 22.5cm, cloth. (Heinemann: London, 1930).
PRINGLE (David D.), B.A., M.Ed., Didsbury College of Education, Manchester: The story of the Scriptures;
book eight: Christianity in action today_ pp.160. 22cm, cloth. (Schofield & Sons: Huddersfield, 1968/1969).
PROUT (Ebenezer), of Halstead, Essex: Memoirs of the life of the Rev John Williams, missionary to Polynesia. pp.viii, 618, front. (John Snow: London, 1843). (John Williams, 1796-1839: London Missionary Society Missionary in the Pacific Islands). (some pages loose)
PURITAN DIVINES, WORKS OF THE •••••17cm, cloth. (Nelson: London, 1845-8):
Nine volumes:
1. ADAMS (Thomas):
The three divine sisters (etc), 1847).
2.BAXTER (Richard): Making light of Christian salvation (etc), 1846.
3.BUNYAN (John): The Jerusalem sinner saved (etc), 1845. --
4.BUNYAN (John): The greatness of the soul (etc), 1845.
5.CHARNOCK (Stephen): The chief of sinners, objects of Christ's mercy, 1847.
6.HENRY (Matthew): Daily Communion With God etc.1847 .
7.HENRY (Philip): Life and times of Philip Henry, father of the Commentator, 1848.
8.HOWE (John): The Redeemer’s tears wept over lost souls, 1846.
9.JANEWAY (James): Heaven upon earth, or: Jesus the best friend of man, 1847
PUSEY (Edward Bouverie), Oxford Movement Leader, 1800-1882: Daniel the Prophet: nine lectures.
pp. cloth. (London, 1864/1883).
PUSEY (Edward Bouverie) Selections from the writings of Edward Bouverie Pusey, D.D. 2nd. edn. pp.342.
18cm, cloth. (Rivingtons: London, 1885). (Pages not cut).
PYLE (Thomas), 1674-1756, Minister of Lyn Regis, Norfolk; prebenary of Salisbury:A paraphrase, with short
and useful notes on the books of the Old Testament, and the Acts and Epistles. 2 vols. 20cm, leather. (R.Ware and J.P.
Knapton: London, 1752).
RABELAIS (Francois), 1495-1553: The histories of Gargantua and Pantagruel. pp.712, 18cm paperback
(Penguin: Harmondsworth, 1955).
RADCLIFFE (Anne), 1764-1823), English Novelist: A journey made in the summerof 1794, through Holland
and the western frontier of Germany, with a return down the Rhine; to which are added: Observations during a
tour to the Lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland and Cumberland. 2 vols., 20.5c.m, leather.(G. & J .Robinson:
London, 1796). (Her travels in .England begin at' vol.2,pp.172-413.· There are references to Bampton at pp.222-3, 236,239).
RAINE (James), 1791-1858, Antiquarian and Topographer. Memoir of the Rev. John Hodgson, M.A., F.R.S.L.,
F.S.A.N, Vicar of Hartburn and author of a History of Northumberland. 2 vols., front. 23cm, cloth. (Longmans,
Brown, Green: 'London, 1857). (Raine was a priest, Librarian to the Dean and Chapter of Durham, 1816, and an early worker for the Surtees Society in Durham, )
RAMBLER: A fortnight's ramble in the Lakes in Westmoreland, Lancashire and
Cumberland. pp.xxvii, 267. 21.5cm, leather. (Hooker and,Carpenter:London, 1792).(Inscribed 'John Atkinson's book,
July 26th., 1796).
RAMSEY (A.Michael), Archbishop of Canterbury, 1961-1974: The English Prayer Book, 1549-1662. (Essays by
various authors). pp.vi, 114. 18.5cm paperback. (SPCK, for the Alcuin Club: London, 1963) (TLML)
RANJITSINHJI (K.S.): The Jubilee Book of Cricket. pp. 382, illus. 16cm, cloth. (Nelson: London, n.d.).
(Dedicated by her gracious permission to Her Majesty the Queen Empress).
RAVENSTONEDALE; A brief history of St. Oswld’s Church. Ravenstonedale pp.8 illus. 21cm paper (n.p.)
RAWNSEY (Hardwicke Drummond), 1851-1920.Vicar of Wray, 1878-1883, andof Crosthwaite, 1883-1917,
Hon. Canon of Carlisle: Henry Goodwin, Bishop of Carlisle. pp. xi, 372, plates. 22.5cm, cloth. (John
Murray: London,1896). (Henry Goodwin, D.D., 1818-1891, Bishop of Carlisle, 1869-1891) •
RAYMOND (George Frederick): A[BL2] new universal and impartial history of England. pp (iv), 610, (xvi), maps, illus.
36cm, leather. (J. Cooke: London, 1786).
THE READER: Centenary Supplement to the Reader: Ascension DAY, 1866-1966. pp.24, 18.5cm, paperback.
(Central Readers' Board: London, 1966).(An historical survey).
REAM (Charles Francis), M.A., B.D.An approach to the Bible pp.61, 18.5cm limp cloth (Butcher: London n.d.19..) (TLML)
REEVES (William), ed., 1667-1726: The Apologies of Justin Martyr, Tertullian,and Minucius Felix, in defence of
the Christian religion; with the Comminitory of Vincentius Lirentius, concerning the primitive rule of faith.
Translated from the originals. 2 vols. 21cm, leather. (Printed by H.B. for A. & J.Churchill: London,1709). (Bray bookplate, and first Bampton bookplate. (Reeves, "born Flitwick, Beds., King's College, Cambridge;
Chaplain to Queen Anne).
REID (James): Facing life with Christ. pp.185, 19cm boards. (SCM: London, 1940).(Religious Book Club col. 14)
RICHARDSON (A.E.) and EBERLIN (H.Donaldson): The English Inn, past and present: a review of its history and
life. pp. xi, 308, illus. 24cm cloth. (B.T.Batsford: London, 1925).
RICHARDSON '(Alan): An introduction to the theology of the New 'I'estament. pp.423. 23cm, cloth.
(SCM: London, 1958). (TLML).
RICHARDSON (Samuel), 1689-1761, English Novelist: Pamela, or: Virtue Rewarded. pp.652, in
double column. 22cm, cloth. (Thomas Kelly: London, 1823). (First published 1740).
ROBERTSON (Thomas William, 1829-1871, Actor and Dramatist: The principal dramatic works of Thomas William Robertson; with mernoir by his son. Vol 1, pp.lxxvii, 376. 19.5cm, cloth. (Sampson, Low: London, 1889).
ROBINSON (H.Wheeler): The history of Israel: its facts and factors. pp.262. 19cm, cloth.
(Duckworth London,' 1938/1954). (Studies in Theology). (TLML).
ROBINSON (J.A.T), Bishop of Woolwich, et al: Layman's Church. (Essays by various authors). pp.99.
19.5cm, paperback. (Lutterworth: London, 1963). (TLML).
ROBINSON (Thomas), d.1719, Rector of Ousby, Cumberland: An essay towards a natural history of
Westmoreland and Cumberland. pp.118, 20cm, leather. (W.Freeman: London, 1709).
ROBINSON (Theodore R.): A history of Israel, vol.I: from the Exodus to the fall of Jerusalem, 586 B.C. pp.xvi, 496, map. 22cm, cloth. (Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1932). (For Vol.I, see: OSSTERLEY (W.O.E.)
ROLLINSON (William): Life and tradition in the Lake District; with 193 photographs and 39 text illustrations. pp.203, illus., maps. 25.5cm, cloth. (Dent: London, 1974).
ROWLING (Marjorie A.): Folklore of the Lake District; drawings by Terence Dalley. pp.184, illus., map.
22.5cm, cloth. (Batsford: London, 1976).
Historical Monuments: Westnorland. pp.lxviii, 302, illus., plans, maps. 27cm, cloth. (H.M.Stationery Office:
London, 1936).
RUDKIN (Ernest H.), Rector of Ninfield, Sussex; Vicar of Bampton, 1950-1955:The Christian’s path foreshadowed ; or: Some Christian principles illustrated by the Old Testament. pp.160.19cm. cloth. (Skeffington & Son:London, n.d.).
RUDKIN (Ernest H). Dreamers in action: short studies in religious enthusiasm.a preface by the Bishop of Lewes. pp.64. 19cm. 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington: London, n.d.). (Six addresses).
RUDKIN (Ernest H). In quest of the Divine: the Church's message, devotional, doctrinal, practical: forty-four plain sermons. pp.268. 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington arid Sons: London, n.d.). (Sermons arranged according to the Church's Year)
RUDKIN (Ernest H). The religion of the Incarnation: twenty-one original addresses concerning Christian doctrine and personal belief, inspired by the Archbishop's Recall to Religion. pp.256. 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington
and Son: London, n.d.).
RUDKIN (Ernest H). Some reflections based upon Lakeland and the Pennines. With a foreword by W..F.Bushell. pp.41, front, plates. 20.5cm, paperback. (Horsley & Dawson: Driffield, Yorks, n.d., 19--).
RUSKIN (John), 1819-1900: The works of John Ruskin, vol 7: Ariadne Florentina. (Six lectures on wood and metal engraving). pp.vi, 266, illus. 23.5cm, cloth. (George Allen Sunnyside, Orpington, Kent, 1876).
RUSSELL (Charles E.B.) and RIGBY (L.M.): The making of the criminal. pp.xvi, 362. 19cm, cloth. (Macmillan:
London, 1916).
RUSSELL (M.), Rt.Rev., of st.John's College Oxford: Polynesia: a history of the South Sea Islands, including New Zealand; with narrative of the introduction of Christianity. pp.440, map. 17cm, cloth. (Nelson: London, 1849).
RUTHERFORTH (Thomas), 1712-1-;71, Regius Professor of Divinity, Cambridge: An essay on the nature and
obligations of virtue. pp.(xii), 384. 27.5cm, : leather. (Printed by J.Bentham, Printer to the University, for William
Thurlbourn: Cambridge, 1744). (Binding partly torn.).
RUTLAND: The history and antiquities of Rutlandshire. Pp. 140, iv, 1684 (iv), map. 36cm, leather.
(Inscribed: 'Hornes Rudkin, 1878'). (Note:the Earls of Lonsdale also had a seat at Cottesmore Park, Rutland.
.ST.MARY'S HOME, CARLISLE: A hundred years of Church social work, 1872- 1972. Written for the centenary of St.Mary's Home, Carlisle, opened 17th.April, 1872. No pagination, illus., reproduced from typescript. 20.5cm, paperback. (Carlisle, 1972).
SATURDAY MAGAZINE: The Saturday Magazine , Vol.4. Published under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education appointed by the SPCK. Jan-Dec 1834. 28cm, quarter leather. (John William Parker:
London, 1834): (On the titlepage: 'France Hodgson's book).
SAWREY (Harold), Rev., 1914-, Vicar of Orton, 1963-: The history of a country parish (Orton). pp.iii, 66, reproduced from typescript. (Orton, Westmorland, 1967).
SAYERS (Dorothy L.)._ (1893-1957), English Author and Translator: The Song of Roland (translated from the
French). pp.206. 18cm, paperback. (Penguin: Harmondsworth, 1957).
SCHMID (Erasmus): Novi Testamenti Graeci Tarneion, alias Concordantiae. (A concordance to the Greek
New Testament). pp.(vi), 280. 16.5cm, cloth. (Samuel Bagster: London, n.d., 18--)
SCOTT (Daniel): History of Penrith parish church: a bicentenary sketch. pp. ,plates. (Scott: Penrith, 1922).
(Consists mainly of articles which had appeared in the Penrith Observer).
SCOTT (G.), B.A., Vicar of Barton, near Penrith: (A guide to Barton Church in the county of Cumbria. pp.17.
17cm, paper; reproduced from type script. (Barton, 1975).
SECKER (Thomas). LLD.; 1693-1768, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1758-1768: Lectures on the Catechism of the
Church of England; with a discourse on Confirmation. ppiv, 356. 18cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1854)
SEELEY (M.): The later Evangelical Fathers. pp.viii, 356.(Seeley, Jackson and Halliday: London, 1879).
SEPHTON (John): A handbook of Lancashire place-names. pp.xi, 256, 22cm,cloth. (Henry Young and Son: Liverpool, 1913).
SHAKESPEARE (William, 1564-1616: The Shakespeare Vocal Album (dedicated to Baroness Nayer de
Rothschild). pp.224, words and music. 36cm, cloth. (Longmans, Green and Roberts: London, n.d.). (Inscribed on
the flyleaf: 'E.C.Harwood, April 22nd., 1864.'). (Binding broken).
SHAKESPEARE (William) The Tempest, ed. by George H.Cowley. pp.x, 134.. 17.5cm, boards. (Methuen: London, 1922).
SHAW (Peter), 1694-1763, Physician and Author: An enquiry into the contents andvirtues of the Scarborough Spaw
(sic) Waters. pp.x, 108. 20cm, quarter (For the Author, Fletcher Gyles: London,1734). (Bound with: HOFFMAN. (F.):
New experiments ••••• , 1731.
SHAW (Samuel), Topographer: James Bruce' s Travels into Abyssinia, to discover the source of the Nile. Abridged from the original work by Samuel Shaw, pp.ix, 372, front portrait; engavings. 17.5cm, leather. (H.D.Symonds: London, 1799). (James Bruce, of Kinnaird House, Stirlingshire, 1730-1794).
SHEFFIELD (John), 1648-1721, Third Earl of Mulgrave; afterwards First Duke of Buckingham and Normandy:
The peotical works of John Sheffield, Duke of Buckinghamshire; to which is prefixed the Life of the Author. pp.x, 71.
The front has 2 engraved plates and a portrait. 14.5cm, leather. (C.Cooke: London, n.d.(1798).).
SHEPARD (Thomas), 1604-1649, Puritan Divine: The parable of the Ten Virgins, opened and applied. pp.xv, 592. 23cm, cloth. (George & Robert King: Aberdeen, 1855). (First published 1661). (Shepard was born at Towcester; studied at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, was Curate of Earl's Colne, Essex, 1627-30; summoned by Laud; went to New England, 1635).
SHERLEY-PRICE (Leo), Priest-0blate of S.Benedict: Saints of England. pp.192, l8.5cm. (Christian Literature
Association: London,1936). (TLML,).
SHERLOCK (William, 1641-1707, Dean of St.Pauls, 1691-1707: A. practical discourse concerning
death. 23rd.edn. pp.(x), 292. 20cm, leather. (J.Walthoe: London, 1739). (First published 1689).
SIDNEY (Philip): Modern Rome in Modern England: being some account of the Roman Catholic revival in
England during the nineteenth century. pp.343. 22cm, cloth. (Religious Tract Society: London, 1906).
SIMPSON (Thomas), 1710-1761, Mathematician: A treatise of Algebra ••••• to which is added the
construction of a great nunber of geometrical problems. pp.xxi, 403, diagrams. 21cD, leather. (John
Nourse: London, 1745).
