Welcome to the website of the parish and village of Bampton, which encapsulates the surrounding areas of Bampton Grange, Burnbanks, Butterwick, Rosgill and Knipe. This website is a resource for the residents as well as tourists, who come to view the outstanding natural beauty of our lake district setting.
Are you struggling to meet the increasing costs of food, energy, water and other essential bills?
Westmorland & Furness Council have received £1million in Government funding to support low income households including families with children of all ages, pensioners, unpaid carers, care leavers and disabled people. The fund will support residents with essential costs related to energy, food, water and essential wider costs. A sustainable contribution towards energy costs is particularly encouraged for example, the insulation of hot water tanks, fitting draft excluders to a door, or replacing inefficient lightbulbs or white goods. Applications can be made online by 31st March 2024 or you can call the Welfare Team on 0300 373 3300. Click here for online applications. Free Welfare HelplineThe Cost Of Living is affecting all our communities.
Did you know there is a FREE Welfare Helpline you can access to find out what support is available. Call 0800 783 1966 or visit Ways to Welfare: They can also advise on which other financial support you may be entitled to.
Cumbria County Council's Ways to Welfare helpline offers help and emergency support with basics and essentials, for people struggling to cope with their current situation. There is also lots of cost of living advice on the CCC website tooTEMPORARY POST OFFICE
8/8/22: An Outreach Post Office will operate temporarily at Bampton Memorial Hall on Wednesdays between 09:00 and 10:30. More info. SHAP POST OFFICE
Following the resignation of the postmaster, Shap Post Office will be closing on 10/2/23 until an alternative found: More info A local recipe booklet from the Community Support Group will soon be available from the Bampton Valley Stores. In addition to the recipes, it is full of photographs of local interest. So, in addition to giving you some new ideas to try, it could make an ideal present. Any profits from the book will be shared between the Bampton Memorial Hall and Hospice at Home, Carlisle and North Lakeland.
MyCumbria - local discount card for residents
MyCumbria is a card membership scheme for residents or workers of Cumbria, which offers discounts and special offers at local attractions, eateries, hotels and shops to card holders. It costs £20 per year for the card - more details here: www.mycumbriacard.co.uk |