SINKER (John), Canon: Plain talks to Lancashire people: on various occasions. a series of addresses
2nd. edn. pp.159, 19cm front. port. (Skeffington: London, 1925)..
SITWELL (Edith), 1887-1964: Alexander Pope. pp256 18cm. paperback (Penguin: Harmondsworth, 1930/1948).
SITWELL (Sacheverell), 1900-: Journeys to the end of time: Volume one: "Lost in the dark wood , pp i xx , 475. 22.5cm, cloth. (Cassell: London, 1959)
SMITH (Adam) , 1723-1790, Scottish Economist: An enquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of
nations. pp.781. 19cm, c.l o t h , (Ward Lock: London, n.d.). (First published 1812).
SMITH Daniel and the Revelation 1921 •
SMITH (William), 1711-1787, Translator, Rector of Holy Trinity, Chester:Dionysius Longinus: On the Sublime. Translated from the Greek, with notes and observations, and some account of the life, writings and character of the
author. pp.(xvi), xxxiv, 189, front. 20cm, leather. (William Sandbury: London, 1742).
SMITH (William), Sir, and CHEETHAM (Samuel), edd.:A Dictoinary of Christian Antiquities. 2 vols. 24cm, cloth. (Murray: London, 1875, 1880).
SMITH (William), Sir, and WACE (Henry), edd.: A dictionary of Christian Biography. 3 vols. 24cm,
cloth. (Murray: London, 1877-1887).
SMOLLETT (Tobias), 1721-1771, English Novelist: The works of Tobias Smollett, ed. by George Saintsbury. 12 vols. 18cm, cloth. (The Navarre Society: Lond on , n.d.). (Contains: The adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom, 2 vols., first published 1753; The adventures of Humphrey Clinker, 2 vols., 1771; The adventures of Perigrine Pickle, 4 vols., 1751; The adventures of Roderick Random, 3 vols, 1748; The adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves, 1 vol., 1766). (George Edward Saintsbury , English Literary Critic, 1845-1933).
SOULSBY (L.H.H.): Thoughts before Holy Communion. paperback. ppxii, 72. (Longmans, Green: London, 1913).
SOUTH (Robert): Twelve sermons, preached upon several occasions. pp.x, 645. 18cm,leather. (Thomas Bennet: London, 1694). (Some pages worn). 17cm, Vol.2 only,
SPECTATOR: The Spectator; with sketches of the lives of the authors; and explanatory notes: a new edition,
corrected, in eight volumes, with index. 8 vols. 19.5cm, boards. (J.Nunn: London, 1816). (First published by R.Steele
and J.Addison, 1711-1714)
SPENCE (H.D.M.) and EXELL (Joseph S.), edd:The Pulpit Commentary (Genesis to 1 Kings)9th edition 11 vols. 25cm,
Kegan Paul and Trench: London, 1887-8).
SPENCER (Edmund): Travels in European Turkey, through Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thrace, Alpania and Epirus; with a visit to Greece and the Ionian Islands. 2nd. edn. 2 vol., front. 23cm, cloth. (Hurst and Blackett: London, 1853).
SPENCER (Herbert), 1820-1903, English Philosopher: First principles. 6th. edn. pp.xxvi, 550.
16.5cm~ cloth. (Watts & Co.: London, 1937/1945. (First published 1862).
SPURGEON., (Charles Haddon) , 1834-1892, Baptist Preacher:The Treasury of David. (On the Psalms). 4 vols., 22,
24cm, cloth. (Passmore & Alabaster / Marshall Bros.: London, 1883).(On the flyleaves of vols.1 and 4: 'G.H.Morrell,
161 Merton, South Wimbledon, 1912)
STEARNE (John), 1660-1745, Bishop of Clogher, 1717-1745: . De visitatione infirmorum. pp (x), 104.
16cm, leather. (A.Baldwin: London, 1704). (Bound With: 'Method With Deists’, 1709). (Bray Library bookplate).
STEELE (Richard), Sir, 1672-1729, and ADDISON (Joseph), 1672-1719, Essayists:See: SPECTATOR, 8 vols.,
1816. (First published 1711-1714).
STIER (Rudolf), Dr. of Theology, Chief Pastor and Superintendent of Schkeuditz, Sachsen-Anhalt: The words of the
Lord Jesus. 8 vols. 22cm, cloth. (T. & T.Clark: Edinburgh, 1855-8). (Translated from the 2nd. revised and enlarged German edition, by the Rev. William Pope of London).
STIER (Rudolf) and THEISE (K.G.B.), edd.: Polyglotten-Bibel zum praktischen Handgebrauch. 6 vols. 24cm, cloth. (Verlag van Belhagen und Klasing: Bielefeld & Leipzig, 1875). (Polyglot Bible, ·with the text in Hebrew, Greek,
Latin and German in parallel columns. (on the spines, the title is given misleadingly as 'Greek Bible').
STILLINGFLEET (Edward), 1635-1699, Bishop of Worcester, 1689-1699: Origines sacrae, or:' A rational account of
the grounds of Protestant religion: being ;-vindication of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's Relation of a Conference
&c. pp(xxiii), 654. 32cm, leather. (By Robert White for Henry Mortell: London, 1665). (This was a reply to the Jesuit account of the controversy between William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1633-1645. The controversy itself took place in 1622, when Laud was Bishop of St.David's. Stillingfleet's book had a great success, and he followed this with other controversial writings against the Roman Catholics). (Bookplate of the Rev.G.E.F.Day).
STODDART (Anne M.): The life of Isabella Bird (Mrs. Bishop), Hon.Member of the Oriental Society of
Pekin. pp.xii~ 416, front. port., illus, map. 23cm, cloth. (John Murray: London, 1907).
STREET (A.. G. ) : Farming : how to begin. 1935/1943) pp. 179, 19cm, cloth. (Faber & Faber: London, 1935/1943
STRUTT (Joseph), 1749-1802, Artist and Antiquary: A common-place book to the Holy Scriptures. pp.xxxiii, 538.
23cm, cloth: London,1836). (Spine loose).
STUBBS (William), 1825-1901, Bishop of Chester, 1884-1889, Bishop of Oxford, 1889-1901, Historian: The Reformation. pp. (Macmillan: London, 1894).
SUNLIGHT: The Sunlight Year Book for 1897. pp.477. 18cm, cloth. (Lever Bros.: Port Sunlight, 1897).
SUTHERLAND (Douglas): The yellow Earl: the life of Hugh Lonsdale, 5th Earl of Lonsdale, K.G., G.C.V.O.,
1857-1944. (Cassell: London, 1965).
SWAYNE (J.C.): A concise glossary of geographical terms. 2nd. edn. pp164, 16.5cm cloth Philip: London, 1956/1964).
SWIFT (Jonathan), 1667-1723, Dean of St.Patrick's, Dublin: The works of Jonathan Swift, Dean of St.Patrick's, Dublin; with the author's life, etc. 13 vols. 18cm , leather. (Printed for Eben, Wilson, Bookseller in Dumfries: Edinburgh, 1768):
(Vol.1: Editor's preface. Life: accounts by Mrs. Pilkington. A tale of a tub. The battle of the books. The mechanical operation of the Spirit. An argument against abolishing Christianity. A project for the advancement of religion. The sentiment of a Church of England man.
2: Sermons. Discourse.The Examiner, 1-21.
3.The Examiner 22-50 Some advice to the October Club. A proposal for the universal use of Irish manufacture.
The Draper's letters, 1-6.
4.The Draper's letters, 7-end. The Intelligencer. Gulliver's Travels, part I.
5.Gulliver's Travels, parts 11 - IV.
6.(With ARBUTHNOT and POPE): Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus. Of the art of sinking in poetry. Law is a bottomless pit, or: The history of John Bull.
7.The art of political lying (etc). The Tatler. Miscellaneous verse.
8.Miscellaneous verse. Posthumous pieces in verse. A letter to a young clergyman. An essay on the fates of clergyymen.
9.An essay on modern education (etc). Letters.
10.A sermon on false witness (etc~ Letters relative to Mr.Faulkner
12.Memoirs (etc). Poems.
13.Letters. Poems.).
SYMONDS (H..Edward), D.D., C.R.: What happened at the English Reformation. pp.92. 18.5cm, paperback.
(The Church Union: London, n.d.). (Beacon Books, no.8). (TLML).
TACITUS (Publius Cornelius), 54-120 A.D.: Annals of Tacitus, translated into English, with notes and map, by Alfred John Church and William Jackson Broadribb. pp.xxv, 436. 19.5cm, cloth~ (Macmillan: London, 1888) •
TACITUS (Publius Cornelius: Taciti Annalium, Libri I - IV, ed. H.Furneux. 17.5cm, pp.400. cloth. (Clarendon Press:
Oxford, 1889):
TACITUS (Publius Cornelius)The reign of Nero. Translated by G.G.Ramsey. With an introduction by Dr.A.S.Osley, and illustrations by Eric Fraser. pp.145, illus.~ maps in end-papers. 22.5cm, cloth. (The Folio Society: London, n.d.).
TAKE YOUR TIME: Take your time: an aid to prayer. pp.24. 16cm, paperback. (C.M.S.: London, 1961/1963).
TAYLER (Charles Benjamin), 1797-1875: Sermons preached at Chester. pp.viii, 358. 20.5cm, cloth.
(J.Hatchard: London, 1839). (C.B.Tayler, born Leytonstone; Trinity College Cambridge, Vicar of St.Peter's, Chester,
1836-1846; strongly Protestant). (Bookplate: coat-of-arms of the Rev.Henry Cornwall Ligh).
TAYLOR (C.), Master of St.John's College, Cambridge, translator: The Shepherd of Hermas. pp.166. 17cm, cloth.
(SPCK: London, 1903). (Early Christian Classics).
TEMPERANCE MAGAZlNE: Volumes for 1863, 1865
THISTLETHWAITE (George): Memoirs of the Rev.W.Thistlethwaite, M.A., by his son, George Thistlethwaite, M.A.' (pp.155, xi, 390, front. port. (John Hatchard: London, 1838). (Bound with the next item).
THISTLETHWAITE (H.), M.A., Rev.: Twenty-one sermons preached in St.Georgess Church, Bolton, by the Rev.H.Thistleththwaite, in behalf of St.George's and All Saints Sunday Schools. pp.xi, 390. 19.5cm, cloth. (John Hatchard:
London, 1838). (Bound after G.Thistlethwaite's Memoir.).
THOMPSON (A.Hamilton): The Cathedral Churches of England. pp.xvi, 235, illus. 22cm, cloth. (SPCK: London, 1928).
THOMPSON (Bruce Logan): Hardale and Haweswater. Offprint, pp.13-42, plates, map. 22cm, paper.
(Cumberland and Westmorland, Transactions, New Series, vol.42, 1941).
THOMPSON (K.C.): Once for all: a study in the Christian doctrine of Atonement and Salvation. pp.95.
18.5cm, paperback. (Faith Press: London, 1962). (TLML).
THOMPSON (T.W.), 1888-1968: Hawkshead Church, chapelry and parish. pp.68, illus. 20cm, paperback.
(Hawkshead Parochial Church Council: Hawkshead, 1956/1959/1970).
THOMSON (James), 1700-1748, Scottish Poet: The Seasons; to which is prefixed an account of the life and writings of the author, together with an ode on his death. pp.xxxviii, 209. 16cm, leather. (W. Darling: Edinburgh, 1775). (First published 1726-30. In this edition~ Ode on the Death of Mr.Thomson, by William Collins, pp.xm xxxviii). (On the flyleaf: Thomas Atkinson; John Atkinson).
THOMSON (William N.), D.D.: The Land and the Book: Biblical illustrations drawn from the manners and
customs, the scenes and scenery of the Holy Land. pp.718, illus., maps. 20.5cm, cloth. (Nelson: London, 1861).
(On the title page: 'The Rev.I. McIntyre, Aug,21, 1874).
THORNTON (Catherine) and McLAUGHLIN (Francis), compilers: The Fothergills of Ravenstondale: their
lives and their letters. pp.ix, 250, illus. 22.5cm, cloth. (Heinemann: London, 1905).
TILLOTSON (John), 1630-1694, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1691-1694: The Works of the Most Reverend Dr
.John Tillotson, late Lord Archbishop of (Canterbury: containing 54 sermons ••••• together with the rule of faith.
(Preface) + pp.779 + index. 30.5cm, leather. (B.Aylmer: London, 1696). (Label: Rev.G.E.F.Day).
TILLOTSON (John) Another copy, pp.755. 33cm, leather. (B.Aylmer: London, 1707). (Bray Library? Early pages loose; Leather ruined at back).
TIMMS (W.W.) and PULGAR (M.) The Teach yourself Spanish, phrase book.: pp.251, maps in end papers.18cm cloth(English Universities Press: London, 1954/1959).
TOKSVIG (Signe): Emanuel Swedenborg, scientist and mystic. pp.(ix), 389, illus. 24cm, cloth. (Faber and Faber:
London, 1949). (SWEDENBORG (Emanuel) 1688-1772).
TRAHERNE (Thomas), 1636-1674, Anglican Divine and Poet: Christian ethicks ; or: Divine morality, opening up the way to blessedness, by the rules of vertue and reason. pp.(xxxii) , 577. 17cm, Leather , (Printed for JonathanEdwin: London, 1675).
TRANSVAAL: Bacon’s new large-scale map of the South African Republic (Transvaal), showing
Orange Free State, and frontiers of the British colonies. (Bacon: London, n.d.).
TRAPP (Joseph), 1679-1747. Vicar of Christ Church, London, High Church Divine: A preservator against unsettled notions and want of principles in religion: in several discourses. 2 vols. leather. (Christian Bowyer ; London , 1730).
TRENCH (Richard Chevenix), 1807-1886, Archbishop of Dublin, 1863-1884: Notes on the miracles of Our Lord.
12th. edn., revised. pp.vi, 517. 23 cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1846/1884).
TRENCH (Richard Chevenix): Notes on the parables of Our Lord. 14th . edn., revised.
pp.vi, 526. (Macmillan: London, 1841/1882
TUNSTALL-SMITH (T.) ,M.A., Curate of St. Luke’s , Chelsea: Sermons. pp.vii, 313. 19.5cm,
cloth. (John Hatchard: London, 1841)
TURNER (John), D.D., Vicar of Greenwich: The vindication of rights and privileges of the Christian
Church. pp.xxxiv, 275. 19.5cm, leather. (John Wyat: London, 1707).
THE UNIVERSAL HOME DOCTOR: The Universal Home Doctor, illustrated. pp.832, illus. 22.5cm,
cloth. (Odham's Press: London, n.d., 19--).
VALLANCE (Rosalind) ed.: A hundred English essays. pp.xvii, 665. 16cm, cloth. (Nelson London, 1936/1947).
VANTIL ( ) New modernism: 1946) •
VENABLES (Edmund), 1819-1895, Canon and Precentor of Lincoln Cathedral, Divine and Antiquary: Episcopal palaces of England. pp.283, illus. 28cm, cloth. (Isbister & Co.: London, 1895). (He was one of the founders of the Camden Society).
VERGIL (P.Virgilius Maro), 70- 19 B.C.: P.Vergili Maronis Aeneidos, Lib.IX, ed.: T.E.Page. pp.xxviii, 136,
illus. 15.5cm, cloth. (Macmillan: London, 1938). (Elementary Classics).
VINET (Alexander), Professor of Theology, Lausanna: Vital Christianity: essays and discourses on the
religions of man and the religion of God. Pp.xxxii, 323. 19cm, cloth. (William Collins: Glasgow, n.d.).
(On the flyleaf: 'Presented to I.D.Hepple, Esq., June 23rd., 1860).
WAINWRIGHT (Arthur): Old roads of Eastern Lakeland. pp.71, illus: reproduced from handwriting. 17cm, paper.
(Westmorland Gazette: Kendal, 1985).
WALKER (Francis A.): Political economy.pp415, 19cm cloth (Macmillan London, 1887).
WALKER (J.): The history of Penrith, from the earliest period to the present time. pp.Vlll, 243, front. 23cm,
cloth. (Whitaker: London / Sweeten: Penrith, 1858).
WALKER (J.Hubert): A sketch-map geography. 2nd. edn. pp.140~ maps, diagrams. 25.5cm, cloth.
(Edward Arnold: London, 1939/1962).
WALKER (John), 1732-1807, Actor, Philologist and Lexicographer: A critical pronouncing dictionary of the English language.
5th. edition. pp.87 (= introduction) + main part not paginated. 26.5cm, leather. (Cadell and Davis: London, 1810).
WALKER (Samuel), 1714-1761, of Exeter College, Oxford, Curate of Truro, Evangelical Divine: Sermons on
the Baptismal Covenant, the Creed, the Ten Commandments (etc). 2 vols. 21cm, leather. (E.Dilley: London,
1763). (Samuel Walker was associated wi th John Wesley). (First Tinclar' s bookplate; the volume inscribed:
'Thos. Webster, Dec.23, 1765'.).
WALKER (Syndney F.):Aviation: its principles, its present and its future. pp.vi 96, illus 16.5cm, cloth. (T.C. & E.C
Jack: London, n.d., 19--).
WALKER (Vera E.): A first Church History; with an illustrated time-chart; and. a short list of books for
students and teachers. pp.278. 19cm, cloth. (SCM: London, 1936/1954).
WALLACE (Edgar; 1875-1932, English Novelist: The calendar. 18cm, paperback. pp.192. (Pan Books: London, 1930/1956).
WALTON (Robert C.), ed.: A source book of the Bible for teachers. pp.xxi, 394, illus. 25cm limp cloth. (SCM:
London, 1970). (Inscribed: Appleby Deanery Readers).
WARBURTON (William), 1698-1779, Bishop of Gloucester, 1759-1779: Julian; A discourse concerning the earthquake and fiery eruption, which defeated the Emperor's attempt to rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem: in which the reality of the divine interposition is shown. ·pp.xliii, 286. 21cm, leather. (Printed for J. and P.Knapton: London, 1750).
WARD (Ronald A.): Royal sacrament: the preacher and his message. pp.192• 22cm, cloth. (Marshall
Morgan and Scott: London, 1958). (TLML).
WARD LOCK: Red Guide: Bangor and North Wales (Northern section). Pp. 192, illus.,maps 18cm, cloth. (Ward Lock: London, n.d., 19--).
WARE (Henry, Hrs.: A supplement to Old Church Plate in the Diocese of Carlisle. pp.iii, 62, illus. 21.5cm,
paperback. (Thurman: Carlisle, 1908).
WARINGTON (George), of Caius College, Cambridge:Echoes of the Prayer Book on Wesley’s hymns. Pp.v, 413. 17.5cm cloth (William Wells Gardner: London, 1877).
WARINGTON (George) Can we believe in miracles? pp.xviii, 227. 17.5cm cloth. (Christian Evidence Committee;
(SPCK: London 1877) (On the flyleaf 'Geo.E.F.Day, Feby.1877)
WATSON (Richard): A Biblical and theological dictionary. pp.1068, 25cm front leather. (John Mason: London, 1850).
(Methodist Publisher).
WATSON (Richard), 1737-1816, born Heversham, Lancs, Bishop of Llandaff:An apology for the Bible in a series
of letters addressed to Tom Paine. pp.385. 18cm, leather. (T.Evans: London, 1796. (First edition, 'price four shillings, sew~d'.). (Thomas Paine, 1737-1809, English Author, who went to America in 1774, published 'The' Age of Reason'
in 1793, in which he supported Deism against Christianity and Atheism. Bishop Watson's book was a reply to this.).
THE WAYFARER: Today in Church: lessons for the Sundays of the Church's Year, for school or .home.
pp.224. 18.5cm, cloth. (Home Words: London, n.d.)
WEARING (Thomas), Vicar of Bampton, 1698-1742: A sermon preached in the Old Church at Bampton.
(On Psalm 137, verse 1: ‘When we remembered thee~ 0 Sion'). pp.(v),47. 20cm, leather. (Thomas Comey:
Penrith, 1726). (This was the last sermon preached in the Old Church beforethe reconstruction of 1726).
(The book was given in 1849).
WEITBRECHT (J.J.): Protestant missions in Bengal, illustrated: being the substance of a course of lectures
on Indian missions. 2nd. edn. pp.x, 344. 17 .5cm, cloth. (John F .Shaw: London, 1844).
WESLEY (John), A. M., 1703-1791, Sometime Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford, Methodist Leader: Sermons on
several occasions ••••• with a life of the author by the Rev.John Beecher , D.D" in" three volumes. (Vol.2 only):20cm, cloth. (John Mason: London, 1849).
WESLEY (John) The Works of the Rev.John Wesley, A.H., with a life of the author by J.Beecher, and a general
preface by the Rev.Thomas Jackson. 11th. edn. 15 vols , front port. 20cm, cloth. (Mason: London, 1856).
(Vols.1-4: Life and Journals. 5-7: Sermons 8: Appeals and minutes. 9. Original sin; and Miscellaneous. 10; Treatises.
11: Christian perfection. 12 -13: Letters. 14: Grammars of English, French, Latin, Greek and Hebrew; and Index.
15: Notes on the New Testament).
WESTCOTT (Brooke Foss), 1825-1901, Regius Professor of Divinity, Cambridge,1870-; Bishop of Durham, 1890-1901:An introduction to the study of the Gospels. 7th. edn. ppvxxv i i , 492.19.5cm, cloth. (Macmillan:
London, 1851/1888).
WESTON (Elizabeth): In Memoriam George Frederick Weston, M .A. (1819-1887), Vicar of Crosby Ravensworth,
Hon. Canon of Carlisle, Rural Dean of Lowther. pp.38, front port. 18.5cm, paper.(Atkinson and Pollitt: Kendal, 1888).
WESTON (George Frederick), Rev., 1819-1887: The history of. Levens Hall, Westmorland.pp.36, front., illus, plan.
18.5, paper. (Atkinson and Pollitt: Kendal, 1876/1878).
WHELLAN (William): The history and topography of the counties of Cumberland and Westmoreland: comprising
their ancient and modern history, a gene ral view of their physical character, trade, commerce, manufactures,
agricultural condition, statistics, etc., etc. pp.896, vii. 27.5cm. quarter leather. (Whellan: Pontefract, 1860)
WHITAKER (Edward), 1750-1818, Rector of Ruan Lanyhorne, Cornwall: Sermons. pp.xxxi, 184. 17cm, quarter
leather. (F. & C. Rivington: London, 1820). (Bound with BEACHCROFT (R.P): Four sermons, 1820).
WHITE (Henry): 'I'he Passing Bell: a song written by Henry White, Esq , , composed and inscribed to Miss Lushington by Miss Cooke. (With other songs, all with words and music, bound together). Various paginations. 33.5cm, quarter leather. (Chappell: London, n.d., 18--7.
WHITE (John), B.D., Fellow of st.John's College, Cambridge: Three letters to a gentleman dissenting from
the Church of England. 4th. edn. pp.xxii, 277, 44, 152, 45. 20.5cm, leather. (C.Davis: London, 1748) (With
this are bound: 2. A defence of the Three Letters, 1751. 2. Appendix to the Controversy, 1750).
WHITE (John T.), ed.: St.John's Gospel, with a vocabulary (Greek-English). New edn. pp.(ix), 200. 14cm, cloth. (Longmans, Green: London, 1876/1888) •.
WHITE (John T.) and RIDDLE (J.S.): 26.5cm, Latin-English dictionary. pp.2013. cloth. Longmans, Green. London, 1863). (Binding broken).
WHITEHOUSE (Owen C.): The books of the Old Testament. pp.(vi),181. 15cm, cloth. (T.C. and E.C.Jack: London,1910). (Inscribed:'G. de Burgh-Thomas).
WILBERFORCE (Basil), D.D., Canon of Westminster, Chaplain to the Speaker: Sermons preached in Westminster
Abbey. 2nd. edn. pp.viii, 244. 19cm, cloth. (Eliot Stock: London, 1898). (On the flyleaf: 'Emily and Sydney Brierley'.).
WILCOCKE (Samuel Hull): History of the Viceroyalty of Buenos Ayres.pp.(iv), 576, maps, coloured plates. leather. (Sherwood, Neely and Jones: London, 1806).
WILCOX (Ella Wheeler), 1855-1919, American Poet: Poems of passion. pp.96, front port. 16cm, cloth. (W.P.Nimmo:
Edinburgh, n.d.).
WILKINS (John), 1614-1672, Bishop of Chester, 1668-1672: Of the principles and duties of natural religion. pp.(xv), 410, 36. 19.5cm, leather. (R.Chiswell: London, 1704. (First published posthumously in 1678, edited by J.Ibbotson; with which is bound the Funeral Sermon:
WILLIAMS (R.Llewelyn): God's great plan: a guide to the Bible. 3rd. edn. pp.174. 22cm, cloth.(Covenant Publishing Co.: London, 1939/1941).
WILMOT-BUXTON (R.J.), Vicar of st. Giles-in-the-Wood, North Devon:The light of home: thirty plain sermons, including many for the principal Church seasons. pp.264. 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington: London, 1907). (HSCO).
WILMOT-BUXTON (H.J.) Sunday lessons for daily life: being 120 sermons for the Christian Year. Vol.II.
pp.339. 19cm, cloth. (Skeffington: London, 1897).
WILMOT-BUXTON (H.J.) Words by the Way: 57 short plain sermons for the Christian Year. oo.443, 19cm cloth. (Skeffington:
London, 1913)
WILSON (Beckles): Lost England: the story of our submerged coasts. Pp.192, illus. 15.5cm. cloth. (George
Newnes: London, 1902).
WILSON (William Carus), Rector of Whittington and Perpetual Curate of Casterton: Sermons originally preached in the parish church of Whittington and Tunstall. pp.xvf , 847. 19.5cm, cloth. .(A.Foster:Kirkby Lonsdale, 1842). (Wilson was editor of two small monthly publications: The Friendly Visitor; and The Children's Friend, from 1819 and 1824 , with a circulation of 560,000. Both were printed by Arthur Foster at Kirkby Lonsdale).
WINWARD (Stephen F.): Teach yourself to pray. pp.viii , 191. 18cm, cloth. (English University
Press: London, 1961). (Teach Yourself Books). (TLML).
WINKLEY (G.W.D.): P.C.C. Guide to finance. pp23, 21.5cm paperback (Church Book Room Press: London, 1967).
WOLFE (Charles), Rev., 1791-1823, Irish Poet and Divine: The Remains of the late Rev. Charles Wolfe, A.B., Curate of Donaghmore , Diocese of Armagh; with a brief memoir of his life by the Rev.John A.Russell, M.A., Archdeacon of Clogher. 8th. edn. ppvxx i.v , 371, front. 18cm, cloth. (Hamilton Adams: London, 1842. (Includes memoir, poem, sermons etc.)
WRIGHT (Lawrence): Clean and decent: the fascinating history of the bathroom and water closet.
pp.xii, 282~ illus. 22cm, cloth. (Routledge and Kegan Paul: London, 1960).
WRIGHT (Paul), of Pembroke College Cambridge, Vicar of Oakley, Rector of Snoreham, Essex: The new and complete life of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. pp.428, illus. 37cm., leather. (Alex Hogg: London, 1782).
YARNOLD (G.D.): The bread which we break. pp.vii, 119, 19cm cloth (Oxford University Press: London, 1960).
ATKINSON (James), Vicar of Bampton, 1600-1641. During his incumbency, Thomas Sutton founded Bampton Grammar School in 1623. Parish Registers commence in 1630.
BERRY (John), b.1941. B.A.Durham, 1962. Oak Hill Theological College, 1963.
Priest-in-chrage of Bampton with Mardale, and Carlisle Diocesan Officer for Evangelism, 1981-1986.
BOWSTEAD (John), Rev., 1754-1841. Master of Bampton Grammar School for 56 years; Minister of Mardale
Church for 40 years. He is said to have educated 200 boys who became priests. (See: RAINES (James): Memoir
of the Rev.John Hodgson, 2 vols., 1857. Chapter 1, pp.1-22 includes an account of Bampton Grammar School under the Rev.John Bowstead: schoolboy days and studies).
CORMACK (Wilfred Howard). University of Manchester, M.A.1910, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, 1910. With the Church Army in Egypt and Palestine, 1 917-18. Vicar of Bampton, 1930-1949 ( with Mardale from 1935).
CURWEN (Hugh), 1500-1568. Born at High Knipe, Bampton. Chaplain to Henry VIII. Preached against John Frith of Westerham, who was martyred in 1533. Curwen was successively Dean of Hereford, Archdeacon of Oxford, Chaple.in to Mary I, Archbishop of Dublin, 1555-1567, Lord Chief Justice in Ireland, 1557, Bishop of Oxford, 1567-8.
DAVIES (Samuel Mailer), b.1908. University of Wales, 1934. Ripon Hall, Oxford, 1937. Vicar of Bcmpton with Mardale, 1956-1962.
DAY (George Edward Foden) , 1853-1929. Theological Exhibitioner of Hatfield Hall, Durham, 1875. L.Th.1876. Deacon 1876, Priest 1877, Durham. Vicar of Bampton, 1883 - 1929.
EDMONDSON (Christopher Paul), b.1950. B.A.1971, M.A.1981, Durham. St.John's College Durham, Diploma in Theology, 1972. Priest-in-Charge of Bampton with Mardale, and Officer for Evangelism, Diocese of Carlisle, 1986-1992.
GANN (Anthony Michael), b.1937, Canon. Trinity College Dublin, B.A.1960, M.A. and B.D.1964. Chaplain and Lecturer in Theology, University of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland, 1966-1974. Priest-in-Charge of Bampton with Mardale, and Officer for Mission and Unity, Diocese of Carlisle, 1975-1980.
GERMAN (Ian Macdonald), b.1909, Canon. Egerton Hall Manchester, 1934. Chaplain to the Forces, 1943-6. Hon. Canon of Carlisle from 1961. Vicar of Bampton with Mardale, and Rural Dean of Appleby, 1970-1974; Officer for Mission, Diocese of Carlisle, 1971-1975.
GIBSON (Edmund), 1669-1748. Born Bampton, 1669. Queen's College, Oxford, 1686. Fellow of Queens College and ordained 1694. Librarian of Lambeth Palace, 1696. Bishop of Lincoln, 1716-1723. Bishop of London, 1723- 1748. Edited the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 1692. Synodus Anglicana, or The Constitution and Proceedings of the English Convocation, 1702. Codex ruris Ecclesiastici Anglicani, 1713).
GIBSON (John). Born Bampton. Provost of Queen's College, Oxford.
GIBSON (Thomas), M.D., died 1704. Born at Knipe, Bampton. Fellow of the College of Physicians. Physician-General to the Army, 1718. Author of A system of anatomy. Married Anne, daughter of Oliver Cromwell.
HODGSON (William), Rev. Vicar of Bampton , 1834-1861. Author of: Catechetical instruction the Gospel according to St. Matthew, 2 vols, 1837) •
LONGSTAFF (Thomas), Registered Accountant, Appleby. Died 1977. He was a Lay Reader in the Parish of Appleby. His collection of 57 books were presented to the Appleby Rural Deanery for the use of Readers, March 1977, and are stamped on the flyleaf: THOMAS LONGSTAFF MEMORIAL LIBRARY. These have now been incorporated in the Tinclar Library, Bampton.
MILL (John), 1645-1707. Born Bampton. Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford, 1670-1682. Principal of St.Edmund's Hall, Oxford , 1682-1707. He edited the Greek New Testament, 2 vols. 1707. He was the first scholar to lay down the principles of modern New Testament criticism.
NOBLE (Mary Eleanor), 1846-19-- . Parish Historian. The Library has a copy of the Prayer Book and Bible presented to her in 1853, when she was seven years old, from the Wharton Trust (See: Liturgies: Book of Common Prayer, 1851). She edited the Bampton Parish Registers, 1637-1812, for publication in 1897, and wrote 'A History of the Parish of Bampton', 1901.
NOBLE (William), of Bampton. Benefactor to the Bampton Free Library in 1798.
RUDKIN (Ernest Horace). University of Oxford, B.A. 1913, M.A.. 1916, B.D., 1924. Rector of Ninfield, Sussex from 1922. Vicar of Bampton , 1950-1955. He published several collections of sermons (see Catalogue), and also assembled a manuscript and common-place book, largely about SusseX (See Appendix III - Manuscripts) •
SAWREY (Harold), born 1914. Vicar of Orton, 1963-1983, with Tebay from 1977. Some books from his collection have been placed in the Tinclar Library.
SUTTON (Thomas), D. D • Founder of Bampton Grammar School, 1623.
THOMAS (George Albert de Burgh), born 1930. University College of North Wales, Bangor, B.A.1950, St.Michael's College, Llandaff, 1951. Vicar of Bampton with Mardale, 1963-1970.
TlNCLAR (Jonathan), Rector of Addlethorpe, near Skegness, Lincs. In 1751, he bequeathed £ 50 'to be invested in land and the interest applied 'towards the purchasing and supplying a library to be kept and preserved for ever hereafter in the said Parish of Bampton for the particular use of the Vicar there.'
'WHARTON (Philip), Lord, of Kirkby Stephen. He died 4 February 1696, and by his will left to his Trustees certain estates in Yorkshire, the proceeds of which were to be devoted each year to the distribution of Bibles and other books, in four counties in the North of England. By the terms of the will, the recipients should, if possible, learn Psams 1, 15, 25, 37
and 145 by heart. As far as Bampton was concerned, the Schoolmaster of the Grammar School received annually from the Trustees, ten Bibles, twelve Catechisms, and one copy of Crossmans 'Introduction', for distribution in Bampton, and five Bibles, six ~catechisms and one Crossmans for the Manor of Carhullen, which is a district of Bampton containing only two houses.
The Bampton Parish Records are deposited at the Cumbria Record Office, Kendal, as follows:
Banns, 1754-1925.
Baptisms, 1630-1936.
Bishops' Transcripts, 1665-1885.
Burials, 1630-1903.
Marriages, 1630-1972.
See also in the Tinclar Library Catalogue:
Bampton Parish Registers, 1637-1812. Edited and transcribed by Mary E.Noble. (Wilson:
Kendal, 1897).
A transcript of the Registers of the Parish of Bampton, 1698-1766,
manuscript, by J.Paul Rylands, September 1896. (In the Tinclar Library)
1.RYLANDS (J.Paul): A transcript of the Registers of the Parish Church of St.Patric k at Bampton in the County of Westmoreland. Vol.I: 25 March 1699/1700 to 27 March , 1720/21. Vol.II: 27 March, 1720/21 to 22nd November 1766. Made at Walmgate, Bampton, Sept.8th., 1896. (Rexine bound notebook, black, 22cm, no pagination; with bookplate of the writer
2.RUDKIN (Ernest Horace), Vicar of Bampton, 1950-1955: Commonplace book, including also cuttings from newspapers of the 1920's, and from the Gospel Standard (c.1870-1890). On the cover: 'Commenced Whitsuntide, 1924'. The contents, mostly in Mr. Rudkin's hand, relate principally to Sussex. (He was Vicar of Ninfield, Sussex from 1922). There are also notes, biographical and controversial, about individual dissenting ministers of the nineteenth century, and their opinions. (Foolscap bound notebook, 32cm, pp.252).
3.THOMAS (George de Burgh), Vicar of Bampton, 1970-1974: Extracts from A.J.;·Wyatt, The Threshold of Anglo-Saxon, copied in Mr , Thomas's hand. On the front cover: 'G.de Burgh Thomas, U.C.N.W. (= University College of North Wales), Bangor: Old English texts translated. ' The texts are on the right-hand pages; a few glosses from Old English to Modern English on the left-hand pages , Inside the back cover: 'March 1 st., 1948: in sessionals there will be a translation from prose and an alternative one from verse.' (Octavo notebook, 22cm; limp red cloth cover; no pagination).
* * * * *
ADAMS (H.G.): Nests and Eggs of Familiar Birds, pp 238, plates, 18cm, cloth (Groombridge & Sons. London. c.1888) (donated bv Dr Marguerite James, granddaughter of Revd G.E.F.Day., Vicar of Bampton 1883-1929, 2001) inscribed "from T. G.C.Howard July 1888 to G.E.F.Day, Bampton"
AGUILAR, Grace: The Mother's Recompense. 532,18.5cms, cloth (Miles & Miles, Clerkenwell Road, London E.C.) (awarded to Elizabeth Atkinson, Bampton Church Sunday School, 1899, by G.E.F.Day, Vicar) donated by Mrs Jean Woodhall , Penrith, March 2011
AICHELE, Dietmar: A Field Guide to Colour in Wild Flowers, pp 399, illust, 2111;, cm, cloth (Octopus Books Ltd, London, 2ndEdn, 1975, 1984 reprint, ISBN 0706404742) (donated by Mrs Julie Langdale, 2004)
ARMISTEAD (W): Tales and Legends of the English Lakes, pp xii and 289. 20cm cloth (Simpkin. Marshall & Co, London, 1891) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001) inscribed "The Revd G.E.F.Day with the Revd. J. Ewbank's good wishes. 20th April 1910"
ARMSTRONG (Revd C.E.): A Tar of the Last War, being the Services and Anecdotes of Sir Charles Richardson, KCB, Vice-Admiral of the White. pp 228, illust, 20cm, half leather (Longman, Brown, Green & Longman, London, 1855) (purchased by the trustees, July 2007)
ASKHAM: Parish Registers 1566-1812. Ed and transcribed by Mary E.Noble, pp xiii, 256, 23cm, cloth (Bemrose & Sons Ltd, London, 1904) (purchased by the trustees, 2006)
AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION: lllustrated Guide to Country Towns and Villages of Britain, pp 448, illust, inset maps, 2811;, cm, casebound (Drive Publications Ltd for The Automobile Association 1985) (retained out of Garden Party, 2 Smithy Croft, 2004)
AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION: Treasures of Britain, pp 680 inc 19 maps, illust., 28.5 cm, cloth (Drive Publications Ltd for the Automobile Association, London, 1968) (retained out of Coffee Afternoon, Bomby Waters. 2003)
BAGLEY (J.J.) Hon.Editor of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire: A History of Lancashire, with maps and pictures, cartography by D.H.Birch, New and Revised Edition, pp 63, illust, maps 25.5cm cloth (Darwen Finlayson, London. 1956/61) (donated by the Revd Geoffrev Marrison. compiler of the principal Tinclar Library catalogue, 1994)
BALLANTYNE. R.M.: The Golden Dream, or Adventures in the Far West. 12th edn, pp viii and 358, iIlust, 19cm, cloth (James Nisbet & Co, London) (donated by Mrs Greta, 2003) inscribed "The gift of the Misses Lucas, Stanegarth - Bampton Church Sunday School: awarded to Joseph Noble, Butterwick. for good conduct G.E.F.Dav. Vicar. Christmas 1904
BAMPTON: Inscriptions and Memorials in St Patrick's Church and Churchyard. Unpaginated, 29.5cm, comb bound, transcribed bv John Stacey, Skews (January 1997) (donated by the Transcriber)
BAMPTON: Ploughing in Latin. A History of Bampton. Foreword. 178 pages, illust., 21cm, paperback (Bampton Millennium Committee. 2000) (donated by the Committee. January 2001)
BAMPTON: A Cast Iron Community - The Story of Burnbanks. Foreword, 126 pp, illust, 21 cm, paperback (Bampton & District Local History Society, 2006 ISBN 978-0-09554862-0-3 (donated by the Society January 2007)
BAMPTON: Parish Registers: Baptisms 1813 - 1862 and 1862 - 1936, Marriages 1813 - 1848 and 1838 (sic) - 1972. photocopies of registers held at Kendal Record Office under ref. WPR 15, disk no.JAC 1735/6 filed in three lever arch files, 31 cm (copied by the trustees, 2006/07) Burials 1813-1903 and Banns 1825-1925 75% funded with Heritage Lottery A4A Grant) BAM H5
BAMPTON: Baptisms 1936 - 2006, Marriages 1972 - 2006, Banns 1926-2006 and Burials 1903-2006
Copied from current registers held at St Patrick's Church by courtesy of the Vicar and Churchwardens, and filed as above
BAMPTON: Methodist Baptisms 1873 - 1980. Copied from registers held at Carlisle Record Office under refs. given, 2008, and filed as above
BARNARD. George: Drawing from Nature: a Series of Progressive Instructions in Sketching, to which are appended
Lectures on Art delivered at Rugby School, pp vi, 248, 18 plates and 107 woodcuts, 28cm. cloth (George Routledge &
Sons, London. 1877) (donated by Dr Marguerite James. 2001)
BAYNES-COPE (A.D.) Research Laboratory, British Museum: Caring for books and documents. With line illustriations by Sture Akestrum pp 32, illust. 25.5cm boards (British Museum Publications. London 1981) with the author's autograph on the title page (donated by the Revd Geoffrey Marrison, 1994)
BEATTIE (Wm) (Ed): The Penguin Poets - Border Ballads. pp 247, 18cm, paper (Penguin Books Ltd, Harmondsworth, Middx, 1952 (1965 reprint) (donated from effects of Mr J.V.Greenlaw, Rose Cottage, Bampton Grange, July 2007)
BELL, George: Descriptive and other pieces in verse. pp viii and 205, fronts. (engraving of Penrith), 17 cm, rexine (printed for the author, J.Brown, Penrith, 1835) (donated by Richard Orford, August 2009). (local poems, including Haweswater sonnet at p. 54).
Note: this and other books donated by Mr Orford at the same time were found at the back of a cupboard at Walmhow, having been left there by the Revd George Day Jnr when he moved out of the house nearly 50 years earlier
BIBLE, English - Lord Wharton: Book of Common Prayer, Holy Bible and Psalms of David, unpaginated, 19cm, leather (OUP, 1844) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) inscr. "Presented by theTrustees of Lord Wharton to Jane Kitching of Drybarrows, aged 11 years, by the Rev James Darling, Bampton Vicarage, Oct 1865 - "2 Tim iii:14-16, Ps xxvi''
BIBLE, English - Lord Wharton: unpaginated, 16cm, leather (OUP, 1875) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) presented to William Kitching of the Parish of Bampton, 1875 BIB B2
BIBLE, English - Lord Wharton: pp xx and 1056, indexed atlas, maps and plan of the Temple rebuilt by Herod. 17.5cm, leather, (OUP) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) presented to Thomas Noble of the Parish of Bampton, 1902, by G.E.F.Day, Vicar
BIBLE, English, Lord Wharton: pp 1240, 16.5 ems, cloth (OUP,1898) (donated by Mrs Jean Woodhall, Penrith, March 2011) presented to Elizabeth Atkinson, Hungerhill, Bampton by G.E.F.Day, Vicar
BIBLE, Russian; pp 302, XXXIV, index, maps on endpapers, 27cm cloth (Russian Bible Society, Moscow, 1994) (donated by Mrs Maureen Cummings, 2002)
BIBLE, New Testament, Welsh: Y Testament Newydd, pp 505, maps, 18.5 cm, cloth (Y Gymdeithas Feiblaidd Frytanaidd a Thramor, Llundain, 1975, ISBN 056403631 5) (donated by John Stacey, 2004)
BICKNELL, Peter: The Picturesque Scenery of the Lake District. pp x and 198, illust, facsimile title pages against entries in text, 29 cm, cloth (St Paul's Bibliographies, Winchester, 1990, ISBN 0-906795-60-5) (purchased by the trustees, ,July 2006)
BIRKETT, Bill: Exploring the Lakes & Low Fells, Vols 1 & 2, Walks 1-80, illust, inset maps, 21.5cm, casebound (David & Charles 2001, 2003 reprint ISBN 0-7153-1077-1 / 1078-X) (retained out of Garden Party, 2 Smithy Croft, 2004)
BIRRELL, Rev C.M.: Life of the Revd Richard Knill of St Petersburg, new and revised edn. pp xiv and 272, engravings, 19cm, cloth (The Religious Tract Society, London c.1878) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) inscr: "Robert Kitchen, Drybarrows, August 7~ 1889 on his birthday"
BOUCH, Revd C.M.Lowther: The Lady Anne, Hereditary High Sheriffess of the County of Westmorland, and Lady of the Honour of Skipton-on-Craven. pp 24, illust, 21 cm, paper (Cumberland & Westmorland Herald Co Ltd, Penrith) (donated by Richard Orford, August 2009)
BOYD, Frank: Around Penrith in Old Photographs, pp 150, illust, 22cm, paper (Alan Sutton Publishing Ltd, Stroud, Gloucs, 1993, ISBN 0- 7509-0281-7) (donated by Mrs Julie Langdale, 2004)
BRADLEY (A.G.): Highways and Byeways in the Lake District First pocket edition, pp xii and 332. illust. 17cm cloth (Macmillan & Co Ltd. London, 1932) (donated by Mrs Mollie Clough, Stanegarth, 1998)
BRAGG (Melvin), Lord Bragg of Wigton): Land of the Lakes, pp 248, illust, 25cm, cloth (Martin Seeker & Warburg Ltd. London. 1983. 1984 reprint) (donated by the family of the late Peter Gilpin. 2001)
BRAGG (Melvin) Credo, pp 788, 18 cm, paper (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1996, ISBN 0340689056) donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2006)
BRUCE, Charles: A Night in a Snowstorm and other Stories. pp 127 and 16 (catalogue), fronts, 18 cms, cloth (W.P.Nimmo, Hay & Mitchell, Edinburgh, nd) (inscr. Elizth Atkinson, Little Strickland Church Sunday School, Xmas 1896) donated by Mrs Jean Woodhall, March 2011.
BRUNSKILL, R.W.: Traditional Buildings of Cumbria. pp 224, illust, 25cm, cloth (Cassell, London, 2002 ISBN 0304- 35773-1) (purchased by the Trustees, 2003)
CAMPBELL GOLDSMITH & BEATTIE, The poetical works of: pp 429, fronts illust. 17.5cm rexine (T. Nelson & Sons, London, 1865) (donated by Janice Leedam June 2012)
CHAPMAN, Sydney T. and CLARKE, Judith: Penrith Photographic Memories. pp 92, reproductions of postcards, maps, 25 cm, cloth (The Francis Frith Collection, Teffont, Wiltshire, 2005 ISBN 1-84589-019-1) (donated and signed by the authors, 2007).
CLIFFORD, D.J.H.(ed): The Diaries of Lady Anne Cliffford. pp xv and 296, 25 plates, map, genealogical tables, 24 cm, cloth (Alan Sutton, Stroud, 1990, ISBN 0-86299-560-4) (purchased by the trustees, 2006)
COLLINGWOOD, W.G.: The Lake Counties. pp xvi and 368, 16 colour plates, 72 line drawings, gazetteer and map, 24.5cm, cloth (Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd, London, New Edition 1932) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2003)
COOK (Olive): The English House through Seven Centuries. pp 320, photographs by Edwin Smith, 33cm. cloth (Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd. London, 1968) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001)
COOKE (Katharine): Coleridge, pp 266, 22 cm. cloth (Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1979) (donated by Mrs Mollie Clough, Stanegarth, 2000)
COUNTRY LIFE PICTURE BOOK OF THE LAKE DISTRICT IN COLOUR: reference map and 44 plates, 29cm, cloth (Country Life Ltd, London, 1961) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001)
COUSINS, John: Friends of the Lake District - The early years. pp xvii and 148, 61 photos in text, 7 maps, table, 24.5 ems, paper (Centre for North West Studies, University of Lancaster, 2009, ISBN 978-1-86220-223-8) signed by the Author. (Purchased by the Trustees, March 2011)
COX (J.Charles): English Church Fittings, Furniture and Accessories, pp xii and 320, plates, 23cm, cloth (B.T.Batsford Ltd. London, 1923) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001)
CROXALL, Samuel (translator): Fables of Aesop and Moral and Entertaining Anecdotes. pp xviii and 286 (plus 16 page catalogue), illist.,17 ems, cloth (W.P.Nimmo, Hay & Mitchell, Edinburgh, 1889) (donated by Richard Orford, August 2009) inscribed "Bampton Church Sunday School. Awarded to Geo. Ed. F. Day for good conduct & attendance, G.E.F.Day, Vicar, Xmas 1889"
CUMBERLAND & WESTMORLAND ANTIQUARIAN & ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY: Transactions New (Second) Series vols 1901-2000 and Third Series vols 2001-09. All cloth except vols 1918, 1940/44, 1952/55, 1962 and 1968 onwards (Titus Wilson, Kendal) (vols 1910, 1913 and 1916/17 donated by Ken Noble, 2007, vol 1942 by Geoff Johnson, 2007, vols 1968-2006 by CW AAS, 2007; 1 vol purchased from Kirkland Books, Kendal, 11 from Broadhursts, Southport, 4 from Bridge Books, Windermere, 3 from Barry McKay, Appleby, 1 from Staniland, Stamford, 23 from Bookcase, Carlisle, 12 from Norman Kerr, Cartmel, 14 from CW AAS, 1 from Michael S.Kemp, Atherton, Manchester, with
A4A grant, November 2007 to April 2008)
CUMBERLAND & WESTMORLAND ANTIQUARIAN & ARCHELOGICAL SOCIETY Transactions, Index to Old (First) Series, Vols I to xv l, 1866 to 1900, compiled by Joyce Cherry. pp 410, 22 ems, paperback (CWAAS, printed by Titus Wilson & Son Ltd, Kendal, 1981) (purchased by the trustees, March 2010). Note: pending the acquisition of the Old Series by the Library, the volumes may be consulted at Penrith or any other main county library in Cumbria
CUMBRIA FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY: Transcript and Index from the 1851 Census for Brougham, Lowther, Askham, Eamont Bridge, Sockbridge and Tirril, Patterdale &c and Bampton. unpaginated. 21cm paperback (Cumbria Family History Society January 1994) (donated by Donald Langdale, Butterwick, a Trustee of Tinclar's Library. (1994)
CUMBRIA LOCAL HISTORY FEDERATION: Bulletin No 21, Spring 1999 (Donated by Ted Relph, 1999)
CUMBRIA NATURAL HISTORY REPORTS sub nom Natural History in Cumbria 1975-76, Birds in Cumbria 1977-78, 1979, Spring 1985-88 and 1990, years 1990, 1991 (Association of Natural History Societies in Cumbria/Cumbria Naturalists Union) and Birds and Wildlife in Cumbria 2001-2004 (Stramongate Press, Kendal) 14 vols. (donated by Dave Shackleton, 2006)
CURWEN, John F. The Later Records. pp.VI, 428, fronts, 23cms, cloth (C&WA&AS and Westmorland County Council, 1932) (purchased by the trustees from CRO, Kendal, in mint condition, 2008)
DAVIDSON, Eric. Time of Change, a book of memories from the 1950's. pp 104, photographs, 28 cm, paper (Cumberland & Westmorland Herald, 2001 (ISBN 0 9518552 4 7) (purchased by the trustees, May 2009) Bampton Vicarage Garden Fete, July 1951 at p. 22
DAWSON (John): Fourpence for the Beggar Men: glimpses of John Ruskin recorded in the logbooks of Coniston Schools. pp 20, drawings and photographs, 21cm, paperback (John Dawson, 1994) (donated by the family of Peter Gilpin, 2002) signed by the author
DAVID, Rob: Hugh Lowther, Fifth Earl of Lonsdale, in the Arctic: Explorer-Scientist, Sportsman, Traveller or Tourist? ppl6, plates 5, 24.5 ems, paper (reprinted from C&W Transactions, Vol. Ill, 2003) (donated by the author, February 2011)
DAY (James): A Practical Treatise on the Construction and Formation of Railways, 3rd edn. pp viii and 210, plates, diagrams and tables, 21cm cloth (Simpkin Marshall & Co, London, 1860) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 1999) (inscribed "to C.M.Wilson Esq with the Author's Compliments")
DENYER (Susan): Traditional Buildings & Life in The Lake District, First Edition, pp 208, illust, 25Y2 cm, cloth (Victor Gollanz/Peter Crawley in association with The National Trust, First Edn, 1991 ISBN 0-575-04552-3) (purchased by the Trustees, 2004)
DICKENS, Charles: A Tale of Two Cities. pp xvi and 454, 20cm, illust, cloth (James Nisbet & Co Ltd, London) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) inscr. "Bampton Ch. Sunday School- Awarded to Thomas Noble for good attendance; given by
the Misses Lucas, Christmas 1910"
DICKENS Charles, Oliver Twist. pp iv and 347, illust, 19cm, cloth (WaIter Scott Ltd, London) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) inscr "Bampton Church Sunday School- awarded to Jos Noble, Butterwick, Christmas 1901 - G.E.F.Day, Vicar
DUTTON (Charles): The Red Squirrel, Redressing the Wrong. pp 112, tables, photographs and maps,30cm, paper (European Squirrel Initiative, 2004 ISBN 0-9547576-0-3)(donated by Ron Hill, 2005)
ECCLES (Nigel): Pittman, Francis, Master of Bampton School, 1891 to 1908. pp 7, photographs, 29.5cm, Bampton School Trustees 2006)
ECCLES (Nigel) A Brief History of the Bampton Endowed Schools Charity. pp 4, 29.5cm, paper (black slide binder) written for the School Closing Exhibition, 2005. (donated by Bampton School Trustees 2006) School Closing Exhibition, 2005 (donated by Bampton School Trustees 2006) BAMH5
EMMETT, Charlie: Discovering the Eden Valley. pp 128, photographs and maps, 24.5cm, paper (Sutton Publishing Ltd, Stroud, 2005 ISBN 0-7509-4184-7) Titus Wilson Award, 2006 (purchased by the trustees, 2006) LAK H2
FARADAY, Michael (ed): The Westmorland Protestation Returns 1641142 (CWAAS Tract Series No XVll). pp 86, 2l.5 cm, paper (Titus Wilson & Son Ltd, Kendal, 1971) (purchased by the trustees, 2006) Covers East & West Wards; lists 210 names for Bampton, the fifth highest for the two wards WES H2
FENN, Manville: The Peril Finders. pp iv and 507, illust, 20.5cm, cloth (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) inscr. "Awarded to Thomas Noble for perfect attendance at Sunday School
during the year 1902" LIT.ENG 11
FERGUSON, Richard S.: History of Westmorland. pp 312, 23cm, cloth (Elliott Stock, London, 1905, Cheap Edition) (purchased by the Trustees,2003) WES H2
FFINCH, Michael: Portrait of Penrith and the East Fellside. pp 201, illust., 22cm, cloth (Robert Hale, London, 1985 ISBN 0-7090 -2375-8) (purchased by the Trustees £20, 2003). Chapter 5, "The Vale of Lowther", oflocal interest WES H2
FINDLER (G): Legends of the Lake Counties. pp 80. drawings in text, 21cm, paper (The Dalesman Publishing Company Ltd, Clapham, 1967) (donated by Dr Marguerite J ames, 2001) LAK H2
FLINDERS, T.G.: On the Settle and Carlisle Route. pp 112, maps and photographs (mainly taken by the author), 24% ems, cloth (lan Allen Ltd, Shepperton, 1981 ISBN 0 1080 3) (donated by the author, a descendant of John and Agnes Noble
of Woodfoot mid-C18th" September 2010) RL Y H2
FORSTER, Margaret: The Miller's Way. unpag, maps & drawings, 21 cm, paper (Carrs Breadmaker, Cart's Flour, Carlisle, 2006) (donated by David Cooke, July 2006) LAK H2
FRASER (Maxwell): Companion into Lakeland. pp 290, 16 plates and a map, 18.5cm, cloth (Methuen & Co Ltd, London, 3rd Edn, 1943) (donated by the family of Peter Gilpin, 2002). Chapters VII (Shap and the Fells of the East Border) and VIII (Haweswater to the Eamont) are of local interest BAM, CVT.SHS, LAK; H2
GRAHAM, Caz (ed): Foot and Mouth, Heart and Soul. pp 208, photographs and drawings, 21cm, paper (pub Small Sister for BBC Radio Cumbria, Carlisle, 2001 ISBN 0 954157 0 3) (donated by David Grayling, Crosby Ravensworth, 2006)
GREEN SPACES, OUR: Three year partnership project to enhance green spaces in Cumbria, 2008/11. pp Ill, illust, 21 cm, paper (The Our Green Space Project team 2008/11 and Friends of the Lake District) (donated by Bomby Green Management Committee, 2012.) SCI GIH3
GRIFFIN (A.Harry): A Lakeland Mountain Diary (from 40 years in The Guardian's "Country Diary"). pp 224, illust, 24 cm, cloth (The Crowood Press Ltd, Swindon, 1990 ISBN 1-85223-565-9) (donated by Donald & Julie Langdale, 2004) LAKGIH2
GRIGSON, (Geoffrey), (General Editor): The Lakes to Tyneside, About Britain No 10. pp 92, 22cm, boards (Wm Collins Sons & Co. Ltd, for the Festival of Britain Office, 1951) (pre-1992 stock, prey. uncatalogued) LAK, TOP.DDR.NHB; H2
HALL, Derek H.: Full Circle - the Return of a Scouser to his Roots. pp 274 and iii, photographs (including Penrith, Yanwath, Haweswater &c), family tree, 19Y2cm, paper (Regentlane Publishing, Millom, 1998 ISBN 1 900821 81 8)
(donated by David and Katharine Cooke, February 2007) LAK GIH2
HALL, Marshall: The Artists of Cumbria. pp x and 102, illust., 28.5cm, cloth (Marshall Hall Associates, Newcastle upon
Tyne, 1979, ISBN 0-903858-01-0) (purchased by the Trustees, 2003) ACH5
HALL, Sarah: Haweswater. pp 267, 2l.5cm, covered paperback (Faber & Faber Ltd, London, 2002, ISBN 0-571-20925-4) (donated by Mrs Mollie Clough, 2003) signed by the author MAR H2
HALL, Sarah : The Carhullan Army. pp 209, 22 cm cloth (Faber & Faber Ltd, London, 2007 ISBN 0-571-23659-6) (donated by Mrs M.Clough, 2008) BM1 GIH2
HALL, Sarah: The Electric Michelangelo. pp 340, 20.5cm, paper (Harper Perennial, 2005 ISBN-13: 978-0-06-081274-
0) (donated and signed by the Author, May 2011) H2
HAMMOND, Reginald J.W., (ed): Ward Lock Red Guide - Lake District. pp160, photographs, map, plan of Fumess Abbey, 16cm, paper (Ward Lock Ltd, London, 32nd edn, 1971 ISBN 0 7963 54389) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2006) Bampton and Haweswater at pp 151/3 LAK H2
HANSON (Neil): Walking through Eden, pp 200, drawings by Sheilagh Noble, map, 24cm, cloth (Pavilion Books Ltd, London, 1990) signed by the author (donated by the family of the late Peter Gilpin, 2001) CUM,WES; G/H2
HARKER, John: North Westmorland: the Official Guide issued with the Authority of the North Westmorland Rural District Council. pp 40, illust, map (missing), 18cm, paper (Morgan Laird & Co Ltd, London, c.1935) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2003) Advertisement for Crown & Mitre Hotel at p. 40 LAK H2
HARRlSON, Sydney E.:The Bowes Museum, Bamard Castle. pp 64,illust, plans, paper (published by the author, 1929 (donated by Richard Orford, August 2009) TOP.DUR GIH2
HASLAM (Sarah): John Ruskin and the Lakeland Arts Revival, 1880-1920. pp 250, photographs, 21.5 cm, paper (Merton Priory Press Ltd, Whitchurch, Cardiff, 2004 ISBN 1 898937 60 5) AC H2
HAWESWATER ESTATE, North West Water: Lancaster University Archaeological Survey. Vol 1 Report, pp 91, Vol2 Gazetteer, pp 222, 29.5 cm, spiral bound paper (Lancaster University Archaeological Unit, November 1997) (donated by
Lake District National Park Authority, 2006) MAR, BAM H5
HAWESWATER ESTATE: Detailed Survey Report, pp 97, 23 figs, spiral bound paper, (Lancaster University Archaeological Unit, October 1998) (donated by Lake District National Park Authority, 2006) MAR, BAM H5
HAWKINS, Harry: The Chapel at Keld, Shap. Reprint of Article at C&W Transactions, Third Series, Vol IX,
2009 pp 69-89.' photos and maps Donated by the Author, November 2011 CVT SHS BUI. GIH2
HAYES, Gareth: Odd Corners in Appleby, pp 90, photographs, 21 erns, paper (Hayloft Publishing, Kirkby Stephen, 2002
ISBN 1.904524001) (donated by Jeremy Godwin, Penrith, March 2011) CVT.APP. H2
HEATON COOPER (W): The Lakes, pp xiii, pp 228, plates and drawings, 25cm, boards (Frederick Wame & Co Ltd. London, 1966) (donated by Dr Marguerite James. 2001) AC, LAK H2
HEATON COOPER: The Tarns of Lake land, pp xiv, 237. plates and drawings, 25cm, cloth (2nd Edn 1970, The Heaton Cooper studio) signed by the author (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001) AC, LAK H2
HIGGINBOTHAM, Peter: Workhouses of the North. pp 128, photographs, line drawings, maps, 23.5cm, paper (Tempus Publishing Ltd, Stroud, 2006 ISBN 0 7524 4001 2) (purchased by the trustees, 2006, £11.69) References to West Ward Union and Shap Workhouse at pp.78/80. BUI,LAK GIH2
HINCHCLIFFE (Isaac): A Backwater in Lakeland (Mardale, Haweswatcr, Measand, Bampton); A Wartime Wandering: An Autumn Pilgrimage; sketches by W.H.Longworth. 2nd edn. pp 60, front., plates, map, 22cm cloth (Hinchcliffe & Co Ltd, Manchester, 1923) (donated by Mr & Mrs John Aynsley, 1998) MAR H2
HINCHCLIFFE, Isaac: 4th edn, 1928, pp 102 (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001)MAR H2
HINCHCLIFFE, Isaac: 2001 reprint (2 Ravens, Kirkby Stephen) (donated by Andrew Donoghue, October 2000)
HINE, (Reginald L): Confessions of an Un-Common Attorney. pp xix, 268, illus., 23cm, cloth, (lM.Dent & Sons Ltd, London, 4th edn 1949) (donated by Miss M.E.Lightburn, 2002) pp 182/3 and 20113 mention Miss Matilda Lucas of
Stanegarth. BAM H2
HODGKlNSON (John): Tales of a Country Parson, with Thanksgiving for John Pickthall, pp 31, illlus., 21cm, paper (Little Trinity Publications, Levens, 2003 ISBN 0-9543474-1-2) (purchased by the Trustees, 2003) LAK H2
HODGSON, Henry W.: A Bibliography of the history and topography of Cumberland & Westmorland. pp 299, 26cms, cloth (Joint Archives Committee for Cumberland & Westmorland, 1968) (donated by Ken Noble, Shap, 2008) LID GIH2
HOME (G): Beautiful Britain: The English Lakes pp 65, plates by A.Heaton Cooper and sketch map. 23 cm, boards (Adam &. Charles Black. London, 1914) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001) LAK GIH2
HOWARTH, Peter: The Lakes Yearbook 1973: What's on and Where to go in Cumbria. pp 160, photographs, 17 cm, paper
(North Lonsdale Publications, Barrow-in-Fumess, 1973) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2006) LAK H2
HOWSE, Chris.: 2,000 years of Christianity. 6 parts @ 32pp, 30cm, blue binder (Telegraph Group, 1999) (donated by John Stacey, March 2007) HIS.COO F4
HOYS (Dudley): English Lake Country, pp 223, 31 photographs, map, 22cm, cloth (B. T.Batsford Ltd, London, 1967) (donated by the family of Peter Gilpin, 2002) LAK H2
HUGHES (Edward), editor: Fleming-Senhouse papers (Documents relating to the History of Westmorland, Lancashire and Cumberland in the !7th and 18th centuries AD.) pp xiv, 174, 22.5 cm. cloth. (Cumbcrland Record Series, The Courts, Carlisle, 1961) (Record Series IT) (donated bv the Revd Geoffrey Marrison. 1994) CUM, LAN, WES; GIH2
HUGHES (Thomas): Tom Brown's Schooldays. pp vii and 343, front, 21cm, cloth (The WaIter Scott Publishing Co Ltd, London) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) inscr "Bampton Church Sunday School- awarded to Thos. Noble, Christmas
1903, G.E.F.Day, Vicar" LIT.ENG
. HUMPHRIES (Andrew): Guardians of Eden. pp 80, illust., 29.5cm, paper (Cumberland & Westmorland Herald for Penrith Agricultural Society, 2000 ISBN 0-9518552-3-9) (purchased by the Trustees, 2003) LAK H5
HUNT (lrvine): Road to Paradise. pp 230, illust. by David Boyd, 22 cm, cloth (C.N.Ltd, Carlisle, 2003 ISBN 0952 -5742- 84) (donated by Felicity Stacey, 2004) LAK H2
HYDE, Matthew and Sir Nikolaus Pevsner: The Buildings of England: Cumbria: Cumberland, Westmorland & Furness. pp xx & 775, text figs and maps, 22cm, cloth (Yale University Press, New Haven, Ct and London, 2010 ISBN 9780300 12663 1) (purchased by the Trustees, 2010). Entries for Bampton at p.l26, for "Haweswater [inc Mardale and Swindale] at p.396 LAKBUI
HYDE, B.Montgomery: Norman Birkett. pp x and 638, illust, 22 cm, cloth (1964, reprint 1965 by The Reprint Society Ltd, London)(purchased by the trustees 2006, £6.50) BIO.G GIB2
JACKSON, Lesley: Alastair Morton and the Edinburgh Weavers. pp 351, illust, 28 mm, cloth (V&A Publishing 2012. ISBN 978 1 85177 660 30) (purchased by the Trustees 2012, £45). See index under Bampton and Stanegarth for numerous
local references and photographs AC.BAM
JEWITT, (Llewellynn): The Life and Works of Jacob Thompson. pp xiv, 126, front, plates, steel and wood engr., 36 cm, cloth (IS.Virtue & Co, London, 1882) (purchased by the Trustees, £75, SeptemberZuo-l) (Measand and Haweswater engrs
seriatim) AC, BI.G F4
JONES, Sir Clement: Walks in North Westmorland. pp xii and 146, fronts, plates, 24Y2cm, cloth (Titus Wilson & Son Ltd, Kendal, 1955) (purchased by the Trustees, £17.50, March 2010) . Chapter V, the Lowther Valley, contains much of local interest WES,BAM H3
[KELLY'S] POST OFFICE DIRECTORY OF WESTMORELAND AND CUMBERLAND: pp xii, 344 and 60 (adverts), with maps specially engraved for the work, 27 ems, cloth (first edn, Kelly & Co, London, 1858, reprinted by Titus Wilson & Son Ltd, Kendal, 2009) (purchased by the Trustees, March 2010) DIR G2
KINGSTON, W.B.G.: The Three Midshipmen. pp 414, illust., 19cm, cloth (Griffith Farran Browne & Co Ltd, London) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) inscr. "The Three Midshipmen - Sunday School- Thomas Noble 1905" LIT.ENG 11
KINSMAN (Bunty): Pawn takes Castle. pp 158, frontispiece, illust., 22cm, cloth (Oriel Press, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1971 ISBN 0-85362-132-2) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2003). An account of the restoration of and life at Dacre Castle CVT.BUI H3
KISSACK (Elizabeth): A Cumberland Vicar's Daughter 1822-1898. pp 24, illust, 21 cm, paper (published privately, 2005)
(donated by the author and inscribed) BI.G H3
KISSACK, Elizabeth: The Life of Thomas Hayton Mawson, Landscape Archiutect, 1861-1933. pp 104, photographs, 24cm, paper (published privately 2006 ISBN 978-0-9553653-0-0) (donated by the author and inscribed, 2006) BIG H3
KNOLL VS, Lt Col, and ELLIOTT, Major: Battlefield Heroes. pp 440, front, engr, 20cm, cloth (Dean & Son Ltd, London) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003). Contains accounts of events in various colonial wars fought in Asia, Africa and New Zealand 1856-1887; inscr. "Bampton Church Sunday School - Awarded to Thos Noble for attendance very fair
28, Christmas 1906" mS.ENG Jl
LAMBETH PALACE LIBRARY: Annual Review, 2007. pp 68, photographs, 23 cm, paper (Lambeth Palace Library, 2008) (donated by Bishop Alec Graham, 2008) (reference to books from Tinclar's Library, p 19) LIB. GIH2
LANE (Sir WiIliam Arbuthnot, Ed): The Golden Health Library, Vols I & ill pp 11336 & 67311008. 7 colour plates. 8 gravure plates, inserts, 27.5 cm, cloth (William Collins, Sons & Co. Glasgow. 1930) (donated by Mrs Susan Buckle, 2002) MEDA5
LAWRENCE, T.E.: (Lawrence of Arabia): The Seven Pillars of Wisdom. pp 700, illust, maps, 20 cm, cloth (Jonathan
Cape Ltd, London, New Edn 1940, 1946 reprint) (donated by Janice Leedam, June 2012)HIS, FOR A3
LEECH (John): Pictures of Life and Character, from the Collection of "Mr Punch", 1842-1864. Vols I to ill bound together,
284. 276 and 268. 32cm. half leather (Bradbury Agnew & Co. London. 1886/87) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001)
LINDOP (Grevil): A Literary Guide to the Lake District. pp xii & 356. maps 4, numerous engravings, 23 ems, paper. (Sigma Leisure, Wilmslow, Cheshire, revised edn, 2005 ISBN 1-85058821-X) (purchased by the trustees December 2009 £10.95). References to Haweswater, Heltondale and Swindale at pp 17/19 (Bampton overlooked). LAK., LIT.ENG H3
LITURGY, The Book of Common Prayer: The Communion and Other Services According to the use of the Church of England (Cambridge United Press, SPCK) containing inscriptions: (1) Presented to Bempton (sic) Church by the Rector and Churchwardens of the Priory Church, Bridlington, April 1892, Nicholas McGrath, Vicar (2) Presented to Bampton Parish Church of St Patrick by the Vicar (Revd A.J.Huxley) and Wardens of St Michael's Parish Church, Bempton, East Yorkshire, April 1950. Repaired for use at Bampton, 1950, Ernest H.Rudkin, Vicar BCP E5
LITURGY, Book of Common Prayer, Lord Wharton: unpaginated, 14cm, leather (OUP 1875) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) Presented to William Kitching in the Parish of Bampton, 1875 BCP B2
LOWTHER ESTATE, CUMBRIA: Archeological Survey, Lancaster University Archaeological Unit, April 1997. pp 73, figs, 29.5 cm, spiral bound paper . WES H5
LOWTHER ESTATE, CUMBRIA: Detailed Archeological Survey of Lowther Park, June 1997. pp 51, figs, 29.5 cm, spiral bound paper (Lancaster University Archaelogical Unit, 1997) (donated by Lake District National Park Authority, 2006) WES, BUI H5
LUCAS, Peter: A Question of Identity - Exploring the History of Preston Patrick Church and its Patronal Saints. Pp 46, map, photos, paper (PJYL Publishing, Endmoor 2011 ISBN 978-0-9569103-0-1) (donated by the Author, November 2011) CUM BUI. GIH3
MACLEOD (Roy): The Library of Alexandria. pp xii and 196, 23Y2 ems, paper (I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd,London, 2005 reprint, ISBN 1 85043 5944) (donated by Andrew Donoghue, October 2005) CLAGRE, LIB H3
MARKHAM, Canon Gervase: Past Alive. pp 100, illust, pedigrees, 24cm, paper (privately published 2003) (Nominated by the Vicar and donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2003) CVT.L YV H3
MARKHAM, Canon Gervase: Something Good to Say: the memoirs of Canon Gervase Markham., 1910-2007. pp 127, fronts, photos, 24.5 cms, paper (published by the family, 2009) (purchased by the trustees, December 2009) BICH, CVT.L YV H3
MARLOW, (Lawrence): Penrith in Times Past. pp 48, annotated photographs, 20cm, paper (Countryside Publications Ltd. Brinscall, Chorley. 1987) (donated by the family of Peter Gilpin, 2002') CVT.PEN H3
MARSH, John: The Eden Valley, Westmorland, in Old Photographs. pp 160, illus, 22cm, paper (Alan Sutton Publishing Ltd, Stroud, Gloucs, 1992, ISBN 7509-0111-X) (donated by Mrs Julie Langdale, 2004) WES H3
MARSH, John: The Westmorland Lakes in Old Photographs. pp 160, illust, 22cm, paper (Alan Sutton Publishing Ltd, Stroud, Gloucs, 1992, ISBN 0-7509-0116-0) (donated by Mrs Julie Langdale, 2004). Photographs of local interest at pp 155-160 WES,BAM H3
MANCHESTER CORPORATION ACT 1919 (9 & 10 Geo.5.cap cxix): includes Manchester Ship Canal Act 1919 and Mersey Docks and Harbour Board Act 1919. pp 246,26 cm, in clip binder (donated by Dave Shackleton, 2006) MAHH5
MARDALE: Parish Registers: Births and burials 1684-1813; Baptisms 1813-1935; Marriages 1815-1846, 1846-1911 and 1912-1930; Banns 1870-1905 and 1910-1930; Burials 1813-1917; photocopies of registers held at Kendal Record Office under ref. WPR16 and on disk nO.JA6 1476 (copied by the Trustees and funded by a 75% Heritage Lottery A4A grant 2007) MAH H5
MARTINEAU, Harriet: A Description of the English Lakes. pp ii, 166, tables and index, plates and vignettes in text, 28cm, cloth, being a facsimile reprint of the 1858 edn originally published by Simpkin Marshall apart from the omission of a short chapter on geology (BP Publishing, Wakefield, 1974 ISBN 0 85409 9956 5) (purchased by the trustees July 2006) reference to Haweswater at pp 148/151. LAKH5
. MILLARD, Sue: Hoofprints in Eden, Nobbut Thirty Year (dedicated to the Fell Pony). Pp 240, photographs, map, 14cm, paper (Hayloft Publishing Ltd, Kirkby Stephen, 2005 ISBN 1 904534 34 6) (purchased by the trustees, 2006) Shortlisted for Lakeland Book of the Year Awards 2006. Several references to local studs and individuals. LAK ID
MITCHELL, W.R.: The Lost Village of Mardale. pp 120, illustrated map, drawings, 21cm, cloth (Castleberg, Giggleswick, 1993 ISBN 1 871064 12 9) (purchased by the trustees, 2006) MAH H3
MONKHOUSE,(F.J.): The English Lake District A Description of the O.S. One-inch Tourist Map: The Lake District. pp 19, plates Vlll, diagrams, tables, 25cm, paper (The Geographical Association, Sheffield, 1960) (donated from effects ofMr
J.V.Greenlaw, July 2007) LAK
NEATE, JiII: The Lake District, a Reader's Guide. pp 48, sketch map, 21 cm, paper (Chaplins of Keswick, 1987 ISBN 0 551240404) donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2004) LIB.LAK ID
NEW HALL (Jannette E.): Professor of Research Methods and Librarian Emeritus, Boston University: A Theological Library ManuaL pp xiv and 162, 25.5cm cloth (The Theological Education Fund of the World Council of Churches, London, 1970) (donated by the Revd Geoffrey Marrison, 1994) LID H3
NICHOLSON (Joseph) and BURN (Richard): The History and Antiquities of the Counties of Westmorland and Cumberland. Vols I and II, pp Vol I cxxiv and 630, Vol IT 615, original index unpag., 1934 index 167, maps, 26cm, cloth (reprinted from 1777 edn by WStrachan and T.Cadell, London, republished by E.P.Publishing Ltd in collaboration with Cumbria County Library 1976, ISBN 0 85409 625 6) (purchased by Trustees, September 2004). Main references to Parish of Bampton Vol I pp 460-467, but see also p 9 of 1934 index. CUM,CVT,WES.G2
NICHOLSON (Norman): The Lake District; an anthology compiled by Norman Nicholson. pp 399, 18 cm, paper-back; (Penguin Books Ltd, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1978) (donated by the family of Peter Gilpin, 2002 LIT.ENG H3
NOBLE, Ken: Probate inventories and some Wills from Mardale and Bampton in Westmorland. pp 30, 30cm, comb bound (published by the author, 2003) (donated by the author 2003) BAM, MAH H5
NOBLE (Mary E.) 1846-1925: A History of the Parish of Bampton. pp vi, 268, front., plates, map, tables, 24cm half leather (Titus Wilson, Kendal. 1901) (donated by Mr & Mrs John Aynsley. Headmaster of Bampton School 1951/76, 1998) BAM,NOB;H3
NOBLE, Mary E.: 1846-1925: A History of the Parish of Bampton. 23cm(cloth) (donated by the Revd F.H.Rudkin, Vicar of Bampton, 1950) M,NOB;H3
NUGENT, Charles: Edward Lear, the Landscape Artist - Tours of Ireland and the English Lakes, 1835 & 1836. pp 240 and xii, fronts, illust (figs 50, cats 107) and photos, 28.5cms, paper (The Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere, 2009 ISBN 978-1- 905256-38-9) The catalogue for the exhibition at Dove Cottage Grasmere, 2009 (purchased by the Trustees, July 2009).
ORFORD (William Kirkpatrick): Fragments of Bampton around 200 years ago 2nd edn. pp 40, front., pedigrees. 29cm
paperback (published by the Author, February 1994 ) (donated by the Author, 1994) BAMMAH;H5
ORFORD (Rosamond): Water Colours, Photographs by Rosamond Orford. pp 73, plates, 20 cm, cloth (Upcounrty Publishing, Norwich, Vt, 2002, ISBN 0-615-12095-4)(donated and inscribed by the author, 2005) photographs of
Haweswater Beck at pp 23 and 36 AC H3
PAKENHAM, Thomas: The Scramble for Africa: The White Man's conquest of the Dark Continent from 1876 to 1912. pp xxv and 738, illust, cartoons & engravings, maps, cloth (Random House, New York, First US Edn, ISBN 0-394-51576- 5) donated by John Stacey, August 2012) HIS. FOR A3
PALMER (J.H.): Historic farmhouses in and around Westmorland. pp 124, illus., 26cm, cloth (Westmorland Gazette Ltd, Kendal. 1945) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001) BUS, WES; H3
PALMER (William T.): Odd Corners in English Lakeland; Rambles, Scrambles, Climbs and Sport. pp 104, 15 photographs. 19cm, cloth (Skeffington & Son Ltd. London, c.1945) (donated by the family of Peter Gilpin, 2002) LAK H3
PALMER, William T : More Odd Corners in English Lakeland. pp 228, 17 illustrations by G.P.Abraham & Son, Keswick, 19 ems, cloth (Skeffington & Son Ltd, London, 1937) (purchased by the trustees, 2007) see chapter on Odd Corners about Eastern Lakeland Many tracks across Shap Fells, Walks about Haweswater, at p.48 LAK H3
PALMER, William T: Wanderings in Lakeland. pp 143, 15 illustrations by John Hardman, including frontispiece ofIsaac Cooks on, Gillhead, 19 ems, cloth (Skeffington & Son Ltd, London, third edition, December 1946) (purchased by the trustees, 2007) LAKH3
PALMER, William T : The Penguin Guides, Lake District. pp 154, maps, 18 cm, paper (penguin Books, Harmondsworth, Middx, 1939) (donated by Colin & Maureen Barber, 2005) LAK H3
PALMER, William T: The Penguin Guides, Lake District. another copy, donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2006 LAK H3
PARKER, Mary Scott: Border Television. pp 128, photographs, 20.5 cm, paper (Bookcase, Carlisle, 1999 ISBN 0 951992107)(donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2005) LAK H3
PARKINSON, Aline: A History of Catholicism in the Furness Peninsular, 1127-1997. pp xii and 114, map, photographs in text,24.5cms, paperback (Centre for North West Regional Studies, University of Lancaster, 1998 ISBN 1-86220-055-6) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, April 2011) mS.CHU, LAN H3
PARSON (Wm) and WHITE (Wm): History, Directory and Gazeteer of the Counties of Cumberland and Westmorland,
pp 732 and xxxiv, 18cm, leather (White & Co., Leeds, 1829) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 1999)
PARTINGTON, E.W.: A Gossiping Guide to Shap & Haweswater. pp 31, illusts, adverts, map, paperback (John Heywood
Ltd, Manchester, 1923) (purchased by the trustees, June 2006) CVT.SHS, MAR, Gl
PEARHlLL (Kathleen): Swindale Papers, pp 36, illust, 17cm cloth (The Herald Ltd, Penrith,1937) (donated by Mrs Grace
Woolley, nee Preston, 1996) CVT.SHS; G1
PEARSON (John J: Bridging the Years: A History of the Men of Bampton who lost their lives during the Two World Wars. pp 101, plates, 20.5cm, paperback, (published by the Author. 1997) (donated by the Author, 1997) BAM, MAR; H3
PERRIAM, Denis R. & ROBINSON, John: The Mediaeval Fortified Buildings of Cumbria. pp xx, 416, illust, maps, 29.5 cm, cloth (CWAAS Extra Series, xxix, 1998 ISBN 1 873124 23 6) (purchased by the trustees, 2006) contains details of
Crag Castle (sic) Mardale, Thornthwaite Hall, Setterah Park, Askham Hall and Lowther Hall, BUI, WES
PHILIPS, Colin, FERGUSON, Catherine and WAREHAM, Andrew: Westmorland Hearth Tax pp xvi, plates, figures, tables & maps, 25 ems, cloth (The British Record Society, Hearth Tax Series VI, Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archeological Society Record Series Vol XIX , ISBN 978-0-873124-46-8) (purchased by the Trustees, May 2011)
PITT, David: A Pennine Journey from Settle to Hadrian's Wall in Wainwright's footsteps. pp 244, maps and illustrations, 18cms, rexine. (Francis Lincoln Ltd, London, 2010 ISBN 978-0-7112-3083-5) (purchased by the trustees, April 2010) signed by the author and assistant WES YOR H4
PORTER (Lancelot Salkeld): Lakeland Treasury, pp 118, 21cm, paperback (Lakeland Dialect Society, 1998) (donated by Ted Relph,1999) LAKH3
POUCHER (W.A.): Over Lakeland Fells, pp 151, 110 photographs, maps and photographic notes and data, 28cm cloth (Chapman & Hall Ltd, London, 1948) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001) LAK H5
PROPHET, John: The Parish Councillor's Guide. pp 202, 20 cm, paper (Shaw & Sons, Crayford, 16th Edn, Nov 1993, ISBN 0721905145) (donated Anon, 2006) H3
PRICE, Nancy: Shadows on the Hills. pp 320, illust, 19cm, cloth (George Alien & Unwin Ltd, London, fifth impr, 1949) signed by the author (purchased by the Trustees,2003) Chapter 1 and Appendices oflocal interest WES H3
PRIESTLEY (J.B.): The Edwardians. pp 302, colour plates, 26cm, cloth (William Heinemann Ltd, London. 1970) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 2001) Hl S. ENG A4
RAMBLER: A Fortnight's Ramble to the Lakes in Westmoreland (sic), Lancashire and Cumberland. pp 110, photographs of Wm Noble & Lancelot Noble, map, 21 cm, paper (first published Hooker & Carpenter, London, 1792, republished by Preston Publishing, Berkshire, 1990, ISBN 0-9516405-0-X) (donated by Katherine Cooke & Nancy Roberts, 2004) Hugh Preston is descended from the Noble and Preston families of Bampton. Chapter 39 describes a visit to Bampton and Haweswater.
RAWNSLEY (Canon H.D.): Round the Lake Country. pp 227, photographs, 19.5cm, cloth (James MacLehose & Sons, Glasgow, 1909) (purchased by the Trustees, 2004) Chapter VII ("At the World's End") describes a visit to Bampton,
Stanegarth and Haweswater BAM, LAK H4
RAWNSLEY, Canon H.D.: By Fell and Dale. pp x and 233, 8 illust, 19.5cms, cloth (James MacLehose & Sons, Glasgow, 1911) purchased by the Trustees, March 2010) An interesting chapter about Herdwick sheep appears at p.47. LAK H4 R
RAYNER (Geoffrey) & Ors: Artists' Textiles in Britain 1945-70. pp 127, colour plates and photographs, 30 cm, paper (Antique Collectors' Club, 2003 ISBN 1 85149432 4)(donated by John Purves, 2004). See index for references to Alastair
Morton, resident at Stanegarth in the 1940's. AC H5
RELPH (J.T.): Some Bits of Cumbrian Crack (Dialect Tales and Poems), pp 157, 2!cm paperback (Lakeland Dialect Society 1981) (donated by Ted Relph, Crosby Ravensworth, 1999) LAK H
RELPH, J.T. : Chronicles of Crosby Ravensworth. pp 160, illust, 21cm paperback (published by the author 1992, reprinted
1999) (donated by the author, 1999) CVT.L YV: H4
RLPH, J.T.: The Williamson Diaries - Part IT: Crosby Ravensworth .. pp 216, pedigree, maps, tables and engravings, 29 cms, paper (published by the author, 2009 ISBN 979 0 951915 3 4) (donated by the author and autographed by him, December 2009) see index pp.190 & 198 for numerous references to Bampton & Mardale. CVT.L YV H5
RENOUF, Jane: The Lake Artist's Society, A Centenary Celebration. pp xi and 310, colour illustrations in text, cloth (The
Lake Artists' Society, Ambleside, 2004 ISBN 0-9546785-0-8) purchased by the Trustees, 2006) AC, LAK H5
RICHMOND & SWALEDALE, A GUIDE TO: pp 60, photographs and map, 19 cm, paper (British Periodicals Ltd, London EC4, 1935) TOP.YOR. GIH3
ROBERTSON, Dawn: Riding the Stang. pp 292, paper (Hayloft Publishing, South Stainmore, 2000 ISBN 0-9523282-2-4) (retained out of Garden Party, Brandscroft, 2006) WES H4
ROBERTSON, Dawn and KORONKA, Peter: The Great Flood. pp 168, photographs, 21cm, paper (Hayloft Publishing Ltd, Kirkby Stephen, 2005 ISBN 1 904524 28 1) (purchased by the trustees, 2006) LAK H4
ROLLINSON, Wm: A History of Cumberland and Westmorland. pp 128, illust, maps and plans, 25cm, cloth (phillimore & Co Ltd, London, 1978 ISBN 0-85033-315-6) (purchased by the Trustees, 2003) LAK H4
ROLLINSON, Wm : The Cumbrian Dictionary of Dialect, Tradition and Folklore. pp xx and 197, line drawings, front., map, 20cm, cloth (Smith Settle, Otley, 1997 ISBN 1-85825-067-6) (purchased by the Trustees 2003) Reference to and drawing of Isaac Cookson at pp 35/37, reference to Mardale at p.104 DIC, LAK H4
ROLLINSON, Wm: A History of Man in the Lake District. pp xii and 162, figures and plates, 22 cm, cloth (J.M.Dent & Sons Ltd, London, 1997, 1975 reprint) (purchased by the trustees June 2006). Reference to Thirlmere and Haweswater water schemes at pp 15113. LAK H4
SANDFORD, Edmund: A cursory Relation of all the Antiquities and Familyes in Cumberland, c.1675. pp 54, 21 cm,
paper (CWAAS Tract Series No 4, 1890, ed R.S.Ferguson) (donated by Richaed Orford, August 2009) CUM.GIH3
SEWELL, Anna: Black Beauty. pp 262, illust, 19cm, cloth (Jarrold & Sons, London, 59th edn, 1902) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) inscr "Awarded to Thomas Noble for perfect attendance at school during the year 1903" LIT.ENG 11
SCOTT, Daniel: Bygone Cumberland & Westmorland. pp 262 and list of publications, 22 cms, cloth (Wm Andrews & Co, 5 Farringdon St, London EC, 1899) (donated by Ken Noble, Shap, 2008) LAK H4
SHAP: The Registers of the Parish of Shap (baptisms. marriages and burials 1559-1830). Ed and transcribed by Mary E.Noble. pp x, 543, 22cm, cloth, (Titus Wilson, Kendal, 1910) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2000) CVTSHS, NOB; G1
SHAP LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY: Mardale - Echoes and Reflections of a Lost Lakeland Community pp212, 14 colour plates, pedigrees, photographs in text, 21 cms, paper (Shap Local History Society in association with David Grayling Publishing, 2011 ISBN 978-0-906839-06-5) (purchased by the Trustees December 2011) MAH. GIH3
SHARPE, Richard: Norman Rule in Cumbria 1092-1136. pp 78, 21cm, paper (CW AAS Tract Series Vol XXI, 2006 ISBN 1 87312443 0) (purchased by the trustees, 2006) LAK H4
SHAP & DISTRICT PLAN: unpaginated, maps, figures, drawings, 29'/2cm, paper (Shap Parish Council. 1983) (pre-1992 stock, previously uncatalogued) CVT.SHS; H5
SHEPPARD, David, Bishop of Liverpool: Bias to the Poor. pp 252, 21.5 cm, paper (Hodder & Staughton, London, 1983 ISBN 0-340-32370-1)(Vicar's nomination, donated by Bishop Alec Graham 2005) MIN G2
SHEPPARD, David, Bishop of Liverpool : Built as a City. pp 380, 24 cm, cloth (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1974 ISBN 0 340 18009 9)(Vicar's nomination, purchased by the trustees, July 2005) MIN G2
SKELTON (W.C.): Reminiscences of Joe Bowman and the Ullswater Foxhounds, pp 184, Appendix pp vi, plates, 21cm, cloth (Atkinson & Pollitt, "Westmorland Gazette" Office, Kendal.1921 ) (donated by Dr Marguerite James, 200 1) LAK G
SHEPHERDS' GUIDE: (Cumberland, Furness and Westmorland) pp 751, 23cm, leather (S.Soulby, Ulverston) (donated by Mr & Mrs John Aynsley, 1998) CUM, WES; Gl
HISTORICAL CASTLE SOWERBY AND MID-CUMBERLAND (R. R. Sowerby): pp 74, front, photographs, genealogical tables, 22cm, cloth. (Titus Wilson, Kendal, 1954) CUM H4
SHEPHERD, Margaret E.: From Hellgill to Bridge End, Aspects of economic and social change in the Upper Eden Valley, 1840-95. pp xx and 380, maps & illust in text, tables, 24.5cm, paper (University of Hertfordshire Press, 2003 ISBN 1 90286328) (retained out of Garden Party, 2006) WES H5
STEWART, Rory, MP: Occupational Hazards - My time governing in Iraq. pp xxiv and 434, maps, 19.5 cms, paper (pan Macmillan, London, 2007, ISBN 978-0-330-44050-9) (donated by Jeremy Godwin, Penrith, March 2011) HIS.FOR H4
STONE:, Irving: The Passionate Journey. pp 337, 21.5 cm, cloth (Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, New York, 1949) (donated by Gerald Brewin (a member of the Noble family) of Lethbridge, Alberta, March 2008). A dramatised biography of John Noble ("Wichita Bill"), a relative of the Nobles of Beckfoot, to whom reference is made at pp 244 -253, 259 and 267 BIO.G,NOB H4
STOTT, Malcolm & others, eds: The Breeding Birds of Cumbria: a tetrad atlas 1997-200l. pp 390, illust., maps,
diagrams, 30cm, board (Cumbria Bird Club, 2002 ISBN 0-9543249-0-00) (purchased by the Trustees 2003)
SUGGITT, Gordon: Lost Railways of Cumbria. pp 160, photographs, maps, 21.5 ems, paper (Countryside Books, Newbury, 2008 ISBN978 1 84674 107 4) (purchased by the Trustees, October 2008) RL Y H4
SUMMERSON, Henry & otrs.: Brougham Castle, Cumbria. pp 172, fronts and 67 figs, 30 ems, paper (CW AAS Research
Series No 8, 1998 ISBN 1 873124252) (donated by John Stacey, May 2012) WES.BUI
SYKES, Norman: Edmund Gibson, Bishop of London, 1723-48. pp xxiv and 450, fronts, pedigree, 23cm, cloth (Oxford University Press, 1926) (purchased by the trustees with Big Lottery A4A grant funding, £100, April 2008) See p.6 for details of parentage and education at Bampton Grammar School BAM, BIO.CH [G2]
TANNER, John: Who's Who in your Family; a Reader's Digest guide to tracing your ancestry. pp 48, 16.5cm, paper (The Reader's Digest Association Ltd, 1975) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2006) H4
TAYLOR, Roland: A Geographia Guide - Lake District: Britain's Largest National Park pp 145, photographs, drawings and maps, 18.5cm, paper (Geographia Ltd, London, nd. ISBN 09 205350 5) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2006) LAKH4
THOMAS, Mark: A History of Brougham Hall and High Head Castle. pp xiv and 177, fronts, 50 ilIusts, maps on end papers, 25cm, cloth (phillimore & Co Ltd, Chichester, 1992 ISBN 85033 845 X) (purchased by the trustees, 2006) BUI,LAKH
THORN, (Ismay): A Flock of Four. pp 159, illust., 19cm, cloth (Gardner, Darton & Co, London, 1903) (donated by Mrs Greta Noble, 2003) inscr. "Thomas Noble, for attendance at Church and School, 190T' LIT.ENG J1
TROLLOPE, Anthony: Can you forgive her? pp xxxvii and 449, line drawings, 20cms, paper (Oxford University Press, 1999, ISBN 13:978-0-19-283469-0) (purchased by the trustees, March 2010). "Vavasor Hall" in Chapter XXXI is identified as Thornthwaite Hall; see also notes on p.432. LIT.ENG H4
UGLOW, Jenny: Hogarth, ppxviii and 794, maps, XIV colour plates and 193 illust in text, 23.5cm, paper (Faber & Faber, London, 1997 ISBN 0-571-19376-5)(purchased by the trustees July 2006) BIO.BI.G H4
UHLIG, Robt (ed):James Dyson's History of Great Inventions. 6 parts, 4 @ 30pp, 2 @32pp,30 cm, red binder (Telegraph
Group, 2000) (donated by John Stacey, March 2008) SCI F4
VARLEY, Martin (Ed): Lakeland Life in the 1940's and 1950's - The Photographs of Gwen Bertelsman. pp 144, photographs, 27cm, cloth (Halsgrove, Tiverton, 2003 ISBN 1-84114) (purchased by the Trustees 2003) LAK H5
VERNE, Jules: Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. pp 302, fronts., illust., 18.5cms, half leather (Author's Edn, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington Ltd, London, 1888) (donated by Colin Butterworth, 2006). Stamped "Bampton Grammar School and Parochial Library" LIT.FOR J1
WAINWRIGHT, A.: The Far Eastern Fells (Book Two of a Pictorial Guide to The Lakeland Fells). unpag, line drawings, and sketch maps, 17.5cm, cloth (Frances Lincoln Ltd, London, 2003 ISBN 0-7112-2228-2) (purchased by the Trustees
2003) WES.MAH H4
WAINWRIGHT, A: The Pictorial Guides to the Lake District, Books 1-7: boxed set (50th Anniversary Edition, 2003 edn. ISBN 0-7112-2454/5/6/7/8/9/6-4/1/8/5/2/9/5 (purchased by the trustees April 2009
WAINWRIGHT, A.: The Outlying Fells of Lakeland. unpag, line drawings and sketch maps, 17.5cm, cloth (Frances Lincoln Ltd, London, 2003 ISBN 0-7112-32234-7) (purchased by the Trustees 2003) LAK.BAM H4
WAINWRIGHT, A: A Coast to Coast Walk - A Pictorial Guide. pp xxvi and 168, line drawings and sketch maps, 17.5cm, rexine (Westmorland Gazette, Kendal, 1972, 33rd impression) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2003) LAK.TOP; H4
WAINWRIGHT, A.: Walks on the Howgill Fells and Adjoining Fells. unpag., photographs, line drawings and sketch maps, 12cm, rexine (Westmorland Gazette, Kendal, 16th impression) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2003) WES H4
WAINWRIGHT, A: Walks in Limestone Country. unpag, photographs, line drawings and sketch maps, 12 cm, rexine (Westmorland Gazette, Kendal, n.d.)(donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2005) WES, YOR. H4
WAINWRIGHT, A: Westmorland Heritage. pp xvi & 487, line drawings and sketch maps, 19 cm, cloth {first published 1974, this edn Frances Lincoln, London, 2004 ISBN 0 7112 2419 6)(donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, 2004) BVI.WES H4
WAKE, Rt Revd Wm, DD: The Principles of the Christian Religion explained. pp 192 and unpag Table (index), leather (printed by B.Dod, bookseller to the SPCK, 6th edn, corrected, 1751) (donated by Mrs Elizabeth Myatt nee Orford, 2010) endpapers annotated by scholars of Bampton and Askham schools at various dates between 1782 and 1791
WEAR, Eleanor: Recollections of a Country Lass. pp 45, paperback, illust., 21cm, paper (printed by Reeds Ltd, Penrith nd) (purchased by the trustees, March 2008) Herald obituary of Mrs Wear, 22 November 2003, filed as item A44, H5
WEST, Thomas: A Guide to the Lakes in Cumberland, Westmorland & Lancashire. pp xiv and 311, fronts, folding map, 21 cm, paper on board (W.Pennington, Kendal, and others, Fourth Edition, 1789) (purchased by the trustees A4A grant
March 2008) Description of Haweswater at pp 159-163. LAK G1
WHALLEY, Diana: A Dictionary of Lake District Place Names. pp ix and 423, coloured plates" maps, 24cm, boards (English Place-Name Society, Shool of English Studies, University of Nottingham, 2006 ISBN 0904889726) (purchased by the trustees 2006) DIC, LAK H4
WHEATLEY, Henry B.: Hogarth's London - Pictures of the manners of the 18th Century. pp xix, 467, illust, 22 cm, rexine (Constable & Company Ltd, 1907) (donated by Mrs A Keamey, Queensland, Australia, 2009) BI.G GlIB
WHITESIDE (Rcvd Joseph) Vicar of Shap 1896-1900: Shappe in Bygone Days. pp 395, front,. plates, 23cm, cloth (Titus Wilson, Kendal, 1904) (stamped" Bampton Grammar School & Parochial Library", donated by Mr & Mrs John Aynsley, 1998) CVT.SHS; G1
WINSTANLEY, Michael and DA VID, Rob: A Guide to the Cumbrian Historical Sources. pp 105, 29 cm, paper (Lancaster University 2006, ISBN 1-86220-177-3 ) (donated by Wendy Fairer, Shap, August 2006) HIS, LAK H5
WOOD (Revd J.G.): The New Illustrated Natural History. pp 795, engravings in text, 26cm, cloth (George Routledge & Sons, London, c1880) (donated by Dr Marguerite James. 2001) SCI G2
WORDSWORTH, Wm: A Guide through the District of the Lakes in the North of England. Reproduction of final (1835) edition with introduction and contemporary illustrations, edited by Peter Bicknall. pp 208, 25cm, cloth (Selecta Books Ltd, Devizes, 1992 ISBN 1-85648-033-X) (purchased by the Trustees 2003) LAK H4
WRAY, J.Jackson: Nestleton Magna, a Story of Yorkshire Methodism. pp 307 and catalogues, fronts, 21cms, cloth (James Nisbet & Co, 21 Bemers Street, London, nd) (presented to Elizabeth Atkinson, Bampton Weslyan Sunday School,
May 18th 1902) donated by Mrs Jean Woodhall, Penrith, March 2011 ENG.ILIT
WYATT (John): The Shining Levels: the story of a man who went back to nature. pp 187, drawings bv Elisabeth Trimby,18cm. paper (Penguin Books Ltd, Harrnondsworth, Middlesex, 1976) (donated by the family of Peter Gilpin, 2002)
WYATT, John: Cumbria - The Lake District and its County. pp 598, maps and colour illust in text, 26 cm, cloth (Robert Hale Ltd. London) 2004 ISBN 070907440 9)(purchased by the trustees July 2006) reference to Haweswater at pp 478/9
CURWEN ARCHIVES TRUST: Vital Stastics, The Westmorland Census of 1787. pp414 cloth 21cm.
DAWSON, (John): Cumbrian Privies. pp112, 21.5cm paperback, (Countryside Books)
GAMBLES, (Robert). Out of the Forest. pp206, 20.5cm. paperback, Laverock Books
HARPER (Kate). Life on an Eden Valley Farm. pp66, 21cm. paperback. Age Concern Eden
HARRIS, (Robert). Walks in Ancient Lakeland. pp125, 21cm, paprback. Sigma Press
HENSON (Elizabeth): British Sheep Breeds. pp32, 21cm, paperback, Shire Publications
HINDLE (Brian Paul): Lakeland Roads. pp28, 21.5cm. Dalesman Publishing Co.
HINCHCLIFFE (Isaac): A Backwater in Lakeland. pp92, 21cm, cloth. 2 Ravens
JEFFREY (Edward): Lake District Sketch Book. pp72, 20.5cm. Dalesman Publishing
LEE (Joan): The Place Names of Cumbria. pp96, 21cm. Cumbria Heritage Services.
MARSH (John): The Eden Valley. pp160, 22cm paperback. Alan Suton Publishing Ltd.
MEE (Arthur) ed. The Lake Counties. pp289, 20cm, hardback. Hodder & Stoughton.
MITCHELL (W.R.) Men of Lakeland pp142, 20cm hardback, Country Book Club.
MITCHELL (W.R.) & DELAP (Peter): Lakeland Mamals. pp96, 20cm paperback, Dalesman Publishing
NEVINSON (Fred): A Westmorland Shepherd. pp93, 21cm, paperback, Helm Press.
RAMSHAW (David): Walking East of Ullswater. pp32, 15cm,paperback. P3 Publications
ROBERTS ( William) ed. Thomas Gray’s Journal. pp.133 21cm, paperback Liverpool University Press.
ROBERTSON (Alistair): The Walton Family, A Lead Mining Dynasty of the Northern Pennines.
pp79, 21cm, Hundy Publications. Paperback.
ROBERTSON (Dawn), A Country Doctor, The Story of Dr. Isaac Bainbridge. pp36, 21cm paperback,
Hyloft Publishing/
ROOKSBY (Donald A.): The Quakers in North-West England:1, The Man in Leather Britches. pp80,
21cm, paperback, published by Author.
ROOKSBY (Donald A.): The Quakers in North West England:2; A People to be Gathered. pp84,
21cm, paperback, published by the Author.
SPARK (Edith): Outward Bound, pp56, 21cm paperback, Alston Moor Historical Society & Hundy Pub.
WOODS (Rex): Lakeland Profiles. pp96, 21cm paperback, Ashcliffe Books.
WALLACE (Doreen): English Lakeland, pp120, 21.5cm, hardback, B.T. Batsford Ltd.
WARD (E.M.): Days in Lakeland Past and Present, pp255, 19.5cm, hrdback, Methuen & Co.
WELSH (Mary): A Third Naturalist’s Guide to Lakeland Waterfalls throught the year. pp151, 21cm
Paperback, Westmorland Gazette.
WHARTON (Robinson): A North Westmorland Village Lad (Kirkby Stephen area). pp84, 21cm,
Paperback, Wilton Publishing Co.
WRIGHT (Peter): Cumbrian Dialect, pp79, 20.5cm, paperback, Dalesman Publishing
WRIGHT (Peret) Cumbrian Chat. pp64, 21cm, paperback, Dalesman Publishing.
Vol LIII (1979)